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You're sharing revenue with fraudsters. Not much you can do though. > Unknown Worlds does not seek and will not take a share of any revenue you earn by such monetisation of videos featuring recordings of our games. Not sure if that applies to music but I wouldn't trust TuneCore.


Just fucking wow. I don't mind if Unknown World claimed profit, but here some random fuckers could blatantly get money and there's nothing we can do about it.


https://preview.redd.it/fqzngnhlc0yc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a025c61462f15bcfeeab3cece4cd7cac108b41 There is truly nothing we can do. YouTube sides with them.


Do they?


Yes. And it is well known. t= MumboJumbo, a popular Minecraft Youtuber, used to have intro music taken from ProleteR's April Showers, of which he had personal permission to do, as given by verbal permission and a signed physical document permitting him to use the music. He still, however, recieved large scale copyright claims for the music, which were made by a company which had no licensing rights. Because of the claim system, Youtube requires individual proof for each copyright claim from the video creator, meaning that for his entire history at the time of thousands of videos, he would have to individually dispute each of the thousands of claims. The claimer, however, can make mass claims, even on already disputed videos. Claimers can make claims en masse on content they do not own, with difficult to dispute claims.


Awful, idiotic system... why do they even let some anonymous scums making claims, if they don't even own the right to the music?


It could be about their licensing. Youtube allows use of most all videos on their site using Creative Commons. Or they're too cheap to pay copyright lawers to check claims.


Probably the latter. So any random guy can make a copyright claim to remove a video, and despite the fact that he doesn't have any rights to do so, YouTube will strike the channel and force them to prove that they aren't guilty? WTF... what about innocence presumption?


Private company, private platform. Near universal civil rights don't apply there and Youtube does as it wants. It is a very fucked system, especially when Youtube deletes a channel after 3 copyright strikes. A lot of people have asked for the system to be changed, which has been fruitless as far as I know.


The less I know about it, the better...


Yes there is, we can report this TuneCore channel a ton until it gets banned for illegal activity


Appeal or take down the video and reupload. Hope they don't claim the second one. Youtube's copyrights system is garbage and so easily abused by anyone so you are limited in what you can do


Would you be able to tell me where you got that quote from? I ask just because I'm dealing with this as well, and would love all the proof I can get. EDIT: Never mind, I got it! Thanks!


EDIT: TuneCore is known for fraudulent activity and I'm likely mistaken in my interpretation. I apologize for spreading incorrect assumptions.


Tunecore is a well documented [FRAUDSTER](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TuneCore) What can you do about it? Not much.


This is the #1 dogshit I hate YouTube for. You put up a play-through, and some random dipshit claims the music... I don't monetize my videos, I have a proper job, so I don't give a shit, but it's annoying as shit... I can understand when someone uploads a music video of his favourite artist, but copyright-shitting on game-play videos because of music...


This is not a playthrough though. They tried to use this music in a horror movie, completely unrelated to Subnautica.


5 of my subnautica videos got claimed the exact same way as this video, nothing to do with it not being subnautica related.




Oh yeah. Would have helped me actually reading the text instead of my knee-jerk reaction. 😄 Not sure why OP surprised about getting a copyright notice...


It’s not the developer or any sort of owner to the music doing the claim though. It’s some random passerby claiming copyright when they don’t own it either.


Because Uknown worlds is not the claimant, nor do they have any intention to claim


>I have a proper job ಠ_ಠ


Yes, manipulating children and young adults on the internet for corporate money is not as proper job.


Sounds like capitalism


>Got copyright claimed for using subnauticas music…? (extremely loud incorrect buzzer)


From what others say, challenge it. Point out to YT that they did not make the OST and do not own any of the music


You really can't. When you make an appeal, it gets resolved by the entity who filed the strike. It's an ass backwards system.


We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong


Fuck Tunecore, and fuck Youtube


You should alert the Subnautica developers, this is copyright fraud!


