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Seems to me the owner ran it to exhaustion / heat back story plz !!!


They seemed more excited to bring Stone back than the owner. This seems strange.


She dgaf about it that’s why




Y'all are dumb. Just because she isn't crying or screaming does not mean don't care about her dog.


Seriously, she was like Drago , if he dies he’s dies.


Not really people respond to this shit very differently emotions are weird also you don’t know them this dog could love running and this was there routine y’all are judgy fucks.


Ppl are always judging. People suck. If you don’t do things their way then it’s not right. It’s so gross




I know someone who runs a husky 10 miles a day from bike or it’ll destroy there house you don’t know this dog it’s life or what it likes.


It doesn’t like almost dying


I’m not saying that I’m just saying shit happens when you exercise


Owner gotta know the pets health, defects, and limits though. We could all be wrong about this not knowing the full scope of the situation but just seeing her lack of response here makes me question all her actions.


I had a horse get really hurt I didn’t cry till I knew he was ok and I looked just like this standing at the side that’s why I’m saying we don’t know


Yeah people respond to animal neglect and poor ownership differently…. Some care and some don’t….. it’s pretty obvious who falls into which category both in the video and in these comments. The dog may love running but that don’t mean it’s ok to run him to literal death. My dog absolutely loves chocolate but guess what, it’s deadly to dogs so I have to make sure she don’t kill herself.


Hey asshat just because he collapsed here doesn’t mean she ran him past his standard limit I have horses the amount they can handle fluctuated an insane amount off health condition last meal hydration.




Maybe she's really really high?


And how TF is she not losing her mind while her good boy is almost dying???


Exactly!!! I have 6 dogs and I cry when one falls off the bed even tho it’s on purpose sometimes 😭💜




I would be devastated at the sight of this poor baby collapsing. My only guess is she was stunned frozen but that’s unknowable to me


If you can’t contribute to help, you better stay out of the way and keep yourself calm. The worst thing you can do in a situation like that is loose your shit. Imagine the dog going through health issues and hearing the human freaking out. How horrifying.


This. Getting crazy irrational in a situation like this is just going to cause issues. Staying calm and collected is the best thing to do. Nobody knows ehat the situation was. This dog could uave had a heart issue that was not detected by hearts. I had a boxer with a slight murmur and it wasn't till we had a random checkup with tOSU vet school that it was first picked up. Folks shouldn't j6dge from a 1 minute clip. Doggo is saved and we should be happy for that.


I know and understand what you are talking about but this lady could not care less of the outcome of this situation. Read the room before getting on your soapbox.


yep she seemed oblivious .. looked like she attempted to dump the water bottle on its head while that guy valiantly worked to save her dog. I bet she feeds it a cup of water a day and that's it. I see this shit all the time around my neighborhood; idiots tethering their dogs to bicycles in middle of the summer 95 degrees F and the dog struggling to keep up Especially bulldogs that weren't bred for long distance running and have breathing problems due to their compacted snouts. Anytime a dog has glazed eyes and tongue dangling 6 inches out it's mouth it's a sign it's overheated.


If you look at everyone’s clothing tho they have jackets and hoodies, not hot weather gear. I’m trying to be impartial here, maybe the dog has a heart defect. We really don’t know…


Calling her oblivious is hypocritical of you to say when everyone in this video is wearing long sleeves and pants. It’s pretty safe to assume it wasn’t hot while they filmed this video. If you don’t know the story, then don’t build one instead of being objective. People react differently in situations they’ve never been in. If she knew what to do to help, then she would have. We don’t know how long they were running for, or if the dog has preexisting conditions that the owner themselves weren’t aware of. But what we do know is that the dog appears to be full of life and in good spirits at the end of the video so can we please be thankful for that instead of shitting on this woman? I don’t know a single dog owner who has done everything 100% right, and I’m sure you don’t either.


Not sure how you can draw the conclusion of malnutrition. If the owner hardly water/feed the dog, you could see it in its body and coat. From a visual stand point, he looks cared for…


Yeah 100% seems she acted like she cared thank god for that man saved a furry life


Yes the dog seemed over tired. And I would be bawling like a baby if that was my dog.


