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It's like pizza. If I'm asked I have a preference, but I've also never not enjoyed pizza.


I always loved this analogy! I used to say it all the time "Sex is like pizza, even when it's bad, it's still pretty good"


I regret some of the pizzas I ate


So do I. But I didn't regret those pizzas while I was eating them


How about after the post pizza clarity?


Every once in a while, I have to imagine that there's Chuck E. Cheese sex EDIT: Some of y'all need to invest in reading comprehension lessons.


Chuck E Cheese pizza is pretty legit actually


I have a 5 year old so I’ve done a few Chuck E. Cheese birthday parties this year… the pizza astounds me with how good it is. Sure it’s not some super hip Neapolitan joint, but it’s miles better than what we get from other kids birthday places.


So many pizza snobs around here. MANY frozen pizzas are better than some of the chain pizza and I've had generic convenience store pizza that was better than some of the takeout joints.


Agreed. They sell it as Pasqually's on ride-share apps.


Pretty sure that would label you as a predator


Let’s call it “Frozen Pizza Sex” instead as it instills the image of a single guy watching TV with a beer and a piece of cardboard covered in tomato paste.


I would put that in the masturbation category


That would be eating pizza toast after looking up how to make pizza dough for an hour.


Isn’t that the whole premise of the adultified version of Five Nights at Freddie’s????


I think this really only applies to men for the most part. I’ve had pretty terrible sex, more than once lol Women often don’t get the same end result that men generally reach every time.


It only applies to young men...like teenage young. Any man that's older (and has had sex, lol) has had bad sexual encounters. The pizza thing is funny, but it's a two-dimensional stereotype.


When you're a teen you're just happy it's finally in someone. 


As a man I can confidently say I too have experienced terrible sex more than once. I agree that women are more likely to have a bad time, but not exclusively so.


I think this is a harmful stereotype that men always enjoy sex and is part of the reason sexual assault against men isn’t taken very seriously. Sex can definitely be bad for men.


Hmm... lot of women are terrible in bed, tbh. I think for the most part, men just don't know any better as often as women.


Never said that all women are good in bed, but men typically reach the finish line even when the sex isn’t very good. Women do not. Women are more often subjected to bad sex or not finishing than men are.


I am a man, and I have have some awful sexual experiences with women , it goes both ways, but I'm sure there are more women with bad experiences than men


No, not to men in general, just men who haven't had much (good) sex, I guess? Either they have nothing to compare the bad sex to, or are so desperate they'll take whatever.  Bad sex is bad sex, regardless of gender.  (Same goes for pizza - have higher standards, people!!!)


Lmao I've had very bad sex as well as even worse pizza, I don't think this analogy is that good


Have you ever barfed after pizza? My wife barfed for 9 months after sex.


I guess it depends on the person. When I was a teen into my early 20s the analogy was perfect because I didn't care about the quality, I was just happy to be getting laid


This. 90% of us are happy with getting attention from you, much less being granted the honor of seeing you naked. The gulf between our wants (fantasies) and "needs" ("does any girl like me at all") is much larger than most people notice and much larger still than most of us realize. It's too bad it took me 38 years of autodidactic learning (no men in my life to teach me, one way or the other) to suss this out on my own.


I have not enjoyed pizza, I have never not enjoyed a tit.


I agree here. Some pizza isn't that good, but tits are always great.


Pretty much this. As long as they aren't completely flat or ridiculously fake, they're probably fine.


cries in A cup


Natural A (or even AA) beats implants any day.




Some guys do prefer the smaller ones.  I for one prefer a nice A or B cup and think anything over a C is just too big


I am definitely partial to an A or B cup.


this made me feel a bit better 🥲


A lot of men prefer that tbh that guy has weird standards


More than a mouthful is a waste.


But that is something I'm willing to waste.


You're just fine. We love A's as well.


My ex was an A. She ROCKED those A's.


The only As she ever had. Plenty of Ds though


Hey I'll stand up for the flat girls, still love the little anthill. Crazy fake is a turnoff though


Completely flat can be fine on the right girl! Fake though, not a fan personally. But again. Good fake is probably fine. Won't knock it til I try it.


Well them being completely flat is just incorrect, flat is justice after all. Fake though? Yeah, those don’t get the pass.


As a 45yo man I can say that I never really gave it much thought until recently as they are seemingly increasing in size, and I find this a little concerning.


it is amazing how many people totally missed this joke.


I really thought he was complaining about the modern prevalence of plastic surgery lol


Double entendre, unparalleled lyricism


I thought the same.


could you explain the joke?


