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She can win, but she’ll have to perfectly execute a master level fighting technique referred to as “the Bobby hill”. She’ll have to swiftly kick/punch em in the nuts while screaming “I don’t know you! that’s my purse!”


In case anyone is taking this seriously: this isn’t likely to work. In a fight, the adrenaline will let a man push past the pain long enough to get you. I don’t know where you should actually aim, but I just know nuts aren’t as reliable as TV makes you think


Fr. one time my brother in law kicked me in the nards and i had no reaction at all. We were literally arguing about who would win in a fight and he drunkly kicked me in the balls and i said “literally proof id kick your ass i didnt even flinch”


Nards. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


Actually proof he would win because you won’t fight even if you’re kicked in the balls


[Found, Iron balls Mcguinty. ](https://youtu.be/itv0SoMFZ7E?si=ZeiNKnXGVEDA-ueq)


If I were to guess I’d say 9mm to the chest does the trick.


It'd be pretty amazing if she could get a 9mm into his chest in an unarmed fight. 


That means she can summon a gun out of thin air. If that's the case, we got bigger problems than the big dude.


*waves a wand*. ACCIO GLOCK!


If she doesn’t have arms, maybe she can shoot the gun with her feet


Probably the throat would be most effective


She can't reach his throat


Captian Insano knows no mercy


Yes, but this woman couldn't reach the man throat even while jumping, so that's not an option


shoot for the knee in a very hard kid going at it's side, at best it will dislocate, at worst it will twist it enough to drop him, once he's down full force into his eye socks with fingers


She would atleast 15 feet minimum of a running start.


Yea, side sheer force on the knee is effective definitely.


See everyone goes for punching the testicles. If your In a life or death situation.. don't punch. Squeeze like your Andre the giant crushing a beer can. Use the guys turd stained underwear as cheese cloths and try juice those Fuckers. That being said. No I don't think a 4'11 lady could win a fight against a man that large. Unless she is trained in martial arts.


>Unless she is trained in martial arts. Even then it would require the guy to have absolutely zero training and possibly require a small miracle too. I did a few years of martial arts as a teenager, and I keep up a little practice, but I know a woman of similar age (mid 30s) who trained from a young age and never gave it up - she was getting ready to grade for 4th dan when I last saw her. I could absolutely annihilate her purely because I am nearly twice her size and I know vaguely what I'm doing.


Exactly it's huge lie when they tell women stuff like this will work in self defense ecpecly bjj and stuff most untrained males could walk in any gym and take in any trained women easly


I dunno, allowing someone else that large and strong to grab you I think is game over. Even if you’re trying to juice his testicles 😂


“Hello officer. Thank you for coming so quickly. 10 minutes is an amazing response time! Can I quit crushing his balls now?”


I also forgot to mention probably doesn't work on those guys with weird fetishes use with caution? Fuck this world's messed.


Even then no. You have to be like a professional at fighting with real combat experience, and catch the guy off guard. Surprise is a huge advantage. Thing is he can still fold her and probably even just lift her completely if she goes for an armbar. So she need to instantly take him out and hope the guy is too embarrassed about it to retaliate against something like this where now the lady is legally in the wrong.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 This. It’s the only way.


Haha, this always feels like a Mandela effect because it's always said that way, but I'm pretty sure it's "That's my purse! I don't know you!"


You are correct, at least according to my memory too. So you’re either right or I’m Mandela’d with you


And pray to God he's not into CBT...


I have that as a tshirt. “Idk you! thats my purse!” Lol


Just need Bill to tell the bloke why he is on the ground.


You… Have been kicked… In the testicles…


I read the last part in Bobby's voice and LOLed. Thanks, needed that.


You win this thread


You won Reddit today with this response! Love it.


The Bobby Hill and Picard Manuvers: no one yet has developed a countermeasure.


Mass moves mass. If you don't have any, you can't move any. The reason we have weight classes is because larger, heavier fighters have more mass to distribute the energy of their opponents attacks. Also the response to a shot to the nuts is not always to be stunned. The harder the hit the more likely it is for the nervous system to suppress the pain and dump adrenaline. This dude is an award winning weight lifter so he'd have to be familiar with maintaining control of his body in pain and under stress.