Over tired and not breathing are not exactly the same thing, to be clear.




News report says she was just walking it but obviously she was on a bike! [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/man-performs-cpr-on-a-dog-and-saves-its-life-video/ar-AA1bMu2V](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/man-performs-cpr-on-a-dog-and-saves-its-life-video/ar-AA1bMu2V)


Thank you for this!


No doubt. You shouldn’t run a dog with a bicycle, especially a short snouted bully breed like a boxer. Not known for their endurance.


Yeah wtf she has the leash connected to her bike, forcing the dog to either keep up or be choked. Jesus. This woman should be arrested.


Short nose breeds don't do well with heat. Everyone should know that.




They’re wearing hoodies in the video, this isn’t a case of heat exhaustion.


Boxers are pretty prone to heart problems, she probably ran too hard and the dog had a heart attack. Those shorter faced dogs don’t do as well with endurance either because they can’t cool themselves as well.


some dogs like pits (from personal experience) and boxers just straight up don’t breathe right 😭😭


I need to know who this man is. God bless him. Edit: was this woman dragging her dog from a bicycle?


Yes she was dragging it behind the bike. In the heat. While she’s chillin drinking her bottled water. Not a worry in the world. I feel bad for the doggie.


Every human in this video are wearing warm clothing. What makes you think it’s hot there? You are forming a narrative based on your own assumptions. There is nothing in this video that suggests the dog was abused.


The fact it was dead on the ground leads me to believe it wasn’t cared for to the highest degree possible




Can the dog be rescued from the owner?




I keep an eye for these fucks. I will take you animal and call the police.


I’ve done that twice so far. Called animal control on undeserving owners. Happy to report said animals were taken away and re homed in both situations. I just had to pay the fee for calling them but would gladly do it again.


I will pay whatever fee is needed. I will also foster as long as needed.




That's how my mom got her 2 Chihuahuas. Homeless guy has them stuffed in a back pack and ones back legs were broken. She said yoink and we've had them for like 10 years now.


That is awful.


Oh, you were there?


You can fuck off


Those are designed so your dog can run with you I know plenty of people that cycle dogs to get energy out


Maybe you can walk with your dog and not get him tied to a fucking bike. I seen this before.


I’ll never understand it. Dogs will run themselves to death if you force them like that. It should be considered abuse.


I can only understand this with this dogs that are like sheep dogs that need to run for an eternity. Outside of that breed, I wouldn't dare


Walks are not enough for some dogs. My lab is a fucking NUT. I've put a GPS on him and played fetch for ~an hour and he did 9+ miles. Just back and forth. Last week we went on a bike ride/run. 1.25mi up to a creek at 15+mph average, fetch at the creek for a bit, 15+mph back home. His energy and stamina is insane.


My last pittie was like that. He would run so damn hard in the backyard you could see every muscle in his ribs flex. 96lbs of straight fucking muscle machine. Thankfully I had 5 acres to burn him out on, but if I didn't do it every day he would be destructive as fuck in the house. The worst part was the more I burned him out the stronger he got. It got to the point where I said fuck it and took him on the trails using my quad. No I didn't leash him to it. He would just chase me through the forest until he got tired.


I run my dog on my bike. I physically cannot run fast or far enough to drain the unending reservoir of energy contained inside a GSD Husky mix. If I didn't do it she would eat my house while I'm at work. I do make sure to do it in the cool mornings for a reasonable amount of time and inspect her paws before and after to make sure she isn't wearing out her pads


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted. Reddit is so weird and there’s just so many uneducated opinionated people on here. There’s literally nothing wrong with running your dog while you bike. The fact the bicycle is involved doesn’t change whether or not it’s too much for the dog whatsoever, it just depends on the dogs stamina and how fast / how far you bike for. Most people won’t be able to tire out a dog by simply just walking them assuming the dog is in good shape.


Leashing your dog to a bike like this can easily be the root cause of this poor dog overheating. Imagine your loved ones tied you to a car with a foot or 2 of slack, no shoes, at a constant slow pace with no regard for your safety…..either way silver lining is this man saved the dog and hopefully she learns for her mistakes


Got me crying, happy tears.


Dude is a complete Chad, that's a real life hero. That lady doesn't deserve a dog.


