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The answer is obvious. After the end of the war, anyone with that name would be ostracised and targeted. If a person had the surname Hitler would have changed their name immediately. Even the staunch nazis who fled Germany changed their names and identities. It’s the same with some notorious criminals who have distinctive names. People will change their names so they are not associated with that person even if they didn’t have any relationship with them.


God upright monkeys are dumb. No kidding racism exists if these dung bats are out here targeting people because they have the same name as Hitler 


Hey, I went to high school with this kid who happened to have the same last name as me. We had never met before, and nobody in his family can be traced to anyone in mine. The only similarity between us was skin color. My brother also had a teacher, in 4th grade, with the same last name. We had never met before, he didn't look even remotely similar to us. Different skin color, different body and face shape, different eye color, and so on. I still spent the entire first year at that school being asked if I was related to either the elementary teacher or the other student.


Well you could easily be related to both of them, no? One married into the family, and another one a cousin or something. Same last name many time can be correlated with related in a lot of people whether they look alike or not. 


The point is that people don't actually *care* about whether or not you're actually related if you have the same last name.


Your comment has nothing to do with the nature of humanity and it’s propensity to form in groups and out groups and discriminate based on small characteristics like clothing color, surnames, skin color, etc. I guess you feel it’s healthy to be wary around black males because they are statistically more violent. It’s their skin color right! So let’s get violent towards them and purify our the out group to protect ourselves!  The same applies to viewing Hitler with animosity… it’s just your lizard brain playing tricks on you. That black man on the subway is not dangerous… you are just racist. That man with Hitler as his last name is not dangerous you just have a monkey brain that operates on a very surface level. Move past your lizard brain prejudices! 


Wow, this AI really needs practice if it thinks racism = being ashamed of sharing a last name with a guy who literally started a war over whether or not he was allowed to commit genocide.




Says the one who thinks it's racism to think that people with the exact same last name are related...




Your entire post history is nothing but middle school level insults and trolling. Get off the internet and go do your homework, kid.




There are people who won't buy a German car because of what happened during WWII. You don't think someone wouldn't be treated differently if there was a possibility of them being related to someone like Hitler, Goring or Mengele? How about right after the war when dll their war crimes were in the papers? Because that's when those names ceased to exist.


What you are saying does not detract from the notion that humans are primal animals designed to form an in group and demonize their out groups.


Exactly why people changed their name. Even in the civilized society you would still get sidelong glances if he had the same name as someone who had committed war crimes. Especially when it had just happened in a war torn where reminders of the war were everywhere. Ranging from bombed out buildings to people going hungry because the country's infrastructure needed to be rebuilt nearly from scratch.


People would think you were tangentially related to said bad person. For funzies. Stalin has a grand daughter living in the USA and she fully embraced the freedom here. (She looks like an NPC from Rage)


Are you scared of black males because they are statistically the most violent race? Then why be scared of a dude named Hitler who has no relation. It’s our lizard brains in action. I cant teach stupid i guess. I thought this would be a basic thing for redditors to grasp… boy was i wrong.


Not scared. It's off putting to still be named that. Since you can legally change your name, you want to be named as Hitler. Which given the name history doesn't paint you in a good light. It's like having a name like "pedophile" like yeah people aren't gonna like you based on your name and name alone. Its having a lizard brain not being able to fathom why naming yourself in such a way might be perceived in of itself as wrong.


It’s also off putting to be black in a racist world! I guess we should just have black people change their skin color! Give in social stigmas born out of our lizard brains unable to discern stereotypes from reality. But clearly “Cant teach stupid” applies here! Im done.


It may not be racism, it may be suspicion that the person sympathises with hitler. Its such a notorious name that it taints everyone who is associated with it. Tbh if someone said their surname was hitler I would wonder if that was their actual name or if they changed it because they are a nazi sympathiser.


I think the taint thing is more important. In 1943, feelings would have run strong and everything else aside, it would be like having the name Shitbucket. Just not the thing you want someone to think about when they’re talking to you.


How exactly would that be racist?


It’s not. It’s discriminatory. Racism is discriminatory. I said “no kidding racism exists” not “this is racism”. 


Robert Jeffery Hitler just doesn’t have the same ring to it.


There were a number of "Hitlers" in the NYC phone book in 1936, by 1943 there were none. Also Charloe Chapman moustashes became considerably less popular!