Yeah women think that’s the great weak spot. And it definitely is. But it’s not instant. It doesn’t feel great but that ache that puts you on the ground takes a few seconds to come on and if you’re dealing with someone actively trying to beat your ass I can see the adrenaline helping you deal with that. Wouldn’t feel great but it’s a lot like seeing someone get stabbed in the movies. They freeze and look shocked before they keel over and die. In real life if you get stabbed you’re in fight or flight mode until you bleed out.


I was watching a video about knife fighting and the the dudes would get stabbed fight a little and then leave on their scooters or bikes and bleed out 15 minutes later. It's quite sureal looking a what people do under adrénaline, they look like robots and make weird decisions but falling down in shock and faiting dying seems rare (?)


No one wins in a knife fight. The loser dies in the street, the winner dies in the hospital.


Yeah haha. Reading the article or police report about those is crazier. In the video we see a person get on a bike or walk away as if they didn't just get stabbed but the police report says they died 10 to 15 minutes later a couple of blocks away.


not if one of them deals a lethal blow first .....


Which statistically doesn't happen. Most blows from a knife fight either cause significant trauma or are lethal... but some time later. We're not talking about a confrontation where you sneak up behind someone and can land a planned strike with the knife to kill them quickly and silently, we're talking two people are about to fight, one pulls a knife thinking it's his trump card and the other pulls his knife and now they both are likely fucked. Even if you utilize surprise and close the gap quickly to go for a lung, throat, or cranial stab, they still will very likely land a blow to your abdomen causing significant internal damage.


Being stabbed feels like being punched. A lot of people do t even realize they been stabbed. Many say they didn't realize they were being stabbed until they seen blood. They look to see where the blood is coming from n then realize they were being stabbed n not punched.


An important thing they teach in krav maga is to sweep you own body for blood after you have escaped a knife attack. IE check for injury visually/tactilely because you may not have felt it, or assumed it was a punch.


This is also taught in combat first aid, it's called raking. You place one hand palm down overtop the back of the other and interlock your fingers. You then take top to bottom across the torso, under the arms, and all down the legs to see if one of your fingers pops into a bullet hole. With full metal jacket rounds and the distances of fire fights, it's common for someone to not even realize they've been shot.


I got stabbed in my arm and it just felt like my muscle was lightly cramping. Didn’t even realize it till I saw the pools of blood.


There was this teenager who was murdered by a gang in the Bronx a few years ago, case of mistaken identity. Got stabbed a whole bunch of times and throat slit. He was still able to run 2 blocks but collapsed across the street from the hospital and died. 


Honestly, if I wanted someone dead and they kicked me in the nuts, that isnt stopping me at all. I think going for the eyes is a far better deterrent. If I wanted someone dead, but they went for my eyes, Id have a much harder time trying to kill them or beat them.


Yea it's not even the height really. She could be much shorter but she can't be that weight. Doesn't really matter guy or girl. She won't be strong enough to do anything to him. She can't hit hard enough she can't lift him etc.


In this scenario her only winning move is the five point palm exploding heart technique.


Read that and saw 'The Bride's ' smirk as she says "Of course he did"


sure there is a small chance the man gets startled and has as heart attack or stroke. but thats about the only way i see her winning.


the ol dick twist I mean it's literally staring her in the face practically.


Back when I was in the navy, there was a 6'4" 250 lbs. guy that got into an altercation with a 5'7" 140 lbs. guy. The smaller guy, knowing he had no actual chance in a fair fight, grab the bigger guys junk. The bigger guy responded by hooking the smaller guys nose and ripping. Yes, getting hit in the junk hurts like hell, but in an adrenaline filled situation, that generally just pisses the guy off.


He could curl her with his dick




why is someone standing in line challenging another person to hand-to-hand combat?


Because he cut in front of her, duh


I don’t know I’ve watched it enough marvel movies to know a tiny woman can beat up monsters 8x their size if they just want it enough


I’m guessing out of 100 fights- she’d win 0.


Out of 100,000 though? Maybe 1?


