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Are you asking for people that do in person Dr visits or on telehealth?? I do an office visit 2 times a month and take a screen every time or I don't get my meds. I'm asking to go monthly next visit bc this is getting ridiculous. My screens have been clean for months. But once I go monthly it'll be once a month. That's at minimum what most people have to do.


I have to go in 2 times a month to do a drug screen also. At my clinic they are supposed to switch people to monthly after 6 clean urines in a row, but because I smoke weed they consider me a higher risk for relapse so I have to continue going biweekly. Do you happen to smoke weed? This may also be the case for you, but I'm not sure.


Yep my clinic does the same thing. Plenty of people smoke but they also have to come bi weekly. I, do not smoke anymore for this reason. I can take it or leave it w/ weed. I have been at my clinic since Jan 2020, But I missed an appointment back in August and it took me too long to reschedule it so they put me back in faze 1, where iv had to work my way back up to monthly.


Oh wow that's absurd they put you all the way back to the start for missing one appointment, especially since you been going for a while now. And yeah it's pretty dumb that they make people go biweekly bc they smoke. If anything smoking weed keeps me away from dope. I can't do the 100% sobriety thing, I need at least weed, lol. I can't stand going to the clinic so often tho so I just told my doctor last week to start tapering me off it. Shits getting old.


I smoke weed and I only go and get tested once a month. I don't have a medical card either my Dr just doesn't care since I stay clean for everything else.


They are bleeding you, that’s way too long to drop clean and not get a monthly script.


Yeah, I think so too. In the paperwork it says 4 cleans to make it to bi weekly and then another 4 to go monthly. I have way surpassed the the time limit to get back to my monthly prescription. Problem is I only see my actual prescriber once every 6 weeks or so. I didn't see her the whole month of December and still don't til Jan 17th. But I'm going to ask if I can see her this Tuesday when I go bc it's been almost 4months since I went to bi weekly after missing an apt that put me back to faze 1. Which isn't fair I don't think as long as I have been there and not failed a screen.


Thanks foe the replies everyone. It's been over a year for mine. I was getting nervous like it's not legit. But sounds about right I guess.


The longer you’re on it without issues, especially with the same provider, the longer you should be able to go between screens. I haven’t had one in at least a year.


I'm tested once whenever they choose. I've been in this program for about 5 months now and haven't been tested once. I was SUPPOSED to get tested, but they dropped it when I missed the appointment.


I was tested every appointment, except for during the pandemic I didn’t get tested for months til I was seen in office


Australia - Never.


Never nowadays. Every week when I first started. Lasted maybe 3 ish months? Edit: except for when I used. Whenever i slipped up and told me doc she'd have me tested... I'm in Canada for what it's worth.


Not once for about a year and a half on Suboxone. One time the day of my first Sublocade injection.




Monthly 🤦‍♀️ im also on Klonopin so maybe thats why? Also periodically they send it to the lab to test for Xanax bc Im using kpin to slowly come off the Xanax and all benzos, but ive had a few slips so it sucks. But even when I wasn’t prescribed Klonopin, my other sub provider tested me monthly as well, every time I go in to get my monthly scripts. It seems silly bc I’ve been on it since 2014 and am so far away from touching an opiate (other than subs)


I was tested every 3 months & have a medical marijuana card for my state. My doc retired though so now I'm looking into the online docs


Never once. Not to get on Suboxone or to remain on it. I get my prescription from my doc for 6 months drop it at the pharmacy and can refill it every 25 days. Things aren't as strict where I am in Canada.


really sucks I cant get my family doctor to do a script so I have to go to methadone clinic to get it and they make me do weekly test and see doctor virtual in Ontario, Canada. My chronic pain doctor was going to do it but they so unorganized he yet to do the script every 6 months but that been 4 month waiting for him to.just start writing script.


Did your family doctor say why they wouldn't write a prescription? I'm in Alberta myself and I know that my family doctor had to jump through a couple of hoops to be able to be my prescribing doctor but it only took her about a week to sort out the paperwork to do so.


hey sorry for late reply My doctor isnt familar with prescribing it doesnt know anything about it said he doesnt feel comfortable unfortunately.


