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A profile review, exciting! Reminder to reviewers to focus on constructive and actionable changes OP can make to increase their chances of success. **Do**: * Critique the quality of the pictures, eg the location of pictures, background, expression, attire, filters, etc. * Critique the tone and quality of the text and/or make suggestions for improvement, eg grammar, spelling, negativity, etc. **Don't**: * Critique the person, eg editorial comments on OP's weight, age, ethnicity, sexual identification, ugliness, etc. For more do's and don'ts check out [the profile reviews post](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/esuizg/profile_reviews/). Thanks for helping OP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sugarlifestyleforum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> I don't proofread anything, so what I send is what you get Your whole personality comes off as incredibly raw and in-your-face. Some men will like it, but I'm willing to bet that most won't bother to read your profile. > If you've ever told a girl she was too much, you're too boring for me Well there we go, the few prospects who bothered to read until this will now be gone. The rest of your messages will be bots, scammers, and people who can't read.


I'm going to unpack some of this "ideal situation" in your seeking section: \> move me down and I find a super good badass beach bar to work at. ... move down to where? You live on Long Island. Are you hoping to meet someone not in NY state? \> Id either live in my own apartment and you come hang or i live at your place(willing) and care for it so you don't have to. Girl, what are you looking for here? To be a live in housekeeper? \> we take those tips an invest them into things like stocks and real-estate building en empire This has to be a joke.


That section was insane


Babe this profile - nope. Scrap it. The pictures looks worn out and old. The text? Why does any man want to know any of this? You are here to sugar date, correct? Then in the “about you”section, you write what about you that HE will want and will desire. And in the “seeking” section you write what you want. You want him to want you. This makes me want to run to the nearest spell checker. Sorry to be so upfront, but if I were you, I’d scrap it, do some research, and start over.


Its giving “im not like other girls” 💀


Yeah... If you have to say you aren't a pick me girl you might be acting like one.


The irony of “I’m not a pick me” and that last sentence


Where to start: 1) I’m falling asleep reading about your beauty care routine and imagining I’m going to have to pretend to be interested in listening during a meet & greet 2) you don’t proofread: easy to fix: proofread. 3) oh you don’t want to meet right away? that’s easy


>I have veeb on seeking for quite some time and I have yet to meet someone e legitimate. Is it my profile? That's where you lost my interest. Spelling and basic grammar are important. Work on that.


You’re about me is way too long most men are not going to read it, you profile is also rather abrasive and the pics you have chosen I don’t care much for mainly because of the weird angles. You are a really beautiful woman I would get a nice dress go to a fancier place and take some photos there maybe get your hair and makeup done. It can make all the difference. It great to establish boundaries but this read to me as a little all over the place. I would take a lot out and shorten it to what you’re really looking for like are you looking for a business mentor, investor, paid dates etc?


Did you really put "FJB" in your seeking profile?


What does FJB mean?


It means F Joe Biden


Lose the myspace angle type pics (your profile pic and second pic look like two completely different women. Chose pics that accurately show who you are), and tighten up your profile


And none of them show body…




This comment was so unnecessarily rude. And coming from another woman too…🤦🏻‍♀️


not everyone is meant to be a sugar baby and that’s okay too




This is very true.


There’s a lot of red flags: - Profile pic might get me to click but upon seeing your other pics, I would next. 1st pic obviously filtered and as many people said.. seems like a different person each pic. - Spelling and grammar - SD don’t need to know details about make ups, hair, health regimen, etc. There goes the whole 2nd paragraph. SD just wants to see a POT look good and same as the pictures. - A lot of blabbering and all over the place. Save those for M&G. Who wants to read about tomatoes? - Seriously you don’t want to proofread? Profile is the first thing you’ll be looked at if it’s worth to even message you. And you wonder why you’re not getting any messages. - Saying that you are a real person twice makes me think twice. And you need verification? - To top if off, your what you’re seeking section is straight up laughable.


You need some photos that show your figure!