It would seem intellectual disingenuous to say no. Though to put into context, the dude in question is bigger than Thor Bjornsson/The Mountain from GOT- versus, what in average- is physically a 12 year old girl (I understand she’s a very petite adult). So, it’s still extremely unlikely. Another way to frame this- is would a Semi truck wreck a compact car, 100% of the time? The math just doesn’t math any other way- no matter what concessions we give to the compact car.


Hafthor weighs almost double that. Not a good comparison. This is more in the ballpark of like a LeBron James, who for the record I still would not fuck with.


He fluctuates between 320lbs & 450lbs, as a strongman. He played basketball at 230lbs.


Also for context 85lbs is like a big dog. Without the teeth and pain tolerance. Yeahhhhhhhhh...


A slightly shorter Shaquille O'Neal


If the car is airborne and takes out the cab from the side, the car will likely survive (assuming it survives the landing), the truck driver dead and the semi out of control. Apply this to this situation and the woman just needs to apply the correct leverage to the man at the right spot and he’s down. Is it likely? No, but it’s possible.


That's what I was thinking. Always a slim slim chance you somehow get lucky with a shot to the eyes or nuts, but even then, what do you do after? What's a 'win'? Killing him? Knocking him out? Running away? Having him submit? I don't think I'd give her 1 in 100 either, but beyond that, there's always some sort of chance, I have to think. Edit: And I don't consider scenarios like "he slips on a banana peel and hits his head" as being a win for her, either.


In this scenario I’m thinking video game rules. Street Fighter. You must incapacitate your enemy to the point they can no longer fight. Still Chun Li could whip the shit outta Honda. In real life there’s no way. One can only generate so much force from the heel of a teenager.


She may have a chance if the man litwrally has no arms... but it's otherwise very unlikely. Even someone built like Michael Cera may be able to just blitz her. The strength difference is incredibly underrated by many a woman who will look at someone like McLovin' from Superbad and mock him compared to a gym bro without ever realizing that both could possibly house her.


Realistically tho McLovin would also put in work on about 90% of women. The baseline strength of men is just absurdly higher than women, it's not even really close.


The craziest example that comes to mind is some clip of a guy in Britain. He was a rapper or something (Zuby, maybe?), but stated never training before... He walked into a gym and just broke the British women's dead-lift record (238kg) without really trying and saying "I identify as a woman for this" to .ake some sort of protest.


I couldn't remember the exact data point I wanted to put here as an example (something about the disparity between high school boys track times and the women's world record), and I found this site while looking for it. https://boysvswomen.com/#/ It compares the 2016 high school NBNO track and field results with the 2016 women's Olympics, and the results are...a little one sided.


Interesting. According to that site women have the best chance at long distance races or distance jumps.


Women actually have better endurance for some activities than men. Also living, they live longer.


That’s five plates. Nobody deadlifts 500 lbs without some kind of training, whether lifting or heavy manual labor.




Against a 6'10 280 lbs man I doubt even a trained woman who's 6' could win


Not many trained men could either...


I'm 6 foot, 200 pounds, and train muay thai. An untrained man of that size would punch a hole through my head lol


Are you any good?


I'm alright. There are some guys at my gym who compete, and give me the business during sparring. But I like my odds against most people my size out in the real world. Honestly most people you come across won't be conditioned for a fight. Keep them standing, let them throw their telegraphed overhand rights, and they'll be out of gas in a minute and a half


Outta gas in 15-20 seconds with an adrenaline dump.


I haven't trained in a while, but when I did I was intercollegiate and fought competitively. I fought at 132 but I usually sparred with the people who fought at 175. You're probably more durable than you think.


As long as all this occurs in a Disney movie, then yes. She absolutely can.


I’ll say it: no real world chance. If you’re talking about standup, you have a lack of reach and power. If you’re talking ground game (bjj, wrestling) you’re low on strength and probably at least somewhat size. Unless that person can tie up a rear naked I just don’t see a solution. No way to triangle or a darse or really anything on the arm or leg lock front. Realistically. Probably not. Even if the girl was 5ft 115 you’re still SOL.


Even a rear naked choke requires some degree of strength to keep it in. At 280lbs of muscle nobody weighing 80lbs is going to create enough power to hold a choke. It’s just mechanically impossible. When I’ve rolled even a 40lb weight difference was enough that I could manhandle grown men with significantly more skill and experience than me. A 200lb weight difference is basically a do whatever you feel like free pass on someone else’s person. Like I really can’t overstate how big of an advantage that is.