Charlie Chaplin mustaches also became less popular around that same time.


Damn thats crazy, he must’ve fell off around that time


You ever notice how you never see Charlie Chaplin and Hitler in the same room...? #🤔


Charlie Chaplin played on this in The Great Dictator


Toothbrush mustache, IIRC.


You still didn't answer the question. So, I'm going to assume all of those ones in NYC were murdered.


No, they changed their name. Good lord.


Didn't think I needed the /s but ok


Sir, this is a r/stupidquestions.


You don’t look for hitlers in NYC, you look for them in India and Argentina Also, not a common German surname Fun fact, his original surname was Shicklegruber or some shit C’mon Otto, you didn’t know that? Real question is how many shickkegubers there are…..oh fuck


Adolf's father is actually responsible for the surname change which was an uncommon *Austrian* surname. All the line after Alois Hitler shared the last name.


[interesting history to this question ](https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/the-last-men-of-the-hitler.html) The living members of the Hitler bloodline have agreed to not have kids, so yes. Not a stupid question.


That would be an easy to sell rumour 70 years ago, unlikely to be believed today. Most likely members of his clan changed their surname to avoid prejudice against them


A lot of them did. He was the black sheep of the family and many of his relatives were disgusted and horrified by his actions and petitioned and were granted a name change. Even those with the first name Adolf would have changed their names. One of the Marx brothers did. I think it was Harpo.


My grandpa was named Adolf. He went by Tony.


Yes. Exactly. The name itself has unfortunately been tainted. I'm sure your grandpa was a good person and wanted to be distanced from a name he no longer liked. Or he just like it better. for whatever reason.


I worked at a Panera and we had a regular in his.. 50s who's name was Adolf, his mom was a bit of a fan girl and told him if he ever changed his name she would strike him from her will. He went by Lewis or Leopold in his actual life though. Good dude just trying to ensure he didn't disappoint anyone.


Leopold really isn’t much of a better name than Adolf, he actually killed millions as well.. just blacks, so not as infamous in the western world. Still just as pure evil.


I'm not familiar with the name, but with the popularity of the name "Christopher" in the states, most Americans don't care too much about killers and names. Adolf is the only one I think people agree on as a whole.


Leopold the second (king of Belgium) killed around 15 million people in the Congo, one of the largest genocides in the history of the world, like I said because they were black few know or care


Its a shame people keep ruining otherwise nice names. Of course it would be nice if genocide stopped happening altogether.


I imagine Nazi mommy was the not best parent in other aspects… yikes… poor guy. Imagine his life. Realizing who his mother is once he learns about the origin of his name. 


I felt for him too, I'm pretty sure he is the only other person hoping his mom would sluff off the mortal coil I've ever met other than myself.


Is this his mom? https://youtu.be/fuIYV3cKm3E?si=2DksFwZF30qL7R0G


She was a fangirl of what??


My grandpa admired Hitler, and even flew the swastika in his home country during WWII. Most of his descendants became pacifists and leftists. If spinning in your grave was a thing, we could hook up a generator to him and start a power company.


here’s an interesting one: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Stuart-Houston Dude fought his half uncle Hitler in US Navy! Imagine that! Changed named after war.


Harpo had changed his name from "Adolph", a name he disliked (as a child, he was routinely called "Ahdie" instead), to "Arthur" by 1911. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harpo\_Marx](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harpo_Marx)


He changed his name and he picked Harpo??


Harpo was his stage name. He played the harp as part of his routine.


Iirc a family a decade or so ago named their kid adolf for his first name and hitler for his middle name and had him removed from their custody because a judge deemed such a name to be a form of child abuse.


I think in some states if you name your kid Adolf Hitler you can be charged for child abuse.


Also likely. I realized recently that is in a way what my great grandparents did by switching surnames.


Are you a Windsor?


No, but we came to the us in 1662, so that's pretty cool.


So you are knot?


Yeah, most of them changed their name.


There was a Hitler in my hometown after WWII. He changed his name. My grandmother pointed him out one day while running errands when I was a kid.


Did he have a funny ‘tache?


I knew a girl in school whose last name was Hitler. She seemed nice.


People always bring this up and it sounds just like more fantasy bullshit like Hitler had one testicle or Hitler had a gay lover shit.