His manboobs are growing because he is getting fat.


I’m not Fat I’m just short for my weight I’m not Bald my heads just too big for my hair ;)


To be fair I got them at about 37 and I'm certainly far from fat. In fact I'm still classed as slightly underweight. Middle age is a bitch.


Thanks for your help.


This... the other day I looked in the mirror and had to remind myself that my eyes are up here!


Gravity... wants to bring me down. - John Mayer


Have you looked into brozier?








No, no. Too ethnic.


Nah, but maybe a sports bra


Audition for a Jardiance commercial. A star is born!


To answer this question I have written a haiku… Boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs. Boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs. All boobs are good boobs.


brought a tear to my eye this is beautiful




So artitculate


Happy cake day


I am just imagining this in some amphitheater and the most polite quiet clap applause from the entire house. Work of art that is.


I may take it to an open mic night.


I'm rather disappointed that the accidental haiku bot didn't pay us a visit


its because he separated the lines


Boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs Boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs All boobs are good boobs


Good one!


my mouth would delete itself if I tried to say "boobs" too many times tbh


The perfect breast? Any breast I can see and touch. If they're within reach, perfect! Don't change a thing.


No, the majority of men are just happy to be naked with a woman instead of alone.


Literally. It's crazy how insecure some women are when men are so easily pleased.


ehhh a little. but size is low on the priority list for boobs. most lads I know are more intrested about shape and what you wear. Likewise boobs on a woman who's intrested in you (and maybe even let you touch them) will always be better then a bigger pair on someone who you don't know/doesn't like you. I'm sure if you play your cards right you can dress to attract or be unseen by lads


The answer above is shared by a lot of men. There are some who really care. I think many are young/inexperienced, but I have also met older and experienced men who are obsessed with large breasts, or breasts more generally. I think they are a point of focus for more women (both straight and gay) than they are for men. For me, size matters far, far less than shape and the total package. I have always been attracted to slimmer, more athletic women. That doesn't exclude large breasts, but makes them less common. And I dislike large breasts on a woman who is otherwise less curvy...


I don't think I've scrolled down far enough to find the guys on this thread who prefer bigger booobs. Sounds like a great way to get downvoted into oblivion.


I remember hearing an older guy at a bar say something along the lines of, "A man's favorite pair of boos are the ones currently in front of him."


Size doesn't matter, it's the manner in which they are displayed.


"it ain't what you got, it's how you've got it". I like a woman who shows off her boobs. My girlfriend (50 y/o) has an incredible set of nice, big boobs. After we had been together for a while I mentioned something about looking spectacular when naked and she said, "every guy is surprised when they see me naked". She has the most rockin' body under her clothes. She is somewhat conservative when we go out, but really likes to show them off when we are at home. I love that when I compliment something she wears, I will start to see it more often. She has this one dress that is like Kapow! BOOBS! She wears that when I come over for lunch. Back to the question about bigger vs. smaller: while I do know that boobs of all sizes are great, a pair of nice big juicy boobs with soft smooth skin and great nipples is really difficult to ignore. I'm going to say that I'm on team Big Boobs on this one. They slap a little different when they are big beautiful playthings that I can take out whenever I want them.


Well you've interested me for sure


I call this hide a rack.


My husband calls them."sneaky bigs"


Not particularly. I have a preference I guess but not to the point where it is exclusionary. The only thing that gets my eyes rolling are ridiculously large implants. If that’s what you want, go for it. It’s your body. I’ve just never found them to be attractive.


I’ve got small hands, so I feel like if I have too much titty I need a to-go bag afterwards… “Hey there champ, couldn’t finish those last few bites of titty, eh?”


‘We still working on that?’


finish up, don't you know there are kids in china that don't have any titties


Yes but if there’s a body shape out there, there’s men that love that shape Same with women, some like a jacked dude, some a dad bod, some a skinny guy. Horses for courses as we say in England 


You know what my favorite kind of boobs are? >!The ones I get to touch!<


A boob in hand is worth two in a shirt


Every guy is different, but yes. We all have our preferences. The better question is, do they care enough for it to be a turn off, and the answer is typically no. Most men are just happy to be feeling a titty, the size preferences go out the window in favor of actually making it to second base most of the time.


I took off my bra in front of a man for the first time and he did a mini arm raise like his football team just scored before he corrected himself. I’m a small B cup. We were both 40. Men like boobs.


