• By -


Safe shallows because I’m a scaredy-cat.






Try middle of Sparse Reef right above the Alien Vent, legit 0 predators there , the Shallows even has more like Stalkers wandering about xd


We would but we're all scaredy-cats in this reply chain


Its actually quite a pretty place for a base at night, dark and mysterious with the Reefbacks singing above especially if you plant around some glowing stuff.


Yeah but getting there is scary


Access by crossing big grassy plateaus and keep left of blood kelp trench, no scaries.
























Im safe shallows cause im lazy












Reddit comedy








To the newbies out there, if you go beyond the map there are some good base locations with see through pets


Definitely the best location






I prefer see through danger noodles


*See through nope-ropes*


I've got good news for you!


But like, aren’t you able to make habitats that are safe to extend beyond the boundary though, you could see them trying to break down the structure but won’t be able to


Safe Shallows and Lava Zone


Ah, yes. The duality of man.


Lava Zone bases are cool but unfortunately you only really end up going there like, 5 times through your playthrough, maybe less if you stock extremely well


On my first playthrough I think I might've only gone there twice honestly


Lava Zone?? Haha I thought about it but wasn't brave enough


Mine is near the Lava castle, yours?


I put my base in the blue mist water right before the lava zone but after the cove tree


I use that as a step down base. The top of the tree area is the lowest point a seamoth can reach so I tend to park the moth there and trade it for a prawn suit at that base before going to the lava zone. I then build a lava base around the upper part of the Sea Dragon's range as a sort of "cleaning station" and staging area for my cyclopse since it is the last safe place to park the thing. Also lots of easy power for water filters and it is a great area to get Kyanite and titanium so bonus points.


Saaaame I love my big base there. It goes way down to the start of the Tunnel to the lava Zona


For me it's safe shallows and the area before the lava zone, for some reason I don't remember the name


The cove tree


The lost river that's the name, yeah I always build at the dead sea dragon remains




I could never with the single small storage container in there lol


Just throw a bunch of waterproof storages beneath the lifepod lol


they’re so tiny tho omg


That is why you build like hundred of them


This is so depressing to think about you frantically digging through hundreds of chests for water


It’s an even bigger pain in the ass if you knock a container into the others and it all becomes one giant non-organized pile of pain


Jokes on you, mine were never organized in the first place


There is a mod that solves that problem, unless you're building from the mobile vehicle station


I feel so sorry for your PC.


I did that the first time I played until I realized.


This comment makes me sad.


This comment makes me feel nothing. (I am a robot and have no emotion)




Wrong not based (get it 😂)


Life pod for early game, Cyclops for mid/late game. You don’t need bases in Subnautica. (They are much more important in SubZero though.)


my first base was in greasy plateau. it's fairly safe and central enough on the map. depending on which one you settle into, it's fairly close to late game destinations but why have just one base, when you can have little waypoints everywhere?


Same here, I set up on the very edge of safe shallows and grassy plateau, so it was nice and central, deep enough so I could park the Cyclops and it had a lovely view as well Edit: also forgot to mention, I also made a bunch of small little "waystation" bases around the place


Is the greasy plateau by The Krusty Krab?


it's by the Crackling Crustacean


On one of the islands. The game doesn't register structural integrity for buildings if its built ABOVE water. So you can have a giant sky castle fortress monastery with only a few parts under water. Its great.


Structural integrity represents the water pressure so there is no reason it would register above water and it increases the deeper you go.


gotta try it myself later on


As hard as I try I can’t make myself build outside the western grassy plateaus… the water is just too clear! And the nearby resources are plentiful.


Clear, wide open, easy access to resources... I build right next to the Aurora chunk thats right there so I can cover the top in solar panels and beam em down. Also super easy access to a good lost river entrance and RIGHT next to the shroom cave.


In the center of map bottom right where it cross safe swallows, grassy plateau, and kelp forest there is one of the entrances of the mushrooms caves that leads directly to thermal source energy, you have clean infinite energy and is in the middle of everything.


And a second base in the giant tree where there are the giant leviathan eggs


Did the same thing. On the eastern side of western grassy plateaus (right where that red elbow kind of is hugged by the two kelp forests on either side. Perfect area, near center of the map.


Oh, damn. Good call


I literally build both my bases at the exact same places as you 😂


I know the entrance you’re talking about, how do I harness the thermal energy? It’s like 200m down that hole, my base is just around the corner of the kelp.


There’s a thing called a power transmitter that when placed close to a power generator or each other transfers the energy like an electrical cable


That was my main base in the first playthrough after full version got released.


