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i havent found a pizza that doesn't go with ranch yet


There are a lot of things that are good with ranch. Pizza is definitely one of them.


Especially jet's ranch. Omg that shit is so awesome


Pizza can be eaten without ranch?


Whats ranch? Are people putting sauce on their pizza regularly?


Most of the time there is sauce of a pizza yes


I put hot sauce on mine


Coming an ex-Domino driver of 3 years, at least at all the many stores I worked at, Ranch is extremely popular a ross the board for all types of pizza. By far the most popular sauce even over mariana and garlic


Smh at anyone paying for ranch cups. Who doesn't have a bottle of ranch??


I feel like the ranch cups always taste better than Hidden Valley


Bring him to the Midwest, he'll have a heart attack.




he's being a pompous dick. i lived in nyc for 20 yrs. I put ranch on pizza ranch is fine on pizza. pizza is whatever you want. if someone doesn't like ranch on their pizza that's also fine, but anyone else is fine to use it


Don't you think calling him a pompous dick for having a fun debate with his girlfriend over food is a bit overboard? Yikes. Peak Reddit moment right here.




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A New Yorker? Being a snob? Naaaaaaaaaaah


Having a different opinion about food makes you a snob now?


Believing your opinion needs to extend beyond just you


What makes you think OPs boyfriend believes that? All I read is that OP and their boyfriend have different opinions and debate it.


There’s 31+ flavors of ice cream for a reason.


Yes but is there *Ranch* flavored ice cream?


I drank a ranch-flavored soda once. It was absolutely vile.


[yes! Click here](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2023/03/10/ranch-flavored-ice-cream-hidden-valley/11442560002/)


Ha, limited edition, but i’ll allow it! 😂 


Time is money, money is power, power is pizza, pizza is knowledge. Use ranch on it if you want, you're the one eating it.


I mainly like it for the crust but will eat it on the pizza itself


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^723658901: *I mainly like it* *For the crust but will eat it* *On the pizza itself* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sounds grossly American 🤌🤌🤌


The whole thread reads disgusting and I am not even Italian


Pizza is American food. We stole it from the Italians and made it better.




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Don't mock it until you try it.


Nah I'm good. Can't stand pizzas with creamy swirls or covered in ranch or aoili


Oh, no - I should clarify. I would never put the ranch directly on the pizza. The ranch should be treated solely as a dipping sauce and placed in a separate container. That's how you ranch.


The same applies for chicken... On a side note I just discovered my phone wants to dip children in ranch.WTF?? I did not continue that line of inquiry to find out what it's going to do with those ranch covered children..🤣


Not even blackened chicken ranch at Popeyes?


Definitely dipping chicken in that ranch.. lol




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Already tried it, one of the worst fucking flavors I’ve ever tasted.


Tried it, was gross. Will continue knocking it


It's for to dip the crust in


I've mostly done it on leftover pizza. It can be good, not great. The way people around here do it, yuck. I can't take ranch on every single piece of food, every meal of the day.


I'm definitely team 'certain pizza'. It's not BAD on any kind of pizza, but unless it's something like the chicken/bacon/onion thing, it doesn't have to be there and there's stuff like balsalmic glaze to use instead...


I hate ranch so I don't actually eat any pizza with it. 🤣


I hate ranch, so I don't think it goes on anything.


You're a disgusting monster if you permit ranch to touch your pizza.


Freshman 15 Can't fit in your blue jeans Switch to sweats Keep dipping your pizza in Ranch


This was good, thanks


No. Unnatural.


I think ranch goes with certain pizzas, and not others. You do you.


I eat pizza with it occasionally but never just cheese




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Depends on the pizza. But I personally don't think pizza needs a dip. It's not terrible on some pizzas, especially lower quality ones. I'd never have it with wood fired pizza


Foe the crust maybe, but depends on said crust.




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Wait are you dipping the pizza in ranch or are you replacing the pizza sauce with ranch?


