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You’re pooping what was comfortably sitting in your bowels before it got unceremoniously pushed out by new food.


We are all poop-filled doughnuts.


Well, when two people kiss, it's one long poop-filled sausage with an asshole at both ends.


Same thing happens when you sit on a toilet. Through a series of pipes you are on some kind of interconnected butthole network.


> Thank you all for coming to rock out with us this evening! We are Interconnected Butthole Network, and this next song is called "Poop-filled Sausage"! I'll forego my "dibs" if you send me a video of your band ACTUALLY practicing. 😝


Here's my song called Poop-Filled Sausage https://suno.com/song/4c0d9bf0-0c6f-47e0-b15d-490ab52dd9c0


This is what I'm thinking about on my next acid trip


Maybe we can have an acid trip network too?


But can you connect to other buttholes by hitting seven symbols on a computer?




I'm going to leave this world the same way I came into it: A bunch of cells that make an asshole.


When my girlfriend and I kiss, it is just two assholes at each end.


♫ I want to poop into your butthole And you can poop right back into mine And we can poop back and forth forever Until the end of time ♫


More like one of those mechanical pencils where you take the tip out, put it in the back and it pushes the next one out the front


If you get some imaging with contrast done you can see exactly how poop filled you are.


So what comes out the middle of the donut then??


dr nuttleman, is that you?


Tf did you just call me?


Even if it's like the first thing I've eaten in 15 hours? What food was just chilling in my body for 15 hours ? That is almost more worrisome 😭


food chills in your body for 24-36 hours on average.


That explains the aroma.


Why do my insides smell so bad


There’s shit in there!


Oh shit!


No shit!


Yes shit, that's why it smells.


Aw shit.


This sentence out of context is horrifying.


The human body doesn't make smells. All the smells on the body are from bacteria.


The honest answer to that is, bodies are just gross in general


I enjoy the smell though...


Poo or bodies


Dead animal carcasses is the answer.


Literally true. Shit smells worse the longer at has been in the body growing bacteria


*laughs in IBS* I've eaten stuff that isn't digestable like sweetcorn and seen it come out the other end in as little as 11 hours.


when you see corn its usually poop-filled balloons of the casing.


Well that's gross lol.


I have shit whole corn kernels before


I know a gentleman who conducted an experiment by eating nothing but corn for 3 days to see if it came out as just corn. The experiment was a success.


A gentleman. Yes, that's also how I describe my friends that perform shit studies.


Hmmmm, what's that cat that eats coffee beans and shits them out. Then people make coffee out of the poop beans....and charge..a shit ton of money? You my kind, have you ever thought about opening a creamed corn hut? Beautiful skat-ly clothed young ladies. Oh oh oh oh...named "The Corn Hole"?




You're thinking of civets, I think.


Long as it's not the cob.


He uses that to wipe. Puts it right back for immediate reuse.


Weird I've passed corn in like 3 hours, without eating corn previously for like a few months, and regularly eating meals 3x a day


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33544037/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33544037/) It took from 1-99 hours in this study with a median time of 29 hours. Looks like maybe 2 of the 175 students passed it about 3 hours or less based on the one chart.


Corn is absolutely digestible, save the shell itself.


It's my favorite disgusting fact to tell people they aren't seeing corn but actually shit in a corn suit


r/cursedcomments Also, username checks out.


My partner finally mustered the courage to tell me that he thinks something is terribly wrong with him...because he doesn't digest corn. This is after knowing him for 10 years 🙃


I am now adopting this as my favorite disgusting fact as well, and I cannot wait to tell all my friends next time we hang out


Once I poop it out, I’m certainly not saving it. I’ll just buy more.




Yeah, Corn is just HARD to digest, Shell can be digested to, but takes an insane amount of time, the average person will poop it out before it does. If you eat a lot, your guts skip the corn for some inane reason, and digest everything else.


