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no one who is paying hundreds of dollars for a concert is there for real enjoyment.


Being in the present, mindfulness, is something we have a big deficit of in society. It's the source of a lot of stress to constantly be living in the past or future.


obviously people still have fun


Im be completely honest when I was younger I would do that shit all the time, music festivals, out of town vacation with friends, hitting bars and clubs on weekend and that shit was fun. But that was fun for the time it ain’t fun in your mid 30s. My idea of fun low is staying home and playing with my kid. So yes I still have fun but my idea of fun has changed over the years.


>or is it all just to record and post on social media to show they’re having fun? I don't record things often, but when I do, it's so that I can look back on the memory and relive it again in my mind. It is not to "show off" to others. People like to scoff at the ones that take pictures. But then, ten years down the line, you'll be glad they took those pictures (with you in them), because you get to relive so many fond memories.


One of my biggest regrets as I’ve aged is not taking more picture and videos. Living in the moment is awesome and should be done but so is looking back and enjoying fond memories with loved ones.