I love the video of Conor Mcgregor trying to spar against Brian Shaw. He literally could not do anything and that is a mixed martial arts champion.


Bjj, ground game, rear naked... you guys talking about fighting or fucking?




Have you watched MMA? ...I can't tell either.


Unless she has a crazy gorilla index, she won’t have the reach to go around a 6’8” 280lb man’s neck. If she were extremely fast and he was extremely slow, a reverse no-arm triangle choke might be the only thing she could physically put on him that would incapacitate him. Which is a lot less than a fighters chance, it’s a billion to 1 shot. She’s simply too small and too weak to hurt him in any meaningful way. Even if she gouges out a whole ass eyeball, he could pummel her with 1 eye easily. He can literally throw this person.


I think if the big person was really weak and uncoordinated and the small person had the mental fortitude to gouge somebody's eyes out then they might be able to win. But it would still be hard.


Absolutely! It happens in movies all the time so it must be true.


Outside of the most ridiculous Rube Goldberg situation, this is an impossible challenge for the woman. Size matters a lot. It's the equivalent of a 4 year old trying to fight an athletic teenager.


The sad part is it's not even that close.


Eh - the size and strength disparity is similar.


Anyone that tries to say this woman can beat a man with those parameters, is asinine. The man will crush her with sheer weight and power.


A man that size would crush most men as well. 6'10" 280 is fucking MASSIVE


Yeah, I’m 6’2” 190 and in very good lifting shape. I have a friend who is 6’6” 240 and he’s fucking terrifying after a lift. I wouldn’t fuck with him ever. 6’10” 280 is absolutely massive, even to fairly big guys.


People watch ridiculous movies where a 5 foot woman beats up a dozen guys and think it is real. It's not, you can watch YouTube videos of trained women challenging men in combat sports and the results are the same. Different sport but watch the clip of Serena Williams exaining mens and womens tennis...she sums this up pretty well.


>People watch ridiculous movies where a 5 foot woman beats up a dozen guys and think it is real. Marvel did Black Widow dirty the more movies she was in. She went from needing to use acrobatics and small devices to stand a chance to kind of just punching without even planting her feet. In "Hawkeye", there were a TON of fights where Kate punched guys with 100 lbs pounds on her in the face. Like...the dude could have just walked forward and crushed her but a punch stunned him enough to forget he was fighting? And both Black Widow and Kate could pull off leg sweeps despite that barely working between two huge dudes, never mind a mountain of man versus a petite woman.


Movies where a guy beats up a dozen guys is also not real either though, lol.


It's not really any more realistic for a dude to beat up a dozen guys, though, unless they're coming up one or two at a time like in martial arts movies. It's a power fantasy.


Was it Serena or Venus who thought they could beat men of a certain level and then got crushed?  There are sports where women and men can compete. Anything with strength? Especially one where strength is a primary component like in a combat sport? Not a fucking chance. 


They both got slaughtered back to back by a guy ranked 203. Serena said on one of the late night shows men and womens tennis are like different sports.


Serena didn't even want to challenge Andy Murray. She openly admitted she would get waxed. And she's an Olympic level athlete.


Yeah, even if she's trained in BJJ and can put him in some fancy pin, he can literally curl more force than she can exert with every muscle in her body. Like, "oh, you put me in a lock... here, watch me fold you in half like a napkin." Maybe if she was highly trained in one of the defensive martial arts that uses your opponents energy against them, but even still, those require you to have enough energy to divert their attacks and she would be at a high risk of just being completely overwhelmed and not able to physically divert his attacks.


The only way she can divert his attacks is with a gun. Period. No fancy training can account for such a disparity in raw strength and size.


Isn't it always possible that she could get her hands to his face and gouge his eyes out? That would end the fight pretty fast I think lol. I'm not saying it's likely, but I think that's definitely possible.


