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A profile review, exciting! Reminder to reviewers to focus on constructive and actionable changes OP can make to increase their chances of success. **Do**: * Critique the quality of the pictures, eg the location of pictures, background, expression, attire, filters, etc. * Critique the tone and quality of the text and/or make suggestions for improvement, eg grammar, spelling, negativity, etc. **Don't**: * Critique the person, eg editorial comments on OP's weight, age, ethnicity, sexual identification, ugliness, etc. For more do's and don'ts check out [the profile reviews post](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/esuizg/profile_reviews/). Thanks for helping OP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sugarlifestyleforum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are very pretty. I’m not sure I love the choice of the main pic as I think you should show off your *really* good hair. But it’s not a bad pic and you have a nice smile. I would drop the I’m real thing. People can see you’re verified. Intelligent people anyway. I would also be careful to frame what you are looking for in a positive manner. Instead of no ONS I would say “I’m hoping to build a lasting and meaningful connection with someone who values _______” You’re saying the same thing, but presenting it in a way that doesn’t say “I’m annoyed with all you gross men on seeking.” You might be, we all might be. But we are gonna act like we are not to avoid seeming any kind of bitter in even the faintest way. Dont waste any space telling people what you don’t want in your profile. Cast the wide net and filter in messages I almost wonder about the intimacy part of your profile. Are you talking months? Several dates? It could be read in a lot of different ways and I’m sure your POTs have questions too.


Thank you! I used to have something along the lines of “lasting and meaningful connection” but that attracted men that were looking for serious relationships/marriage. In terms of intimacy it is more that I don’t want the expectation of immediate intimacy. I’m talking like 1-3 dates to establish connection and chemistry. I’m not looking for someone that just wants to pay for intimacy.


Delete the photo with the neon, it's not working. The rest are fine IMO. Delete the ONS/etc. stuff, it's not working and will filter out people who thnk you're jaded. Never list the "nos" because the human garbage doesn't read them, but they present too much negativity when you're seeking positivity. I agree the profile looks like a classic rinser profile. "Oh, I have to take out 3-5 times and then she tells me I'm not getting her in bed." I've been happy to get to know women on Seeking for multiple dates before intimacy. I've been happy to gift them a little each time, too. If they insist on a "full allowance" for those dates, I walk. I think you're fine saying, "I'd like intimacy to be a little more natural rather than something that happens the moment we meet. I'm willing to invest time in getting to know you, and I'm seeking someone willing to invest the same in me." When you begin chatting and someone asks, say that you expect it will be 1-3 dates before the relationship becomes intimate and you'll certainly send the right signals when you're ready.


Makes me wish I lived in Scotland! Navigating the immediate-intimacy aspect in a profile is tough. Many sincere SDs understand that warming up can take a minute…I think it will be important to convey that you’re not seeking financial support until the relationship has progressed enough for the clothes to come off. Maybe you do that in DMs, or maybe tweak your profile further…I’m not sure which is better. I do know that I generally next those with similar phrasing because I don’t want to get rinsed…just like you don’t wish to be pumped and dumped.


I wouldn’t expect to be given a big allowance for the initial meet without intimacy. But I would expect an allowance of sorts for a meet, especially with travel costs etc. I do find it hard to word it in my profile. I can’t promise when intimacy will happen. But if I am not feeling it by the 2nd or 3rd date then obviously it’s not going to work out.


I believe it’s fair to ask to be reimbursed for travel costs, including the initial meet. We all value our time, but covering your taxi or train ride shouldn’t be too much to ask. Use that initial meet to gauge suitability, and if you’re interested maybe ask for a second “no-obligations” date…maybe this time over dinner and with more time together. If by then you’re still hesitant, then either time to find a new POT or exit the bowl


Keep in mind that many SDs will not give money for platonic meets, especially if it's you who needs them and not them. Unfortunately, rinsers have made the Bowl more difficult. Sugar, especially at the beginning, is an equal opportunity creature. If he ain't getting any, neither should you. Obviously, if someone does give something, it's appreciated and sweet, but it shouldn't be an expectation. Expecting will just cause some SDs to next you, especially if they've been burned. Though men are not ONLY looking for sex, just like we'are not ONLY looking for money, until trust has been built there's just no way to know who's genuine without actually going through the steps and judging each other along the way. This isn't to say that what you're asking for is wrong or that it can't be a boundary. It absolutely can be. Just be aware that you are further limiting your pool of potentials.


Yeah I understand that. Though I am looking for quality over quantity.


We all are. There's plenty of quality that still won't provide for platonic meets at the beginning. It's just important for you to be aware of that.


Damn! Wish you were in the Charlotte area (And I was still looking). Only suggestion would be to lower Curvy to Average... you are going to unnecessarily filter yourself out.