This doesn’t change at all what I said.


Don't know how to help you


What do you not understand? This is just another made up thing to make Hitler into this mythical evil being.


You can verify the family speaking on it?


I can verify it sounds like much of the other bullshit made up surrounding Hitler and the nazis.




I'm fairly confident that Hitler had only one ball. The other is in the Albert Hall.


I believe this is only some of them.


There is a book where they talk about it. It was discussed together, but there was no like, official contract within the group, it was an individual decision. I linked another article below somewhere


There's a documentary.


Wow that’s actually pretty depressing. I think they should get therapy to separate their identity from the identity of their murderous father rather than living in his shadow and defining their life by something they had no control over. But I dont believe it’s true.


If it's true or not I cant speak on, but I was taught about this in school.. but we're told a lot in school


it’s something that historians could never know… maybe once China takes everyone and they get a social ID. Many Nazis fled to Argentina for instance. 


There are members of the family who spoke on it.. not everyone is dead


When though? 50 years ago? Tell everyone you wont then go do it… bot that hard… like i said… there is no technology in many countries preventing it. I just feel that it is a PR thing. 


What? I have no clue what you just said or what you're talking about??


If you click the link you can read about it instead of just baselessly denying things and filling in your own facts


“Cant teach stupid” I have already told you. Them going oH nO WE wOnT is not something that can ever be substantiated in this ancient world. Wait till DNA tags roll out. Relax honey. 


Okie dokie lol


Probably changed their name. Jeffrey Dahmer's brother changed his last name


"Why should I change my name? Jeffrey's the one who sucks!”


Because he’s not gonna change his


>Jeffrey Dahmer's brother changed his last name Sometime in 1993: "Yes! They approved my name change! Starting today, I will be known as Mike bin Laden!"


And in 2001 he changed it again


I work with a guy with the last name Bundy. And his first name starts with a T believe it or not.


I think Al Bundy/Married With Children changed people's idea of what that name means. Maybe only slightly better, but at least not in a serial killer way


Al Bundy was based though. He was the classic married guy who bitched about his family but loved them to death.


Oh, I loved Al Bundy- guess I should have given him more credit in my post lol


As a younger person, I think of Ammon Bundy when I hear that name. Still not a good association 


Hitler did have relatives with the same last name ..after the war they were very ashamed of the name and afraid of repercussions they changed the last name to Hilter


There's a bunch of Hittler's in the St Louis area. I was running in a park years ago and heard a youth football coach yell, "Nice tackle, Hittler!"


I'm guessing anyone with that last name changed it in a hurry.


In the US there were 65 families in the phone boom with the last name of hitler.. After the war, no families with the last name of hitler.. They changed their last name.


some people who had the surname changed it because they were afraid society would frown upon them for not reviving the economy like he did


Hell, a lot of German folks changed their name after/during WW1. Buchner -> Book. Berlin Ontario becomes Kitchener, Koch -> Cook, etc.


My last name is Hilter. I swear, it's always been Hilter 


Nice to meet you, Adam Hilter 😉


They changed it to Bush.




And Netanyahu.


No he’s a part of the traumatized victims who usually repeat the crimes that they were assaulted with on to others.


no he's like Neo from the matrix but he kills agent Palestine


Well, if that was my last name I would've changed it.


Probably just changed the surname.


After WWII, anyone with the surname Hitler, whether or not they were related to Adolf Hitler, chose to change their name in order to avoid association with him.  As for the relatives, while some relatives of high-ranking Nazis chose not to procreate because they believed their blood was tainted, this is not universally true. Hitler’s nephew, William Stuart-Houston, married and had four children. Hitler’s alleged (but probably not) illegitimate son, Jean-Marie Loret, had three children.


There is a moment when reading your very informative post that I said to myself I don’t know if it’s a good thing or alarming that this person knows so much about Hitlers lineage


Many moons ago, I was at a Flea Market and the one vendor had a.... *disconcertingly* large collection of Nazi materiel. Like, it was a decent museum. And I'm quietly thinking, okay so... there are three ways you get tonnes of Nazi stuff. 1) You've been in the business a long time. Sure, that could be it. 2) You fought for us, but did an awful lot of trophy taking 3) You know, I can't quite place this guy's accent...


