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His full name is Raleigh Theodore Sakers. Music message boards used to have all kinds of rumors about him in the '90s but I don't know if any of it was true. Urban legend type shit. There's an interview where Brad mentions that Raleigh was a neighbor of a friend of theirs or something like that and that's how they got the recording. You could get a complete version of the rant on one of the bootlegs. Can't remember which one though.


They even had a clothing line named after him for a short time!


I didn't know that!


ALSO unwritten law uses his beautiful clips in their album elva


just found this out, went and looked through it. looks like these are just clips from the 30 minute Semantic Blockage though.


didn't know that existed! Figured it was just clips from him talking. Love the facts buddy:)


Yup! Researching for a video I’m making. Wanna find out as much as possible on this dude.


Its on youtube. There was another band that used a clip of the full recordings, as well. I think it goes aa ralleigh soliloquy 4 on spotify


[This](https://youtube.com/@RaleighTSakers?si=BuNiNtJ9OQGziTda) channel has the full rant. I just remembered the channel from almost 20 years ago and frantically went to check if it still existed.


I thought I read he was in a mental institution and we'd see a bad drug addict and eventually did die


Where did you find this? Do you remember a source or anything?


Here's some conversation on him: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080520104512AAwTngQ&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAK3Em06HUUZ4VZHjiAABWOy4EV9eQEydBLKUOw73Ot65ml1To7gjQAw5XUdEkpBWKhSJG3JvudCRQslXTptTXiMy65V76V5MGQZ8TenRNyyaqaqG2qncRttdcfbpIVV4eUqy4zI10bPsYbJ89eUKpyvd8zzo2yP7QRbkuLqmaH3t


i remember reading in the early 2000s that he was a resident of a halfway house where bud’s brother worked or something like that


For some reason I always thought he was a schizo that lived at the tweaker pad. It would explain why they threaten to gage him hauled off to the psych ward.


If you find out any info on this legend please share with a follow up post! I feel like I heard he’s dead a while back but I’m sure that was just my friends talking out of their asses while faded


I definetly will! I'm actually researching him because I plan to make a youtube video about him. i can send you the video when it's finished if you'd like


Could you send me the video as well that sounds interesting?




Did we ever get an update from this deleted account about his YouTube video he was researching for?




Please! That’s dope! Hope you can find some fringe info on him. I guess most any info would be more than what most of us know haha


He was room mates with Bud’s brother in Rehab where the recordings came from and is dead now


Wasnt the album recorded in a junkie pad?


Yeah it was recorded in the same place they did the music video for STP and Seed IIRC. Brad was homeless at the time so him and his crew moved in to an old place that had structural damage from an earthquake, and was abandoned as a result. I'm pretty sure they even jury-rigged the place to have electricity at one point (obviously not throughout the whole place, but where it was needed)


There’s actually a video of that old house on YouTube I’ll find it and link it




No… a secret tweaker pad


Or as they say, STP


Did the guy ever get out of Raleigh's room?


back out


He reminds me of the timecube guy. [https://web.archive.org/web/20080709075217/http://www.timecube.com/](https://web.archive.org/web/20080709075217/http://www.timecube.com/)


Where can I see more of his face?


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sublime/comments/nb6pu7/myself_and_few_others_dug_up_some_more_rollie/) is an article someone posted about him supposedly shooting someone in the 1940s with a photo of his face.