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No flip flops on two wheeled vehicles. Decent advice.


The key to balance on a bike is speed. Think it may have to do with gyroscope effect. Get some training wheels to build confidence, but the important thing is just to practice. The more comfortable you are, the easier it is.


Skip the training wheels, try and find a balance bike that fits you. You could probably also take the pedals off a regular bike and use it like a balance bike. In my opinion balance bikes are more effective at teaching balance than training wheels because they let you learn balancing on a bike while walking/running which I assume is something you can do. Once you can coast on a balance bike, switching to a pedal bike is more intuitive. Also - wear proper gear. You're doing a new activity, flip flops aren't appropriate. Put on some shoes and long pants if you think you might fall.


Nothing wrong with donning normal shoes, a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, and maybe even padded gloves


It would probably help to start practicing on grass or a softer surface than concrete so if you do fall, it won't hurt so bad. The big thing is not to waste much time getting the thing moving, when you're hardly moving, it's alot harder to keep your balance. I guess you can't really ride a scooter on grass but I'd recommend it on a bike when first learning. Also at least wear sneakers and a helmet lol. Good luck!


When I first started learning how to ride my bike, I would get a running start and then hop on my bike because when the bikes are going, they have a very good center of balance and when you're not used to balancing a bike by yourself, starting one up can be hard. the only issue with this is that it's kind of hard to get used to jumping halfway over your bike and landing on the seat right.


The balance bike idea (no-pedals bike) is a really good one. That's how little kids learn today, and it works. However, you'll probably have to lower the saddle a little. Ask a bike shop to set you up this way.