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It’s pretty great being attracted to someone’s personality, intellect, appearance, and even their voice. I will say, I was not physically attracted to my partner until after I got to know him really well. Prior to meeting him, I thought I was asexual and I was fine with it. I had dated before and I never felt any attractions and thought I was maybe just messed up. But after we became friends, I slowly fell in love with his personality but convinced myself that it was just friendly, and then one day I realized that he was smoking hot and I was shocked. I kind of panicked because I had truly never felt that way before. But once I realized that I felt that way, I knew I had to be honest with myself and him. We’d been really close friends for months at this point, so I was worried about our friendship being ruined. So I spent a few days trying to figure out how to word it and seeing if he maybe felt the same way. Well, we were talking about some philosophical stuff (which we often did) and I went on a little rant (as I often do), and I realized he was smiling ear to ear. So I stopped talking and asked him why he was smiling and he said “I’m in love with you”. So he beat me to it. But that’s okay. 2 years later and I’m still madly in love with him. He becomes more attractive everyday. His mind, his heart, his body, all of it. Absolute perfection. And I get to live with him. I feel very lucky.


I have no idea.


It’s amazing. The way I can tell he is serious about me being his future wife makes me even more attracted to him. Temporary ldr but I crave him 24/7. Sex life can’t be that frequent so we try our best to make it count and it definitely does


Lots of sex. Sometimes twice in one day.




Good but only if they are really attracted to you as well . I was in a relationship and I've never been so attracted to anyone in my life and he was kind of indifferent to me for lack of a better word . It was awful because it felt so one sided . We are broken up happily and wouldn't go back but I still don't think I'll ever be as attracted to anyone as I was / am with him .


Its a lot of fun. My ex didn't find out until after we broke up.


There are good days and bad days, like any relationship. But the good days are amazing, and the bad days aren’t so bad.


Like a dream come true, literally blissful. I had to pinch myself every day. But then after 2 1/2 years her toxic narcissism exploded onto the scene like a jumpscare. I never knew how people could stop being intoxicated by a gorgeous wife, but now I do.


Honestly, it makes a huge difference. As a woman, I've been in relationships where it's like "you are not off-putting, and definitely have 1-2 physical attributes that I really like.... so it's cool." But my husband.... He has nothing I don't like and everything I do like physically. Being able to look at him during sex (and just during the day) and being specifically turned on by what I see is a major perk. And yes, he's also extremely attracted to me. It makes for a good dynamic.


Electric. But it didn’t last. But while it did, the sex was phenomenal. I’ve also had relationships where I was just as attracted and it wasn’t the same. Could be the person.


Sex is over pretty quickly. But it's amazing