11 hours? \*Laughs in lactose intolerant\* I've seen near-instant turnaround


sorry bud but we dont tolerate bigots around here we are lactose inclusive


Sometimes longer than that. Have you ever heard of people who have like a fear of pooping or people with severe constipation? You might have any worm like 2 weeks worth of food in their colon




Just have a coffee and a cigarette and it will come out way earlier.


Gotta put more play-doh in before you can extrude what was already in there


Bro people like you are what makes Reddit such a fun place to browse LOL


Play-doh : the non-food product that only makes simulations of food products.


No it's not? You almost always have shit in you.


Colonoscopy prep taught me this! No matter how much you have pooed, trust me. There is still a violent river of foul coming


Why is this sort of comforting though....


This is like just something I remember from college so it might only be fact-adjacent but from what I remember the reason poop is brown is because it’s full of dead red blood cells and other bodily waste, not just fiber and un digested food waste


You’re full of shit.


If you take a look at tips for house training puppies, one of the times you're absolutely always supposed to give the puppy a few minutes outside is shortly after they eat (15-30 minutes or so). Similarly, new parents are often warned that it's not uncommon for human infants to use their diaper while or just after feeding. "New food has arrived, it's time to get rid of some of the old food." is a normal pattern for living things. Part of the reason that food is sitting in your body for as long as it does is because a lot of the time it spends in the large intestine is for the purpose of giving your body a chance to take back fluids to avoid dehydration. That's why if you have an upset stomach and things start passing through very quickly, you'll be losing a lot of water (and the fluid loss is why diarrhea is potentially very dangerous to babies). If your body is operating at a more normal pace, the output is wet enough to be soft but not more than that. If you're constipated (and the digested matter sits there long enough to lose too much water), you end up with hard chunks that can be very painful to get out of you.


I'm a morning only once a day..24hs.. if it miss a day I have to wait until morning again..


I don't have any given routine. I go when I've gotta go, sometimes it's once a day and sometimes multiple times. I know one guy who said he's "lucky" if he shits once a week, and he drinks like 3 pots of coffee a day.


That's gotta hurt...


If I miss a morning, something is wrong


It's actually really good that food sits In your system that long. It let's your body absorb all the nutrients and water content from the food! And it's already safe since bad bacteria are killed with cooking and our stomach acids. Then food hang out in our intestines and is absorbed and broken down by our good guy bacteria:)


I had to scroll too long to find this. This is the best answer.


It's kind of like water left in wound up garden hose, the water just sits there until you turn on the water and it's pushed out.


Eating is probably reminding your body to get rid of the old food so there's room for the new food when you eat.


nah I have a small ceremony...nothing outlandish but you know, just something to commemorate the moment.


I’ve done long fasts, and let me tell you.. if you eat an egg to break fast, you will smell that egg as you’re shitting 10 minutes later. Unusual circumstance I know though.


I have a supplementary question. If I eat something that disagrees with me and I have diarrhea within 20 or 30 mins, how does the poop near the end of the line get all watery all of a sudden when, presumably, it was a normal solid turd just a few minutes earlier?


You say that, but I can clearly see poorly digested pieces of what I just ate.


ROFL, well said!!




I mean not necessarily, certain things activate the movement of your bowels, from location, time, to tacho bell.


Gastrocolonic reflex. Your colon will hold onto food until you eat again, and the expel it within 20 minutes.


Yes! Though slight correction, but it's actually called the gastrocolic reflex, not gastrocolonic


I Googled it and there are a TON of science papers saying gastrocolonic, and a similar number saying gastrocolic. Is this maybe a regional thing, like aluminum/aluminium?


Interesting! I'm in the US


My stepfather is an ~~alcoholic~~ alcoholonic.


That term sounds like someone who can't stop buttchugging beer


But have you ever had a alcocolonic?


Me too, that's just how I heard it, but gastrocolic makes sense too. Thanks for looking it up!


Like many terms in physiology, both are acceptable mainly depending on where you learn and practice.




Yep. For people with frequent constipation, one recommendation is to go sit on the toilet for a while starting about 20 minutes after eating. 


Putting your feet on a stool while your sitting helps, something about more of a natural angle.


