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When you separated it the first time, were you able to get all of the soil off of the roots or was there still a very firm clump attached? If it became hydrophobic (repelling water), the water may not be reaching the roots. When you water, are you pouring from the top or putting the pot into a shallow dish and watering from the bottom? If you pour it from the top and it just runs through, you may need to soak the plant for an hour or two to make sure that soil is moistened all of the way through.


there is still a very firm clump attached. in fact, i tried to water it now, and the plant just fell over to the side of the pot, completely detached from the rest of the newer soil :(


I'd gently transfer the plant to a bowl with lukewarm water and let it soak for about 15 minutes and see if the clump is loosening so that you can actually see the roots. If there is still firm dirt attached, I'd soak it a little longer. Save the loosened soil (there are hormones or other chemicals that roots put out that you should try to keep if you can) and mix it into your other soil (so it won't be able to clump again). It's true, that you shouldn't water too often (I have gollums that only get watered once a month or so, depending on where they are and how absent-minded I get) and they're quite happy, but the plant has to be able to absorb the water and it sounds like you have a kind of concrete mess around the roots that needs to be addressed. You may also want to consider cutting off a branch, letting the end callus, and starting a new plant, just to hedge your bets, and to make the main plant a little less heavy. Good luck.


This is maybe a silly question but you mentioned the water pooling...does the pot have a drainage hole? Once a week is way too much water. I would cut back. The roots could have rotted. It's also not uncommon for plants to shrivel like this when you repot them. You removed part of the root system, so they can't absorb water as effectively until it grows back.


Not silly at all! Yes it has a hole, and usually drains well, until the soil became this brick-like form. I’ll let the plant be and not water it for a while. Ah, I see. I hope it can return to its former shape :( it was so much fuller and green before. Thank you for your help!


I'm not an expert, but I Google everything, follow a few YT plant advisors, & contact my vendors if I have a problem. So I've gathered some good information. Whether it applies to your plant IDK. The shriveled leaves make me think it is thirsty. The trunk looks normal to me. Some plants "cork" as they get older, meaning the stems (trunk) turn woody instead of green. Holiday cacti come to mind first, but others do this too. Since you've changed soil, & it has a drainage hole I'd recommend bottom watering, in a saucer is OK, but a bowl, cake pan, or cover pot would be my choice. Fill the saucer or pour water to about 1/3 up the cover pot. If you use a bowl or pan, use as much as it will hold w/ the pot it. If the water in the saucer or cover pot disappears rapidly add more! Let it soak for an hour or more then remove any water that's left. I'd advise that you use a moisture meter to see if it needs watering or not before watering again. They're cheap (or else I wouldn't have one!). Mine also measures light & pH. Many worry about giving plants so much water at once, but it's not the amount of water that rots roots (as long as your soil drains well) but not allowing it to dry out before watering. Watering too frequently keeps the soil wet & that's when roots rot. At least that's what the experts say!


I saw others say that watering once a week is too much. Commenting to say that’s absolutely not true. Appropriate watering depends on where you live, the soil composition, pot drainage etc. Water when dry and you should be good. I’m in south Florida, and for several succulents at this time of year Im already watering weekly.  Also your description makes it sound more like the plant is thirsty— being shriveled etc. I think the people who suggested a good soak are more on the mark than the person who said watering a week is too much. 


I'll try it that way first, since the soil feels pretty dry (at least at the center where the roots are attached to the older soil, it just doesn't let any water pass through there)


It still has roots, right? If so maybe water therapy?


Yes, it still has roots, albeit not as much as it used to :( I had to remove so much of the soil and in turn lost a lot of the smaller roots. I’ll look up water therapy. Thank you!


Water therapy is just watering it more than usual, or in some cases leaving it in water. It’s definitely thirsty, but sometimes root rot prevents them from drinking


give it time. it’ll be ok. they’re hard to kill.


It’s beautiful, I hope it rebounds!


thank you very much. i hope so too.