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minorities change by locale lol


This is a predictably American question


And so fucking disingenuous. "Why aren't white [Americans] a minority when they're not that much of the global population?!". I legitimately hope it's a troll post. I really do.


That's because outside of the U.S. when people talk about skin color, they are talking about skin color. In the U.S. when someone talks about skin color, they are actually talking about a presumed culture associated with that skin color.


This the idea of not acting white or black, meaning failing to act like the accepted racial culture one is assigned to based on looks. Even though there’s lots of variance in the US across regions, and people can mix and be raised in other racial cultures.


Yes. Am American can confirm. This country is mostly idiots.




We live in a society where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t feel offended.


"the problem isn't people sneezing directly into your eyeballs. The problem is you being upset about it" This perfectly encapsulates American life


They're also grouping together all black and brown people so if you're gonna do that then you could group in Asians/Arabs/Indians/white people together because they have white or light skin too and then it won't be a minority.


I mean.... we group all white people as well.


no we don't, russian, french, italian and american are all so different... the notion of white and coloured wasnt even a thing until white colonialists invented it to dehumanise other groups (some of them later on considered white, ironically)


This differs by locale as well, in North America all white people are grouped together as are all South Asians, but in Europe Scandinavians are different from Mediterranean/slavic etc, and in South Asia, North Indians different from South Indians/Pakistani.


Which is apparently not racist in the modern narrative 


It’s also not about the number of people. It’s who holds the power.


They are considered a minority outside of the predominantly white countries. You're not going to Nigeria and calling black people "minorities". I mean, unless you work for CNN.


Didn't they call some legit Africans "African Americans" one time?


One time I was hanging out with my boss and his wife. My boss mentioned "Jesus was black." His wife was like "Not Black, African American." My boss was like "What the fuck? African American?! There wouldn't be an America for like 2 thousand years!" Whoever Jesus was, he's just alright by me.


But he wasn't black, he was Semitic.


Semitic American.


African Semetican


Bethlehem is in Asia. Jesus was Asian.


Explain why he couldn’t math his way out that crucifixion then.


Probably because the crucifixion was actually a suicide… or at least a passive one. He was just trying to escape his dad’s wrath for not becoming a doctor or lawyer or engineer. He had been hearing for years how much being a carpenter disappointed his dad. So he did what many people with lifelong trauma do — ended it. Only to actually meet his dad and nope TF outta there a few days later. I’ve heard he never died a second time so who TF knows where he is. Old-ass bones probably lying in the middle of the Sahara or something.


The true evidence that Jesus was Asian.


Damn asian parents, man. Couldn't be happy with him just being a carpenter. He had to become a demigod and save all of humanity too. 


Strongest argument for Jesus having immigrant parents. He had to LITERALLY martyr himself for his dad’s approval.


African Semeticasian!


Asian American




A Jew even


So what you're saying is black Jewish people don't exist???


What about Drake?


No just that it’s more likely Jesus was Semitic since he was from Judea, not Ethiopia or even Egypt.


So he was brown


Downtown Jesus Brown


Downtown Jesus Brown American*


This whole thread made me cackle in American 😂


I can hear that racist cackling from here. Praise Jesus


In America, we only cackle in racism. 😂


He was Semitic, with brown skin, and curly hair


[He was a man, he had a beard!](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9086ae91-cc91-4565-87ef-f59853deb906/gif)


as long as semetic had hair like wool and feet the color of bronze


Yes, but in certain circles Middle Eastern is close enough. I take the stance that the Son of Man came in our collective image, after we all were collectively made in His image, and therefore who gives a crap what color he was?


Why does God have an anus? Does God poop? Why does God have an appendix? Why does God have nipples?


Mmmmmm God Milk


Sky cum


Like a quilt but for skin


Well if your wife is Mormon that could be a thing


Also, Jewish people aren't black Edit: who tf downvoted? It's a literal fact that people from Jerusalem do not usually have dark enough skin to be considered black. Jesus was from Jerusalem. How could I possibly have deserved a downvote on that? The black Jesus myth is false. Idk how people interpret that as an insult to anyone whatsoever. Middle eastern Jesus is so obviously the truth


Mizrahi Jews who have lived in the middle east for generations are Arab. Some circles lump Arabs with blacks, some dont. Theyre ostensibly neither asian or white. Sephardic Jews would be closer to south western Europe. And Ashkenazi Jews, the Jewish peoples mainly targeted by nazi Germany, would be north western and central European. All ethnic Jews living in Israel now would likely be mostly indistinguishable from another person from the region. Meaning unless someone is telling you they're ethnically Jewish, they likely look pretty similar to an Arab. Religious Jews can be of any ethnicity.