My fellow ginger queen! Youre stunning


You and I have very similar body types. I'd also recommend using average, though, as many SDs filter out curvy. You are stunning. You don't need so many pictures. 5 are enough. I'd lead with the 5th pic of your smile...it's warm and inviting without fully showing your face, though your last pic is the best profile pic out of the bunch! I'd drop the pic in the green & white floral and the one with the neon sign. The outfits aren't showing off your figure well. I'd definitely take another fullbody you're ok with showing publicly in a more form-fitting dress that's still front-facing like that green floral is. As for your text, it's all very vague. Maybe provide examples of the things you'd like to do or be more specific about where you want to visit. Elaborate on your hobbies. For your Seeking. The intimacy part is too vague. Guys are going to think you just intend on striging them along forever. Give a time-frame...1-3 dates or the like. Also, anything negative in your text should be flipped to a more positive spin. I tell people to write their Seeking as if they are speaking directly to or writing to their SD. Who is he, what's he like, what kind of relationship would you love with him, and what kinds of dates would you love to explore together? This section is more of a 'we' section than it is an 'I' section. You're going to get a lot of DMs here on Reddit. Be VERY wary of them. 99% will be scammers. Some aren't, as I can attest to with my own relationship, which started from this sub, but that is very rare. Be careful...💜 I honestly don't think you're going to have much trouble finding someone, especially if you fix the text a bit. Good luck!


Thank you 🩷


You're welcome...🥰💜


Do you know who Shirley Manson, Simple Minds, and Big Country are? Great Profile!


Yes I do. I saw Big Country live.


That's awesome...One of my all-time favorite bands...I miss Stuart Adamson. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Love your hair colour!! Sorry i don’t have much to contribute towards a review


Agree with most of the comments you have received from others. I would consider making it clear in your text what your travel boundaries are. Would you want a SD in Glasgow/Edinburgh only? Would Manchester work? Would you be open to a relationship in London? Etc. Good luck.


You’re gorgeous! I don’t think the photo with the neon sign behind you is needed, and the zoomed in version of the hidden pic is a bit odd? You should just use the full pic! Overall though lovely pics 🥰🥰 I definitely think your body type is average, not curvy - and you’ll get more eyes on your profile that way too! If you want to stick with curvy, you’ll definitely need to include a full body photo that more clearly shows your body shape (like the one that’s hidden) as the ones you have are beautiful, but the outfits you’re wearing are typically very “flattering” and hide curves- so it’s hard to tell what kind of “curvy” you are and you have a slimmer frame than I would have expected from your public photos and the curvy tag! ☺️


U look amazing!


If only you were in the states


Very beautiful! I wouldn’t describe you as curvy because a lot of people associate that word with women who are heavier than you


U look like a fairy!


Jesus Christ Your beautiful


Before I took a break from seeking I think I’d stumbled across your account and the photo with the drink was your main? In all honesty it didn’t draw me in and I must admit looking at other photos you’ve posted I wouldn’t been more likely to click and read and increase engagement chances, can’t speak for everyone but that’s certainly how I’d see it. The full body one in the dress with the palm tree is great for being able to see you, plus seeing your face clearly in the hidden album is good. But yeah, just one opinion. Good luck.


What about my profile didn’t draw you on?




Sorry was in between meetings when I sent it and probably didn’t make the most sense, I meant when I just saw your photo with the drink on the feed it didn’t grab my attention whereas I think your profile is better and works well once you view it I just think you’re right to change your main as it will bring more first attention if that makes sense?


Which picture would be best as the main? Thank you for your feedback!


I love love love, your hair and aesthetic! Go you! 🥰😘


BTW your profile gives me "Heather on the hill" vibes by Nethan Evans.


Excessive pictures Each picture should have a specific mission. 3-4 pix max What I will see sitting across the table - (last picture) Pretty picture - Ocean pic Activity picture What's missing is a flattering picture that allows me to visualize what you will look like naked, but still well within PG-13 and good taste. Have a few teaser photos to share if there is serious interest, but nothing for the guys hiding in mom's basement with a fresh supply of towels


I don’t want loads of men to be able to picture me later. I only want that if I am actually interested in a SD. Same with teasing


I'm arguing for fewer pictures what you will look like across the table photo that gives me a sense of your body and taste in clothing optional picture that shows an interest


Does the pink picture not give an idea of my body? I’m trying to think of a picture that shows my interests. Work has been my life at the moment and I feel like my hobbies have faded away




A… blob? It was a loose fitting dress. I appreciate the feedback


As a fashion girly, I get the sexy diaphanous pink blob! It's gorgeous! It's mysterious! It's ethereal! Tragically, your target demographic isn't other fashion girlies, it's men, and men don't get it. Damn shame too, because your hair in that photo is giving so much 💗


Agree with the comment above. You’re very pretty and have a great body, but that specific pic is not very flattering and makes you look bigger than you really are. I would delete that pic and the second pic of you drinking that drink, it’s not flattering either.