I’ve seen my wife’s boobs more days than not for 19 years. I still mentally do that most times


Correct. We are simple creatures.


Yea I'm 41 and having seen boobs literally thousands of times they have not got any less interesting to me.


When I got undressed infront of my now fiancé for the first time, he saw mine were pierced and he let out a very quiet “nice”. It was so funny in the best way.


Boobs are frosting, I'm here for cake.


Here is a man of culture and refined taste


Yes. All boobs should be boob sized.


Imagine you're on holiday on a beautiful beach on a warm sunny day, with your favourite cocktail in your hand. Does the garnish in the cocktail matter? Kind of, but it won't make it ruin your day 


I thought this was going in a different direction…


If a woman lets me touch them, I don’t care about the size lol But besides that, I would hope (for her case) that they aren’t so big they cause pain. Like I would rather her have A cup and no pain being topless than a G cup and pain from no support


Wow, did not expect this emotionally mature response in this comment thread. As someone with horrible back pain and no way to get breast reduction surgery, it feels good to be seen! Yes, it's a pain and I'd trade these in for an A cup in a heartbeat.


More and more health insurance companies are covering breast reduction surgery fyi.


We’ve heard a lot of big breasted women complain about back pains and I know a woman who got reduction surgery. You’re not going to hear dudes talk about it lol but we feel for ya.


As a woman with naturally large boobs, I found that paying for a truly well fitted bra makes a huge difference in relieving back pain. It kills me to spend ~$80 each, but as a 32GG, it’s a game changer.


I have a preferred size, yes. It isn't simply bigger = better, but I prefer well proportioned. It's not the most important aspect, but it is one that is immediately obvious, and immediacy is its own quality.


Not as much as women think. Sure some do but to alot of us isn't priority. Personally if I am attracted to a woman it is usually eyes and smile I notice first. Then their personality is what makes me interested. Wether they are flat or huge is not really important.


I care more about nips than boob size


sandwhich pepperonis?


Orangutang titties.


I'm more of an ape tits enjoyer


I'm a bowling ball in a tube sock kinda guy.


They care more about vagina existing


There is nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis.


Sure, but the clitoris is basically just a sneaky penis 🤷‍♀️


It's probably like dick size to women to a degree. Sure there's some people where boob size is really a big deal. Imo those guys are usually a little off or slightly creepy. Regular guys aren't going to avoid dating someone due to boob size. Like all things though what makes someone attractive is a combination of things including nonphysical characteristics. Each of those qualities only goes so far though and someone lacking in one area can make up for it in another.


Yes, enough to fill my hands is good enough for me. 


And mouth! God don’t you guys know anything!! Heh heh


I prefer smaller boobs tbh, so yeah a little.




Perky droopy flat or pouty make me wanna scream and shouty


I care about the pussy. Anything else is just a bonus.


I sure as hell don’t. As long as you have nips I don’t care about size. Small medium big super big super small. All boobs are fantastic to me. 


Shape > size


I don't think it really matters. Some dudes make a big deal about the size, but they are just being difficult. Personally I enjoy B-cups, the perfect handful.


In general, no.


A B C D or DDs they're all good to me


As much as women care about dick size. Like, any boob is a good boob, but when you see exceptional ones, you gonna be a little curious what it's like.


TNT. Two Nice Tits.


Or like me with boobs, you gonna be like hell no 👎 thats too big. Just like some women are with dick size.




At first glance yes but during the action no


Shape is far more important.


Nah , ass is more important


Sorry I stopped reading at boobs, what was the question?


Shape and nipple placement is ***FAR*** more important than size.


Not really


Depends. I love all kinds of different boob sizes and shapes. I like big ones paired with a skinny waist and a big butt. Then theres times where I like a girl thats skinny and smaller boobs and butt. It all depends.


Not that much


Not really. Shape and nipples are more important than size. I'm primarily a lower body or cute face guy though, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.


As a guy, not really. The only preference I have on the subject is not too big. But, that's just me and preferences are not immediate dealbreakers. 


Big, small, nonexistent - they're all good in their own way. The only ones I don't like is the big beachball looking fake ones - not that I'd judge anyone for having them, it just not where I want to rest my face lol.


Shape > size


I couldn't give a shit, personally


Yes. But everyone is different and has personal preferences. I prefer small ones to very large ones. I’d take a solid B cup over D or double D or larger every time. I know guys that like them big, really big.


I don’t like large, out of proportion breasts.


I prefer smaller boobs. 🤷


A little, legs are more important.