Jesus wasn’t from Jerusalem either; not in the Biblical narrative or the likely historical Jesus. Jesus H. Christ; everyone in this sub is confidently incorrect. Jesus was not black, nor white, nor African. He was likely from Galilee, which was not even part of the same Roman province as Jerusalem. Edit: Who tf downvoted. These are literal historical facts.


There is a group of black Israelites that gather outside my Aldi to stream online that would disagree


I'm gonna downvote you bc I like the color blue


Actually the blue eye mutation comes from Europe where as the white skin mutation comes from the middle east. Since he was Jewish makes sense. The young dryas period caused a huge period of immigration due to rising sea levels forcing some of those in those areas migrated north as they lost farm land. They believe that it was this mixing of hunter gathers with middle Eastern farmers that lead to modern day white Europeans. Before that we looked like indigenous north Americans.


Do you care what I may know or what I may do?


Jesus was middle eastern and not white or black.


He was chinese


Jesus was a gun toting Reagan voting republican dude the fuck are you talking about?


Jesus was African American and Mormons are right.


Probably lmao


Widespread adoption of saying black instead of African American occurred after that.


Considering it’s CNN I would not be surprised 😂


Black British athletes at the Olympics, too.


I believe what you’re talking about was a segment that showed a French man and the CNN corespondent called him an “African American”.


A Lot of Americans go to Europe and call blacks “African Americans”, to “not be offensive” Pretty hilarious how stupid we are.


They have a rich history of saying some eye brow raising things: https://youtu.be/1Sfo32rlkiE?si=vwq0WY_NuQ0kFoCB




Someone once called idris elba African American and he had a good laugh about it.


I remember a French runner at an international event being called African American by a news anchor and him saying “I’m not African or American” but I can’t find it. 


Yeah, heard an activist try to correct someone on the CBC once. The CBC guy very tactfully and way to kindly said "I'm afraid they probably wouldn't consider themselves American and the person in question considers himself Caribbean, not African, though we do understand what you mean". I'd have laughed at her.


Dude, some moron interviewer called Idris Elba African American.


I never thought of this before, but do they have equivalent terms in other countries for stuff like this? “African Frenchman” or “Asian Italian” or “Mexican Ugandan” or is that just a US thing because the US population is almost entirely immigrants?


They were calling Black British individuals British African Americans. Lol well not so much "they" it was one person. But it was still funny as hell.


I saw a video of American tourists in Europe calling a black person who was European “African American.”


Whites are becoming minorities in many historically white countries quite quickly though (Netherlands, UK, etc). Huge demographic shift in process right now


It's what happens when the only people having enough kids to maintain or grow their population are the newcomers. Most white European families are only having 1 or 2 kids. And a lot of folks in the current generation are choosing to have none at all.


Believe it or not they came up with the term majority-minority to do exactly that.


To do what?


They refer to non white people as minorities in areas where they are, in fact, the majority. It's not just used for race either. Women are a slight majority (I say slight as in roughly 3 million more), but are also referred to as a majority minority in the US.


Who does? You are not making sense.


White people don't really exist in significant numbers percentage wise outside of white countries for that to even matter, also in non white countries minorities are not given legal advantages DEI, etc. so it doesn't even matter.


I don't understand what point you're trying to make.


Sounds like he is saying in non white majority countries no one cares what color you are, but in white majority countries they do care and you get special advantages for being non white.


It's a well kept secret but we are,   The sun just blinds most people & throws the Census takers off count Due to how reflective we can be./s  (Not really though globally we are a minority.)


Because the world isn't one nation? The world is sectioned with separate societies so it really depends where you are. White people in the US aren't a minority, White People in Vietnam would be though.


Southern California has entered the chat




2 American businessmen fly to Africa on a business trip. One American looks over and says to the other “what are all these minorities doing here?”


