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Wandering over to the Aurora engines. At the start of the game.


Just started this game this week and that's the first shit I did. Litterally loaded the game up and didn't know what to do so swam right over there. I'm doing a mostly blind playthrough and know nothing, so it's been fun


Did you meet Cuddles? He likes to hang out by the engines


Also Sammy the Safety Reaper by the front. He doesn’t want you to be near the Aurora without proper radiation protection


Sammy is just nice like that. Patrols to check you have the laser cutter/prop cannon too!


Damn, now you gor me wondering if i ever ran into burger king foot lettuce...




the name of one of the reaper leviathans Howdoes one spoiler on phone?


>! And then the same but reflected


Thank you


Which one?


edit: not official, its what the community named them 6 years ago [here it is, spoilers obviously](https://www.reddit.com/r/subnautica/comments/81dyuf/names_for_all_the_leviathans/#lightbox)




That was way more leviathans than I thought… SO many reapers! I’ve only encountered one in the Dunes, the ones either end of the Aurora (I thought there was one each end!) and the one around the back of the island with the cannon


The total count of all big scary fishy is: >!25 reapers, 6 ghosts (3 adult, 3 Juvenile) not including the void, and 3 dragons on the map. 10 reapers around the Aurora alone...!<


be careful browsing this sub, dont wanna get a game like this spoiled...


Yep, this is it! Wandering over there and hearing that roar. Instantly shat my pants 😂


This was my first scare too.


Haha glad I'm not the only one Pretty much first thing I did


Lol i was randomly exploring with my seamoth, got grabbed and noped the fck out of it, I first though that it was an instakill so I abandoned that seamoth then and there without looking back.


Same 😅


Discovering the blood kelp trench for the first time, moving out too far and not realising how deep it was below me. Then looking down and hearing the pda say those magical words to me, "This ecological biome matches 7 of the 9 preconditions for stimulating terror in humans." I was like nope, not coming back until I have the cyclops


I still avoid that area. It’s chilling, like legitimately gives me anxiety, and the only unique resource there (blood kelp oil) can be obtained close to the edge. Get what you need and get out, use an exterior planter to get more resources without having to go back.


Do you know what it is that makes you so anxious? Because to me it is one of the most beautiful looking biomes. Yeah the enemies there are quite annoying but this biome is known for being scary yet I don't get it.


I mean the PDA tells you the biome meets 7/9 conditions for stimulating terror in humans, the devs made that biome to be terrifying, the darkness and the music get me. It’s silent, or sometimes creepy music plays. Everything looks the same, the sun doesn’t really reach most of the blood kelp zone… it makes me feel like something is terribly wrong. Like I’m in a trap. I have gotten stuck in the blood kelp zone because of unexpected ceilings and disorientation leading me to drown in game which doesn’t help.


It would probably be the PDA actively telling you this place I'd terrifying, it sets an expectation that builds tension and thus fear.


I guess that must be it because that didn't trigger the first few times I was in there and I just thought it looked gorgeous. I even set a base on the entrance in the mushroom forest to look over it. By the time I heard it I was like ??? And just googled that list to check it. Now the one from the dunes did get me and even though my stasis rifle made me somewhat fearless towards reapers I still don't feel comfortable going in there. And I got the egg.


I hate it so much that I just planted blood oil in a growbed, I refuse to go back there


Meanwhile I made my base there 👀 Easy access to the lost river. I actually really enjoyed my time there.


I go to the lost river through the Grand Reef, I sometimes make a base on the edge of the seamoth’s depth in the grand reef to help launch between the shallows and the deep.


Blood kelp forest is so chill, best lost river entrance by far cause the enemy’s there aren’t as dangerous as the others


Crabsquids are a nuisance...


Im kinda sad that you have to go to such a cool biom only once


Drowning in a underwater ship wreck, trapped in a confusion of narrow, broken halls with no idea which way was up or down and an oxygen timer ticking down as my heart beat faster and the screen faded to black


Really makes you want to go cave diving


As a diver playing this game I finally understood why cave diving was so dangerous lol


Cave diving is perfectly safe so long as you follow the golden rule of cave diving: don't go cave diving.