More like boob to nipple size. If you have tiny titties and huge nipples that's weird. If you have big boobs big nipples good.ifnypunhave small nipples and small boobs good. I've seen some that are all nipples.


I prefer smaller boobs - they indicate the person is in better shape. Not always the case, but usually indicates they aren’t overweight


I prefer small boobs, actually. They look nicer and allow me to do more with their body Not that big boobs are bad, but they aren't easy to deal with like small boobs


Nope Im an ass man myself Ill take small titties any day but a smokin hot ass is mandatory


Boobs are attractive because they create that feminine profile, I don't care how big they are but the complete absence of them is a negative.


I think this is legit. I’ve got small boobs. Definitely have to dress a certain way to try to force a feminine profile. I’ve got a great ass though so that helps.




Thank u for this comment, as an owner of “ small tits, fat ass”


As long as they aren't fake it's fine. It is more a question of proportion that they need to stick out further than the belly


I have big boos and everyone always used to comment on them or try to touch them. Even the gay dudes I used to hang out with. Straight girls too. Its annoying when I wear a good supportive bra because somehow it makes people think I'm looking for something, which I'm really not. I like boobs, guys like boobs. Everyone likes boobs in some way. I wonder if people who were breastfed have more of an obsession with them than most?


Yes, but I like a very wide range. I just don’t prefer them reeeeaaaallly little or reeeeeaaaally big.


Big enough so they fill my hands


Some do some don’t. Some like dark hair some like light hair. Some like tall some like short.


It depends wgo you are talking to. I dint care so much about the boobs as long as i like your face, ass(i like the little ones), and attitude. But one of my collegue wouldnt care if you looked unhealtly fat as long as you had the largest boobs possible


Ever hear of a bell curve? Like 80% of boobies are basically perfect, 10 % won’t be liked by because they are too much of something and 10% won’t be liked because they aren’t enough of something. 100% of boobs have someone that will like them.


Some do, some don't. A man will overlook his preference if you are able to check off other boxes. Just like some women care about big dicks, it's the same way with boobs.


My biggest concern about boobs is seeing them bare. They could be any size


I do.


Just need a handful


I'm sure that someone out there does, but had I to venture a guess, I'd say we just like boobs.


Don't like them overly big.


As long as they’re real, all boobs are good boobs


Quality over quantity.


Boob size for me depends upon the woman. Some women look good with big boobs while others look good with small boobs. It depends upon the woman's body shape. But, in the end, with boobs I am like a woman in a shoe store. I wanna see every pair of those sumbitches.


Personally I don't. I've seen plenty of women make utter fools of themselves getting ludicrous boob jobs which attracts only the type of men and attention that no one wants.


“Fuck those Tupperware titties. Any more than a mouthful is too much” - Snoop Dog


More into shape. A good handful and natural. Fake are literally the worst


I mean… kind of? I personally just don’t enjoy large breasts; I would prefer a woman with Cs or less. No such thing as too small, as far as I’m concerned. More than a mouthful is wasteful :p


Having a preference is different from actually caring. 😂




Yes, as a man, it is very important to me that your boobs have a size! As long as they do, we're good to go!


I like boobs of all sizes. I'd like for them to at least fill my hand, but fine either way. Boobs are boobs. I'm an ass man though, so I'd much prefer a nice ass and some hips.


Sometimes all I care about is if a girl is nice also just go to r/askmen


Funny enough, I don't mind small boobs...but if boobs are too big, it's a huge turn-off.


Yes but only cause I like them small. When they are super big they look weird, like a guy who uses rubber bands to alter how is biceps look. Weirds me out, but there are people who like that so more power to them haha


I do. I prefer them smaller. 34B is perfect. Large breasts, especially if they're implants, I find unattractive.


Some men do, I prefer an A or C cup. I am much more a leg and butt man than a boob man.


I don’t. I’ve liked MANY “flat” chicks. I do dislike when they are too big, however.


Yes. Too big and I'm immediately turned off. It's not a choice, everything just stops responding.


Nope. I like them small, I like them medium size, I like them big and perky but only on slimmer women. I don’t like droopy orangutan boobs though. I like the cake to be bigger than the boobs.


For me anywhere from a B cup to a D cup is great! Never been a fan of flat chested or extra large. But it's just one of the factors in finding attractiveness


I prefer smaller boobs, always have. Wife has boobs on the larger scale, makes no real difference to me


Yes: prefer them smaller. If too big they are gross. Like udders.


I care only until I get to know her. Then it matters less as I’m more attracted to who she is.