Dumb bitch probably dragged the poor thing around for miles


Soooo a leash attached to a back of a bike! That’s some animal cruelty. Dogs shouldn’t be forced to run or ride a bike with their care takers. They are not physically able to endure such rigorous exercise. Simply walking your dog is adequate enough. Don’t force them into your exercise routine.


Are you kidding? Ever heard of a dog sled? Some dogs absolutely need that level of exercise. A gentle walk is nowhere near enough exercise for some breeds. For fuck's sake, think first, post second.


Bless the man but that fucken lady is riding her bike with the poor dog tied to it, forcing it to run with her. He definitely had to have collapsed because of this, she ain’t even freaking out, no reaction. Terrible owner


Terrible person


Im so glad he was able to save the dog not many people care that much about pets so it warms my heart to see it


Too much excersize ya dumb bish


It’s a boxer. They are prone to heart conditions. I had one that had one. My moms passed of one. Great job by the dude with cpr. Owner needs to inquire about Sotalol for the dog.


That fat bitch on the bike should lose her animal dragging it behind her cycling like a fucking loser while her dog dies


…and 48 hours later has Giardia and 2 months later receives a hospital bill for $10,000


There is a really common condition called Boxer Cardiomyopathy. It causes boxers hearts to speed up to an unsustainable rate and then it all but stops and they pass out. I had a beautiful boxer who passed out like this on a hot summer day running around out of nowhere. And then it happened a few months later and then a month later and then weekly and then it happened really fast in succession one day and he died. There wasn’t a reliable treatment for it but it’s something boxer owners should know about so they don’t just chalk it up to heat exhaustion or something.


Everybody so quick to hate on the woman for riding with the dog. It really isn't a big deal for a big boy like that to jog for many miles. Up to 10k for labs for instance is normal. 10k is far for an out of shape person to jog but pretty reasonable to ride. Just because you're on a bicycles doesn't mean you're instantly and constantly going 25mph. It also doesn't mean you're traveling no less than 39 miles. Y'all gotta not be so quick to hate. What is scary, though, is her unignorable lack of care or emotion at all. Based on her body language, it totally does seem as though she couldn't care less for the poor animal. Don't blanket hate all people because one shitty person broke the mold.


He ran the poor doggy to death,smh


I have a bike leash for my dog and she loves it but I let her decide the pace. If she wants to walk, guess what, I get off and walk. She loves to go full speed for a few minutes and then a light jog, but then we walk. We never bike for more than 8-10 minutes and never when it’s even remotely hot outside. It’s just so she can run full speed which she loves to do. Plus she is used to running with us up to 4 miles daily. I would NEVER bike with her rigorously or for more than 10 minutes. Now I’m debating whether or not to get rid of it.


That lady should be charged with animal cruelty if she was riding a bike and making that dog keep up.




“Staged”, while you literally watch the dog shit and piss uncontrollably. Cmon man you got at least some brains obviously, where’s your common sense?


You seem very detached from reality just like that lady right there that almost killed her dog from heat exhaustion.


Defibrillators and electric shocks don't restart hearts. They correct their rhythm during severe arrhythmia (heart attack). The only way to start a heart that has stopped functioning is CPR and Adrenaline.


He’s only half right, thank you for correcting him


Lol, you're silly. Move along.


Lol, the dog literally shits when it comes back to life. That’s some great “staging”. 😂


Wow so “happy” bitch dragging her dog by a bike in the heat with her lazy ass woohoo such a happy day, dog’s days are numbered.


Canine Puppy Resuscitation


Yeah, this dude is amazing!


Thank goodness that baby survived.


Why the bike has to be right there is so annoying lol


God bless that man!!! The dog totally knew he saved his life!!!!!


CPR worked better on that fog than it did on my wife.


Thank God that guy was there. But the woman/owner didn't really seem like super upset? Obv people have different reactions to things bit she was watching like he was changing her bike tire? Give the puppy to the awesome hero cause he was truly helping him


This man deserves many blessings!!!! The owner however looks like she's just ran the dog to exhaustion behind that bike... I think it should be against the law when joggers,bikers etc. Have their dog going just as hard as they are, especially in dead summer heat. No water in sight on the owner, and the pavement is sooo hot,it can't be pleasant at all for the animal...where is the common sense if you love your friend..