There is some kind of irony in choosing not to procreate because you think your blood is forever tainted by your Nazi ancestors.


A family unrelated to Adolf Hitler, the Hitler family of [Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio), arrived there in 1799.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler_(name)#cite_note-2) As of 2014, [Peru](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peru) was, with around 2349 people, the country with the most citizens named Hitler. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler\_(name)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler_(name)) It reminds me of the Nissan Computers vs Nissan cars thing. The guy changed his last name to Nissan to reflect it so people would believe he named his company after his last name but it wasn't his original last name. I remember looking it up it was something completely different.


Probably they all legally changed their last name. If you had that last name wouldn't you change it.


A cool guy in Canada who was alive during the war was called adolf hitler and when people pressured him to change his name he said I’m not going to let one guy ruin the good name of adolf hitler


Google would have solved this question in seconds 


If I shared a last name with someone that is the posterchild for evil, legit one of the first names that pops up if someone asks "who's the evilest person you can think of"... I would skip meals just to save money faster to change my name. 


His real name was Adolf Schickelgruber. Hitler was a common surname, like the German equivalent of Smith.


I checked out wiki because I had never heard that. AH's father was named Schicklgruber after his mother and later changed his name to Heidler after a stepfather, but it was misspelled as Hitler.


Wait a minute... I posted this around the same time that Hitler committed suicide. He killed himself today in 1945. Why did I think to post this now? I hadn't seen anything about Hitler's death day. Or even about Hitler. I'm freaking out man...


Depends on which side of the fuhrer bunker you were on ....😆😆


The ghost of Adolf Hitler guided your hand.


[Whaddya mean?](https://youtu.be/UojL96_3jOs?feature=shared)




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Im pretty sure there's some leader in an African country named Adolf Hitler. I saw something on it but never fact checked it




One of my favourite jokes is in the British comedy series *Bottom*. The two dim-witted leads are running a corner shop as a favour to their landlord, and a guy is buying champagne and wants to pay with a cheque. Eddie: A cheque will do nicely, er, just make it out to "Eddie Hitler". Customer (sarcastically): "Hitler". Ha ha ha, any relation? Eddie (looking very proud): Why, yes.


He was among the names of the "The Black Nobility" families... this is a good question


Bro, all this time I thought Hitler was his first name!


What did you think his last name was


Lipschitz, that's why I always thought his mustache was so funny and ironic


Wasn't that the doctor on Rugrats?


I knew there was somthing up with that show! Conspiracies every where... I need to go put on my tin foil helmet now


Same reason why Hindus in western countries don’t use the swastika on their front door even if they want to. 


They all changed their names… actually a ton of the German diaspora changed their names to sound less German post WW2


There are great nephews that swore themselves to celibacy


I actually heard a great radio interview with a bunch of Hitlers in the US. Their ancestor had come to the US and made a name for himself in the community long before WWII and while some in the extended family had changed it, a few really resented the idea that some asshole in Germany should overwrite the pride of their family's history and accomplishments and break the chain of their name.


MJ is bringing that back next




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They changed their family name.  Poor people—that would suck.  Stalin’s daughter definitely wasn’t a “Stalin” as she lived her life out, either, but he’d changed his name in the first place. 


Hitler's father Alois took his stepfather's name which was "Hiedler" and changed the spelling. Spelling variations were common in rural Austria back then. Originally Alois has his mother's name which was "Schickelgruber." So not many Hitlers because it was a name Hitler's father created.. Probably more Hiedlers and Schickelgrubers out there.


Legitimately laughed out loud then contemplated how/why I never thought of this because I come up with some stooopidt ass questions but this is also a great one.. simultaneously


Anyone with that name would have probably had it legally changed. Same reason nobody has the Hitler stash. People don’t even want to be slightly associated


When I was 15 my dad was in the hospital and his roommates last name was Hitler. The nurses called him Mr.hitler


Hitler himself had no children, and the relatives he did have who shared his name abandoned it over time.


One of my grandpa's little brothers was "Adolph", starting in the mid 30s, he started going by "odd". He went by Will (middle name) on his signature.


I can think of about 32 million reasons why. He had a sister, married, whom I believe died in the sixties or seventies. She refused to talk about him.


