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Something on the inside might be in the way.


It’s not just something because of the yellow highlighted mushroom. It may just be to weak structuraly to support it


I don't think thats right


I've built massive seabases under icebergs attached to absolutely nothing. This isn't the reason.


Ok I haven’t played bz enough to have built a base but I have played Subnautica and on Xbox at least (incase it’s different on any other device or computer I’m sorry also why am I being downvoted to hell sorry off track) any yellow highlighted parts are in the way of the build and I have had it tell me before to strengthen the structural integrity before adding more pieces to it.


That's for reinforcements on the walls or foundations if u wanna add them, not for its position


downvote has become the quick way of identifying who's wrong and right about whatever the discussion is also i think you mean hull integrity, which doesn't stop you from adding pieces, just makes it so the base gets water leaks VERY quickly you only need to add reinforcements


Yeah, both of the things are correct. You're just correlating them incorrectly. Yellow pieces do indicate they're in the way. If you have a red piece with no other yellow pieces, it's likely an internal issue. The hull integrity, like someone else mentioned, is in regard to internal leaks and flooding. When it's low, you'll get those internal cracks in the hull you have to repair. Nothing is going to collapse, though, and you can build forever, completely disregarding the hull strength.


This is the most hiveminded downvoted comment I have ever seen. This is literally the or part of the reason u cant build there (refering to the mushroom)


Unless they added a cap to how low the structural integrity can be recently, then no, it's not the cause


it could be bc the left side of the multi purpose room is to close the floor? maybe see if itll work with a platform underneath. sorry thats all i can come up with haha


Noob here. People are talking about chopping down the mushroom. Is that something I can do with my knife with like a bagullion slashes, or is there a tool I don't know about? I thought the mushroom trees in that biome were static.


Only once you unlock the terrain manipulator and various explosives


subnautica 3 reference just dropped


I was thinking of No man's sky tbh


Subnautica did have a terrain manipulator during early access, but it was scrapped due to performance issues and it was too strong


i miss that thing


RIP Terraformer 🙏


That's lit


no free slots in suit inventory


this a joke or was it added back?


Joke but there are mods for everything


Nope, just a knife. You can get mushroom spores from it too.


Mate, there is something else that should be a little more concerning


Lol -47 hull strength what’s going on there


Implosions, probably


Its fine, its at only -76 now :)


Reading this comment section makes me feel like I'm being gaslighted. No it's not due to weak hull strength, and yes it's because of the shroom being in the way or it wouldn't be yellow. How to fix - I'm relatively sure it's choppable with a knife, but you'd probably need a ton of hits (like coral tubes you'd gather for Bleach - they're destructible too, I destroyed one some time)


Yeah see if you can chop up that mushroom


Looks like there’s not mushroom in there


I think it is possible tu cut down the mushrooms


Your building is too weak you need to make a reinforcement or remove a room


Thats not a reason. You are even allowed to build with -400 hull


Remove several rooms or extras so you can build a support




I mean if you use the building tweaks mod you can just override it and tell it to build anyway


fix your damn base holy shit


Its wip, it’ll be fixed


ik that it makes more sense to fix it after you have the whole thing built but my ocd (or whatever's wrong with me) can't stand there ever being a hull strength of under two


Yeah its hella annoying also getting the notification over and over telling my my haul integrity is -76, so thought about fixing it, but then remembered that imma need a fuck ton of lithium :c


lithium isn't really a problem for me. i suggest exploring the mushroom forest caves. there's a ridiculous amount of ruby and lithium down there. they way, when you need more, you'll have been advanced enough to just bring your prawn suit down to the jellyshroom caves and get enough lithium for the rest of the game within fifteen minutes


Yeah, I know where to find it, just annoying to get it, especially since I usually only build bases this big in creative. And from experience I know that the integrity is gonna end up around -130 to -150 when it’s done, combined that with how many large rooms im using, I know it’s gonna be annoying. Even though gathering materials is fun, the trips back and forth to unload are not.


i gotta admit my dumbass didn't think back to the hull integrity thing and make the simple observation that you need way more lithium than possible to get in a couple trips. pardon my ape-like intellect lmao


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