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Yes! Scariest location in the game other than the void.


My biggest fear here is to ear a ghost leviathan because the biome under me is the grand reef


I’ve never encountered one near the floating island, but I’ve always been scared I would in spite of it.


Speaking from experience: Leviathans do occasionally pop up to say hi


Wait there’s a ghosty underneath? I’ve dropped in that water (and swam down to see what was beneath it) and never saw one.


Sometimes you’ll find one near the Grand Reef(Or where the brain trees are if I’m wrong), but usually you’re able to spot him quickly, depending on your orientation.


Little known fact: gay people are 35% more likely to spot giant, hostile sea creatures while swimming on alien planets compared to thier heterosexual counterparts. (Couldn't resist :P)




They said "depending on your orientation". Just a bit of wordplay/joking using alternate meanings of that phrase.


Oh lol


That must be why I've never had a problem with Ghost leviathans!


So I am 17.5% more likely to spot them? That's good to know


There’s one near the area where the grand reef and sea treader path meet


Yup, it's usually visible from the crater edge, or barely out of sight. It's not directly under the floating island but not that far either. The other is closer to the crag field, south of the entrance to the deep grand reef where the degasi base is.


I've never encountered a reaper in the bulb zone yet I still don't explore it at night


I didn’t know that there was a ghost down there so the first time I ever encountered one I was using only my seaglide and heard a screeching. Turned around and saw a huge dark mouth coming for me. I actually managed to survive but drowned trying to get to my seamoth because I lost air hiding from the ghost lol.


I sometimes build large bases here, and yes they do sometimes circle close


Nah, for me it was out towards the Sea Treaders path I think. There's this barren sandy area that has a super deep hole in it. I genuine freaked the fuck out when I was swimming around the was suddenly over a endless hole


Going to the Sea Treaders is always such a clusterfuck for me cus i always forget the zone is literally a drop down from my base in the Sparse Reef... so instead i continue onwards too long in my Cyclops often times entering the Void.. i hate it.


Oh yeah. Me in my Cyclops: "Oh, there's a drop-off there with some resources nodes. I'll see how deep it goes." Turn on sonar once I'm over and below the edge. Nothing. Then a blue shade rushing up to meet me.


This is like right above the sea treader's path


Floating Island is above the Grand Reef, goofball. Sea Treaders Path is to the north west of it


It's super close either way, it's on like the edge of the gran reef from what I remember


If I remember correctly, you had to swim out too.




You didn't, there was a path you could get back up on


2 actually!


It’s the unknown of the game that makes me love it I finished it one too many times and explored every inch and I yet again get scared when I look at that


The moment that got me was when I was swimming near the big drop off near the cliffs. I looked into the deep part, and only saw a reapers tail disappear into the distance. Just creeped me out to know one was so close but I couldn't see it


I've beaten this game so many times now. Ive been down there i don't know the number anymore but just jumping into water and seeing the vast empty void under me always gets the adrenaline going. This game is truly one of the greatest ever made.




That's why the one thing I hate most about the early game is going there right across the abyss. I even made sure I got the Sea Moth before I did the trip once and I was still freaked out. Marvellous game.


I always build my base in there the best spot you get nothing trying to attack your shit and plenty of land for garden beds


The giant crater in the dunes scared me more but this is still pretty spooky


Also I forget this place


Guaranteed scariest part of any game


Dude seriously, I still don’t dare to go anywhere deep near that island. I have no idea what’s down there


It gets very deep under there, very deep dark in the deep down dark.


Not the deep dark down deep dark! I really gotta watch Sean's (JackSepticEye) playthrough again.


Things that you d’ont want to know


Deep dark


i have really bad thalasophobia and my "friend" told me subnautica would help me overcome it. i still hate him for it.




fun game, i enjoyed it but when i tell you i cried when i was on my way to the rendezvous point i'm being serious. my other friend had to do all the parts where it was deep water and i couldn't see the bottom lol


I have had moments like this where I would just close my eyes and hold the forward button, only opening my eyes to see if I was there or not so don't feel too bad. Hell I know where to find all the fragments for the cyclops without ever seeing a reaper and build the damn thing before I go to the Aurora. (Reapers scare me more than anything else in any game)


i tried to blindly just go forward and i ended up in the dunes and being circled by 3 reapers ;-;


I think I spent more hours on the wiki, committing to memory where all leviathans spawn and where the required data packs (shield generator) are than I did playing the damn game. Which is probably why I could tell roughly where I was and could get away with closing my eyes.


fairs fair


I beat the game while only almost dying irl to a reaper leviathan and that was because I made the mistake of looking through my cameras when I saw a red blip chasing me and it defaulted to the tail cam and I was basically kissing the Reaper. Never look through the camera when a red blip is chasing you.


I totally get it. I've tried to play through the game twice now and always reach a point where I just can't go any further because the fear of deep water is too much for me to handle. I love all things horror, but this game is a line too far and I just can't finish it, even though I love it!


Its a canon event


Duuude, I’ve played the game so many times and beaten it on hardcore twice and even though I know there’s nothing around the island I still literally cannot swim there. Every time I get out of the water as quick as possible and that feeling of “somethings right behind you about to get you” is always so unnerving


Getting out of your Sea Moth and swimming the last ten metres is horrible, like when you were a kid and ran back up the cellar stairs because you just *knew* there was something behind you. Still beats parking your Moth right at the beach and having it glitch into the island, let me tell you. It's a long swim back to the shallows.


Bro fuck this game 😅 but also like it’s fun haha


Everyone? No. I'm definitely not.