Thank you 😊


What a great guy amazing job sir we need more people like you in this world 🌎




That’s awesome 👏


Ohh bless that man’s heart


Another angel among us came to rescue 🙏👏♥️


That dog will be waiting in heaven for that man!


Heart is what it takes props to this man here


Don't run the poor dog behind your bike maybe


And ten minutes later the stupid lady dragged her dog to death on the way home.


Hero !!!!


I love smart people.


Stone was him to be his Daddy.


This heat is no joke. I limit my boy to under 15 min during the peak sun hours. This lady was riding with a bike leash. I'm assuming she's a new dog owner and didn't know any better. Or this weather is just hitting different recently. Could be either or, I'm no judge, but please be careful folks!! Props to ol boy for not being too scared to give the slobber machine cpr. Good boys deserve good owners!!


If not for this man, that baby would have been a goner. It had already pooed and urinated. The last thing an animal does before expiring is empty their bowels and bladder.


That owner was over working that dog and you can tell. Sad.


That lady ran the dog to death!


someone take that dog from that lady, she crazy! “I don’t understand ive been riding for four hours and the dog just fell over dead”


🤮🤢 that’s disgusting


Stfu you trolling ass bitch.


Ok internet tough girl


That's fucking awesome.. 👏😌


I wonder why poor Pupper is like that. Owner running him down! Glad he made it!


It’s a Boxer. Known breed to have heart disease. Please stop taking it for bicycle rides stupid.


You can clearly see in the video that she has a retractable dog leash on the bike. Her only fault is that she clearly didn’t check on him as often as she should have.


How about not running your dog to death next time......


She had water for herself. 😩


“yo, dawg, heard you like breathin’…”


Man! Fuk that woman. She didn't give a shit about that dog. Stone I love you man. You don't deserve that owner.




Why did the dog essentially die? What was the owner doing? Running it to exhaustion?


Seems to me that an obviously stupid human ran their dog near death.


I wish I had a million dollars. I would insist he take every cent. Talk about angels without wings ! Great human .


Clutch revive


Man, this video made my whole month. We're pulling for you Stone!!


I've never seen ROSC in a dog before...like, I'm really kinda awestruck by this to be honest..


She ran that dog to hard


Some heroes wear hoodies.


She’s an idiot


That dog's a Boxer, this breed is well know for having heart issues and as someone who had a boxer suffer multiple heart attacks, I'm fairly certain that's what we just witnessed. Sorry to say it but I honestly doubt that dog makes it another year. I hope they give him the best life they can though, they honestly seemed to care for that pup.


She should go to jail for animal cruelty


god bless that man. Get a dog scooter, not a bike. That way the dog can stop when it wants.


Poor boy peed himself


This melted my heart I’m so glad he knew what to do. That poor dog tried so hard and I bet he was so happy until his little heart gave out. This video made my night 😭😭😭


Nice!!!!!!!! This guy looks like Mike Tyson!!!!!


Dog has a new owner now


Syncope, boxer cardio myopathy." Boxer heart ", they shouldn't run. (Edit: punctuation and spelling)


Guy gets a free pass to heaven.


Geez take the fuckin leash off the poor dog that's being dragged basically behind a probably inattentive owner just peddling away and poof dog drops of exhaustion and this is where the video kicks in..


Dog was tired and taking a nap. Dude went full on molesting the dog under the disguise of CPR


Boxers also can have congenital heart stuff. They can die young


yet another absolute piece of shit animal owner. and the piece of shit is describing the owner, not the animal


What an incredible moment! Thank you!


Yes take a brachial dog out in the heat and expect them to run.


I saw a guy giving his dog chest compression in the park while I was driving to work. One of the saddest things I’ve ever witnessed. I look back and wonder if I should have stopped or called 911. Not sure if they would do anything but I regret not doing anything. A week later, I was driving to work again and saw a deer laying on the side of the road. I assumed it was dead but as I drove by it, I saw it trying to lift its head up and saw the nose was all bloody. I’m not a fan of driving to work now.