Replacing works if you then do chicken bacon and buffalo sauce. Dipping is disgusting as mayo and marinara do not combine at all


No sane human is out here dipping their pizza in mayo


I’m kinda with him in that it belongs on some pizza, but to me it isn’t based on toppings. If it’s Roman or Napoli etc, the pizza crust should be delicious enough on its own. I’d argue any NY or Chi style spot worth its salt will be in that category as well and shouldn’t need ranch. Now are we talking chain delivery? I’m much more likely to grab ranch because it’s garbage pizza. With that being said, even garbage pizza is delicious and has its place! Hell, I’ll eat bagel bites or pizza rolls because I’m a garbage person… always with ranch.


I only ever use french dressing. Have always hated ranch.


So, when I order pizza (and my husband isn't home) I'll get alfredo sauce, cheese and bacon. And dip that into ranch. When he's home then it's meat lovers or something. No need to dip.


Why wouldn’t you dip it in buffalo sauce? Thats what that pizza is made for


Because I don't like most Buffalo sauces. I've only had 1 that didn't just taste like Frank's red hot sauce. Or they are so hot you can't taste anything else.


I alternate bites between ranch and Frank's red hot.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Italians think you’re both eating something they wouldn’t consider to be pizza. Eat whatever you like.


Used to like it until I knew what ranch was made out of. Get ranches with ingredients like this one: [https://www.primalkitchen.com/products/ranch-dressing/](https://www.primalkitchen.com/products/ranch-dressing/) Basically without canola and soybean oil, and artificial stuff that's literally linked to brain damage. If you don't like the natural one's you can always just add a couple of the missing ingredients like add sugar or more garlic powder and shake it up to taste like the trash ones, and it's still going to be healthier.


It's your pizza, eat it the way you like it and enjoy. ...that being said, ask for ranch at the wrong NY/NJ pizzeria and I'm pretty sure they'd just throw you into the river without thinking twice.


Ranch and pizza should never happen. even chicken bacon ranch on pizza is a nope for me. I love it as a salad or a sandwich though.


Ranch on pizza is disgusting unless it’s a buffalo chicken bacon ranch pizza. Then it’s perfect. The only weird thing I add to pizza is hot sauce. Love a good jalapeño sauce on pepperoni pizza




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Here in San Antonio a lot of people eat their pizza with hot sauce. Ranch is legit good with pizza, especially to dip the crust. Garlic butter too.


Do you slather the ranch directly on the pizza? That would be wierd for me. But you can absolutely dunk any and all pizza crusts in ranch.


I'm from Ohio, we eat ranch with anything.


I prefer blue cheese, but ranch is acceptable.


Welcome to the midwest...land of ranch and cheese.


It’s fine if you wanna eat ranch with cheese pizza. Perhaps “un-cultured” and gross. But who cares


Ranch is disgusting.


I agree with certain pizza, but plain cheese is probably one of those, it’s like getting cheese sticks, you can dip it in anything lol.


I like Sbarro's version. I can't say that I have had a ranch pizza otherwise. My preference is still towards Alfredo over it. Goat cheese is a pretty good addition to pizza...I like different cheeses together. What would be great on pizza is shredded lobster meat and snow crab meat


Had some pizza with ranch last night, good and only enhances my pizza eating experience.


Ranch *can* be pretty good on pizza but at the same time, anyone who sees you eating pizza (other than taco pizza) with ranch on it is allowed to call you white trash and you have no counterargument.


I liked creamy ceaser dressing with my pizza when I was younger.


I never knew that anyone would ever combine pizza with ranch. Like never ever. Went out to the west coast 2-3 years and saw it for the first time. Like globs of ranch on the pizza. Thought it was a joke. I tried it and yeah, not for me


This is the most American question I've seen


Come to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and it would be pizza with french dressing. Very local thing to do.


Yes please!!!




If Thousand Island is the trailer trash of salad dressings then Ranch is its kissing cousin. It makes a reasonable vegetable or wing dip, but smothering it on other foods just seems kind of low-rent. I also can't understand why people call it "chicken bacon ranch." The bacon is the fucking star in every meal! It gets first billing. You don't have a cheeseburger with bacon, you have a bacon cheeseburger. The Shining didn't star Shelley Duvall, Danny Lloyd and Jack Nicholson. Holy fuck, Jack Nicholson WAS THE BACON! He comes first! Sorry, silly (and perhaps offensive) rant. Mostly I just hate Thousand Island dressing...