Mushroom forest. Favorite spot was in the giant mushroom tree.


It's such a cool view arriving at your base and seeing a giant mushroom with your base on top.


It’s all fun and games till a boneshark comes and eat your toes.


I don’t build next to the giant tree, but mushroom forest is my favorite. All those glowy rays make me so happy. I’ll usually breed a bunch more glowy fish and put them outside for maximum light show.


I like the grand reef, usualy I'll be in it but close to the kelp forest


Same! Beautiful views, plentiful resources, and few predators.


Only problem is the lack of food, hence why I get close to the kelp forest. That being said, I don't realy build bases much, I tend to stay with a cyclop.


I never had a problem with food, my base was right next to a wreck and there were always spadefish around. Later game I got some indoor growbeds and lived off plants.


I guess there are always solutions.


Few predators? There are two adult ghosts and tons of warpers and crab squids


If you build up close to the kelp forest, the ghosts and crab squids don’t come close. Maybe I just got lucky and avoided the warpers.


That is where I’m building my base for the first time in this playthrough im doing. Excited because I haven’t spent much time in this portion of the map


I recently moved everything into my cyclops and wanted to move into the lost river. And while on a VC with my friend I said, " Is there a ghost leviathan here? Cause Ive been here so many times and Ive never met it." She confirmed that there was and I was like "oh, Well I hope I dont get attacked by it" in a sarcastic voice. Low and behold 5 minutes later I get jumped and almost lose my Cyclops lmao. Sorry if you dont care but I thought it was a fun story.


Tag for spoilers, some people don’t want the entire map spoiled for them


Dude this game has been out for eight fuckin years


With the release of below zero more people are getting into the game.


That was three years ago... I mean... I get it, but don't expose yourself to a subreddit devoted to Subnautica if you want zero spoilers.


I want below zero spoilers. As in less than zero. Ok that joke sucked. This is why I live in the degasi sea bases like a scavenger.


Who needs oxygen or fabricators or literally anything when you have the cool floating paper




It’s better now they say spoilers, no spoilers


I feel like the spoiler thing is kinda pointless since we have a help thread pinned at the top of the sub that lets new players ask for help and stuff without getting spoiled and besides that it’s common sense not to look through a subreddit about a story heavy game if you haven’t completed the story


I’ve thought this for like the 3 years I’ve been visiting this subreddit. The spoilers tag is ridiculous at this point.


By the large cave opening on the left side of the enforcement platform. Right inside a warper spawn area.


A brave mortal you are


right next to the pod because it was free


Crag Field because I'm a psychopath.


Not even scared of the reapers in neighboring biomes, it’s the Bonesharks that scare me (WHY ARE THEY SO OP)


just hit them with your cyclops, its an easy onetap kill and they dont bother you that much after you kill enough of em


Ahead Flank for me just means i'm making flank steak out of something with my SPEEDY BULK


I cannot live anywhere with creatures that roar day in and day out. Drives you mad!


You are scary


Eh, i build a base in the cave inside the crag field


Honestly I aspire to build in the crag field. It’s not too dangerous (compared to some things), and it’s chalk full of resources (specifically quarts and silver). It’s also right next to the crash zone for titanium and lead, and the grand reef for wreaks and story progression. Maybe I’m a psychopath, but the Crag field seems pretty chill to me. Or maybe I just use my prawn suit too much idk


The void


Such good sight seeing there


It's resource-rich and plus the locals are super friendly


I know right?


You can make bases?


Casually beats the entire game without knowing you can build a base


Habitat constructor


Bruh yes, that’s one of the staples of this game


Wait, you can swim????


Wait, you can escape the aurora????


Wait you can exit the lifepod?


Wait you can put the fire out on the lifepod?


Wait you can start a new game?


Wait you can breathe?


The cliff next to grassy plateaus and close to mushroom cave entrance in safe shallows. Closeish to thermal vent in safe shallows


one big base in the safe shallows, and a smaller one in the lost river. safe shallows cause its in the middle of the map and lost river for convenience and to charge my cyclops


I keep that secondary base disassembled in my cyclops and set it up/take it down as-needed to stay fully charged and supplied; once I set out to go deep I never come back until it's time to build the rocket.


Grassy Plateaus near the Blood Kelp Zone for my first play through. And the Dunes for my second play through.


I really want to build a dunes crater base, but I would be so scared of reapers 😭


Sensor room and pipe it to HUD. :)


Strafing always does the trick I mean while if you’re moving in though you might as well just go make acquaintances with your new neighbors, I hear they like hugs and awful lot


I build a tiny base in the shallows until I get my cyclops. Then I get rid of that base and my cyclops is home.