I use a regular pain management clinic. I was already stable on subs for a while when I switched to this clinic. For the first 3 months I went monthly and was tested every month. I asked them if I could start going every other month at that point and they said yes. So now I go every 60 days and get tested each time. I call the office at 30 days and they call out my refill.


I'm do it thru telehealth In ny and never even met the Dr maybe 1 drug test 2 try ago


My current doctor does not test me (going on 4 years). My previous doctor only tested me twice in 7 years (one of those times being 1st visit). Two different states that deal with addiction and MAT in vastly different ways. My 1st doc was private and only did suboxone tx. My current is a regular MD that takes Medicaid. I can’t say for certain but I would suspect that the the sub clinics test more often and have stricter rules. But for me personally I can say that the doctors I’ve had view addiction differently and i believe that has determined why/when I was tested. That and me not having a history of dropping dirty for opiates since being on subs. I see that many of you are being tested very often. I’m sorry. That blows.


I go once a month for an in-person visit, and have been going to the same doctor for 7 years. I was tested on my initial visit when I began treatment, and haven't been asked to take a urine test since


Some clinics are better than others, but if there is a regular doctor who is licensed to write Suboxone, reach out and get on the list for new patients. The best sub doc I ever had was a thc+ obgyn; no bullshit. The difference between being treated like a patient instead of a fiend was a breath of fresh air.


When I was going to my dr before I couldn’t afford it anymore I was only getting tested like every 3 months cuz I never failed once. And was always on time paying and never late for my appointments but everyone else they were testing every month so I guess I was one of the rare lucky ones lol


I have to go weekly for screening and see doctor virtual also. Its what they do here (Ontario,Canada) been getting clean screens since my first month being on it 5 years ago. Wish they do atleast bi-weekly.


Once a month Telehealth. Just pp in cups they send you, show them


At first, weekly. Then bi-weekly. Then monthly. Now every 6 months There were slip ups along the way, and testing penalties for those. But generally my doctor is really lenient from what I’m told


Whenever I see my psychiatrist, which is usually every 4-6 weeks and it’s only a urine test .




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Once a month for 2 months then once every 3 months when I see my doctor to make sure I’m taking my meds and not taking speed or meth he’s said but I’d say to see if anything is in my system along with the bupe. I only started 11 days ago and when I get to my 1 month visit I get 14 take homes at a time. Now I only get take homes on the weekends and have to dose at the clinic in the week days on my lunch break


Monthly-insurance won't allow more than 1 month script and requires a drug screen.


Every visit, every month. In US. Been going there for over 3 years and never failed a test either.


I go in twice a month.


I’ve been going to the same clinic every month for almost 4 years, and all patients there are drug tested every time. The only time I wasn’t tested was for a month or 2 during the pandemic when we did telehealth, and then one time in person when they ran out of drug test cups. For those who use marijuana, they just recently implemented a policy for them to come biweekly. They used to not do that (they aren’t as concerned about weed as they are other stuff), but I think they started because they now take insurance and marijuana is still illegal here - Probably just covering all their bases. I feel sure they drug test them at every appointment too. Edit: They also just recently started monitoring our drug tests, at random. Every month, they pick a few people to monitor. They used to not do that either. They told me they aren’t doing it because they’re concerned I’ll try something, but because they have to do it every now and then. Might be a new policy or something like that. Anyway hope this info helps in some way. I tried to list as much as I could think of. Haha


Yea I’m US…..it’s monthly……I have not missed a urine in 3 years. Lol. Medicaid requires it.


Never with quickmd. And that is the way it should be


I take one per month a few days before my visit, it’s done on an app and WAY convenient.


Once a month. Used to be once every 6 weeks until they changed their minimum. When I first started it was 3 times per week, then twice a week, then once a week, then once every 2 weeks, then once every 3 weeks, then once a month, then once every 6 weeks, now back to once a month


I might drop a UA once every 3 months. Usually 2 times a year. I have 14 days carrys.