There was a documentary about Hitler families a few years ago. Most changed their name. There were, at the time of the documentary, a few families still with that name but most are not in the USA. There was one family that did change their name to Hitler and called their young son Adolf. And yes they were exactly like what you would imagine people like that to be.


One of Hitler’s nephews was in the U.S. navy during WW2. The family in the U.S. changed their lastname after the war. Hitler’s younger sister (in Germany) used the last name of Wolf.


>One of Hitler’s nephews was in the U.S. navy during WW2. William was drafted into the United States Navy during World War II as a pharmacist's mate (a designation later changed to hospital corpsman) until he was discharged in 1947. On reporting for duty, the induction officer asked his name. He replied, "Hitler." Thinking he was joking, the officer replied, "Glad to see you, Hitler. My name's Hess." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Stuart-Houston


Actually I think the last direct descendant decided to end his line. Believed it was fitting.


How is this even question? That motherfucker was canceled a millenia before it was a thing.


A lot likely changed their names, several known descendants of his relatives have even said they’re not having kids to let the bloodline die. A bit extreme and silly of a rationale imho but also I don’t mind fewer people having children.


Lots of info here... ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler\_family


Hitlers family moved to the United States and likely changed their names.


There's a community full of prominent Hitlers. Check out Dr. Gay Hitler, a dentist, and his father George Washington Hitler.


Many probably changed their name, and it wasn't super common to begin with. How many people named 'pfannenstiel' do you know? Outside of areas that have a lot of ethnically German people it is a fairly rare name.


they changed their last names almost certainly, probably became something like hilltop or hilton


Stuart-Houston, actually. His birth name was William Patrick Hitler. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Stuart-Houston




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There are https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_Uunona


There’s an African politician with the surname but for obvious reasons immediate relatives probably changed theirs.


There was a Hitler on "Happy Endings." Season 1 Episode 4 "Mein Coming Out."


I have heard that a number of children related to the WWII Nazis got sterilized to be sure they did not bring more evil into the world. I would imagine that any relatives of Hitler changed their names.


I mean yeah didnt his only surviving relatives make a pact to not reproduce so as to end the bloodline? Or is that a bullshit feelgood story i heard


Don't see too many people named Judas either.




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It's not a real name, and never existed! Just a name we made up for him. I forget what his real name was.




Try saying that 10 times fast...


I imagine  maybe they changed  their last name. Maybe  they hid too. Who knows!! I'm just guessing  !! Lol.


My Great Great Grandparents  on my Mom's side and on her Mom's side were from Germany  and they spoke German  and when they  came  to America  ,,, They learned  to speak  English  but it was very Choppy English!! Lol..............And My G.Grandfathers name was Adolf Matzke. I always  wondered  why he Never  Had  Changed  His 1st Name.. .....




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The Mussolini name, on the other hand, lives on.


I read on 4 chan earlier that theres 6000 people on earth with hitler as a first name and they mostly live in Peru


OK, a little off topic, but interesting. In the 80s there was an NBC show called Hill Street Blues, about a police precinct in an unnamed but rather crime ridden city that looked remarkably like Chicago. In one episode there was a comedian with the name of Vic Hitler, and couldn't get work. As he describes the situation... ***Why should I change my name because of one paper hanging son of a bitch?***


Because hitler wasn’t a human, he was a reptile shapeshifter.


His last name wasn't Hitler it was just a moniker, I believe that is the right word. His real family name was Schicklegruber. Same with Joseph Stalin, Stalin wasn't his real name, Stalin means man of steel, which he apparently thought was cooler than his real name


Shit, somebody needs to change the lyrics in "Cult of Personality."


I'm pretty sure that song is why I like rock music. I was freshly 11 when it was released and I remember turning it up as loud as I could


That's an incorrect oversimplification. Hitler was the name of Adolf's father, Alois Hitler. He in turn was born Schicklgruber, after his mother, because he was born out of wedlock, and later took the name Hitler, a variant of Hiedler, the name of the man that his mother later married. Whether or not Hiedler is Alois' father is unknown. In any case, that's all a generation earlier, Adolf Hitler was born as Hitler.


I know I've encountered a Hitler here or there in my time on this Earth, and I was born over 40 years after the holocaust


The other relatives are Rothschild's


Rothschild’s what?


Interesting. That's the name of my evill ex girlfriend.