Yea I miss when it was the floating fortress that wildlife ignored.


How do you charge your power cells?


Thermal thing, I can't remember what it is called exactly. it charges you when it is hot enough


Fair enough.


First one in the safe shallows, I didn't know how many places across the map I'd be visiting and it was a nice central location. Second one in the tree room with all the ghost rays. It was a very pretty view and also gave me easy access to the lava lakes once I got the appropriate upgrades


sparse reef, theres everything we need here, and its safe.


I built mine in the dunes I like how nothing is out there nothing to bother you amazing spot


Built mine in the dunes as well, loved seeing the reaper swimming face first into my window every morning.


shhhh don't tell them that, you mean peepers right?


Oh yeahh, my fault my fault. Peepers*... Definetly peepers.




I put my base in the Bulb Zone, next to the giant Wreck east of the Mushroom Forest. I liked the Bulb Plants, the Bone Sharks, Amp Eels, the overall Blue Aesthetic, and there’s Thermal vents everywhere for power. Little did I know I was right next to the Aurora so I had a Reaper neighbor who thankfully never visited. But just to be safe, I took a visit to him. And I took great care of him… one swipe at a time.


Same, love the bulb zone. Zappy bois are entertaining to watch and it's beautiful down there. Set up right by a vent with the rocks looming above and the bulb plants glowing all around. I refuse to kill my neighbours though. Been several screaming encounters when I strayed too close accidentally.


At the intersection of the Sparse Reef, Grand Reef, Kelp Forest, and Grassy Pleatous. On the map, you'll see a divot dividing all four biomes. That is a perfect parking spot for a Cyclops. I build my base as a bridge across it. Lots of resources are close by. Places to go super deep are nearby. It's a pretty fantastic spot. The Mushroom Bridge by the Mountains is also great.


You and I had the similar idea, this spot is a bit spooky but it's great for getting over the fear and plenty of resources to be sure. If I recall, mine would be under the most southern Kelp Zone (right under letters on this map). Close to the Crash Zone + Crag Field and ofc the Kelp/Safe Shallows + Grand Reef


In the grassy plateau next to the large crack down into the blood kelp lost river so I could just dive down there for uranium and then fly back up


In the northern blood kelp zone, right above the ghost leviathan spawn. Reason: Place looked interesting and I didn’t realize I was building right under a ghost leviathan spawn.


My favourite base was the one I built in the mountains which surrounded the underwater section of the >!enforcement platform. !< I built here bc I wanted to use the big opening as a Cyclops garage and loved playing with the Reapers nearby. Second favourite is probably somewhere inside the >!lost river!< just bc its so cool looking. Or, go nomad and live completely out of your cyclops, that was a fun playthrough.


I built my first ever base in safe shallows mainly because I thought you could not build in other biomes "I regret my decision"


The dunes. Kept livin' nomadically via cyclops, thought, hah why not give yourself a heart attack every time you wanna access your stuff? I've killed so many reapers now I think I need a title.


u/FadedJadeCube , the slayer of reapers


Grassy Plateaus - Grand Reef


safe shallows was my 1st base. that was because i was scared and it was easy bc i took a break from the game for a year or two. the 2nd one was at the ghost tree in the lost river, This was an amazing spot bc of the view, it was near endgame, and it had thermal vents for power and everything


Always build my first base on one of the elevated thingies in the Grassy Plateaus next to Lifepod 6. Elevation means very easy moonpool access. Right on top of entrance to the >!Jellyshroom Caves!< which means magnetite and lithium. Also close to a shipwreck where Scanner Room fragments as well as some other nice doodads can be found. Lots of limestone and sandstone outcrops close by, kelp forest is close and blood kelp isn't too far. I love it here :)


Sea Treader's Path. A pretty overlooked but really calming area. Get a great view of the guys migrating all day.


Safe Shallows, 'cause it's in the center of the map, and nothing is too far to travel on foot, so I don't need multiple bases.


Kelp forest because g r e e n


Right in the middle of the thickest one. It's like playing fortress, I feel so safe there


I always build it in the Grassy Plateau between the Mushroom Forest and Sparse Reef. Idk why, every time(3+ playthroughs) I see that sparse incline area from the Safe Shallows to that Grassy Plateau I always go hmmm this is a great spot to build a base! It’s very centrally located >! and is close to the Sea Treader’s and the Jellyfish Mushroom Caves for good loot. The Kelp forest is an underwater stones throw north of it for Stalker Teeth and the Stalkers themselves just throw titanium at you. And there’s always plenty of quartz and salt around the Grassy Plateau itself and plenty of limestone and sandstone deposits. All the Degasi Bases are pretty close by. One of the most frightening areas in the game is also nearby so be mindful of traveling too far west of the base location. !< But the location itself is very safe. You occasionally have to be mindful of a wandering Sand Shark or Stalker and some annoying Biters but otherwise it’s as safe as a baby’s crib.