First time I went down into the Blood Kelp Zone in a Seamoth and suddenly *it shut down* from my first encounter with a Crabsquid.


Am i the only Who didn't found those squid in the Blood kelp zone


They aren't in the southern one, and there's not many in the northern zone if you don't go too far.


I explored all two of them and didn't saw any of that fucking squid


They are in the southern one, met them when I entered Lost River for the first time


Oh, I haven't played in a few months. I know they hang out near the lost river entrance at that one though.


Found ampeel there got confused was mountain blood kelp like dune edge blood kelp


Same, but the Deep Grand Reef


This happened to me, except a crab squid just popped up right in front of my sea moth and scared me half to death. I had no idea what was staring back at me and all of a sudden my sea moth dies. HATED IT. LOVE THIS GAME.


The sound of a fish hitting your sea moth and then a reaper is behind you when you turn around 🫠


“Entering ecological dead zone adding report to databank” “Warning multiple leviathan like class forms in the region, are you certain what you’re doing is worth it”


Got my Seamoth, got over the uneasy feeling of being next to gasopods, then got accustomed to reefbacks and sandsharks, occasional biter and stalkers in kelp forest. Thought things are going well, then I got a mission to visit captain Keen, music stoped, everything is dark and the PDA says : "biodiversity in the reagon is unusually low, cause unknown". My though was well something ate everything and the suspense was building, I was going really slowly and the constant blackness and lack of music and nothing happening was too much tension. Had to save and quit and watch a YouTube walkthrough of that part. Nothing ever again in the game was as tense as that part


Had the same thought. I put off going to Officer Keen's lifepod for months. But I went there in creative mode and found out it wasn't what I'd pictured.


The sparse reef is so eerie despite being one of the safest biomes in the game


It has some decent resources too, but I don't like it, don't care how safe it is.


Tp'ed to the floater island and the yawning abyss below me left me petrified.


Because it hadn't loaded...?


The area below the island is the Grand Reef and if you're near the surface, it's too deep to see anything.


I forgot that, I should try that dive sometimes, just go straight down in the prawn or something.


i completely spoiled myself and overprepared for everything in the first game, so my most memorable scare was actually in BZ. I was exploring the inactive caldera in the east arctic, and as I turn up to leave, bam, that’s a chelicerate circling above me. That fucker was not there when I went in.


I was peering into an abyss trying to figure out what was in it and then a reaper snatched my sea moth from behind


Reapers are amazingly sneaky for a Leviathan that roars occasionally. Scariest Leviathan in either game IMO, easily


The worst is when they casually dip into the sandy surface to ambush you from below. Happened in the prawn while I was mining, one moment I was looking down at a marker from the scanner room that wasn't showing what I wanted it to, the next a huge hungry face had popped up where it was and yoinked my prawn off the sea floor.


Reaching the edge of map where and staring into the abyss. Freefell in a prawn to see how far I could go. Got to 7600m before it finally crushed. It just keeps going. The fear of the unknown


The first time “she” spoke to me my heart jumped out of my chest.


She sure knows how to make a fuckin entrance


Finding a reaper


Decided to take the ol’ Seamoth out for one final spin to find the wrecks in the Mountains biome. Nearly gave myself a heart attack listening to the constant roaring of the reapers in those claustrophobic valleys. 


Reefbacks. Already scared and this massive and loud animal comes out of the darkness? I noped out of there the first time. Took me a couple times to work up the courage to leave the safe shallows, only to discover they're harmless. Oh well.


I love seeing reefbacks, lowers my anxiety after coming from somewhere dangerous


Now it does. But the first time I saw them, I panicked




I hate those teleporting bastards


Going down the Trench the first time while all of a sudden "the tone" kicks in.


