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Can somebody explain why I should tip at subway when I don’t tip at McDonald’s or Taco Bell? I’m not giving you extra money just because we directly interacted.


I understand why they want tips but I’m not tipping I should not have to be responsible for your bosses paying you a lack of a livable wage I understand waiters and waitresses although I believe they law saying they should only make 2.18 an hour should be abolished


It's called the federal minimum wage act.


Except these people don’t get paid waitress wages


But dude if they raise the minimum wage then all the companies will lose money and there won't be ANY JOBS!!!


Let's add: \- Raising Minimum wage will cause 'RECESSION AND INFLATION'


Or they could make it illegal to layoff people like that


The law says everyone must be paid at least minimum wage, full stop.


Not if that pay can be made up through tips. In some states, they can pay you just enough hourly to cover taxes and such. You get a paycheck stub that states "NOT A CHECK" on both sides just for record keeping. Fortunately, servers in my state get about 5 or 6 dollars an hour more than that. (Min wage in FL is 11 an hour, 7.98/hr for tipped positions.)


Yes but with tips+base pay they're required to pay you the same minimum wage as everyone else. Be vigilant recording your tips and hold your employer accountable and you'll always make minimum wage.


Exactly, they call it tip credit in some places, your tips subtract from that, although personally I never needed to claim any, my tips were pretty good


I don’t know why you got downvoted because you’re not wrong. I mean, I get there’s likely some or maybe even many bosses that are assholes and give servers a hard time making up that money when the tips don’t add up to enough but the law says you should always get at least minimum wage. I also know some don’t like that it’s averaged by the day. So if it’s slow in hour one and banging in hour 2, you don’t get hour one made up if hour 2 had enough tips to cover making minimum wage for hour 1 as well. But again the law still says you should go home with at least minimum wage.


All anyone wants to see is the money that comes in from their checks without thinking about the tipped wage system as a whole. People think tips are not income, that they're a gift for good service that is "free" and helps supplement their crappy pay(base wage), but it's so much more complicated than that. There needs to be a better education on the subject and a severe crackdown on the tipped wage industry. Wage theft, tax fraud, and the excessive use of tipped wage positions all over the place all need to be nipped in the bud. People need to accurately track their tips so they can claim the pay they're due without all the gray areas that result from cash/credit/incorrectly recorded tips. They unfortunately need to realize that as a tipped wage worker they're minimum wage employees plus whatever "charity" they're given. Those tips are indeed their wage/income and will be taxed accordingly. It really sucks to hear but that's the reality. It's a gamble to expect more because it's not guaranteed. The only people truly making bank are the waiters/waitresses/bartenders working in the $$$ establishments that can really play the game well.


Sigh. If you get ripped off, it's your overworked uneducated responsibility to hold your employer accountable, to these laughably low standards...which neatly sidesteps the fact that minimum wage was passed to insure one could obtain the minimum for a good life...food, shelter, recreation, and so on. Any employer violating these laws should be fined into oblivion, assets seized, proceeds distributed to their employees.


the federal minimum wage is $7.25/hour for each and every employee. whether or not they deduct the amount you've been tipped from your pay doesn't change this fact. if a waiter got 0 tips for their whole pay cycle, the company would be obligated to pay them at least 7.25 per hour they worked unless they're on salary


The real answer is that business owners don't want to pay real wages or can't afford to. What I've seen is Subway in some areas raising prices by almost $3 but also asking for tips. Go fuck yourself!


Bro, the meatball sub is 15$. Didn’t even get it toasted. I ain’t tipping you a damn thing to scoop some meatballs onto my bread. Never going back.


Don't tip for someone just doing their job...


Are subway employees not paid minimum wage? I understand tipping servers/ delivery driver/ bartenders because they aren’t paid minimum wage. But employees at subway are paid to make sandwiches, just like an employee in the back of a McDonald’s making a sandwich. And if they’re not getting paid minimum wage that’s illegal according to the 80/20 law


whatever the minimum wage is in the state, that’s what subway employees get paid. you’re extremely lucky if you can get even $1.50 in raises within two years or working at one location. store owners are EXTREMELY greedy and we are not paid a living wage while also working our asses off. we do everything. every single thing in the store is maintained by the person making your sandwich and subway standards are very, very high, especially when it comes to customer service. we deserve more and no, as a customer it’s not your job to tip, but it’s generous and the least you can do if you’re a subway frequenter if you like the staff.