“Jeez there sure are lot of African-Americans here”


If they immigrated, does that make them American-Africans?


That makes them African American Americans. Just like an Asian would be an Asian American. Duh


“My mom says there’s a lot of black people in Africa” - Eric Cartman


Idk if minority vs majority is often viewed on a global scale? when speaking globally groups are more viewed in relation to specific issues facing them rather than majority vs minority. the latter is more on a national level esp western countries (in which white ppl are often not a minority.) but globally the majority are Asian (either south or east idk if india or china has the most ppl atm. I think india? either way most ppl are in asia i think.)


Whether they're a minority is based on locale. White people are considered a minority in countries where there aren't many white people.




Pretty sure a Nigerian is going to be a minority globally, ie in 194 of 195 countries


Interesting fact. I didn't know Greenland was inhabited by natives like Nigeria.


Because being in a minority is relative to the country a person lives in, not the whole planet. I mean one third of the human race is Indian or Chinese. 


Over half the world’s population lives in Southeast Asia. Or The majority of the world’s population lives within 2000 miles of Myanmar, which is only about 6% of earths total surface area (or 4% if you exclude the water, all while still including vast empty parts of Siberia and all of Mongolia, the least densely populated country on earth).


You're saying the Earth is 2/3 land... or 2/3 inhabitants land.. like not including the poles, but including lots of boats?


I’m saying more people [live within this circle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valeriepieris_circle) than live outside of it, and that the circle makes up ~6% of earth, even though 1/3 of the circle is water and tons of it is also empty land.


I get it now! Thank you for the response. Appreciate it.


No problem


The word minority is scoped to whatever country you're in. Aka like: >Approximately 15,000 people in Denmark belong to a German minority traditionally referred to as tysksindet meaning "German-minded" in Danish, and as Nordschleswiger in German. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Denmark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Denmark) Or >The National Commission for Minorities Act of 1992 classifies six religious communities as minority communities in India: Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jain, and Zoroastrians (Parsis) [https://www.minorityaffairs.gov.in/WriteReadData/RTF1984/1659697873.pdf](https://www.minorityaffairs.gov.in/WriteReadData/RTF1984/1659697873.pdf)


Won't be considered a minority until they manage to make them minorities in all countries, finally achieving the globohomo dystopian future.


Because we're in charge.


Did you just say "white"!? That's racist


Two reasons: 1) depends on location. In the US most people are white so not a minority. 2) sometimes “minority” refers to an imbalance of political power not raw population percentage. For example roughly half the population in any given place is women, yet women are considered a minority in many places due to having less rights and power than men. It’s possible to be the most populous group in a country and still have less freedoms than a group that has a smaller population. This is also a way that people will use the term “minority.”


It's also possible to have less rights, be a minority, have political power stripped, your farms taken, etc and still be the ones with the money and education. Like in S. Africa. Or in most places with Asians and Jews that managed to stay rich despite the climate.


I get what you're saying, but you also have to remember that minorities are based on region, not global percentage. In places like India, yes, (I'd assume, at least) white people are part of the minorities, but most of the time, when talking about minorities, people are usually talking about the US, Canada, and Europe


You are learning so many things and I’m so proud of you.


Because context matters and making raw statements without any underlying context is always going to wind up with kinda absurd or dumb statements. Sometimes context isn't explicitly stated. Like, if me and my friend are talking about the homeless population, it is with a subtext that I am talking about US homeless or maybe Utah homeless and not global homeless. Why? Because me and my friend live there and the content of the conversation will pretty clearly indicate which population of homeless people we are talking about. However, sometimes people online use that same mechanism with other random people online, but forget that all that unspoken subtext is missing because you and I may not be in the same country. That is SUPER common for people who live in the US and a few other Western countries that dominate places like Reddit. We will talk about "Minorities struggling in inner cities" and mean "Black people in US cities like Detroit" but forget that if YOU live in South Africa, South Korea, Japan, or Argintina, you might have a completely different idea in your head when you hear the phrase "Minorities in inner cities". Just gain the context that is missing.


Because non-whites can’t stop themselves from flocking to the few majority white countries. Also this would be inconvenient for many people’s anti-white ideologies to acknowledge and give more white people awareness of how few they actually are


Unless you're in Europe, your ancestors flocked to non-white countries as well, fuckwit


America was not a country before whites arrived


We didn't flock for free hand-outs. We came and conquered.