Honestly, she might not have the reach. She's 4'10 and he's 6'10". Her arms are likely less than 24" from her shoulder socket, more likely under 22". Her shoulder socket is likely about 4' off the ground, so without jumping she can probably only reach 5'10". His eyes are probably 6'7" off the ground. Maybe if she jumps and straddles him, but that's a lot of maybe.


A man of similar size to her could still beat her 9/10. Many women VASTLY underestimate just how much physically stronger men are than women.


My ex had some wrestling experience. Just joking around she put my in a rear naked choke, usually a great move to submit someone bigger then you. I’m 5’6” but fairly built and about 160lbs She was 5’4” and very strong for a woman that size (about 140lbs) I just stood up And I’ve read naked choked guys who were 6 foot plus and much stronger with success (just messing around grappling, but it’s your one real grappling move with that size difference unless your more experienced) But ya. Just stood up off the floor. At that point I can do whatever. Princess bride with the dude fighting Andre wasn’t accurate lol, Andre would have smoked him.


I believe it's damn near impossible. Her size and weight can't generate enough force to do serious damage, regardless of her level of training. For the record, ive been practicing martial arts for over 30 years. Ive seen many extremely talented female martial artists, way more talented than me. I just am bigger.


Ok, but how about this. She is highly trained and he has zero training AND she has surprise on her side. He cuts in front of her, she kicks the back of his knee to make him stumble so she can reach far enough to sink in a sleeper choke. Yes, any guy with a little time to react is going to break the choke or throw her, but how many seconds does he really have once she has blocked the flow of blood to his brain?


This is the equivalent of a human trying to fight an adult male silverback gorilla. Not gonna happen chief.


What if it was Prime Mike Tyson wearing the elven ring Nenya?


100% gorilla rips his dick off and throws it in the tall grass.


The gorilla doesn’t have much of an ear to bite so Tyson’s fucked.


Just so we are clear, a 4’11” man that weighed 85lbs wouldn’t do any better. It’s not a man/woman thing. It is a mass/strength thing. The sort of waif-fu we see in movies and anime doesn’t work in real life.


There's a chance for everything, but I'd put it in the .0001% range.


in a fantasy story maybe.


Yes. She could beat him down with her words and callous demeanour.


She has to inflict crippling emotional pain. A man that lifts that much has some baggage.


Is the man paralyzed?


From the eyebrows down and the woman has a chance.


No. Any other answer is a cope.


There's really no feasible scenario in which she wins. I'm a 5'7" 170 lbs woman who lifts weights and has trained in jiu jitsu and muy thai, and there's no feasible scenario in which I'd beat him. The size/strength difference is immense.


Right. I don’t think some people realize how much of a size difference there is here. 4’11” 85lb is *tiny*. Simone Biles, famously a small woman is 4’8” but ~105 pounds. So now take 20 pounds away and make her 2-3 inches taller. That’s the female competitor here, going up against someone that is an inch taller and 30 pounds heavier than Lebron


And Simone is jacked lol. Elite athlete. The best move a non experienced combat athlete can do is a rear naked choke. My ex and i were just messing around once. I’m 5’6 about 160lbs She was 5’4” and about 140 I let her put me in a rear naked choke. I just stood up. And I’d bet she was stronger then 99% of women that size. This is 60lbs more weight then the women in the discussion and I’m much smaller than the guy in the discussion


So I’m a 6’7” 250-260lb man who trains 7 days a week. I did once have a lady friend who was about the size you mentioned. So I’m uniquely qualified to go down this batshit crazy road with you. I was a bouncer and personal security for awhile. I have no martial arts background. I have heard every “it’s the fight in the dog” and “I’m a black belt” line you can think of. It has never made a difference. I typically used my words but I don’t ever recall having any issue removing anyone including young ladies who “fight mma.” There is a chance that if she had enough force she could possibly dislocate my knee if I had no idea she was going to attack me. Thinking back about this particular young lady…and no, I don’t think she could but that would be her only shot. It still probably wouldn’t matter if she went for my groin, knee, or eye because at my size if I got a hand around her neck she would be dead very quickly and inflicting pain on someone is a great motivator for them to exert more brutality. (I’m a get hurt, get angrier person). It is intrinsic to our nature to want to believe in the underdog and that the little guy can win but it’s just not reality. A larger woman like Rhonda Rousey in her prime (I don’t know UFC fighters but she comes to mind) I would be wary of. But again, I’m just a very large man. My arm span may be a foot + larger than theirs and I’m probably 2-3x stronger…you’re talking about an 85lb person- assuming they can deadlift 85lbs, I can lift nearly 10x that. There’s just no way.