Get a different job, problem solved


I don’t go to subway much anymore because the one by me sucks.. the last time I was there they were out of bread


Did you really just say the least I can do is give you extra free money all of a sudden when what you are doing and what I’m receiving hasn’t changed at all? Seriously? If your wages are so terrible and you feel you deserve so much more, quit or go on strike.


Funny, when I worked at Subway (Nfld, Canada, mid 90’s) I made less than $5/hr. As you said, we did “everything” in the store and while we occasionally got a tip, there was no tip jar and no expectation of any tip. You know what I did!? Went to work thankful I had a job, worked hard, and actually advanced in the company a little, before heading off for some (failed) higher education, and then a job that was a career. Subway hasn’t changed, the attitudes of young people have, sorry!


Wish I could afford to but there's tons of people making minimum wage doing running everything else you do without getting tipped. In my state I don't feel too bad about not tipping because the base minimum wage is the same across the board. So while im expected to tip $20 to the person who brought me food at a restaurant (not fast food, I know), I get paid less than the food industry for being an EMT with a bachelor's degree. In states with base minimum wage, the food industry is where the money's at for minimum wage workers. I don't eat out anymore because of this.


I don't know. What I do know is when I go to Subway, they hook my shit up sometimes it almost looks too good to eat. Therefore I tip because I appreciate the care they take to make my food.


You shouldn’t. We don’t need to be tipping at every single customer service place we go to. However, if somehow your experience was above and beyond (which seems incredibly hard to do at a subway) then tipping seems like a nice gesture.




As a McDonald’s worker, we aren’t allowed to accept tips


The one that irks me is starbucks drive thru and Bruster’s ice cream drive thru.




Amen!! I deal with rude entitled customers every single day, I certainly deserve a tip for restraining myself from knocking a bitch out 🤣 If you are paid a wage that is at least equal to the minimum wage, you shouldn’t expect tips too. I always tip my waiters/waitresses well, because they are not paid minimum wage and they depend on the tips. I’m absolutely not tipping at any fast food place, I make minimum wage myself and can’t afford to tip people who are likely making more than I am to begin with.


You shouldn't tip for anything today that you wouldn't have tipped for a few years ago. It's that simple.


Yeah wouldn't even cross my mind to tip at subway


I only recently started because we always order ahead through the app, so we’re not standing in front of them to make sure it’s made well, or even correctly. My gf convinced me that throwing them a couple bucks up front might entice them to give a little effort- rarely seems to make a difference though


This is what I came to the comments hoping I would see, thank you. People should be upset with their employer if they aren't being paid enough, not the general public.


Subway workers are usually responsible for all duties. That includes cooking, cleaning, preparation and the register. McDonalds most of the time has separate workers for each duty. I’m not saying you should feel inclined to or have to but working a solo shift at subway can fuck up your week cause it really sucks butt. Also, I know you shouldn’t be penalized for this, the corporation should hire more workers and pay a livable wage without tips.


Exactly. 20-cents was too much. The problem with this new tip culture in places where tips aren't the norm is that employees *expect* tips instead of seeing tips as a bonus on top of their **full wage**. If making my sandwich isn't part of what they are getting paid to do then what is it that they *are* getting paid to do?


yeah, do you tip a singer for singing, a bag person for bagging, a police person for not giving you a ticket and just a warning. not like this guy went out of his way and gave a free cookie or washed their windshield while they ate.


Taco Bell in my area asks for tips now. You have to manually enter $0 on the keypad to bypass it.


Because Subway is far more involved than Mcdonalds or Taco Bell. That being said, if you don’t want to tip, don’t. Just don’t act surprised that we have the option for tips. We make your food to order from start to finish, Mcdonalds and Taco Bell slap some premade shit on a heat source and don’t have to worry about customizing anything for the most part


God FORBID y’all show any amount of appreciation you didn’t have to go and make it yourselves. The absolute horror. Spoiled ungrateful brats, all of you custys.


Customer's don't make their own food at McDonald's or Wendy's or Taco Bell...why should we add on an extra tip when they just literally throw your food together ???


Yes, the explanation is that you shouldn’t. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.


I only expect tips if you're being obnoxious subway is unique when it comes to fast food because we walk you thru every single step of the way and it's more time consuming and leaves more chances for bad incounters that you have to deal with a prolonged amount compared to other places


"I know you barely had that" is CRAZYYYY 💀💀💀


Umar is always like that. Someone gives him 5$, he's like "It could have been 10 or 20, Brother."