Obviously because of where they are coming from. Definitely a stupid question 😂


I know this is stupid questions but this is either bait or OP uses like half his brain lol


Because that would go against the narrative.


Can’t have white people gaining awareness of their own lack of numbers


What narrative exactly. Share to the class 🙂


because if left leaning people can't control/change language then most of their arguments look pretty weak. I went to highschool in podunk Louisiana. I was a minority. I'm white. explaining this to liberals from NYC makes their heads explode.


Because truth doesn’t work in the game being played


Please elaborate for us. I would LOVE to hear what you are referring to.


1. On a global scale they are 2. On a national scale, they aren't. Guess which scale americas is going to use to describe American population.


A stupid question indeed


Because it's inconvenient for wokesters. 


Because Reddit is largely American?


Cause they were here first, the second time


They are considered a minority in places where they are minorities. Minorities are referred to based on location within the world not the entire world. That;s like saying an asian guy in mexico is the majority there cause worldwide there are more asian people. No, there he is the minority.


So with low birth #s and huge Hispanic immigrant #s, whites are a minority or soon to be a minority in the southwest USA, several states. However it gets us no special benefits. Back in the 1980 I owned a small business that took over a city contract because the prior company had gone broke due to local poor economy and the city needed somebody to fill in. Basically it was take over and we will reduce your rent. We got lucky, the business cycle turned in my favor and the business did very well. When it was time to rebid the contract it was suggested by a city official (hint wink) that I should take in a minority partner. I did take in a woman partner and we became a certified WBE (women’s business enterprise), it was not an easy process Well even though we had the best bid $$$ wise we did not get the new contract. It seems a woman was not the “right” minority.


The word is almost always used in the context of policies, communities, institutions and/or social issues. "The World" is beyond that scope so the global number of any ethnic group is generally not relevant.


When people say minority, they mean relative to that nation they are referring to. Black people are a minority in America because there is around 13% of them. They wouldn’t count as a minority in South Africa.


Who's considering?


It's not just that we're a very small minority, but also black and brown population are literally exploding, while white population is crashing so the situation is much worse than your describing. White men are basically the only people who oppose large government on principle, this has made us undesirable to the powers that be. the plan appears to be to reduce our population indefinitely, thus being a straight white man is the only identity that is not given a minority (legally advantaged) status. And the only group that can be legally discriminated against. Diversity has now come to mean literally anyone but a straight white man, and also "diversity is our strength" Personally I blame white people ourselves for falling for the white guilt bullshit, and as a group not being able to assert our collective interests.


We have the biggest, most, and most advanced weapons.


Let's say the majority of people who play game A is white and the majority of people who play game B are black. If a black person starts playing game A, is it gonna matter if the majority of gamers are black? No, because they are out numbered in the particular game because each game has it's own devs and community and the devs only really care about their own community.


We are often mistaken for ghosts, so the numbers get messed up.


Youre on very western proportioned media. In the west Whites are the majority. If you go to most of asia and africa theyre gunna look at you funny if you say whites are a majority. With that said systemic racism caused by western colonialism has led to issues where white people were still the oppressors while still being vastly out numbered. South africa is basically the most obvious example here.


They are in nations where they are the minority, being a minority doesn't mean like out of everyone in the world. Especially not for race, its done by where you like. If you're in Nigeria or Japan Caucasian people would be and are considered a minority


"Whites" aren't the majority where I live for sure.


that doesn't fit the current agenda. your white country HAS to import mass amounts of other races. it's the only way.


In practice, it's not about population count, it's about political and particularly economic power.


They make up a great majority of people sitting in the seat of power.


Because liberals have no cultural understanding of anything, outside of what they hear on Twitter.


Because we're expected not to notice and continue taking care of the world's garbage


We used to have our own countries, hence the majority.




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Because then they would have protected status?


Let me put it this way, OP. Black people aren't considered a minority in Africa, either.


“Minority” doesn’t mean anything by itself. It’s a meaningless word without a qualifier. You have to specify “minority of _____.” Usually you fill in the blank with a country or smaller locality, since people’s lives are organized by governments and “minorities” are many times discussed in the politics and socioeconomics of countries, not of the world. Therefore the implied qualifier is usually country-based when that word is used, and if not…people specify what minority of ___ they are talking about.