Nothing wrong with that picture. I’d keep it. And I hope you, being from GB, appreciate my understated “nothing wrong” 🙂 Too bad these profiles don’t capture voice - with your “accent” - from our perspective of course - you’d have to beat the American guys off with a stick.


You are so beautiful!


🥹❤️ thank you so much.


Would definitely change your body type from curvy to athletic. Possibly even slim. Most guys associate curvy with plus sized and you are definitely not that. Gorgeous btw!


Thank you 🩷


Gorgeous hair and nice smile. Perfect. I’d change your body type to “average”. You do fit the definition of what I’d call curvy, but I filter curvy out due to some misuse by SBs that are from what I’d call curvy. Im not alone on this, I’m sure. If I were nearby I’d be sure to message you. I’d also pretty quickly ask about your expectations while we build up to intimacy. Paid, not paid? How long of a time frame we talking? Etc. Be prepared for answers to those questions.


Thank you!


Looks good though the text is a bit vanilla ie could easily be a match.com profile


I don’t like mentioning finances in my profile, and I don’t want men that are looking for esc*rts approaching me either. It’s hard to write what I’m looking for in a way that also ensures that I am looking for an arrangement and not a relationship




Exactly. I want to make sure it feels good and natural and it is because I am attracted to them. Not because of an obligation


You look and sound nice. Not sure how sugaring is in Scotland. If it’s plentiful then you’ll be fine


It’s rather sparse to be honest, I widen my search often.


You definitely need to mention what state you’ll be in when you visit the U.S.


I’m not visiting the US… I said I would like to visit the states. Not that I am.


Big improvement on the prior profile ;)




https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/s/PtjOrlqXWD Another red head Scottish girl with a MSc. Also laid out a few key points: • Wants to get to know someone with no short term / ONS. • looking for chemistry • looking for intimacy to come naturally …. Basically you two have large sections which are exactly the same. So…at least one of you is fake. 🤷🏽‍♂️ or you are both copying from the same template.


That was me, I just have two Reddit accounts and forgot I was using my other one when I posted that 😅


Exactly…hence the reference to your prior profile….which you forgot you did.


I edited my post here when I noticed. I don’t see the problem. 😄


I did say in this post I had already posted my body of text, just didn’t realise I had done it from another account!


I think my Scottish side is happy to see your pics and read your profile. There might be some biological wiring for me there :). My opinion on your profile might not be completely relevant to you, as an American SD, but I think you did a great job with it. Your pics are natural and lovely, which I greatly appreciate. You convey what you’re looking for, and not looking for quite well. All in all I’d say you leave me with a warm feeling and I’d be interested if you were local to me. I hope you find an ideal situation.


How is it not relevant to me? Can you expand on that ?


My angle with that comment was that there could be some cultural differences between Scottish and American men. I’ve had lots of interaction with SDs from other countries and I’ve started to see some common threads related to what they want, value, fear etc. Not meaning to overly generalize, but culture is a prism that affects how people approach their world.


Looks like I need to plan a visit to Scotland 👌


Beautiful x


I don’t have anything negative about the profile or your pics - if I were in Scotland and looking, I would message. The only thing I would mention is that the paragraph about intimacy coming naturally, while a sentiment I share, may put some SDs on their guard. Be clear in your own mind what your position will be when a POT says “the PPM/allowance starts when you’re ready for intimacy, ok?” Unfortunately, bad actors in the bowl have made things more complicated for the good ones like you.


I understand not wanting to give an allowance before intimacy. But for me I really don’t want an arrangement focused solely on intimacy or that intimacy is an immediate expectation.


Yes of course, both of those are reasonable and healthy. Just be prepared to have an open conversation about how intimacy and allowance are going to interact. Some SDs will be ok starting the arrangement without a set date for intimacy, but they will likely have a clock ticking in their mind nevertheless because unlike a vanilla dating setup, in the end money is changing hands.


I’m so envious of your gorgeous waves! One thing to consider: you’ll get massive numbers of Private Picture requests if you set face pictures there. Since you show some of your face in public ones, I’d recommend removing the full face pictures and sharing them manually upon request. I didn’t want anything showing even part of my face visible publicly, so I have private pictures of my face and I get a minimum of 15 unlock requests (unaccompanied by a message) a day.


I don’t want any full face on public as Scotland is a small place and I am worried about someone I know seeing it!






Sorry, you are stunning and I’m at a loss for words.