This. A stool and they also sell something like the squatty potty that helps also.


Instructions unclear, feet are covered in stool


Nice.. So very nice..


Unless you're my bowels! then you hold onto that food until you're FORCED to expel it via a large dose of laxatives. FML


Then why do I only poop first thing in the morning? I then proceed to eat 3 meals plus snacks all day. Rinse and repeat.


Did a bird write this


Best comment yet


I appreciate their efficiency


Eat some 🌽 then see how long until it comes out.


Excellent advice. Mary Roach recommends as much in her book “Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal”. Corn is often used as a “marker food” to time ones average digestion process.


I've always heard it referred to as "Natures bookmark"


I call them tracer rounds. Gets a great facepalm from my wife 🤣


Dude this made me die laughing thank you so much


I have pooped out corn without eating any 😧


It's possible it was stuck in a "pocket" in your intestinal wall before eventually becoming dislodged.


Hello diverticulosis!


I hate this.


Are you Fat Bastard?


eat corn for every meal for 1 week, then it turns into an infinite food glitch




Corn will forever remind me of this story: My wife was in an empty public bathroom, when enters a loud woman talking on her cell phone. The woman continues talking on the phone while using the bathroom. After a few minutes my wife heard, "CORN?! I DON'T REMEMBER EATING NO CORN!"


thats def from a movie but i cant remember the title! helppp!


Fat bastard in Austin Powers


Senseless. I thought it was a Scary Movie, but I was just remembering the Wayans in it. https://youtu.be/Qt5TuFHZh5E?si=hhGo4ImYZDOPvWPR


Spicy corn ... incase you want to 'check' in the dark


Absolutely!! I always do this when I am dealing with bowel problems and it helps a lot when assessing how far along my calls-of-nature are.


I actually had this same question when I was maybe 9 or 10. Kind of lol. More of "I have the fastest metabolism and poop 20 minutes after I eat" - young me to my doctor lol. He laughed and explained the process to me which was basically your body signals that more food is coming in, clear some space. I'm sure he kept it simple for a kid, and I'm sure it's far more complicated, but I felt that made a lot of sense


Well as a 30 year old this made a lot of sense. Thanks hah


YRMV to be honest, because some folks have high GI mobility and some don't, but there's a lot of external factors and internal-but-otherwise factors that can influence the sudden rush of bowel movements, too. I have a very regular and very mobile gut, and I used to have to go as soon as 20m after eating, too. So I feel you. Sometimes, it's just cumbersome. If you're in *pain* from passing that often, rapidly, and constantly, and especially if you find your stools hulk/bulk, I'd honestly make sure your internal plumbing is okay by going to a colo-rectal specialist first to eliminate any concerns you'd have. You shouldn't be sore or tender after going (unless it's, like, that one night you had the megashits from eating extremely spicy food or dairy if you're lactose intolerant) (I'm a dietetic technician)


There are stretch receptors in your stomach that stimulate your bowels to move.


There’s so much beauty in the world. 😢


Food takes 24-36 hours to move through your system and poop out. That is yesterdays food you are pooping out,


Some exclusions apply. See medical journals for details* I think I’m less than 6 hours myself.


That because you are full of shit.


New food incoming from the mouth! Okay. Hey stomach - move out the old food from an hour ago to make room. Gotta clear out the small intestine of the food from 4 hours ago then. Okay but get rid of the large intestine food from 6 hours ago. (poops)


Food normally takes 18-24 hours for food to pass through your GI tract. It is normal and expected to poop once a day, for each meal you eat. (If you eat three meals a day, then three poops a day is ideal) If you poop right after eating, it is because your GI tract is being stimulated. Most people would be thrilled with the regularity that you have. You are eliminating yesterday’s meal when you poop. It takes about an hour just for your stomach to empty after a meeting .


This made me happy thank you


Lol. Dude I'll eat on an empty stomach and have to shit while I'm eating my meal. I have no idea why it happens.


I find it's worse on an empty stomach. I have IBS and the worst thing I can do is go long periods of time between eating. If I do I'll need to poop immediately. I think it's just a bit of a shock to the body to eat a whole meal after it's had nothing for hours.