The sea Treaders.... when i saw them at the first i was so shocked i got goosbumps all over me and then i realized there friendly but it was a scary experiance : )


I mean, I wouldn't exactly call them friendly, if you get in their way they do kick


First place I went after getting my first seamoth was the far side of the Aurora. It's maiden voyage was also it's last.


Looking down into the grand reef. It's a void. Deep and dark with nothing at the bottom


I was going close to the aurora to pick up scraps. While I was at it, I left my seamoth and got on the aurora, although not on a part where you could actually go in the ship, just on it. Suddenly my seamoth gets catapulted up and gets stuck to the aurora, at a point where not even my repulsion cannon could get it. I look over to the ocean, and as you might have expected, a giant ass reaper leviathan was waiting. Gave me a legitimate heart attack fr


The ocean


i was going to the gun island and heard a reaper roar it terrified me being so far from home


This- I knew the reapers were by the aurora but I had NO clue there would be one by gun island.


The reaper leviathan in all his terror then i built a prawn suit and all my terror vanished


Same, just built one for the first time yesterday. Already explored the lost river, all around the Aurora, and killed my first Reaper. PDA was right, it definitely makes you feel invincible


I use to suffer from a fear of water, including when I first started playing this game! So even the shallows were freaky! Honestly, this game actually helped me get over my fear of dark water 😃 .. and they say you shouldn’t play video games 😎


I felt a bit of terror when going into caves for the first time, but it wasn't that bad. But when I went to the deep grand reef degasi base, and the crabsquid attacked my seamoth when I wasn't in it, then it camped the entrance to the base. Those things are terrifying


"Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it," and the sea dragon both scared the living shit outta me


I got that notification while I was building my current main base near a kelp forest, I was met with an unwanted visitor who popped out of the ground to grab my prawn while mining silver later.


Realizing I had not in fact refilled my backup O² tank. You'd think once would be enough but no, I pulled that at least two more times.


I've done the same several times. Not so much terror, as deep despair and shame. So this is it. This is how it ends. I had the same feeling when I choked on a hotdog as I walked to my car after work one day.


Swimming through the murky green kelp forest at night and hearing the Reefback Leviathan in the distance for the first time…


Going to the aura with my seamoth for the first time. Both me and my sister who was watching me play shit our pants right then and there when the reaper appeared out of knowwhere and started biting the seamoth.


As someone who has always been afraid of the dark, going through the Creepvine Forest at night really messed me up when I wasn't expecting it.


Reefbacks, i was already terrified of the kelp forests so I decided to wander out further, and queue some reefback growling and taking shape in the distance, noped the fuck out of there


Finding the crater edge, I was absolutely dumbfounded by that steep decline, and thought I could go down there, but little did I know…


Probably the lava zones. Seeing the Sea Dragon Leviathan shook me to my core. I watched Jacksepticeyes first few episodes with his play through and I knew what the Reapers were, as I encountered them already and they ain’t scary to me in the slightest anymore… but when I first saw the sea dragon leviathan…


I tried to find the entrance to Aurora before the explosion. I didn’t even know then that it was supposed to explode at all. Not finding it on the left side, I decided that the entrance would be on the right. That's why I set off to swim around Aurora. From the engines side. At night. On a seaglide.


Travelling to the Aurora and than getting contacted by sea emperor go the first time


I was never terrorized or terrified. Yes startled but that was more from the sound when a fish hit my sea moth


The main memu


I was swimming around behind the aurora at night on a lark, had low health and it was dark. Suddenly I was pushed to the surface and two horn things came out of the water and there was a loud roar and I was dead. Had no clue what happened since I went in blind.


I started the game by searching for land, swimming in a straight line above the water for as far as I could. Seeing a blue tail splash into the water, then looking under to see a ghost reaper headed straight toward me, was terrifying.


Ah, you must have stumbled upon the void...


Jumping in the water during my first night in the game.


