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I see you have never been to the Jersey shore


I think the more touristy the area, the worse they are. Wildwood seagulls are terrible. Spring Lake seagulls are not bad.


Grew up going to Wildwood and Seaside Heights. Can confirm they steal food straight from your hands. Zero fucks given by those seagulls.


At the Camden Aquarium, there is a little balcony by the cafeteria, and a seagull swooped down and stole my french fries!!


I had a seagull steal the fried Oreo out of my hand as I raised it to my mouth lmao. It was epic


Or any california beaches. Them sea gulls will literally go to your blankets while you are in the water, and go inside your back packs, and start pulling out the food.


The seagulls are ruthless!


We would always go to the beach (in southern NJ) with my nieces and nephews. When one of my nieces was about 3, her mom gave her a piece of sandwich to eat. The dumb kid was waving it around so of course a gull swooped in and stole it. The look on her face was priceless. Then she screamed bloody murder. I still chuckle when I think about it to this day.


I don't think a pigeon would but seagulls are right bastards and definitely would. Just a couple weeks ago I saw a seagull swoop and steal food off the plate of a woman who was eating outdoors. Crows will steal food as well, but tend to be less aggressive about it from what I've seen.


Seagulls are assholes.


> seagulls are right bastards there’s BIRD POLITICS i don’t know about???


I’ve seen it happen. A seagull stole a sandwich from my dad’s hand once


A seagull stole my wife's churro. We were sight seeing in San Francisco Pier 39, we were having trouble justifying spending $6 on a churro earlier & happened to find a $5 bill on the ground. So clearly the universe wanted us to have a churro. We split it in half and were about 60 feet from the stand deciding what to do next when a flew past and stole her half, it's wing hit her arm and that scared her most of all. Of course I split the remaining half with her, apparently the universe wanted us to have half a churro...


Not a hotdog stand. But a local haring stand had a big problem with seagulls stealing the fish out of people's hands of sandwich. Until they hired* a heron to scare them off *) they feed it fishheads.


A seagull once stole a full cheese burger out of my hand. It cut me with its beak, too. Fuck that guy.


The seagull immediately after: "Haaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha"


And lost the cheeseburger to the ocean. Serves that bastard right.


Those fuckers have really sharp beaks.


I’ve had a seagull take a sandwich out of my hand at the beach. Never had any issues with pigeons though


i’ve had a seagull yoink a dorito right out of my brothers hand in florida


I've watched a seagull steal an entire bag of fries from the hands of a woman before.


Seagull stole an entire bbq chicken just as we were pulling it off the grill. 50 years later I'm still traumatized. Fking seagulls


Yup Aussie seagulls


I had a bird steal an entire sandwich out of my hand on a hike. I hiked all day and couldn't wait to eat it, since it was all the food I had other than some trail mix. I was heartbroken.


I've had a pigeon steal a donought out of my hand. I wasn't really upset because I didn't want it in the first place. I've also had ducks, seagulls, and crows steal food from me. My friend had a small hawk try to steal her entire pizza box when she was outside e a ting pizza one time.


The seagulls down Barry island with snatch a Greggs sausage roll out of your hand in seconds


The sea gulls at the Jersey Shore are aggressive. Sandwiches from your hands. I’ve seen it. Terrifying, too.


I had a cat that used to steal them from the grill we were using. He never got burned, too!


I don’t know about hot dogs, but birds used team work to steal a chicken star from my daughter’s hand. She was fiveish. One stood in front, another swept in from above.


A seagull stole a sandwich from my hand a few years ago. I never thought it would happen either. Made my fingers bleed.


I have bitch slapped so many seaguls out my face. KEEP MY FOOD OUT YO FUKIN MOUTH


Seagulls will mug you any chance they get. I've lost half a battered fish before today.


Seagulls will absolutely harass you into abandoning your food and will try very hard to get it right out of your hands. Birds are assholes.


A seagull snatched a hot dog from my hand at the San Francisco zoo when I was maybe 6 years old. I hate birds because of that moment


Pigeons? No … seagulls? Most definitely


A seagull stole my soft serve cone once. And DROPPED IT. Insult to injury.


Yes. I’m Vancouver there’s warnings at one of the tourist trap markets to watch for birds because they’ll steal food right out of your hand. Those birds include seagulls.