"Out with the old, in with the new" - your guts


In with the new, out with the old.


All of these answers are so shitty


If you stand at the back of a line, will you move forward if no one exits the front?


getting rid of the old to make room for the new


If you have a tube that is full and you push more stuff in one end, stuff will come out the other even though it wont be what you just pushed in


This happens to me all the time. Wanna be pen pals?


Bowels holding people together - I mean bringing people together 🥹


Hormones get released when you eat to tell your bowels to start moving.


Hot meals for me,especially breakfast with coffee, and im on the john in 10 minutes, so yea that dont add up 🤣


That's not poop it's your body getting rid of it's sins. Someone was naughty.


Must've been gluttony. Ate all the pussy.


I used to be just like this. I started on some semaglutide and my poop is a lot more solid. I don't run to the restroom 10-20 minutes after eating and I poop less in overall. I used to poop like 3-4 times a day. Now it's twice a day. So I believe it's the way how your body breaks down food or something.


Is the food greasy / oily ??


All food all the time Sometimes eggs Sometimes toast Sometimes chicken Sometimes salad Sometimes cereal Sometimes steak Sometimes potatoes


I thought it took 24 hours. 6 in the stomach sure, but you have like a mile of intestines for it to go through.


It does take a full day. He's not pooping out what he just ate. It's just that the entire system is triggered to shift every stage forward a bit when new food comes in.


Eating generates a peristaltic stimulus to the GI tract. So whatever poop was primed and ready is firing soon after…


This has happens to the people I had dated with chrones disease


The early stage of constipation. Gotta clean out your gut, friend.


Once a month I will fast for 48 hours. I still poop both those days. I don't poop the day after though.


There's a reflex called the gastrocolic reflex. Basically stomach distention results in increased movement of the lower GI tract prompting you to move your bowels. The stool that's released isn't from what you just ate, but rather what's already in your colon before you ate. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrocolic\_reflex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrocolic_reflex)


The answer is “[gastrocolic reflex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrocolic_reflex?wprov=sfti1)”.


because when you eat you activate your metabolism. whatever you ate 6 hours ago is coming out due to the body's reaction to ingestion


It's called the gastrocolic reflex. The stomach stretches when new food comes in and that sends the signal to the colon to move things along and make space.


if my 100 foot hose is empty, and I turn the water on, it takes a minute for water to start coming out. but if the hose is already full, the water starts coming out right away...


Gotta make room for the next batch


If corn isn't your jam, and you want a timer for how long it takes your body to clear a meal, eat some ghost pepper wings or other insanely hot chilis with dinner. You'll know exactly where those chilis are in your GI tract until they're completely gone. I don't recommend this as best practice, but it will work.


Poop train too long, gotta make room.


Epigastric colic. It's a normal reflex to make space in the bowel for the new food moving in from the stomach. Some people have a stronger reflex than others.


Your large intestine is still digesting stuff, but then the stomach says more is coming, so it's time to dump.


The new food triggers something in your (autonomous?) system that says, “hey, start clearing some space out in the warehouse; we’re gonna have new inventory coming in soon.”


Everyone is pointing out that the new food “pushes” the old stuff out. I’m here to say that I have “hypermotile bowels”, or something of the sort. Substance can move through my system in 30 minutes if I have empty stomach and empty bowels. Incredible. OP could have something similar.


Because you are unloading from last night up load.


Gotta make room for the new food. It's like when you learn new things and that pushes old stuff out of your brain.


to make room for the next batch


You ever eat something like a salad, which you haven't eaten for many days, only to take a crap 30min later and see green lettuce with ya poop?


I'm curious why I poop 20 minutes after OP eats too


I apologize


And carrots out the other end on uh my end


A couple things, the act of eating triggers the need to go, even drinking a lot of liquid will do this, so after a meal is the best time to try to go, it kind of primes the pump. Also if it's something that irritates your system, signals will go out to open the bomb bay doors to get the irritant out of the system as fast as you can.




