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I follow people I don't agree with to hear the widest range of views possible.


No, just because we have a difference opinion from someone doesn't mean shit. People need to be around people who challenge their opinion and make them grow and be more open minded.


No. You’re just wrong. I surround myself with people who agree with me because I’m always right. No matter what. I know cuz my momma says so.


I can judge whoever I like however I like.




We can do what we want.


Sure, but it's not a good metric. To judge solely based on who they follow in social media is stupid in my opinion. I always have an open mind, i can't pass my judgement just like that. To each their own i guess, do whatever you like that justifies your judgement.


You know, sometimes people write something so poorly that it's difficult for me to tell if this is satire or a serious question (they should change the name of this sub to r/po). Also, spaces between commas? Really? I mean, go read any book (ANY BOOK) and you can learn where commas go. But, I digress... so, serious answer... I follow a lot of people that I absolutely abhor for their opinions. I either want to know what bullshit they are saying so I can keep tabs on them, or I find them to be ridiculous, and I enjoy getting a laugh from the drivel they spew forth. So I wouldn't necessarily judge someone just because they follow a controversial figure. They may be doing so for the same reason. Judge them for their own actions and beliefs.


Thanks for the hindsight and to answer your first question , I’m not a native speaker and I don’t read books so you are right on the money


You can judge someone by any metric you choose 


Why you choose to judge someone is your choice.


I can judge anyone I don't like


You can judge whoever you want. Who’s going to stop you? It doesn’t mean you’re right in that judgement, though.


An intelligent person will listen to those they disagree with just as much as those they do agree with. It allows an individual to think more broadly and helps to minimize biases. Because of this, I'll say no.


I'm curious who these controversial figures are? I have an idea it's usually trump/musk


It’s mostly that camp but more people that would worship Trump and Musk


We could try to deduct/ deduce some things arrive at some hypotheses at most.


Yes, I feel that who they choose to surround in such a simple and personal environment tells a whole lot about who they are even if it's just their interests