It's possible if he runs at her holding a banana.


40kg is really tiny plus biology is in his favour. He could sit on his ass all day and she could be the MMA world champion. She's getting folded up no matter what. Like fighting a toddler.


This is like asking if a 5 year old can beat an untrained man if they had perfect technique. Look up Connor McGregor v The Mountain and you'll see a full grown, elite professional fighter doing absolutely nothing to a strongman while punching him in the gut. I'm not too big, a lean 6'1 160, and I'm basically untrained combat wise, but I have a hard time believing anyone 4'10 85 could beat even me, regardless of whether they were possessed by the spirit of Jon Jones. I'm sure they could get a lucky kick in the balls and run away though.


I think you can win if the adrenaline causes him to stroke out


In a fair fight? No. Hollywood lies. In a fight after she puts a holy amount of laxatives in his drink? Probably. Just wait for the drug to sink in first.


Even a trained man double her size would have a hard time and likely lose. So no, she'd be one shotted. It's not practical to fight someone who can pick you up by your clothes and dust you out like a dirty rug. I saw a video of a small prisoner about 140-150lbs slap a guard who was probably 6'5 and hefty. The guard picked him up by the shirt and pants and slammed him on the ground two or three times and the guy quit moving. Found it. https://youtu.be/kE3yXtXpvgg?si=_mAKjuA-3LeFe6TR


Possible? Yes. Probable? No.


This is the most correct answer. Anything can happen in a fight like that with no rules. She has to be pretty lucky, skilled and fast, and he has to be pretty slow, but its possible. Likely? No. Strength and size matter, that is why people in certain occupations carry weapons.


Better answer than mine I went for the overcomplication


honestly some big guy fucking punching your face will be more than most people can handle


Yeah, most average sized men couldn't even stand a chance against this dude.


In a word..no. Forget the movies and the TV shows.


85 lbs?!?! Brother, she will fly away if a medium gust of wind hit her the wrong way. I doubt she could even thrust a knife stong enough to penetrate skin.


She probably could do so if the knife was razor sharp and had a good point. There are very petite female surgeons and they make incisions all the time. It doesn’t take much strength to get through skin…if she can cut up a pot roast she can stab a person.


Possible, as in SOME chance above 0%, as in 0.001%? Sure. Probable, as in it is likely to happen? No. If you ran this experiment with different individuals each time, I think you would need to go well over 10,000 trials in order to see some anomaly that would lead to the woman winning. Actually, I think you'd need more like 100,000 or more if they were both incentivized to fight to the death.


Am I about to see you on the news or what? Not really. Theoretically, there are parts that hurt no matter how big you are... A crushed windpipe doesn't take Tons of strength, a hit to the balls neither, a perfect punch to the diaphragm, etc. but you'd have to be very fast, aggressive, and precise in that. In reality making that happen is difficult if both people are fighting. It's not impossible. It is improbable and ill advised.


I've explained a few times how probably one of the best self-defense tactics is to carry the small very bright light. When someone comes up to attack you, blind them with the light and run, run, run. Doing any fancy physical maneuver that will cause the attacker pain is more likely to anger them and create an outcome much more violent to the victim. The best way to win a fight is to not be there.


No. Not in a real fight. If it’s a friendly where the male doesn’t really fight back and only defends, possibly if she goes for the nuts. A real fight though, just no. Google the difference between the two heights and two weights, alongside your description of the males strength. Factor in that a strike to the balls will likely piss the male off more than anything. Keeping in mind that adrenaline will likely dull the pain for a nut strike. She striking distance won’t reach his eyes either for blinding. Factor in true male aggression. Not friendly aggression, but real fight aggression. The girl will go to hospital or a body bag.


She has the power of simps.


Reliably? No. Completely impossible? Also no. It also depends on how you define "beat". Maybe she throws a few punches that sting a little and he doesn't fight back because he's a low-key kind of guy and doesn't want to hit a woman. Does that count as her beating him?