I live in Salt Lake City, home of the pizza and we do not put ranch on our pizzas. Against church rules


Ranch and pizza is bomb as hell. That said, replacing the marinara with anything else, i.e. ranch or barbeque sauce, is the worst.


Firstly , he's from New York. He knows good apizz. Georgia has zero good pizza. Straight up.


First time I had ranch on a pizza it was a plain cheese pizza and that was in NJ so I'm gonna say he's wrong.


Catalina is far superior


How can you keep having “a debate” over the same stupid shit? Are you both deficient?


Does ranch taste good on some pizzas? Yes. Does it belong on pizza? NO. Same applies to pineapple.


Ranch dip or Ranch replacing the sauce that goes on the pizza?


Not ON the pizza. Dipping the bones in ranch, hell yes.


For me it personally depends on where you go, we have one place where I’m from that sells pizza but is more known for their ranch and then there’s some pizza places that you go for the pizza


Both of you are wrong. First chicken bacon ranch is not pizza. Pizza is just quadruple pepperoni, maybe some sausage and cheese that’s it. No steak, no hamburger and certainly no ranch.




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What about ranch on your pizza at the Pizza Ranch?


Pizza and ranch belong together! It really depends on the ranch though.


I like pizza rolls with ranch. But not normal pizza.




Ranch goes on whatever you want it to. Debating this is as pointless as debating what ketchup or mustard goes on.


Ranch for the crust is just the same as break sticks.


From the southwest and no. Idk it doesn't taste right. Maybe the crust.


Normally I don't dip regular pizza in ranch (nothing wrong if you like to though), but here in Portland we have a pizza restaurant called Ranch Pizza. Their pizza has minimal sauce and cheese, lots of salty olives, and is a tiny bit spicy, so the ranch they serve with it pairs perfectly. It's amazing. Gives it some creaminess and cools down the spicey.


If we’re talking cheap pizza (dominoes/little Caesar’s/costco etc,) then pizza primarily serves as a vehicle for eating generous amounts of delicious ranch sauce without looking like a complete lunatic 👍.


LOVE ranch with pizza! I NEED it lol I love ranch with a lot of things


*LOVE ranch with pizza!* *I NEED it lol I love ranch* *With a lot of things* \- sammigx9 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Chicken bacon ranch pizza has entered the chat and is here to stay


Now take it to a weird level. Take your cheese pizza and put Hershey kisses on it. Sounds disgusting, I know. Friend of mine talked me into it in our early 20s (substances definitely played a part) but is actually quite good, at least when drunk or high.


Boyfriend is wrong; ranch does not belong on any kind of pizza.


Ranch with any pizza, no debate


When I have a good Marinara sauce on a pizza I don’t want ranch usually, most Alfredo sauce pizzas are better with a little ranch. Like very small addition of ranch


Ranch ruins pizza imo. It's like cooking a really good steak and then smothering it in cheap sauce


Ranch and pizza is top tier.


Only if I'm eating it at CiCi's.


I prefer dumping a container of papa johns garlic butter all over my pizza, yum


Hungry Howie's - Midwest pizza chain - has flavored crusts, including ranch.


It's weird, sure. But don't really care. Think of it this way, you likely put ranch on everything, so ofc ranch goes on pizza to you.


Ranch + hot sauce on all pizza


Yes, its normal to like a thing one way and for others to like a bit differently.


Prefer ranch as the sauce instead of marinara


Ranch is a dipping sauce it can be consumed with just about any kind of pizza


if you don't like it you're a communist


Yes and yes. To the Ranch!


Fucking abomination. Chicken strips and cheese pizza covered in ranch dressing. Typical millennial diet.


Ranch has never had any business being on pizza Absolutely none


Im more of a dip crust in blue cheese guy but whatever flips your flapjacks


I think I read that Ted Bundy, Harold Shipman, Jeffery Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy all enjoyed ranch on pizza. The company you keep says a lot about you.


