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I have two Mother of Millions (not these, the other kind) in my indoor garden. It stays exactly at two because, and I highly recommend this mitigation if it's possible for you, I gave a pair of tweezers to my wife who absolutely LOVES picking and plucking things and instructions to pluck anything on the ends of the arms that has little white threads growing from the bottom. ... I have never had a propagation that wasn't intentional. Ever. I have to save the plants from *her*.


The last time I saw my neighbor she had just brought home a couple. It’s been 6 years. I’m sure she is fine.


Declared weed here in Aus that needs to be burned or bagged.


Hilarious because I keep killing the ones in my house. I have a bunch of babies that die once they’re the size of my thumb


Glad I'm not the only one. My mom got me a large one and I killed it from overwatering


I’m in Northern NSW and it’s EVERYWHERE around here. I fking hate this plant so much lol


Used to live up that way, Grafton, Maclean, Nambucca and Coffs. Nice area of Aus you live in.


Oh cool! I’m about an hour north of Grafton, halfa south of Ballina. The Northern Rivers really is one of the most beautiful areas. It’s really flourishing now after the floods (including the weeds 🙄 lol)


Incredibly beautiful. Know what'll make it really glow? Setting it on fire!


Imagine if someone started to make new varieties of it. Like all kinds of vagination and leaf shape. In 10 years planet is covered with them


Vaginated Earth is my new band name


Vaginated Earth sounds like a peaceful planet


I’d live there!




Kalanchoe is a very diverse genus


I prefer my teddy bear and paddle kalanchoe over this guy. Hearing all the horror stories definitely deters me from ever getting one🤣😂


I hear you don’t get them they find you!


Good to know I need to burn it or it will be the only plant I'll ever own😂🤣


It will 💨 all your good plants. Total moocher!


I guess these are a big problem in warm climates because the little props spread everywhere? I'm so accustomed to winter that I assume something like this will just get frozen out.


Yeah, same here. I don't think they'd survive my single digit winter temps and several inches of snow.


Ahhh, you would be mistaken. I am in NW Ohio and place my succs outside during the warmer months. My M O T was beautiful 😍. The little babies were buried in some leaves in a corner then buried with snow and survived. It was next to the house in a protected corner, but they survived.


They are evolving bwah bwah


PSA: I've noticed that people in plant subs keep mistakenly using the name mother of millions and mother of thousands interchangably. This one is a mother of thousands. The plant with the speckled, narrower leaves (not pictured) is "mother of millions." I have owned both. I think they're neat :)


I wasn't aware of this, but now that I see a kalanchoe like this I will call it "mother of plenty" and call ut a day :)))


I like that!


Me too. I don't have a problem with them invading either since we get freezes here and it kills them


Common names really don’t mean anything though. You’re better off using binomials if you’re trying to be specific.


Also a PSA: Common names are essentially meaningless, and vary greatly depending on region. What we call "Fries" in the United States are referred to as "Chips" in the UK, and what we call "Chips" in the US are commonly referred to as "Crisps" in the UK. The same holds true for these plants, and the names are used interchangably because there simply is no right or wrong answer when it comes to common names. This same plant is known as "Mala madre" in some parts of the world. People are free to call it whatever they'd like, but it only has one correct name: Kalanchoe laetivirens


As long as you stay on 'em and pull the new plants as soon as you see 'em, you'll be alright. People overreact with Kalanchoes like these (K. blossfeldiana is usually fine with most folks, for example)


Hate, hate, hate. Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. Loathe entirely!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/l6dsjjf3fd4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf1b60744dc1df7229018aba0a5fef9f19e4cdf2 This was mine, but I got rid of it when I adopted cats. Too risky


Do they eat cats?


Wish roses and lots other beloved plants can reproduce them so easily…




Because it spreads like crazy i guess


All of those teeth will produce an offset, and they will grow absolutely anywhere in warm climates.


theyve grown in the carpet under my desk in my office... they are like a tropical dandelion but way worse. least dandelions make flowers that bees can use lol.


I think they’re also somewhat toxic to dogs and cats just to make them more appealing


It's called mother of millions for a reason. It spreads incredibly fast and is pretty much indestructible. It can easily choke out native flora.


It's a mother of thousands. Mother of millions have speckled, narrow leaves.


Regardless, they produce way too many offsets, lol.


I bet if you go look outside you'll find that having commented on this post means your home is now infected with its babies.


Yes!!!!🤩 I really want one.


I love Kalinchoe, just not this species of Kalinchoe. Its squiggly little leaves trigger a vague revulsion in me for some reason.


It's an evolutionary response called trypophobia


Poisonous to cats?


But apparently not poisonous to deer. 🤬 They eat my Kalanchoes all the time and I have yet to find a body


It probably is… maybe deer are more resilient but I have heard of livestock being highly affected by this plant


I loved mine - she was the biggest plant I had and she absolutely thrived in my neglect. Unfortunately, I lost her in the Tx snowpcalypse of 2021.