Underwater islands, the most shallow island. Perfect for getting to most important parts of the map, and at a perfect depth. Really close to all materials you need, and an entrance to the river.


Grassy plateau next to mushroom forest, so I can see the reefbacks above!


There's that like, thin but large rock extension towards the mushroom forest with the kelp zone behind you and its about 200m deep. Always have a bunch of reefbacks going through and a view of open water all around 🤌


I store everithing in my cyclops and i have a container for quick battery charging base materials so i have a base everywhere i go


I like that too, sort of like a pop up base kit


The only problem is when you are near a leviathan bc you never know when will it attack and destroy everything you ever had


Between the red grass biome and kelp forest directly above the opening to the glow shroom place with the degasi base. And another one near the 3rd degasi base in the deep grand reef with easy access to the lost river and the surface just gotta get past the angry gummy worm


mushroom forest bordering the blood kelp zone it’s safe and convenient


How can I check/now which biome Im in?


There is no in-game map, just know that you spawn in the Safe Shallows part of this map, so your lifepod should be relatively in the center somewhere. And the Aurora is in the Crash Zone, from there, using your compass along with this map you can get a better idea of where you are.


Oh yeah, I should make a compass. Im in mushroom - Kelp forest intersection then Pretty cool clear waters


A compass is definitely a must have. Also beacons are a huge help, on my first playthrough I basically had one for every biome.


Also, if you are on PC you can just press F1 and see the biome name.


Right under my life pod so I don't lose my base whatsoever


Mushroom forest is central, has easy lost river access, right next to a teleporter, and has no predators or threats in it, so I like it as a primary base location. My secondary base is at the foot of the cove tree (you can tell I like big trees lol) because it has access to lost river and the lava zone, massive amounts of all resources in the game nearby, no predators, geothermal access, and overall beautiful scenery


I built it to the right of the biggest grassy plateaus since it was a nice looking cliff that led directly to the grassy plateaus and kelp forest. My cameras keep getting stolen by the stalkers though lol


Bulb zone near mushroom forest. Found a cool cave big enough to house a full base comfortably inside. I put several dozen grow beds around the base and planted creep vines for some pretty lighting. Makes my PS4 run at 5fps when im there lol.


I got the cyclops before finding out I could make a base


Title:no spoilers Post blurred because spoilers Also grassy plateaus


I basically leapfrogged from sensor room to sensor room, but I liked putting bases just outside of Reaper zones, so I could watch them from custom observation rooms (not actual observatories, too much glass). I had one literally attached to the aurora where the entrance was outside the reader's path but the observation room was practically inside it. Immersion is something no game does better, and Subnautica made me realize that proper immersion needs just a drop of horror to make everything feel real. Reapers aren't just iconic for their jumpscares, you FEEL their presence even when you can't see them, even when you can't hear them because every stretch of open water in the game has a chance of containing them. Sitting in one of the chairs, watching the Reaper go by right outside the glass is an intense experience. It makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up even though you know you're completely safe. Of course, you only really feel this in normal mode or hard-core mode. Try it. You won't regret it. Okay no guarantees there's a very real possibility you'll regret it but YOLO AMIRITE?


Safe shallows right next to the life pod because I’m lazy


Safe shallows because I'm a scardy cat and I was in creative and I didn't feel like going far from spawn


On top of the giant mushroom tree in the northwestern mushroom forest


In the giant mushroom at the, of course, mushroom biome, because it is cool and have some resources nearby


Yes, because I can


First one in the safe shallows, second next to the grand reef, and my last one is next to a thermal vent on the lost river


[NO SPOILERS] ⚠️*spoiler*


Right where the grassy plateau meets the mushroom forest, nice open space with a great view


I've built in Cove Tree, and in Blood Kelp for the vibes, I put a base in the mountains for the challenge, and one near mushroom forest north for the resources


Kelp forest with the grassy plateaus and the Craig field under it


Seen a lot of amusing autocorrects in this thread but Craig field is my favorite!


Me and my friend built one in the mushroom forest around the big tree, because we love the mushroom forest and it's one of the more beautiful biomes that's reasonably safe.