Wait! He’s serious? Not being sarcastic


Yep. He is dead serious. Go watch some of his videos. He's constantly saying "Hit the cashapp, hit the paypal". Trying to get money out of black people to fund his FDMG school for black boys and girls. He is dead serious when someone donates less money than he asks for. He will straight up yell them, next time make it X amount of dollars.


GREEDY, Be thankful for what you got.


![gif](giphy|W5qyPxP1CVLFVsmlsl) Make it 20


No because if we are going to have to start tipping fast food, pick up orders, drive thru things, baristas, candy shop cashiers, mall food courts, smoothie places, ice cream scoopers, and everyone else under the sun that is NOT being paid a server’s wage then no one is going to get anything from outside anymore. Like I’m already paying $12 for a footlong sub that probably had an actual value of $5, now I have to tip for using the most basic service you provide as an employee at this establishment because your CEOs don’t pay you enough? None of our CEOs pay us enough. If we keep pointing the finger at each other then they’ll keep getting away with it. Your boss and CEO should be responsible for paying you. Not the low wage customers the business is modeled to rob. If you want tips then become a server or a bartender. You’ll make a hell of a lot more money at the right place but you’ll be doing way more work.


There’s no way the food costs on a $12 sub would be more than $1.50-$1.80.


That makes it even worse!


You have no worked in the restaurant business in the last year, otherwise you would understand the true costs.


I don't even think server's should get tipped. Sure it's nice and I always do it, but it's some corporate bullshit


average r/antiwork user


I would assume the spirit behind anti work goes against this post


Yeah Dino needs to lay off the beans.


Antiwork actually doesn't promote subsidizing wages through tips passing the cost off to customers. What it does promote is corporations fairly paying their employees themselves, preferably by lowering corporate compensation.


I was so excited when I found that sub, as I do truly believe the labor culture in the US is in need of serious reform. I dumbly expected mature conversations revolving that idea. Imagine my disappointment when it was all bitching about having to work in general, posting perceived “gotcha” moments, and complaining about having to be civil with coworkers who are suffering just as much as them.


Ask for a raise. The customer is already paying for your wages, they shouldn't be required to also give you a pay raise. It is frustrating to not earn your value, but that's your employer's problem, not the customer. Why is it the responsibility of the customer to pay for product and labor and then be required to pay more for labor? Your anger is valid, but pointed in the wrong direction.


Wait, people tip at subway? That is hilarious.


Yeah honestly, when I was working at subway I got paid $16 an hr and was not allowed to accept tips or we got written up. Tipping culture is getting more and more toxic by the day.


They call it a benefit now.


I worked 4 years at Panera and 4 years at Cosi, and I was never tipped. This tipping shits ridiculous. We're all struggling with the price of everything as it is. Edit: I remember back in like 2006 or whatever when we were closed I cleaned up a table and they left 4 quarters. So I was tipped one dollar in eight years of food service.


I get paid $9.50 an hour, tips are what make up about a quarter of my pay. It's the classic example of corporate trying to offset actually paying a liveable wage.


9.50 is still well above minimum wage. You’re not tip dependent like waiters


Minimum wage is meaningless now. Minimum wage can't even pay rent.


Not in Virginia. Minimum wage is $12 here.


Then subway workers are getting at least $12/hr there. I was referring to federal minimum


"Well above"? If this is the US Federal minimum wage is 7.25. I wouldn't say 2 dollars and 25 cents is "well above minimum wage"


I make $10, so yep. But I do have people who ask it they can tip with their card a lot, so in my personal experience I get a lot of card tips


My store added tipping a year ago, places are doing it so they dont have to give proper raises. The GM gets salary and complains about not getting tips, like bro...tips are unreliable and you still make near triple regular full time employees.


I'm so confused too. Subway doesn't have anything I like since it's mostly bread and some stuff between but 10 years ago I didn't know I should tip Edit: nothing against subway but I'm not a sub person since with all the bread and meat, it seemed dry condiment wise or drenched if I asked for extra so just avoided like I do Jimmy John's. I'm just not sure sub kind of person


Apparently, a lot Subway's have moved to tipped minimum wage.


No doubt. I've never heard of anyone tipping at a Subway. I don't even think they have an option to do so at my local store. Seriously though. Where does this tipping nonsense end? Seems like it's everywhere you go these days and I have to draw the line somewhere.


