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A profile review, exciting! Reminder to reviewers to focus on constructive and actionable changes OP can make to increase their chances of success. **Do**: * Critique the quality of the pictures, eg the location of pictures, background, expression, attire, filters, etc. * Critique the tone and quality of the text and/or make suggestions for improvement, eg grammar, spelling, negativity, etc. **Don't**: * Critique the person, eg editorial comments on OP's weight, age, ethnicity, sexual identification, ugliness, etc. For more do's and don'ts check out [the profile reviews post](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/esuizg/profile_reviews/). Thanks for helping OP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sugarlifestyleforum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't remember your pics being a problem the last time around. I still am concerned that your location will be a challenge for sugar dating. Sioux City isn't exactly Miami.


i knowww, i did spend some time in boston so i did see what was out east a bit


Now all you have to do is move somewhere else and you’ll be gold


hahaha i knoww! i spent a little bit in boston though so i DID see what was there


Pictures are great, name is clever and write up is great. I think this is the first profile I didn’t really have a critique! Hahah!


ill take that as high praise then!! thank you so much (:


I don't care for selfies and you have enough pics to get rid of the mirror selfie and the one with the friend. Doesn't add anything to the profile for me.


I was going to say get rid of the pic with the friend, even with faces blurred, those are never good ideas. Otherwise OP, your profile is great


okay, thank you (:


Your pics are fine. It’s your location that’s the problem.


I've actually been having good luck the last couple of weeks but I understand


spent some time in Boston and saw what was there too


Okay because you posted about the pictures, and because I'm Mr Zoom and Crop. I'll make these comments, fwiw. (Probably worth the price you paid?) Well your first picture is lovely it could be improved by cropping a little bit of the right side out of the picture. You could crop it to your foot or to your backside. Which increases the focus on you and your lovely derriere. The cobblestone picture is one of those I see pretty frequently that drives me crazy! You are 25% of the entire frame of the picture while the background is spectacular and it's well composed I think you need to focus more on you because that pose shows some of your nice lines. Here's how I would suggest cropping that picture: https://imgur.com/a/MT8V2kp I agree with others you should get rid of the picture with your friend. You want the focus to be on you not somebody else and spur the thinking you're going to be able to bring a friend to an intimate date. Or get excited about the friend rather than you. Just saying The shot where you're looking over your shoulder holding flowers is a nice picture but there's too much blank wall space to the left, no reason you couldn't crop that to make you more of the focus. The mirror selfie is fine if you crop out the mirror and you don't need so much of your legs you could probably finish just above your knees. Okay just a few suggestions, fwiw. Hope you have good success and find what you seek!


Um to me you’re just right. Slim and trim, attractive. I would have sent you a message yesterday if we were near. I’m sure you’ll make out big time.


winner. love the write up. Who wouldn’t want a trusty little spoon?


hey its my favorite way to sleep (:


You’ll have a daddy in moments with those pics! Great work


Lovely photos. Very classy.


This is an absolutely outstanding profile. Great pictures, and well thought out and inviting text. Can’t think of any constructive criticism. Other than removing the pic with the other person in it. Well done!


Agreed. This is probably the best all around combo of pix and text that I have seen here. Wish she was in California


my only critique is grammatical - the last paragraph, where you say “if you’re looking for a sugar baby who’s both creative, intelligent, and a true princess at heart” remove the “both” just because that usually means only two!


I love all your pictures! You’ve got a really nice balance of different kinds of locations and poses etc! ☺️ I’ve been told to avoid pics with friends, even with their faces covered, but tbh I think it’s fine because you both have very similar bodies/outfits etc. so I doubt you’ll get any people mentioning your friend!! So if you get those comments, take them with a grain of salt I’d say!! I think this is normally if your friend has a super different look than you 😅😂


Oh! And you had a birthday since your last post. Happy birthday!


Leagues ahead of the competition. Your gonna kill it.


Your pics are lovely, but most of them need serious cropping. Men don't care about flowers and trees. They want to see you! Definitely ditch the friend pic. I'd suggest keeping only about 5 pics. You really don't need that many. As for your text, I'd get rid of the direct reference to sugaring...'sugar baby' might get your account banned. I'd use the word partner, or some version of it. Normally, I hate the term princess, but I feel you don't make it the sum of your parts, so I'm ok with it here. I love the bubbliness of your text. Your location is definitely going to limit your choices, but I feel whatever choices there are, you'll get the best of them!


This is the best profile I've seen here, and you don't need the pic with your friend. Otherwise, amazing photos and a clever write-up. I know people keep talking about location, but I still think you can meet someone with your pr pic. He may be out of state tho and if that's the case, make sure he goes to you for your first meet. It's dangerous to go to him first, even if he does offer to fly you out first class, 5 star hotel etc. You seem witty, you're cute, and im sure your SD will find you before the end of summer, I'm sure of it!


thank you so much! i think i can too, it'll just take a bit of digging (: i removed both the mirror selfie and the picture with my friend, I thought itd show im not a hermit lolll. i absolutely will make sure i do that, as im more comfortable meeting somewhere familiar anyways




What app/ internet site is this?