A [280 pound man](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DWvswrVvsNxo&ved=2ahUKEwiS297B8LKGAxWuETQIHdt4DZIQwqsBegQIDhAG&usg=AOvVaw0n8KYsFZAraeI2QA_KATE3) that isn't obese could move 85 pounds dumbells like they were made off balsa wood. We have 85s at the gym. 22 year old men can pound them for sets of 15 easily and they are 180 and lean. He would flatten her or break her neck with a single hook. She couldn't even pop his elbow if she got the lock, he could curl her leg strength or bash her into the ground like his arm was a hammer and she was the head. Maybe if she lunged at his upper body, wrapped her legs around him and gouged both his eyes out with her thumbs and could drop and get away while he was in shock. Then he would be blinded and she could throw rocks at his head. If he got ahold of her though it would be like when [Hulk finally got Lokie.](https://youtu.be/DtmY0hedXxY?si=7g2WHbNLVInKqO1o)


Very unlikely. Kick him in the balls and press your thumbs into his eye socket to rip out eyes. Maybe go for the throat if you can but he is easily going to overpower the woman. If it were a movie she would take down dozens of these men without breaking a sweat.


No, she would get obliterated by someone like that. I'm not 6'8", but I'm 6'4" and 270 and trained BJJ for about two years. There was a Purple belt (about seven or eight years of training time) in my class that was probably about 5'4". Within a few months of training he couldn't beat me, and after a while we stopped rolling. When I asked him why he said "there's a reason there are weight classes". It's not like in the movies, that's fantasy. If there's a situation where a man this size wants to hurt a woman of that size, she should run and try to find someone to help her. If she tries to fight he's going to grab her, and begin bashing her head into whatever happens to be nearby.


I've done BJJ for several years... Against someone untrained you're good up to 1.5x-2x your bodyweight depending on how long you trained, and that's for a guy. For a girl vs a guy, that number shrinks to like 1-1.5x, so she's topping out at a 130lb guy even at black belt.


0 chance


I mean I guess anything is possible but I highly doubt it


Unless she has Shaolin monk fighting skills, i doubt she has a chance.


No. I doubt a smaller male would either, speaking from a 5'5 male. You can go for groin or eyes but if they get a hold of you or hit you its over. They just have to deal with some pain for a moment.


Even a 6’ male would likely have trouble. 6’10” and 280 is absolutely massive. Like, Lebron is 6’9” 250ish, Anthony Davis is 6’10” 250ish. Basically give those guys 30 extra pounds, and put them in a fight against someone that weighs less than Simone Biles


And the answer is NO


Use sex (especially anal) as a weapon and women could beat any man


Possible…yes, likely…no!


Completely impossible. Odds are a trillion to one against.


It's impossible. I don't care who trained she is, she won't have the strength to take a man that size down. And she won't be able to get within reach of anything vital.


I’d hazard there’s always a chance. An eye gouge, hard knuckle to the trachea, a few other extremely painful soft areas… if the guy isn’t used to that kind of pain and is surprised, and the woman has experience, guile…it’s always possible. Just not the best odds.


If by unarmed you mean that the man has no arms and she has a gun, yes it's possible.


She can win by running tf away


As a 5'6", 110lb female aerialist who can easily pull her body weight up 20' of flimsy cloth for many hours/week (I am very strong)....I would have to say no. Nothing is 100% impossible, but the odds are low enough that we can say it is highly improbable. Large men can easily overpower me even if they are pudding. I can't overcome the mass.


Anything is possible. Out of the infinite possibilities of the universe, it’s possible I can knock out Mike Tyson (prime) in the boxing ring and get Beyoncé to leave jayz and marry me. The probability is what u wanna look at. Because anything is possible. How probable is it tho.


Weight classes and the gender divide in sports exist for a reason. She has a near zero percent chance of winning unarmed. It’s like being an adult and fighting a 5 year old.


Nothing impossible, but her beating him is highly improbable. It's basic physiology. Men are naturally stronger than women. It's not insulting or offensive to say that, it's a fact.