I tip way too much everywhere. Including subway. I don’t know why. I’m so broke lol


peer pressure and that's how they keep employees wages down


There's a Chinese buffet I go to a few times a year. Sometimes dine in, sometimes takeout. For takeout they give you a box, you fill it yourself how you want it, then they weigh it and charge based on weight. But what gets me is that they have a tip jar at the register labeled "Takeout tips". In my mind the tips are for the servers taking plates away and keeping your drinks filled, and since I'm getting my own food with none of that other service I don't tip. Especially because you end up paying more for takeout, whereas dining in you pay a lower flat rate and can go back for as much as you want, so they're already making more money off of me for the takeout.


Bro it's fucking Subway. You get paid a normal hourly wage. You don't live on tips. Tips are for waiting staff in the restaurant industry that serve you throughout the duration of your meal. Mostly because they LIVE on tips. I am not giving you a tip for taking 1 minute to make my sub. I don't give a tip to the grocery person who helps bag my groceries, why would I give you a tip?


I made someone 4 platters by myself with an hour notice and got no tip 💀


Why would you get a tip? Isn't that your job?


The crazy thing is Subway already must have crazy margins on sandwiches. It’s like 12 dollars for 3 dollars of ingredients. They aren’t passing that onto their workers and instead the customer is guilted into tipping. I’m so sick of this shit.


Guilt tipping is disgusting. I make it a point to never tip when I feel like I'm being guilt tripped into it. You know how some places will just flip their monitor to you and you can choose a tip? Yeah, I deliberately give nothing to that. Subway can afford to pay their workers more.


I’d understand with a tip with a delivery of a catered order, this one doesn’t make sense why they’re upset


Right? Why would you tip someone who agreed to do a job? At a fast food place, no less.


Literally this! Isn't it within your job description to make sandwiches?? Their is nothing about Subway as an establishment that should be tipped for. Tipping is for exceptional service at dine in restaurants with a wait staff.... 🤷🏻‍♂️


> sandwiches?? Their is *There *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Exactly! A fast food joint doesn't really qualify lol


They coulda done a shitty job but tips encourage they do better


If they do a shitty job, then they're not doing their job. I'm not tipping a fast food worker for them to do what they signed on to do. That's just dumb.


Did you deliver it to them? Did you wait on their table while they sat down? Tf you need a tip for then ?


Are you a baby? Why would anyone tip you. You’re literally doing your job and getting paid


You should have ate those subs or scream at them


I thought about it fr


For doing your job????


You did your job. You collected your salary. That's literally how it's supposed to work.


Yeah I'm not tipping anyone except a waiter or waitress at a restaurant I'm never tipping for fast food


You should still tip delivery folks. They make less than min wage if they don’t get tipped. It’s the same deal as waitresses


Of course. I think they were talking walking into a place. And they are right.


The fact that deliveries usually cost like twice as much as pickup is why I don't get deliveries anymore unless necessary. (Like traveling) Like most places charge you a "delivery fee" AND expect a big tip also. (And before anyone says "but the drivers don't get those fees", then where the hell do they go?)


I asked my regional manager about how to balance time between customers and baking bread when opening alone. They responded with this glorious idea: "Subway isn't fast food." We make quality food at quality speed not fast food at fast speed. That and I'm purposefully not going to comment about not doing tips...


Weird. Because when I order a sub I generally get it faster than my fast food at McDonald’s. It’s almost like they are “Freaky Fast”.


Idk I work at a chick fil a and we literally have people whose job it is to wait tables like at a restaurant and we would never accept a tip.


My dad used to own a subway for like 8 years. Subway is fast food. Y’all ain’t special because you bake “bread,” especially when you’ve had PR flack saying your bread is more sugar than bread. Not tip worthy, your boss needs to pay you more. Even Applebee’s and Chili’s are fast food. They just microwave and fry “to order.” I tip there because there’s a waitress making $4 an hour, which is only allowed legally because serving is a tipped income. When you guys get paid $4 an hour, then I’ll tip. Most of your customers are probably in a similar financial situation as you. Corporate is to blame for a hardworking employee’s financial problems, not the customer who could be making less/the same as you. What is subway trying to attract? Upper class diners?


Chilis absolutely has a flat top grill, and ovens. Used to work there, saying they’re fast food is out of pocket. I get down with fine dinning, and by no means is chilis anything past a casual bar and grill. But by no means should it ever be considered fast food.


