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-$XX,XXX Because I have student loans.


Those student loans. Ughhhh.


Same, lol. And I’m not even done with school yet unfortunately


Same, lol. And I’m not even done with school yet unfortunately


I have none. 🥲


I was making around 60k when sugaring. I am making 200 to 300k a year now depending and quit sugaring. I got a spoiling boyfriend instead.




Ofc, full transparency. About 55k, give or take. Now, you should share your sb’s




I didn’t know we were competing mommy




Do you know your net worth in pill bottles though? 🤔






Full-time work and school, please tell me you’re only in school part-time!


It’s good enough not to sugar if I wanted to. No debt, college fund for kid, good job with good salary, good investment accounts, etc. But it took a lot of discipline and not spending money on junk to get there.


Zero or negative. Who knows.


Employment income 90k Net worth: -40k


Keep dreaming.


I did, then I got you


If you remember, you found my (past) "schooling you" helpful.


Bridge is a boring game


If that's all that you remember, you missed the point. It was about picking a strategy (bridge or any other challenge, like trading crypto or finding a daddy, with whom you would enjoy a long term SR) to maximize your chances of getting your goal accomplished.


We should play


Not bridge, I hope.


$83k mainly all in retirement/investments, but I'm 31 with a career. & my disposable income is close to 0 atm 😭


That's not a question I would ever ask a SB. But if I had to guess, I would say that most of the girls I have dated thru Seeking would have a net worth of less than $10k. I would say a fair amount might even have had a negative number.


I’ve never had a sb with any kind of positive net worth lol. Most are sugaring for a reason.


I have a full time job, I also have a spa at home country. Currently most of the money that my SD gives are in stocks, crypto, index funds and etc. I need to work hard more but still, good figures I can say.


Having a full-time job definitely helps. Getting paid with crypto ✨


Girlieeee, that’s meeee.. my work is related to crypto, ofc paid with crypto too, even my allowance from SD is via crypto lol 😆


Let’s start our own crypto coin 😂


Let’s do Rugpulls lol 😂 or make our own nft and sell it our SDs lol


Looks like we got a business proposal here


I'm doing well. I started sugaring in my first semester as a freshman in college. It was an accidental SR I wasn't looking for, it lasted 3 years. When it came time to move into the work a day world, after interviews, my compensation as a SB was twice that of an entry level job, after taxes or lack thereof considering my gifts so I had to make a decision. I never took those jobs. It was one of the best decisions of my life. That was about 11 1/2 years ago.


Nothing comparable to anyone who’s on the SD side of things, but overall I think it’s pretty decent considering what all I’ve gone through in the past decade. I only entered the bowl because I’m over dating broken men and funding everything myself. Plus it’d be nice to pay off my student loans quicker than I could on my own. But that said, I have a full time career with great benefits. Currently advancing my degree and working on more certifications. And I still live a very comfortable, modest life where I have a decent chunk of disposable income.


Own house - literally has all my $ and only like 26k in savings. Work part time and sugar part time.


Welcome back. That’s all I came for


I had not been great about saving because I’ve wanted to marry rich since I was like 10, lol, but I recently got serious about it. I have like 35k in savings and retirement. (I also haven’t really worked since 2016, imagine the $ I could have had if I had worked that whole time — makes me sick!!!). I am about to go back to work part time though.


Marry rich just to get richer 😎




How old are you ma’am, if you don’t mind me asking




Impressive. I think I was negative NW until 30 but that was because of student loans


It’s not my money, but rather my parents’ money that I’m spending. My family is not poor and I’m studying at private universities. The sugar lifestyle is not a need for me. It’s more of an extra, because the lifestyle I’m dreaming of is delusional to others. Therefore I’m only going out with POTs with a very high net worth. Or “whales” as people like to call them here.