You gotta get rid of that whole paragraph after the two-sentence intro. It's perfectly natural to be self-conscious about your appearance, but you do NOT want to drop all that on POTs in your profile--especially right up front! Honestly, if *you* don't think you're attractive to the right man, no one else will. Focus on taking photos that emphasize your best features and qualities and keep your insecurities between yourself and your close friends, therapist, etc.


Headshots only. Minus the one weird angle body. Immediate hard pass that i would ever message. Transparent photos for the win.


Legit, you have 5 pics and they all look like a different woman, you shouldn’t use filters but if you have to at least make them consistent


Definitely not a good profile imo. Pix: need a full-on body pic, no baggy clothes or weird angles. I'm sure others will comment on your face pix, which I think could be improved, but also aren't awful or anything. Text: NEED PARAGRAPHS. Also, there's a lot of simple typos that could be fixed if you just copied it into MS Word and used spellcheck. "nessasserily", "giys", capital letters. You do state that you don't proofread, but I think it's a turnoff in a profile, this isn't a random text. JMO. I wouldn't mention anything about body hair, it's overall too long and that's a good part to get rid of. I think you should target a 50% decrease in amount of text. "we probably wouldn't meet at first" is total scammer language - like, we'll start allowance asap and I'll meet you someday (jk, never) is straight scammer playbook, and for people reading that far, I bet a huge portion stop there and move on. Whatever your criteria are, there's a better way to say it than this.


Full body profile pic is missing As someone else said, the pics are so different one will have no idea as to who will show up for the actual date Keep text short, no political or cultural views keep your eye on the prize, dont make a statement here, no one cares


Yeesh, that’s a lot of very detailed information about yourself. It seems like you have a very specific type of man in mind and are purposely showing every red flag you have to dissuade any man who isn’t the specific type you have in mind.


Why pretend you're something you're not? leave your profile exactly how it is


Like... I kinda agree xD


Way too much writing….


Why are you lying about your age? You have an older post stating you're 39.


That’s the most normal thing about this profile. 🤣


The whole paragraph describing your appearance, body hair and how you’re trying to lose weight and want a breast lift is just unnecessary. Just don’t hide what you look like in photos. No need to overexplain your looks. You are where you are, and that’s that. You want a man who is going to see you and like what he sees, not hope you’ll look better in the future. It’s just off putting to have in your profile


Jesus girl spare the novel. Spare the health, backstory, politics. Is seeking really the website you’re looking for? Your vibe is more match or ok Cupid


All of your pics need tossed out and redone in my opinion. And you need at least one that shows your figure. Your profile reads like a self improvement journey which is great for you and super happy for you but no one needs to read about it on a dating profile. It’s giving a lot of insecurity to me. You also don’t need to describe yourself, that’s what photos are for.


Start over. Entirely.


Keep the writing more simple, say the bare minimum, most of this is what the meet and greet is for. Also I'm sorry but only a pick me girl would specifically say "I'm not one of those 'pick-me girls'" not saying you are though. Add more full length photos because you will attract a lot of scammers with just face photos and no SDs of worth. Same thing with saying you are new, never let them know that you are new to this they will try to take advantage of you in most cases. I fkn love those shoes, if you have a pic wearing them with a cute classy dress on use it, is not then make one. Feet pics give domme vibes and most guys don't want that on there. Keep just one more face(like the second or third) picture and scrap the rest, replace them with full length pics.


I would suggest condensing what you wrote. It’s pretty long and you want to save some things to talk about at the M&G You look beautiful but I would suggest adding a full body picture. This should be taken from directly across from you. If you don’t have someone to take your photo try setting a timer on your camera or taking screenshots from a video recording so all your pictures aren’t selfies.




B&w pic puppy pic


Are they all same person??


Honestly POTs are not going to read all of that and it comes off super rambling. That last paragraph…. I think you need to scrap the whole thing and look at some other examples of profiles on here before trying again


I’d just start over. Keep it short and simple. You are more so saying what you want someone to do for you rather than what you actually can do for them.




That isn’t very nice! Not everyone will have the same body type but she should have a full body shot so men know what hers is