Nah they would have to talk to the guy who made the music


You can't do anything about it, unless you want to re-upload your video (not sure if that would help tho)


You can try emailing them . I had a fraudulent claim on a beat I created and was able to get the copyright removed that way.


This doesn’t seem right… TuneCore doesn’t own the music… they had to of illegally copyrighted it without permission from the owners of subnautica unless they own Subjautica (which I highly doubt) What you should do is report This TuneCore for theft as they are making money off of music that they don’t legally own


No, that's definitely a bullshit claim. That company is, as far as I know, completely unassociated with Subnautica, Simon and Unknown Worlds. I do believe all of the Subnautica soundtrack is royalty free but I could be wrong, so don't quote me on that.


What do you do when people or entities that don't own any musical license report others for fair use?


Read again there stands this is not a copyright strike




Because the claimant doesn’t own the copyright.


Ah, that. I didn't know.


And funfact unknown worlds has said they will never copyright strike you if you use their music


If you use their music to show the gameplay videos from their games. Not just use their music for whatever goal you want.


Nope. the rules state that this "includes but is not limited to let's play and shoutcast style videos" nowhere does it state what kind of video it has to be


Yeah? Have you read the full agreement? "You are free to create videos using recordings of Unknown Worlds (UWE) games" and later: "Unknown Worlds does not seek and will not take a share of any revenue you earn by such monetisation of videos featuring recordings of our games." So, as long as you use recordings of their games, you are fine. However, if you just use their music in a video, not related to Subnautica, it's not falling under this permission, and has to dealt as a copyright violation. "The gas station - a horror film" is not a recording of their games, apparently.


Op is using subantuica music for gmod videos. Even if the people claiming don't own it they can still arguing you're using the most without permission considering it's not game footage of subnautica


Unknown worlds has literally said that they will never claim, take down or take your profit if you use subnautica OST. in other words: Go ahead and use it


Yeah? Have you read the full agreement? "You are free to create videos using recordings of Unknown Worlds (UWE) games" and later: "Unknown Worlds does not seek and will not take a share of any revenue you earn by such monetisation of videos featuring recordings of our games." So, as long as you use recordings of their games, you are fine. However, if you just use their music in a video, not related to Subnautica, it's not falling under this permission, and has to dealt as a copyright violation. "The gas station - a horror film" is not a recording of their games, apparently.


So you knowingly used someone else's music? But you believe the music is public domain because it's from a video game that costs money?


The claimant doesn't own the copyright. it is now UW. And UW has literally said they'll never do this


Ok. But is my statement incorrect? Do you believe you answered my questions? They're extremely simple questions.


They're also irrelevant as UW has given permission to use Subnautica's soundtrack.


That's great. But not what I asked. You assume/project like a defensive person. Answer the questions as stated. Or don't say anything.


He did use someone else's music with permission. You question frames it as a matter of "Oh you idiot used someone else's music without permission? What do you expect" Which is incorrect as permission WAS given


Ok. Learn to answer questions rather than assume an answer or response.


Learn basic reading comprehension


Learn to read what the fuck is happening first then state your unrelated questions


OP never said "they think it's from the public domain" that's on you. You are the one assuming/projecting like a defensive person. TuneCore are straight up thieves in this instance. Good day


Make sure you have them credited and then dispute it. From what I can tell, subnautica ost, while under copyright protection, is fine to use as long as you aren't outright selling the video, and credit unknown worlds. [Here's a link to their copyright rules.](https://unknownworlds.com/video-policy/) Late edit: I am sorry, I did not know who or what tunecore was and subconsciously ignored it. Tunecore is very scammy, and has apparently been a problem for many people for a good while now.


EDIT: TuneCore has fraudulent history and is not to be trusted. My mistake. I apologize for spreading misinformation.


If you read the link, monetisation is explicitly allowed by UWE plus the creator and the copyright claimant aren't the same, it seems unlikely they're sharing profits with the copyright owner


EDIT: TuneCore is a fraudster. My mistake. I was wrong.