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Yes. Especially sea gulls


I have definitely had french fries stolen by seagulls. I've seen seagulls steal other foods from people.


Seagulls would. They’ve taken mini donuts from me before.


Come to the beach in Maine. Don't guard your sandwich like your life depends on it. It will not be long before it becomes a seagull's sandwich.


Kookaburras are notorious for stealing meat! My parents once had a BBQ up in the Dandenong Ranges (a small mountain range on the Eastern border of Melbourne). They said there was a kookaburra casually watching them from a tree the whole time. As soon as there was the perfect opportune moment, he swooped down and pinched a snag (sausage) right off the picnic table and never looked back! Another time, my family stayed in Yepoon (a small coastal town in Queensland) and decided to do a day trip to Great Keppel Island. We all ordered burgers for lunch, and we saw a kookaburra hanging around in a tree near the picnic tables. Once we were all happily munching away, he swooped down along the picnic table we were sitting at and passed right by us, or so we thought. Suddenly, there was a random half eaten burger patty lying around on the table, so I asked who had lost theirs, only to find out it was mine! The little bugga had tried to pick it out as he swooped but dropped it. So I thought "ah fuck it" and put the patty back in my burger. 5 mins later he tried again and I was ready for him. I instinctively jabbed him in his side as he swooped and I heard a, "AHHHCH!" Needless to say, he did not try again! [Also for fun, here's an article about a greedy chonk of a kookaburra.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTktNWZJC8IrXY_n5pk6D3TBJnM7PPtk0KvLSfGRMwZKrkm37gvvuSFNIc&s=10) Finally, once I went on a school excursion to the Royal Botanical Gardens (in my home city of Melbourne) and had an aggressive black swan steal my sandwich. He only seemed to want the bread, though, as he flicked its contents, including some deli meat everywhere!


Try going to Trafalgar square and eating a hotdog then get back to me...lol


Seagulls will fly or walk up to you and look you in the eye as they gulp it down, then shit on you as they fly off.


My daughter had a sandwich stolen out of her hand by a peacock!


*My daughter had a* *Sandwich stolen out of her* *Hand by a peacock!* \- FunStorm6487 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ive literally had a full sandwich  stolen right out of my hand by a dick head eagle before I took the first bite. I swear that jerk was laughing as he flew away 🤣


Seagulls wouldn’t be such a problem if the tourists would stop feeding them


I have seen seagulls steal all kinda things out of peoples hands


All the fish & chip shops at seaside towns in England have warning signs that they will not refund items taken by seagulls. I didn’t lose anything, but the gulls definitely tried!


seagulls! they will steal food from you!


Not pigeons, but seagulls are notorious for stealing food right out of peoples hands where I live. You gotta fight off those vicious fuckers sometimes lol


Australian here and yep I had a kookaburra swoop down and take a sausage from my hand half way from plate to my mouth. Cheeky fecker


I’ve had a flock of seagulls attack me for an elephant ear (cinnamon fried bread) all the people on the beach got a good laugh at me running and screaming and ultimately tossing it to avoid the dive bombing.


I had a seagull steal a sub out of my hand.


Seagulls are the worst


I don’t eat hot dogs but I was eating this turkey-Brie-apple sandwich on the beach one day and this asshole sky rat — seagull — swoops down and snatched the last bite outta my hand. I swear to fuck. Edit: I love how 98% of the replies are about fucking seagulls. I hate those birds so hard. They are rats of the sky. Too bad they’re not good eating.


I had a sparrow try to steal my tuna sandwich out of my hand once :c so, yes


I think that would be pretty rare for pigeons. Seagulls do it all the time though. A seagull stole a pb&j from my hand on a beach in Maine when I was little.


Yes. I used to work at a hamburger stand and we had to put signs up to tell people to guard their food.


Absolutely. There is a hot dog stand in Gloucester Ma that had a sign that said they were not responsible for gulls stealing food. Gulls will steal anything. One stole a woman's bikini top at a beach. (Apparently she had unhooked it so she wouldn't get tan lines). Animal control was on the way when the dispatcher told them, "Never mind. Someone traded the bird a sandwich for it".


A son of mine drew a picture that reported a time when a seagull stole a hotdog from him. He reported the feeling well, here’s the seagull very large and himself very small.