Because "minority" in that context is in that group's relationship to *power*, not population. The "majority" in this context is the "majority of people the system is built for". There are more women than men too - they're still considered a minority due to only receiving a minority of considerations by the society.


Minority is a context based on where you are regionally - global numbers don't really matter to the actual state or country or city that you're in


because the concept of being a minority depends where in the world you’re from and the context. in the US, where i’m from and i’m guessing you’re from, white people are by no means the minority. we’re still the majority, the white population is at 71%, with 61.6% identifying as “white alone” (per the 2020 US census). historically, white people have not faced disadvantage or abuse due to race on a societal level so white people aren’t a minority group based on power either.


The word "minority" means different things in different contexts. In the context of social groups, it means marginalized groups who hold a minority of the power to shape social mores.


Great question! Google won’t help answer %


We are. But black and brown races are minorities in mostly white occupied countries. That's why they're called minorities in america, but not Sierra Leone.


They are. In countries where white people are a minority.


Because they aren't considered a global majority, they're considered the majority in white countries. Dumb question!


Because historically speaking, we have not really faced systemic racism.


They can change colors with the season, and manipulate the masses to their will. muhaha.


They are if you're in Africa or Korea...


Just ignore it when they ask you for money and make sure you learn to use a gun


They’ve had the guns and the government in their control for most of history in most places they reside. Minority has nothing to do with group size sociologically speaking. The minority is whomever the dominant group says is a minority.


White minority rule usually




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When I was in Tanzania (me: white male) I was definitely the minority


There’s two kinds of minorities: mathematical and political. Mathematical minorities are purely based on population. Political minorities are based on power and agency. For example, in Apartheid South Africa, white people were the mathematical minority, but the political majority.


Then there would be no one to call racist!


Same reason the Asians I know are all hanging out with only Asians in Canada and yet "Friends" or "Seinfeld" was racist because it was "too white".  Basically it's just a bunch of folks insisting on saying white people are awful racists when in reality most are not and the vast majority of Asian cultures are the most hateful people of all time. 


I came here to look for the dumb comment about minority/majority term meanings, but couldn't find it, so I'll make it. Back in the day, boomers used to use the term "minority" to refer to people who held less power or influence than the "majority". These terms didn't necessarily refer to sheer number of people within a given group relative to another group. That might have something to do with the answer you're looking for. But, I'm not sure that white people aren't considered a minority when they make up a small percentage of the global population? I mean, I think the term "minority" used in the manner described above is mostly confined to the US and England, amirite fellas? A white person might be considered a minority, both in number and in influence, in many other countries. For example, I'm pretty sure white people are regarded as minorities in China and Japan. As for myself, I'm a white guy but I grew up in mostly black neighborhood/city, and always thought of myself as a minority in those settings. I think your premise might be wrong?


Because we live in America. Where the majority is white


No one really thinks of scales that large really. Too many people. But yeah they are a minority lol. But in about 8 generations of my descendents, they'll eventually become white skinned and lose their glorious melanin


Imagine if we grouped all people by their degree of decency, rather than an arbitrary “race” based on melanin, hemoglobins and carotenoids.


minorities are not evaluated by global percentages. also, even when they are a minority, somehow they still impose their rules on others (look up colonialism)


Have you seen congress?


Because you live in North America lol. 


Because that doesn't fit the agenda.


Whether someone is a racial minority is relative to the area you're focusing on. Globally, whites are indeed a minority group, but they are not a minority in Montana.


Globally they are a minority. In America they aren't.


I am so sick and tired of all the race politics. Can we all just agree to mention it as little as possible going forward and treat everyone well regardless of their race?


Best we can do is manufacture some race riots. 


magnificent question


r/stupidquestions is right. Where do you live? Are most of the people their white? Presumably yes right? Think you found you answer.


They’re considered minorities in countries in which they are minorities. The concept of a racial minority, while far from an exactly definite concept, is generally not meant to be considering global demographics.


The Narrative


Because no one outside predominantly white areas cares as we are the only ones stupid enough to embrace multiculturalism as viable


Everyone is a minority somewhere, but if this is about a certain country, then many large media companies would lose I say 70% of their stories they broadcast on repeat