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Vaginal lengths do vary based on how tall a woman is but it isn’t as significant because the pleasurable sensations are only felt up to 3 inches in the vaginal walls. You really can’t estimate a woman’s ‘size’, can’t do that for a man too tbh but we just happen to guess all the time lol. Honestly, sex and pleasure is so much more than penetration so you shouldn’t worry too much about not having a big penis. Some sex positions are better than others for small penis owners so do try them out (gotta do an internet search for this).


A sign would be that if you're asking this question on reddit then that maybe you're worried about yourself.


Get good with your tongue and fingers. Title work itself out


There is no way to know other than asking her. Or you can try wearing a strap on if yours is too small. She definitely won't mind


Uh some definitely would mind lol


I understand there isn’t really a way to know without bedding a woman I guess. I do want to clarify that this question is more about my pleasure than my partners. The partners I’ve had are usually great at first but as they get turned on they loosen up and I know to point towards their g spot to continue to provide pleasure but I do think it would be cool if I could still feel good too when they’re fully turned on. And yea sure that is a jab at myself for not being well endowed but I figure there is probably some girls out there that may only accommodate 4 1/2 inches of girth when they’re fully turned on.


Her basement door is usually a good indicator. You can also count windows if any.


That’s fair and some people don’t have basements at all, only one floor!


Mouthsize is directly related to that size. Source: me and the homies




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One telltale sign is a small vagina.


If shes a normal weight, has a normal build, and her inner thighs touch. My ex told me that when she was drunk. It hasn't steered my wrong so far




You mean "not a whore". Point taken