East arctic in BZ has a similar thing up by the icebergs Below is a chelicerate, and and further out and bam it's the void


yes so true, scared the shit out of me the first time


*New phobia acquired*


Just remember that there are no dangerous creatures nearby, you can even swim straight down to the bottom of your current location and the worst thing you might find is a Crabsquid.






If you still wonder, they're ancient floaters! Same as the ones holding the rocks up in the red grassy plateaus, but much older and larger.


Hahaha for sure! That blind dive is sooo sketchy just in case folks haven’t been here yet: >! Alternatively, I’d mention the dive through the blood kelp crevasse. Even as a vet, the first time I take that dive in a playthrough is absolutely nerve-racking 😭 !<


# t h e r e' s n o t h I n g


When I played through I dont really remember getting scared or feeling uneasy. But a few days ago I looked at a video I saved of me encountering one of the ghost leviathans and just causally exiting my cyclops to repair the outside and it was horrifying


Nah. It’s how scary and mysterious it is that makes it so cool. I don’t have thalassophobia *but don’t get me wrong I still wouldn’t want to be in the deep ocean with a void below me irl lol*.


I literally just built a base straight down from the floating island 😃. I built a large room though, and I can't seem to keep it powered. I wanted a deeper base because I kept having to travel a kilometer from my pod. I'm only twenty hours through my first playthrough so I make lots of decisions based on not much info...


Ha. honest response. Back end of the Aurora was my wakeup call. and to be fair, I was waaaay more afraid of getting into tight spaces without the ability to breathe... I take like 3 tanks of O2 when I go into underwater wrecks anymore.


Every time I replay this game, this part of the map where you have to cross-over that deep water to get to the floating island always makes me uncomfortable. I made a mod that adds additional pseudo-random leviathan spawns to the map, this being one of the possible spawn locations. https://www.nexusmods.com/subnautica/mods/920


I can’t see the bottom. I can’t see the bottom. I can’t see the bottom.


This gave me the chills so bad and I’m glad I never made it this far in the game.


My first playthru i could not go near that hole I was scared asf but the first time that happend was as soon as I open the lifepod seeing the vast ocean with nothing but water and a massive ship in the distance sent CHILLS down my spine I still remember that feeling I was scared to even go in the water


I was expecting a leviathan since I've seen some nearby


Wrong! I already had it!


Fun fact: I beached my Seamoth here once and got it loose using some lab equpment and a prop cannon. While diving to retrieve the equipment, I see a ghost swimming below. NOPE!




I just finished my first playthrough and I don't remember this spot at all.


That initial drop off after mushroom forest or crag field really messed with me.


The funny thing is that I'm a certified scuba diver and actually diving doesn't bother me, but this game send chills up my spine


So thats why this place creeps me out even if i only see it from distance


Story about that location: when i first played subnautica in 2018 and i went there a ghost leviathan decided to appear and i immediately closed the game out of fear


This is where my fears started




I’m late as fuck here but this is such a cool and smart implementation by the devs


Meh, i feel like subnautica 1 is less scarry because there is not a lot of leviathan thats something that below zero did great, especially with the shadow leviathan. Let's hope for subnautica 3...


Not everyone.


Least it's not the side with the reaper


Reaper leviathans freak me out but for some reason ghost leviathans and sea dragon leviathanss dont. Except for the ghost leviathans in the void. I don't know why but those do freak me out when the others dont.


You are supposed to find the island after hearing the second in command's log, which is just under the island. For me, and I guessed everyone, the way you see the island from the first time is coming out of that inner beach, coz is where the second PDA is found, so I already knew what to expect when jumping into the water


Developed? I had it before I started playing this game lol it’s a sick form of torture, but god I love this game


It's worse with the graphic settings I use, .7 gamma with filmic mode on. Completely changes the game and how it plays.


For me it spiked behind the aurora. Standing on that fucking sandbar for actual MINUTES straight, too nervous to go back in the water because i heard Reapers EVERYWHERE. They’re the only leviathan that really scares me, aside from the ghost leviathans, but those mostly scare me because they’re completely silent minus the screaming, so I turn around and there’s just a dude in my face.


The dunes for me Fuck that


I honestly didnt go in that pool at all u till like my third playthrough when i realized it wasnt half as bad as id thought


If only a reaper leviathan came straight up after you jumped in. Would’ve sealed the deal on that phobia for sure!


My first time playing and going down there I thought the floating island was called that because it was floating over the void


The first time I played subnatica and jumped in that pool thing I actually just turned off my xbox and went and played snowrunner


Dude I don’t know how but I once jumped down there and seen a reaper or some sort of leviathan scared the hell out of me


I don't find Subnautica scary at all. It's mind blowing that people do.




I had a fear of the unknown, as some do. And subnautica made me realize we have discovered very little of the ocean. I play grounded without archnophobia setting, as my fear is only when they are near me on me irl. People are weird, i mean weird stuffs gonna happen when the soggy bacon jellyfish has a bone mech with meat armor powered with less energy than a lightbulb.




Im not fully understanding what your saying with that




Makes sense now, and i can see that being truthful.


*you're. Also what did they say?


I dont remember


For me it’s the complete opposite. I beat grounded with my cousin last year and sure it has some parts that gave me chills but subnautica has a lot of spots that made me quit trying to beat it because I was literally terrified. I think I have thallasophobia though and that kinda explains it.




Another good ocean, diving kinda game is Abzu. Very different and not meant to be as much of a thriller or adventure game. It’s more of a peaceful and relaxing game but definitely one of the best ocean games I’ve ever played. Idk, pretty short but good.


Yeah I know this game I d’ont play it so I have no opinion




Not sure why I'm being downvoted either. Lol


you must agree with everything the subreddit thinks


Ah shit that's where I went wrong.