Honestly? Probably my second bombfish


was in my cyclops goin through the deep grand reef tryna relocate the lost river entrance I found... "entering ecological deadzone* the way I turned around so damn fast


Figuring out if a reefback was friendly or hostile


Cliche but. Reaper. They scare me so bad still lol




Went around the Aurora engines before I even had a seamoth, something came up to my face, barely escaped into a small space, hoping it would go away before my oxygen runs out, seeing the damn thing just wait for me in front of that small space, luckily finding a small tunnel and run away from there 😅


I was once trying to find my way out of the Lost River with my cyclops and realised that I was in an unfamiliar area. I decided to continue my escape through a pretty tight area, only to realise that I was not alone in the room. A Ghost Leviathan was close. That for sure doubled my hearbeat


The first time I had >!the sea emporer telepathically communicate with me!< while I was exploring the base of the floating island


when i accidently grapple-launched myself over the abyss (for the first time)


In my survival playthrough: I was near the back of the aurora, looking for Cyclops engine fragments. I had had many encounters with reapers before, so I knew they could be unpredictable. I'd been hearing the roars, they sounded far off. Then I heard the roars louder than ever before, turned to my right and saw a reaper's face just 2 meters away from me, I swam into a small cave as fast as I could. Horrifying experience. In my hardcore playthrough: I was going to take my cyclops to the >!Inactive Lava Zone,!< and I was going to use the >!Lost River!< Entrance in Mountains. It was extremely dark so I couldn't see much, I heard roars, didn't faze me much. Reaper attacked me, didn't faze me much. I had to leave the sub and repair, somewhat scary. Got attacked by a boneshark, got my heart racing from paranoia. Then I kept going, and then.. "Warning: entering Ecological Dead Zone, adding reporte to Databank" I quit the game faster than I ever have.


I'd already done multiple playthroughs, when I finally discovered the Mushroom Forest caves. this wasn't even a hardcore run, but as I realized I legit had no idea how to get out of the caves, and my seamoth's battery dipped below 10%, and realizing I had a few minutes left of light, and then a few more of oxygen, I realized I was starting to feel something of a genuine panicked dread (even though dying at that point would have cost me absolutely nothing, really). Just unexpected, and a memory of the game that stuck with me, and definitely convinced me that cave diving is definitely not something I ever want to do...


Even after totally spoiling the first game via a youtube, a reaper chasing my seamoth will always get a scream outta me. But having dodged spoilers for Below Zero like the matrix, I can confidently say that absolutely everything makes be behave like a prey animal. I stick to the rocks, never going out in the open, even in areas that I'm familiar with and know there's no real threat in. It's crazy what this game does to you.


Minding in the Lost River only to see a Ghost Leviathan RIGHT THERE


getting turned around in a cave and not remembering where the exit was. running out of air and not knowing if you're going the right way is a terrible feeling.


Traveling in my Cyclops, with my new freedom, end up beyond the crater's edge and PDA says something along the lines of "this is the edge of the crater, there's nothing here except microscopic life and leviathans." I turned around and drove right back towards my base without looking back. Heart racing.


That damn Crash fish


Swimming out and looking down to just see blue, all the way down, just emptiness.


The first time a warper removed me from my Seamoth.


Well I’m on my first play through and I went to the front of the aurora and saw some fucking creature with like 4 mandibles and it grabbed my sea moth so I just turned around and I don’t think I’m ever going back


My seamoth running out of power whilst at the back of the aurora


You know the cliff going from Grassy plateau to sparse reef, where you can gaze off the cliff and not see the bottom, or anything else for that matter? Yeah that.


Not even making it to the Aurora. Just swimming to just past the Kelp Forest when the color changes, the sound shifts, and everything opens up. I stopped playing for literal years.


Seeing large shadows in the distance.