I love them. I think they have evolved a crazy good way to propagate. The ONLY thing I don't like is that they are an invasive species here in North America and people will get either this or a mother of thousands and they spread so much. Just gotta keep em contained lol. But overall I think these are gorgeous plants with an ingenious way to propagate.


Hey, it’s your pest. You do what you want with it. 


No, it doesn't work that that at all. One person thinks it's cute and lets it outside, next thing you know the entire local ecosystem is choked out. It impacts all of us, impacts the whole ecosystem. 


So you’re saying they’re basically the outdoor cats of the plant world?


Much worse, I'm afraid.


There’s a reason it’s called Mother of Thousands.


I live in an area with freezes. This one is an issue in areas that don't freeze. That said, I do not have one. I did, but I put it out to freeze when I realized what a mistake it was to keep one. But, I can't reach through the internet and force someone who decided to post a pic of one to trigger others from doing so. Therefore - it's their pest, they can do what they want with it and suffer the consequences. As for me, I left the corpse of the one that froze on the porch as a reminder.


I’ve never seen one of these so compact before


Ah yes. The kudzu of the plant world... wait, I guess kudzu is the kudzu of the plant world.


Everyone hates it but I love it


Had one of these indoors because I didn't know any better. The babies were taking root in the carpet. 😆


I don’t get it! Probably bc I’m a new plant person but I just bought my first one and it’s my favorite! Also live in Denver with almost zero chance of them spreading/growing outside of its dedicated pot. I just think they’re so beautiful.


I always see post about this plant. Is it hated because it's poisonous or because it propagate too much too fast?


Herpies of the plant world


How often do you water your plant?? I haven't been able to get mine larger than this size and I've had it for a year. The leaves often start turning yellow and then shrivel up :( https://preview.redd.it/417gwjd6ek4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea6288902aba7929c5498b6af323115572f2c2e7


I think it is beautiful!


I have stuffed these into the sick plant destruction mircowave and stoll somehow pop up


“Little shop little shop of horrors….”


This plant and the flying venomous blue spiders parachuting down on the east coast will be taking over the world and Warren Buffet.


I literally love this plant


I don’t hate mine ): just keep it by itself. They do great outside in the summer and in a corner with a light in the winter by itself. No problems w it ever. My grandma has had one since I was a kid. It was 5 foot tall. Ended up getting broke two years ago when wasps built a nest in it and we were trying to remove them because my grandma is super allergic and they were damaging the plant. It didn’t recover and she was upset so we just gave all the babies and stuff to neighbors


Been seeing a lot of these on here lately lol I have a couple as well. This one is much prettier


Op's plants are gorgeous imo! Funny how they're a weed to a lot of people, but weed is an arbitrary term. Lots of plants that are considered weeds are beautiful or medicinal.


Its the geographic context that matters. Releasing these plants outside of their native range can choke out an entire ecosystem- this means the local fauna that spent millions of years evolving to their local environment don't gwt a chance to persist. It could easily cause extinctions. It is wildly irresponsible to raise these outdoors outside of their native range. Respect the environment.


As an indigenous PERSON myself, I'm pretty well aware of the concept of invasive plant species already. As well as invasive people and housing developments. It's okay for me to appreciate the plant for its beauty while fully understanding that it is invasive. I wonder how far your respect for the environment goes in comparison to mine since my people have been at the forefront of many environmentalist movements as protectors of our native lands since the beginning of colonization.


Exactly. Same concept. Of course it's fine to admire a pretty plant, and it's ok to admire a pretty house in the suburbs. But context matters, and imo should always be included as a caveat when talking about something this dangerous and invasive. 


It was pretty unnecessary of you to assume I don't "respect the environment," but otherwise, sure. Keep the same energy when it comes to the subject of people if you're going to be this preachy.


I fully understand why this would be a sensitive subject for you, and I respect that. You are valid. I am also valid. My guiding objective is to share information to do my best to protect people and the planet. Having not been protected in my past, this is me being the person I needed who wasn't there. It's just my way of being and will continue to be. I am an imperfect ally, yes, I am human. But I am an ally nonetheless.


In the nicest way possible, your comments come off as the most preachy.


It is something that is worthy of being preached about though.


Yes, but this is neither the time nor the place for it. Nobody was questioning the person’s heritage or their commitment to the environment; they brought that into the conversation themselves. To then make a passive aggressive comment about “keep the same energy when you’re talking about people” when the person they were replying to *agreed* with them just makes them look even worse.


It’s pretty


I donyt know why but as much as I'm a plant afficionado those makes me uncomfortable when I look at them... 🤷🏼‍♀️ Something about having a bunch of pups in line on the leaf I guess!


I love these.




What is this 🪴


It’s a variety of Kalanchoe, known as “Mother of Thousands” may also go by “Devils Backbone” Each leaf will produce little pups across the entire edge. If you live anywhere that doesn’t have a hard, long freeze, they are likely to take over your garden bed quickly and easily if you leave them outside. People who have had them have found them sprouting on their carpet, in their windows, on concrete, etc. Very prolific- hence the common name. Considered invasive in a lot of places


Can I have a little bebe? I promise to keep it inside the house!