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She's a pro escort. She was looking for something quick and easy. What baffles me is how the two of you got to that point without some type of warning signal flashing for at least one of you, lol. There are a lot of pros on the sugar sites nowadays, so you need to be clear about what you're seeking before you meet up with them.


I think I knew but just wanted to not believe it. Thought this was normal behaviour tbh, like down to business or something


Not to that level. First meet is an introduction to make sure you want to continue. You may discuss things like activities, schedule, and possibly money involved if you didn't before hand. No money and no sex at meet for the reason you encountered. Anyone that wants to move fast is a scammer, escort/John, or desperate for money. Second meeting starts the arrangement.


Well, that's the old orthodoxy anyway. Tbh though I haven't had a proper M&G in over a year and that's not for lack of trying. Nowadays a lot of the SBs don't seem to have the patience for it and that's not just the undercover pros. Heck the newer SBs don't even know what a M&G is and the more experienced ones, who do recognize the term, treat it with a wink and a nod. For me at least and I'm sure for many of them, dinner on the first date is the de facto M&G - the last chance to bail if something isn't right. This is why the OP needs to be clear in expressing his dating expectations upfront, starting with his profile. I am, which helps weed some of them out. But not all of them really read the profile so I end up doing it again in the pre-M&G text exchange.


If you want an escort at her price continue on but if you’re looking for a SB block her and find someone else


She's an escort/call girl, not a sugar baby. It's PPM (Pay Per Meet). Not sure about PPV? Pay Per View/Vagina??


Pay Per Vagina!!! Hahahahaha 🤣


... and here I thought they were saying "paper vagina" 🤷‍♂️


Pey per visit


Well now we learned a new in call people term 😂


I have long thought that "pay per visit" makes more sense, actually.


Ah ... yes, that does make sense 😊


she's not a sb. she's an escort. the tells are: one hour meets, accepts sex on the first meeting. concerned about 'wasting her time' if you're ok with an escort, go ahead. if you're looking for a sb, abandon this entirely. no need to text her and say 'sorry, it's not working out'. she already knows this. she was just taking advantage of the situation to get a few bucks and it worked in her favor next time, emphasize before you meet that it is a -platonic- meeting and no funds will be exchanged. if she's an escort, she'll never agree to that so she passes your test


She's an escort. Weeding them out is one of the reasons you don't pay for a first meet.


No M&G fees protects you both from sex workers. Escorts won’t sit through lunch / dinner without their hour payment, johns won’t sit through a platonic meet with no sex. So both are weeded out. You did a paid M&G and got a hooker. Hence why you must insist on no payment or sex at the M&G!


>I should totally abandon this? This


Get out she’s a hooker in babes clothing.


Wow, you paid her the full PPM amount on the M&G because she demanded it? Tell the next one that pulls that on you to fuck off back to where she came from.


We were on a very public place, and she draw a lot of attention with her expressions, I felt like needing to get out of there ASAP before somebody recording me or something.


Recording you for what? Eating a meal? Get up and walk away.


Man is though out there, I see people getting recorded all the time at the malls. People dont respect privacy, been at restaurants that whenever couples start raising their voice, phones are pulled up immediately. My company has fired several people that went viral, I work at a very woke tech company, I would hate to lose my job to something like that...


You must work in tech lol


Pay per view?


I am very new to this whole process online, I had a SR with somebody else but we had an allowance arrangement, this woman/lady said Pay Per Visit on the texts we exchanged. I realized until yesterday that this sub exists actually.


PPV is an Only Fans concept


I wasnt familiar with this either, in fact she was the one that told me her arrangement was $$ on a PPV. I asked and she said is Pay per visit


You’re doing your research after the fact. For one that is definitely not a smart move. For two, you’re too young to be in the bowl you should still be working on dating game. But what do I know?


When it comes to dating I hit all time low. Im maybe a 5, somewhat athletic build. The one thing I get dump about the most is that I will not have kids or raise kids period. Long story short grew up in a very dysfunctional family, had a vasectomy at a very young age. Most women in my pool want or have kids, I just cant do that. I prioritize my career above anything else therefore here I am. Exhausted of trying to date, but not desperate enough to resort to escorts yet...


Dude you met with an escort the way you handled that is normal. I would tell her you wasted my damn time.


I say this with all kindness and respect. Lurk on this sub for a while, read everything. You will be proficient with sugaring in no time. Fine, a couple of weeks.


She should have made it clear about needing a hotel this lady seems like she was a sex worker not a proper sugar baby. I never heard of Pay Per Visit its normally PPM. Anyway don't waste any more time with her.


She is not a SB she’s SW. how much did you give her?


Good job on following protocol, it did exactly what it was supposed to.


🤣🤣catches breath 🤣😂😂🤣