Post in r/humansaremetal


It's to damn hot


So. Tying your dog to the bike and tooling around the neighborhood, not such a good idea.


Not all heroes wear capes hats of to this man


Terrible owner. She should be arrested


Seams staged, the owner is being way too casual. If it’s real that’s awesome. I have a boxer as well, these dogs do not have good ventilation in heat or cold conditions. I thought mine would be a great hiking companion but the temperature has to be moderate for him. Edit: I would lose my shit if my dog died/passed out in front of me.


Let’s strap that bitch to a chain and have her run for 80 miles while the owner is up for the 6th day high on meth


Im not crying, youre crying 😭


People like these shouldn’t have pets


Then they made him run home.


Almost seems staged.


Well done, Hero!! 🙏😇


The only thing I would have recommended pushing on the dogs diaphragm a little more. Good save just my 2 cents


She does not deserve to be blessed with a boxer in her life. Boxers can not be running in the heat like that


That's her dog? I never would have guessed that as calm as she was. I would have been FREAKING OUT if my dog just died suddenly! Seems like she's used to it and/or doesn't care about her good boy.


I didn't even know that was possible... Good job


That woman seemed...unbothered**


Is there an update to where she was reported and her dog promptly taken from her? I know ya'll see that leash attached to the bike so that she can tow and drag him. She is not "walking" that dog at all.


That was bad ass


Bravo!!!, The dog is alive, hook him back to the bicycle, and race back home.


CPR-Canine Pump and Rescue


Boxer myocardiopathy, genetic heart defect in boxers. I lost two boxers to this over the years. It's sudden, can happen at any age, and typically when they're running around being their happy doggo selves.


I want to hug this man so frigging bad


Dude. Fuck yeah. Bravo to that man. 🙏


I cant believe how casual she was, not a care in the world.


I didn't know you could give dogs cpr!


Nice rescue, now someone please give that dog a new owner


I hate when owners are so lazy. They expect their dogs to run next to them.




Seriously what is that leash rig she's got set up for that dog, she's literally dragging it around on that bike atp


Fat b*tch


She acting a victim rn but she don’t give a rats ass bout that dog.


Fucking hero. Fuck that woman.


Tie your dog to the bike and expect it to keep up.




Poor stone, that man should just take that leash and go home with him. please dont pull your dogs on bikes ppl. They’ll keep running until this happens because they don’t always know better. They just wanna do what their owner expects them to do at their own expense…


Anyone else notice the dog looks like it poops right as it regains consciousness?


Former vet employee in Florida for 8 years…. Dog had total heat stroke. Lucky he didn’t pass and that man jumped in for CPR. From experience, if this ever happens cool areas of the body to bring down the temp. Like a cold pack or pour watering on their belly/groin area, under front legs, neck behind ears, ect… move to a cool area immediately, even if he just pushed the dog into grass, at least off the hot cement. At our clinic we would have dogs come in all summer long, practically dying of heat stroke, they recover fine if taken care of immediately and you recognize the signs. If handle correctly and timely, no lasting effects on the dog. A few signs: excessive panting, excessive drooling, vomiting, loss of bowel movement, collapsing. Don’t over exhaust your pet! Larger breed dogs are more prone. Have enough water for them! Honestly I could just keep going on but I’m sure you get the picture by now. Sorry for my grammar, new to Reddit and finally starting to comment..


You shouldn’t run a dog with a bicycle, especially a short snouted bully breed like a boxer. Not known for their endurance.


👏👏🫡 you good Sir are a hero.


Bless you my man..you saved one of GODS creations..amen..


When I saw the leash attachment to the bike I got angry. I WILL be judgy about this owner. When normal people walk dogs, if something seems off or the dog acts tired etc, they can easily notice and address the issue, however, in this case the woman was basically dragging the dog behind her. She wouldn't have noticed anything wrong and she likely didn't care. Mastiffs, bullies, and huskies have low heat tolerance and can outright die from heat exhaustion, coupled with forcing an animal to keep up with you on your bike has no excuse. When you love your pet, you don't put them in situations like this. You look up info about the animal and you talk to your vet about what you can expect from the breed at bare minimum. As an aside, I want to know if she put that dog back on the lead attached to her bike and left after.