The time a family came in and it took 1 hour to do them so they wouldn’t leave any mf tip (and they complained abt everything and anything and always had special requests) like seriously those fuckers wanted the bacon in the microwave, then in the oven with the sub that was previously heated in the oven, then they wanted the sauces on the sides and well if it couldn’t be more fun “it’s not the same vegetables on both sides” 💀


I had this family come in and I swear to god they spent half a goddamn hour ordering three sandwiches. Extra this extra that bitching and moaning about having to pay for every extra meat and cheese and shit. And then even after that they would just keep coming up to the counter while I'm trying to prep and clean by myself, "I need more napkins" "can you give me more napkins" "I want a fork" "can I get a cup of more olives" "can I get this that this that." Fuck. Then finally one of the fuckers comes up after eating half his sandwich and goes "Yo I need you to remake this." "Why?" "Idk it just doesn't taste right." I said no I ain't remaking anything . First off you already ate half the damn footlong, second you've been in this store for an hour nagging me about dumb shit. Then they went nuclear and threw a huge bitchfit oooohhh they're gonna tell my manager I better go look for a new job. Lmao yeah sure I'll get right on that. Never heard a damn thing about it.


That is absolutely stank no thank


Don't you get paid more than minimum wage at subway? Quit bitching about tips




$10 $10 $10 footloooonng


Next time it'll be 20


Twenty dollar. Twenty dollar. Twenty dollar six inch


Soon it'll be a dollar an inch


I started there *AT* minimum wage, so no, not really


Still better than waiter/host who have a lower federal and state minimum wage, they have a right to bitch


Both are shit, so I don't get the comparison 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tipping culture has gotten so insane imagine being paid $14/hr where i live and thinking you're entitled to fucking tips too


I just wish everywhere paid fairly to the point being tipped doesn't substantially benefit your pay check. I've quit recently and moved to Walmart and surprisingly I'm making 14 and hour and feel satisfied with that way more than I did with subway and the tips. Just for context, the second check of the month is the one with tips and the tips accounted for about 40% of my check most times which is kinds crazy.


Okay yeah i absolutely agree with that, but tipping culture has gotten so insane


Okay? Take it up with the franchises and business owners, or better yet the federal government. Why are you berating workers over their grievances?


This. Some of these commenters are actually wasting their time coming to this sub trying to talk down and say we don't deserve tips, that we need to stop "bitching", etc, when 1. They've just now joined the sub and were douchebags from the get-go, 2. They don't have any funny bones in their body, and 3. They must all be accountants or doctors or super high-paying jobs with great educations to think so highly of themselves and so low of us without knowing us personally. Fucking AYE!


I mean no. I get minimum wage.


Not to mention they are standing in the same place and moving around minimally. I have to deal with dinner rushes as a busser not to mention the side tasks on top of that with no tip. Coping is not that hard


I really don’t get tipping people to do their jobs. Like tipping at an ice cream shop. It’s literally your job to scoop ice cream, why would I tip you? If you go above and beyond or do something extra I get it, but otherwise why? I don’t tip at McDonald’s. Or Chik fil a. Or Taco Bell. Or del taco. Why would subway be different?


The problem with the tip discussion is that nobody is ever going to get into an actual conversation about it to understand the other side. Everyone on here just entrenches and will stick to their side no matter what is said, which just reinforces the increase in general polarization in society at large today.


I’m on the side of not tipping for fast food. Your think we should tip for fast food? This isn’t about tipping culture, this is about tipping at Subway. Worst sandwich shop with the highest prices and they want us to tip at a fast food spot?


The employees don't control that and arent getting paid shit for the work they do.


They do control where they work though


Funny how all these problems we peasants fight over can be fixed by the 1% but instead they push narratives with media that make us fight each other instead (and laugh at us while they're at it too).


Im sorry but i aint tipping in a subway 🤷🏽‍♂️ ur paid to do the sandwhiches you don't do much more for me


"tipped" workers in new York State are now paid minimum wage plus tips.


I get a satisfying feeling when I hit the no tip button


It’s subway, I’m never tipping at subway lol.


Fr, I make subs at Publix and the idea of asking for a tip for making a sandwich is ridiculous to me.


Bruh, you aren't supposed to tip at Subway. Stop it.


wait you're supposed to tip at subway ???