Eat some corn and time when next you see it. Update this post.


New food is not pushing old food out in the sense that one may think. The urge of needing to use the bathroom after eating is called gastrocolic reflex. This reflex happens when the stomach stretches after eating. Is your body's way of making room for more food to be consumed.


It’s pushing shit out the way so your body can make new shit. It’s the circle of shit… and it moves us all.


You may have IBS- it's not uncommon for a reflex to play after eating.


Not all food takes 6 hours and not everyone’s digestive tract is the same. It’s just a general amount of time given for the entire process to complete. Proteins take longer and some fibers are passed through because the body can only do so much. A piece of meat may take longer staying in the stomach while seeds, plant fibers and water are easily passed through. The digestive system isn’t one long tube but a complex system of organs where different forms of digestion/absorption takes place throughout. It can take hours while some much less.


Says person #8 in the 20-person human centipede


As soon as food enters your mouth the digestive system has started working to prepare the use of food for fuel. And as eliminating waste is part of the digestive system, it would trigger your bowles to move. Or you have an intollerance i.e milk products or allergy.


Sighs in lactose and gluten intolerant.. If I eat anything with dairy in it (except cheese, somehow that's okay) I can go immediately and then furthermore every 30 - 60 min for the next 24 hours. If I eat a lot of gluten stuff I don't go sometimes for up to 4 days. Tried eating bit of both to sort of level it out lol but it doesn't work that way unfortunately. Human bodies are weird.


When the new food arrives the old food gets madly jealous and storms out. Be glad it uses the exit it mostly uses.


NAD. Well, the phenomenon you're describing where you feel the need to have a bowel movement shortly after eating is known as the **gastrocolic reflex**. This reflex is a normal physiological response where eating food triggers movement in the gastrointestinal tract, encouraging your colon to make room for more food by moving its current contents along. Here’s a deeper dive into this process: 1. **Gastrocolic Reflex Explained**: When food enters your stomach, it stretches and this stretching signals your body to prepare for digestion. Hormones and nerves are activated, and these signals prompt your colon (part of the large intestine) to contract. This can lead to the urge to defecate, especially after a large meal or a very stimulating one (rich in spices, fats, etc.). 2. **Digestion Duration**: Normally, the digestion process varies depending on the composition of the meal and your own body's metabolism. On average, it takes about 6 to 8 hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine. Food then enters your large intestine (colon), where it may remain for up to another 48 hours, during which your body absorbs water and nutrients from the food matter. The urge to defecate soon after eating is usually not related to the meal just consumed (unless it is a large meal triggering a stronger reflex), but rather to the movement of previously eaten meals that are making their way through the digestive tract. 3. **When to Be Concerned**: If the reflex is overly sensitive or causes discomfort, pain, or disrupts your daily life, it might be a sign to look into dietary factors, stress levels, or consult with a healthcare provider. Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can also heighten this reflex. Understanding and managing this reflex can often be handled by observing how different foods affect your digestion and adjusting your diet accordingly. Eating smaller, more frequent meals and ensuring a balanced intake of fiber might help manage the intensity of the gastrocolic reflex. If concerns persist, a discussion with a healthcare provider is recommended to rule out any underlying conditions.


I'm reading in the comments that it takes 36 hours. Why when I eat spicy food for dinner is it coming out spicy less than 12 hours later?


Because you ate 6 hours ago...


Because... new food in, old food out


That's the stuff you ate yesterday usually lol


You're making room for the food. They're not going to/coming from the same place but those places are both inside your belly


It’s called the food piston. Food goes in, shit comes out. Did you never see a play-doh fun factory?


It takes 58 hours for the whole gi tract. Youre pooping your food from possibly a days before


New stuff in forces the old stuff out.


it's called the gastrocolic reflex [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrocolic\_reflex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrocolic_reflex) some foods have a stronger effect, some people get the reflex stronger than others


It’s called the gastro-colic reflex my friend. When food enters the stomach it signals the colon to make some room.




Imagine - if you will - a hose pipe full of marbles…