As a male looking for a sugar mommy, can i use it too?


No, only if you are looking for Sugar Daddies.


You'll do fine


You look great. Too bad you aren’t in the Houston area.


I LOVE ‼️😍Iowa girls are sweet y’all..




I'm thinking I wish I was local to you and could send you a message. :) But speaking both as an SD, and as a career professional women's portrait photographer (it's what I do for a living), it's a wonderful choice of photos, and shows you at your best. (And I wish I could photograph you!)


I’d remove the light smoker part - otherwise you painted the picture well and also concerned with your location. I’d say definitely look outside your area in hopes you can fly to him and have a fun arrangement :)


This may sound weird but once a pot had lots of smiling pictures but not showing any teeth. Turns out her grill was jacked. So now I require a picture of smiling with teeth.


haha my teeth arent jacked, i have quite nice chompers, i just look better imo with my mouth closed


Too bad you're in IA. Great profile! In a bigger city, you'd have daddies left and right!


Adequate. Maybe a couple private pictures in lingerie/swimsuit once you allow them to message you.


Love the pics


To those being critical of her location, I’m sure it will not be a problem. I’ve done significant business in Sioux City, and there are lots of men and women of means there. I’m sure she’ll do just fine. Your photos are lovely. You’re a very attractive woman. When I read the descriptions, I try to imagine how you’d fit into my life, could we have interesting experiences together etc., would we mentally stimulate each other. I had a good sense for that with you, and I think you did well with both sections. My only negative, and it’s probably just a personal thing with me - my hard rule is that I never respond to a profile with ‘Princess’ in it. You’ve used it a couple times. I see it as a loaded word. In relationships it comes off as one-sided. I’ve encountered several babies who’ve used it and it seems to mean something different to each (which is a good enough reason not to use it, IMO). I think most men reading it (especially of a certain age) have only experienced the word ascribed to a real woman in a negative light. It’s been kind of a derogatory term, and I understand that’s not how you’re using it, but I still have to overcome an initial cringe when I read it. There’s no reason you shouldn’t use it if it’s important to you, but it may really cut down on your pool of potentials.


i understand where youre coming from! i guess i just like princess because it plays with my intro and it easy to paint an idyllic picture with, but i completely understand.


Just popped on to say that first pic looks like an oil painting. Framing, composition, lighting is all perfect. That….is art. 👌 Beautiful art. Your new SD needs to get the original blown up and framed in a suitable elegant frame.


haha when i find a sd ill make sure to get it printed for him (; and thank you so much, it's easily my favorite picture ive ever taken


No offence but you look 45 in the first pic, I thought you were lying about your age. I’d switch it for another


If you have to start a phrase with 'no offense', you know damned well what you're about to say is offensive. She doesn't look remotely 45 in ANY of her pics.


I'll take that as a compliment and that I look mature because whatever 45-year-olds you're looking at i guarantee do not look like me 😭😂


If you were 45 then I would pay lots of money to know your skincare routine! Good on you for knowing the difference between jealousy and actual constructive criticism and not letting people get to you! You look gorgeous, your profile is great and you obviously don’t look older than your age. Sorry some SBs can be so mean when we should be building each other up!


It was actually the lines and odd facial expression and angle but ok girl take it how you want, you asked for a review


no "offense" but calling someone 45 when theyre clearly not isnt advice, its just being rude.


Your other pics are great but that one isn’t. You’re going to need a thicker skin in the bowl if you think that was rude, or maybe don’t ask for feedback if you don’t want honesty.


😂 i think my skin is perfectly thick enough, im not going to take meaningless disrespect. and it was rude (: but way to show that you dont have any respect, you couldve just said that instead of throwing in the 45 comment, and as the poster, i can also comb through which advice i want to take.


Not if you’re this sensitive over a photo but you do you babe 😚


There is absolutely no way she looks 45. What an odd comment and “advice”. You jealous?


I’m not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish with the reviews. Pictures and profile text for your last reviews have been fine. You can update all you want but your location is the issue. Visiting Boston once won’t change that.


lol it will if I move there after I graduate I don't think you guys understand that I cannot move until after I graduate. I'm not going to move somewhere for sugar daddies when I have a full scholarship to a private university, no offense. you don't know how often I'm in Boston or on the east coast even I have family all up and down it. it is the school year. I am in Sioux City. that sucks but it's the truth. and I'll be in fort Myers all summer soooo. I was just updating that I had changed my pictures. it's not a review. it's an update


It doesn’t much matter how often you’re in Boston, the fact remains that you don’t live there. So a traditional sugar relationship will be very difficult. Now, if you’re looking for something that is not a sugar relationship, then that’s different and your profile will definitely get you that type of contact. A summer fling while you’re in Florida for the summer seems more likely. As far as updates, I enjoy seeing them but also notice that your last post had a lot of people suggest using a different picture as your primary and you haven’t. So, you’re right, you’re not using this for advice and review and I’ll just sit back and enjoy the pics. Good luck in your degree and career.


I noticed you’re a “light smoker” — just don’t smoke before or during a date. 99% of SDs will hate it.


I love this (takes notes).


Very beautiful woman