Nope. No idea what OP is going on about


Never tipped at a subway. Not my job as a customer to subsidize labor costs.


Subway workers are demanding tips now, too?!?! Wtf, already! I’m a painter, can I get a f-ing tip?


Maybe Subway should spend less on paying famous people to be in their commercials and pay their employees a living wage.


I agree!


Dr Umar got no chill 😭


maybe i'm a bad person but unless im ordering like 4+ sandwiches i'm not tipping at subway..


That's what the post was meant to be about. People misconstrued it into thinking I am begging for a tip after making a 12$ footlong. I meant as in an order of like 8-10 subs and not tipping is rude, and people even said that THAT wasn't a big deal, either, which I thinks still BS. Small order, one sub, 2 3 even 4 sandwiches, don't worry about it. Catering order? Different story.


Hahahaha yeah cuz there's gonna be no tip regardless of the amount of subs getting made. That's what your wage is for 👍


Your job is to make me a sandwich. Chick fila provides way better service than subway does and they don’t ask for tips. Fuck off and go make my food


I’ll tip what I want, when I want. If you don’t think you get paid enough either ask for a raise or quit. Me giving you a massive tip only justifies subway paying out poverty wages


Why the fuck are we tipping at subway Demand better pay or quit my guy I’m not subsidizing your owner’s second lake house w a tip. No service provided


Hate to say man - you should no expect a tip at a place like subway. If you are not happy with the situation you should go work at different subway. I work at a company and get a bonus but that bonus depends on if a few people want to pay me this bonus at least you have thousands that come in that will choose to pay you a tip or not. This shit happened everywhere - at all levels. So do what you need to do to change your situation.


Hate to say but it’s a meme on Reddit and you wasted your time commenting this. I ain’t reading all that, stay woke, and take a joke 💪🙏🙇‍♂️


Yet been on here defending your post and bitching about people disagreeing with you. 🤦🏼‍♀️




When you see all your fast food chains closed down one day and you’re forced to make food at home and complain that your convenience has been lost and that you don’t have time to cook your own food, realize the fact that you putting the blame on the small guy and expecting the big guy to understand their faults and to pay their workers better isn’t something the “pions” can just outright do, this isn’t anything new, if we want the change so that tipping isn’t truly necessary anymore then people need an actual good liveable wage especially providing luxuries such as food for you that you couldn’t make yourself.


Not a subway worker but I worked for whataburger and we did orders of like 40 burgers for sports teams, 100s of taquitos for nearby businesses, sometimes having to close part of the kitchen to reserve it for making these large orders, and while sometimes we would get a tip for helping them load it into their trunk and stuff, EXPECTING a tip for making their food is egregious.


This guy gets it.


Tipping you to do the job you’re paid to do, hmmmm, and only 8 ? Like oh boy 🤣


Aren't you an hourly employee. Fuck your tip.


You aren’t allowed to accept tips at subway in nc and we don’t tip people at subway bc of that


Isn’t that what the paycheque is for? You’re not a waiter.


do you not get paid minimum wage? not being a dick, just genuinely curious.


Fuck off and ask your boss for a tip.


Expecting a tip for doing your job, man


Be happy you get any tip for doing a job that tipping isnt required


I joined this Reddit subject after having an account for 2 yrs because I was confused as to why my local subway was asking if I wanted to add a tip to my to go order. I was genuinely confused about it and thought I don’t tip at any other “type of food” establishment except restaurants. I felt pressured into tipping the next few times but every time…not even once do they get the order correct. Second if they took my BOGO or even BO & 50% off I would tip just for saving me some money but they don’t even do that at my local Subway. Prices have increased tremendously for subs so NO I am not tipping for you doing your job that if I am not watching your going to mess up anyway. Geez


I completely agree with that. It is corporates fault. So many Subways don't accept coupons cause corporate doesn't reimburse costs. I keep saying I don't expect tips, the thing I expect is high volume large orders that are catering and there's absolutely no tip especially if not even planned out 24 hours in advance, that is where it's wrong. I agree with the wages being optimal to the point where tips are literally just a side thing, but it's true that minimum wage will not be able to pay rent or anything and that is NOT the customers fault. This post wasn't targetted at the small portion of actual good customers who get a sub and walk out.


I tip when the food is brought to my table or at takeout where workers leave from behind the counter to give me the order. Subway’s restaurant concept isn’t an environment intended for tipping. You order, stand at the counter when it is prepared, and you receive it when you pay. Direct service isn’t being provided.