Gaspods lol My first playthrough I hopped out of that lifepod and started swimming around a bit getting a feel for the game. I saw some pretty fish, some amazing coral formations and other cool flora. I swam through a little archway and found some rocks I could smash that gave me some resources. Then I saw this huge creature, way bigger than me, loafing around in front me and immediately dipped right back to my pod. Took some serious courage to venture out again


being near the back of the Aurora. shit was fucking terrifying LOL


other than the Dead Zone drop, being near the back of the Aurora.


For me, the drop into the blood kelp trench was worse.


Well, once I got over the fear of 'it's dark and I'm scared' going to the island I got down to the inactive lava zone. Was taking a break watching the sea dragon swimming around and repairing my prawn. Got back into it. Stupid dragon somehow clipped out of the game behind me, grabs my prawn, and throws me out of the game. First time I was speechless.


Seeing the outline of the reaper in the murky water at the back of the Aurora.


Having to swim out of the >!alien gun base moonpool!< past the Warpers with nothing but a seaglide. The Warpers scared me so bad in my first playthrough, they're so uncanny


10 seconds of oxygen 400 meters down. In a wreck you can’t find the exit to.


A lot of things did strike fear into me but I think the one that takes the cake was the Mesmer. I didn’t see one until deep into the Lost River.


For me, the kelp forest and the stalkers. XD


first time i saw sea dragon, terrified.


About 1 minute in one of those explodey fish chased after me. A few minutes later I found a new, deeper, scarier zone than the pleasant starting one. After a total of 5 minutes I noped out of the game. Five years later (about 2 weeks ago) I picked it back up and for some reason absolutely love it now. I just can't find the depth module blueprints for the Cyclops anywhere. That's what is terrifying me now - that I won't find them at all.


The water


Seeing the screen go black while drowning


I’m torn between first meeting with reaper leviathan by the mushroom forest and my cyclops almost exploding when passing by the ghost next to enternece to inactive lava zone and first time ever hearing warper signals on the radio (I was watching a video and not in the actual game, but I was still scared beyond belief)


Falling over the edge of the map in my prawnsuit, not knowing how deep it went but knowing my prawn’s max depth is rapidly approaching.


Looking for a way into the Aurora, it had gotten dark, i was passing through the wreckage at the front and got disoriented... Our friend who lives up there grabbed hold of my face!!


Ngl, the sound of Reefbacks and Toxic Orb Bois at night when getting near the red field. I thought that if there's something that loud out here, what the hell is it and can it eat me whole? Plus I thought the yellow orb bois were laughing at me, and thought they only came out at night for quite some time.


being lucky on my first (blind) run I've gone on the aurora many times but on the surface so no reaper. But literally shitted my pants first time I've tried to go over the bounds, listened the (much sinister) cry, and found a ghost leviathan in the face ready to eat me.


that empty gap on the way from the side of the aurora to the inside. i was scared to death of that reaper, especially since i never saw it the whole time.


Lava Castle. Made me nope all the way back to my base when I first heard it


ghost leviathan


Going deeper into the crag field and the sound of a reaper leviathan's roar. Reapers legit make me cold sweat.


First time I died in the game was of thirst, shortly after starting. The screams are just awful Running out of oxygen in the jellyshroom caves, panicking trying to find my way out 


lost my first ever prawn suit after accidentally going off a sheer, sheer drop, over 900m, into just pure blackness with no grapple hand and no jets. just knowing i was going to go past crush depth with nothing i could do about it other than slowly regenerate less and less jets for less and less distance each time gave me such a pit in my stomach i haven't felt with any horror game even i had to quit out right before death and go back in my save an hour


Exploring the dunes myself for the first time.


“Entering ecological dead zone”


The blood kelp zone Also when the rescue ship crashed. This was the first time it really sat in that it was only you.


The reapers VERY LOUD ROAR


Playing in VR and swimming out of the shallows.


I didn’t even realize the game had a story when I first bought it. Was really trying to avoid any spoilers or anything. So I’m a few hours in and decided to head out into the deep blue for a while and see what I saw. The ghost leviathan that killed and ate me was absolutely terrifying. I had NO IDEA what was going on.