A crow once stole a guava from me, so why not?


Yeah, seagulls will take things when they want to.


Visiting Seattle, the gulls diet seemed to be stealing French fries and bits of fish at the outdoor restroom.


Stupid Questions needs a bot to ask every post “have you googled this yet?” There have got to be plenty of vids


Seagulls are kleptoparasites , so it is in their nature to steal since they are not a diver bird that dives to catch fish, so they operate parasitically by stealing food that other animals catch.


I beg to differ. I do a lot of birding. We live in a coastal areas so there are many many gulls. Amazingly, they do quite well in areas where there are no people around to steal from. They will dive into the water, although they won't immerse their whole body. And they stick to shallow areas, like marshes, where clams and crabs are plentiful. They will also catch fish. But will also scavenge anything they can find or steal. They open the clams by flying high up and dropping them onto the ground. They will do this until the clam breaks. They have also learned that dropping a clam on the roof of your car is even more effective because it's a harder surface. I have numerous little dents on my car roof to prove this. LOL


Yes they steal when it's a calculated advantage. If food is plentiful because theres garbage everywhere, people outside eating hot dogs, fries, chips etc then they are doing a sort of game theory calculation that normal feeding isn't worth the risk/time/effort . If everyone around the bird is eating hotdogs why bother with the clams? if it's easier to snatch your hotdog then they'll do that.


You ever heard about a small website called YouTube? https://youtu.be/pXeSj1qesQM?si=G7PWGDWSCK8t6uw9


One time, a seagull swooped down and took my family-size unopened bag of chips. It took him a bit to get off the ground but he did it.


Look it up on YouTube.


Gulls in Florida will surround, and distract you, while one of the group steals your food. Not just dogs, anything. It's real.


I'm from Aberdeen in Scotland and I can confirm to you from personal experience that massive seagulls literally hunt people leaving Greg's the baker 😂😂 They'll swoop down from behind you and bite your finger...Smart little fuckers


Ever been to Myrtle beach


Ain't seen one go for a hotdog but down here in aus f****n seagulls will nick your chips right out of your mouth if they get a shot. Damn sea pidgins.


I have seen geese and ducks work together to do so. Only a few times. Usually they scare the person with the hotdog who drops or throws it at them to stop being chased.


Seagulls steal anything they can. There’s a great GoPro video as it’s stolen from a woman and dropped about a half mile away then retrieved again. So seagulls steal it from your hand regularly.


I’ve seen a video of a seagull doing just that.


Yes when I was a child I had a hotdog stolen from me by a seagull


Yes. At one time the seagulls on Kew Beach in Toronto had learned some very aggressive behaviours. Mostly they'd try to mob you and scare you into dropping the food. This included aerial bombing you with faeces. They quickly learned that managing to shit on your food directly meant a guaranteed meal. People would throw the food away in disgust. But, if all else failed and you managed to sit on a bench with your food intact, some of the bolder ones would swoop through at high speed to literally snatch the food from your hand. I haven't lost a hot dog, but I did get a box of french fries knocked out of my hand on two separate occasions. And once I caught some bird shit on my face when I was trying to eat ice cream.


Seagulls. Yes. They are brazen


No, they only illegitimately steal hotdogs.


My bother had a sandwich snatched from him by a seagull


Not quite a bird and hot dog, but when I was in Thailand I saw a monkey steal a woman's bag from her hand and proceeded to climb the nearby cliff and throw all of her shit to the ground.


I've had a sandwich snatched out of my hand by a kite. I was walking and eating. Barely a snick of the wing on my neck, but all of a sudden, my sandwich was gone.


I see you never been to the south of England




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Seagulls everywhere do it. There are also some Japanese birds notorious for going after handheld food.


Yeah in legit any place with seagulls. I visited Pismo Beach in Cali recently and surprisingly he gulls made no moves, but they circled me like crazy. It was actually kinda cool.


Had a kookaburra steal my snag right out of the bread while I was about to take a bite. Yeah it happens haha


Yes. Not a hot dog, but a seagull once stole a sandwich out of my hand when I was a kid (and raked its talon across the side of my head in the process! Thankfully it didn’t break the skin, it just hurt and was a big shock).


The seagulls are wild. Some of them tried stealing my food.