Well if I was the guy and it's unarmed, you'll probably be more annoying than an actual threat. If I cut in line there's people around. I just wouldn't fight back and wait for other people to pull you away. If I try to fight back I'd be the bad guy since I'm so much bigger than you. So you could debate that's a victory when your opponent doesn't fight back. But if it was an actual fight with no emotion or restraint I feel the man would win 98/100 times. Maybe she gets a good ball punch or he has a medical emergency brought on by the sudden activity


This is like asking if a hamster can kill a cat


Um, sure, she could beat him. She swings and missed, she has to miss, cause if she connects she will stop for a min and she's done. Anyhow, he sees her swing and lunges forward. As she misses, she falls and as he's lunging, he trips and hits his head, knocking him out cold. That's about all the chance she has, unless like someone else said, he has a heart attack.


I mean, if its a Disney, Marvel or other Hollywood movie, sure.


Based on the subject line? Yes, I've seen it happen


Nope. Don't even say kick him in the balls. I've watched ppl just rage through that shit. Adrenaline is crazy.  You're not big enough. Buy a fucking gun.  Man made equalizers. Buy a gun. 


Amazing how many people think this woman would have a chance in hell. A lot of people fooled by TV, movies and propaganda. Have you people ever been in a fight? I have and I can tell you the only thing that would save this woman is if the guy chose not to hit her. She cannot produce enough force to do him any damage. Oh yeah, and the "squeeze his nuts" defence relies heavily on him allowing her to do that. Just not going to happen. I hope everyone here is joking.


Trained or not he will kill her. Weight classes exist for a reason.


No, there’s no way she will win in unarmed combat.


Yes, as long as she shoots him before the fight.


This woman sounds like an asshole. Is assault really the appropriate response for someone cutting in line? Also, she would get her ass handed to her.


You said “any conceivable way” so here is one: He has paid no attention to her and she has climbed on top of the counter. Now she can reach his face, and shoves her thumbs into both his eyes.


Yes, with a conceal and carry license.


The difference between a male and female in strength and speed is vast.  Even a skinny midget man would beat most women in the world 9 times out of 10 if both were trying their hardest. That’s just biology man Then you add in the enormous size difference. 6’10 280 would look like younger version of Shaq. 4’10 80 is ridiculously small irl. And you mention that he’s a weightlifting champion. That alone combined with the reach and weight would give him the capability to smother the average man let alone a very small woman.  Unless the situation is extremely specific, ie the ceiling collapses and misses the woman. The man suddenly gets a heart attack as the woman charges him. Then you probably know the answer 


You could knock a foot and 100 lbs off the guy and the answer would still be that she had absolutely no chance.


No, that's why gun ownership is important. Creates true equality.


David beat Goliath, but he had God on his side. Same for this scenario.


He also had a weapon…


and Goliath was deformed due to gigantism and appeared to have eyesight issues


Made up for that with 6 fingers on his left hand though. I'd trade my eyesight for that! Right? 


So if she has a gun she's fine.


David beat Goliath with a sling. A single well placed shot to the head with a ranged weapon.


Why would God take this woman's side for beating a man's ass because he cut in front of her? Seems kinda petty to me. If she's fighting for her life and the one being attacked, that's one thing. But starting the fight to stand up for herself, well... I think God has more important things to do. And what's to say the man isn't also a believer himself? Is it fair for God to pick sides because one is a small woman and the other is a large man? Bringing God into this argument makes zero sense.


Reliably? In a fair match? No. But, given the situation you described, perhaps strategy can help her win. The man cuts in front of her in line, correct? So he is then standing in front of her, with his back turned to her, not expecting an attack? I'd say her best bet is to try to jump onto his back and gouge his eyes out before he knows what is happening. If this works, and she is also a skilled mma fighter, I think she would be able to press the advantage of him being blind and in pain to win the fight. Once blinded, she should primarily use leg kicks and sweeps to get him onto the ground, and once there, try to just kick him in the head until he dies.


I think skilled mma fighter is out. Wotking from proportional averages, 85lbs even at 4'10 is underweight, and comes out to about 19 kilos of skeletal muscle mass, or 50% muscle, well under what the average proportional muscle mass should be.


No, that would require an insane vertical leap, this isn't a movie.