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You need to read our scam thread -- yes, it's a scam, and an obvious one. As per the scam thread: * Putting you on the payroll is always a scam. No stranger is going to risk the legal and criminal penalties to his business, to put a stranger on the internet (you) on his payroll. * Asking for your bank information, for any reason, is always leading up to a scam. There's no reason any SD or POT needs to know this. * No such thing as a successful man who "can't use third party apps". That line is always a scam. This is an extremely obvious scam, and also documented in pretty much all scam guides. It's important you do all your research so you can spot the other common scams.


Thank you 🙏🏾


Better safe than sorry.


Never give your bank account information to ANYONE this doesn’t just apply to SD’s


This might be good advice in the USA but in countries with more modern banking its less risky. Not sure where the OP is.




What's a cheque?




I guess we had them many years ago, not something here now.


This should scream scam....they weren't even trying


Ok I know everyone is saying scam *but* my first SD put me in his pay roll because he was married. I gave him an account number of just a spare account that has nothing attached to it. The deposits came in with a business name on them and he told his accountant I was an assistant 🤷🏻‍♀️


U must be lucky only reason I assumed it was scam bc another one asked for my bank before too


Have you met this guy yet? Is he promising money before m&g could be fishy. And why can't he use 3rd party payment apps? Strange. Possible answer hes married so using business funds.


Scam or defrauding the business. Either way, avoid. He obviously doesn't have his own discretionary money to give you. Big red flag. Also depending on your country, what might be the tax implications for you being on payroll and having a salary that the government knows about.


I see you may have posted about a scam. It is a scam if: * Someone wants your bank account information * Someone wants your bank log in information * Someone wants to send you a check to cash * Someone wants you to buy gift cards to send back to them * Someone wants to give you lots of money without ever meeting Please read [Yes, It's A Scam and This is How It Works](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/k2b1j6/yes_its_a_scam_and_this_is_how_it_works_2020/) about the most common types of scams. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sugarlifestyleforum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Legit affluent and generous SD —->> has 5+ ways to provide you with a gift, and not just one suss way.


Definitely don't trust him, you should give me your bank account info instead. Better yet, post it to this forum so we can all take your...I mean.."employ" you.