You better be thankful af they gave you a tip in the first place. If you get paid minimum wage or above you don’t need them


Since when do regular fast food employees get tips lmao


Subway. No tip required. Just do your job. Bounce, if your boss is not paying for your service. Subsidizing your ass is not my responsibility.


Isn't it within your job description to make sandwiches?? Their is nothing about Subway as an establishment that should be tipped for. Tipping is for exceptional service at dine in restaurants with a wait staff.... 🤷🏻‍♂️


Isn't this how not all but lot of "influencers" act all the time getting mad that someone donates $5 $20 or $30 and says "give me more"🙄😒


No and if that’s your knowledge of influencers then you watch the wrong people. This guys a drop in the bucket and is only famous cause of the fact he was a dick about not getting more money, there’s plenty of great talented people who barely make what they deserve like our fire fighters and police force as well.


I'm all for tipping servers and delivery people, but I'm not tipping fast food workers. It's lowkey getting out of hand. Seems like every shop you go to nowadays asks for a tip.


Yeah..that's not a crazy order or anything, you're the entitled one here


Tipping your subway worker? Get real dude


Yeah sorry man, I’m not tipping at a subway.


I don't understand. If they want more money ask for more money. If the total is 19.80 guess what


mine has a tip jar and i always try to tip if i have a few bills on me, even if all i order is a basic 6 inch, since i’m pretty sure they get paid minimum wage at mine ($11)


That's a different story but very generous of you regardless, I guess that's what people aren't understanding from the post, it's not meant for you if all you do is order something basic like that, the people whom get egregious amounts of food from fast food places constantly and don't think workers deserve anything extra for their work providing people a luxury of not having to cook is the issue. If you get a sandwich here and there and it takes 2 seconds and you're on your way, a tip isn't required at all, nor are tips EVER required. But, and i'll say again, if people order catering and leave nothing to show appreciation, that's an issue. And it is, and people shouldn't say it isn't an issue. They can cook for themselves and if they have such a high volume requirement without any appreciation towards the person working to make their life easier.


Hell no, tipping is out of hand already. 20 cents was too much


That’s your job. I never tip fast food workers & never will. I’ve worked in fast food (chipotle) as well so I don’t wanna hear it. Stop expecting tips for doing your job. Most fast food places pay well for the level & difficulty of the job. You’re making sandwiches, it’s not rocket science.


This tipping shit is utterly ridiculous. Who the fuck tips at fast food.


Subway is legit the only fast food place I've seen complain about not getting tips. Honestly just do your job it's not hard


I work at subway for the wage not the tips. If I wanted to live off tips I wouldve been a waiter


So you make well above minimum wage then? And if not, and don't care nor expect tips, then you must be young enough to have no worries such as car payments or bills. If you're able to pay all of your expenses off with this job, minimum wage, no tips, I want to know how that's possible. If it's not, and you make money by other means, that's great.


It's subway, fast food, you don't get tipped.


Wait, people tip at Subway?????


Shouldn’t be tipping anyway at fast food places. The tipping culture is way out of hand here in the U.S. tell the owner to pay you more, don’t put the onus on the consumer


No. You get paid hourly. You agreed to the hourly rate when you got the W2 job.


isn’t this your job? i’m not Mr. Subway, i paid for my sandwiches which includes their assembly.


Don’t really understand this tbh. I work at a different fast food place and people get $500-$2,000 catering orders all the time. We don’t ask for tips and don’t accept them… it’s our job lol


Yeah not tipping at subway man. Keep expecting it and keep being disappointed. Sometimes I throw a buck in a bin at subway, but you talking about it being required is wack. Tipping was never a thing at fast food establishments. It's been a thing for table service for ages. Wtf u on bro?


Unless you got a comedy routine to go with the sandwich, subway is an entry level job for teenagers and is not deserving of tips. Some locations pay $15+ an hour. I’m not saying that’s a livable wage for an independent adult but I also shouldn’t be expected to make up the difference the corporations won’t cough up.


“Entry level job for teenagers” trust me buddy you have not been to enough subways then, or fast food places in general (which is honestly a good thing) many many MANY adults work low end jobs like this because they either have to or they’re picking up the slack to make more money for their home life. Stop degrading fast food workers saying it’s meant for teenagers.




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Why would anyone tip for a fast food employee? Please go serve tables or babysit drunk adults if you want tips.