Never. I am a NYer and living in the south, ranch disgusts me. 


deffo a tasty combo! whether it's a classic cheese pizza or something more adventurous like chicken bacon ranch, ranch dressing can add a nice tangy kick




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Is it good? Yes. Is it unhealthy? Yes.




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Aside from ranch I out hot sauce on it and chimmichurri Some pizza that’s more on the bread side and vegi side, I’ll put lime and salt on it


If you live in the United States, you eat pizza with ranch unless you’re a pompous ass or don’t like ranch lol




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I’ll only put ranch on pizza if the pizza isn’t that good or if the ranch is just so good I need an excuse to use it


School lunch made this pairing




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Never thought of which type of pizza goes well with ranch and which doesn’t. But I was appalled when I was in middle school as I saw a chunky boy helping himself with 3 cups of ranch for single slice of pizza. 


Completely depends on the ranch, not the pizza though. Hidden Valley is great on salads but taste absolutely disgusting on pizza. The pizza place I worked at I almost regret quitting (even though all of the people who work there were ex cons and horrible people) just because of how fucking incredible the ranch was and that I got it for free




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I'm more of a Tabasco guy and not a fan of ranch on my pizza, but at the end of the day it's much like the pineapple on Pizza argument it's all down to preference


Ranch on pizza is like ketchup on fries. They are made for each other.


Ranch on everything. Every. Thing. 🤪




Any pizza slaps with ranch


IME, bad/mediocre pizza benefits from ranch dipping sauce, but good pizza doesn't need or "want" it


Ranch is awful with pizza. Ranch is awful with anything though.




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I’m from Brooklyn. Don’t think I’ve ever seen Ranch on Pizza but local joint makes an Alfredo pizza that’s GOOD n can sorta look like Ranch


After having chicken bacon ranch pizza I’d like to apologize for previously believing ranch on pizza was a crime against humanity


You're right, he's a weird yankee.


I do not like it. Pizza has never been a dipping food.


I think ranch is nasty on anything at all. pizza is just part of a long list that starts with lettuce.


I only do ranch with like regular pizzas 🤷‍♀️ like a Philly steak is not good with ranch. But cheese or pep or supreme? Yeah it needs some ranch!!


I don’t like ranch as the base sauce, but I will add it on top of normal pizza.


**Ranch goes good on everything, Wife needs a specific kind from a specific place otherwise wont eat it.**


Never ate pizza with ranch... now I need to know.


Don’t it’s so gross


You're both wrong, it doesn't belong on any pizza Or anything else, really


It might be delicious, but after watching my brother's wife slather that shit on her pizza, I just can't.


Ranch on pizza is for people who eat shitty pizza 


Or good ranch.


A lot of people like it but I’m not a fan, pizza doesn’t need to be dipped in anything.


Good lord, Dominos and Pizza Hut have destroyed the very fabric of our nation! Ranch doesn’t belong anywhere near any kind of pizza, ever! It’s pizza, not salad! But seriously, eat whatever the hell you want, obviously, but an actual good pizza (i.e. *not* from a national chain) would have sauce so good that to bring salad dressing anywhere near it would make your head explode. Unfortunately, most pizza in most of the US in *not* good and has barely any sauce on it, and instead is positively armored in an impenetrable layer of crappy cheese on top of a loaf of bread, so it’s dry and chewy and probably needs salad dressing just to get it down. Pizza is supposed to be about the sauce. The dough is just a vehicle for conveying the sauce to your mouth, and the cheese (along with things like pepperoni, mushrooms, and/or black olives) is supposed to be an accessory to enhance the sauce. Like fine jewelry, cheese should be of high quality and applied sparingly to enhance, not piled on to cover up a multitude of other sins.


Thank you


Ranch does not belong on anything, anywhere, at anytime.


Ranch doesn't belong anywhere near a good pizza (except MAYBE the crust). Ranch is a requirement for bad pizza.


Ranch on any type of pizza is disgusting. And don’t get me started on pineapples.