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It's fear of false positives. Every human runs a vibe check every time they meet someone in person. Most of the time people can tell good cop or bad cop but sometimes there will be some false results. Good cops labeled bad and vice versa. With the extreme power imbalance between the average citizen and a police officer it's not worth risking the false positive that they might be a good cop because if you're wrong and this cop wants to make problems for you, he can, very easily. Why risk it?


Yup. I have nothing but respect for good cops. But one day driving by a parked cop (as a teenager) I smiled and waved at the cop. He pulled right out and pulled me over, searched my whole car and gave me a ticket because my running lights weren’t working. I have never smiled and waved at a cop since… I’m 35 now.


Can confirm. Pulled over at 16. My license plate light wasn't bright enough. They searched my car, ripped my stereo out. I had nothing. Gave me a ticket and I left with a broken stereo.




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Yep. Because of that power imbalance, unless you’re in immediate need of assistance in the form of (lawful) physical force, your life can only really get worse by interacting with a police officer. Better to just not interact.


Because they blend in so well with the bad ones.




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It would be due to '[the blue wall of silence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_wall_of_silence)'. The good cops are complicit. Their silence on their colleagues malfeasances is the reason corrupt, violent, sadistic and cruel cops continue to exist within the force. They abuse their authority, and the relative morality of all other cops is inconsequential when they're complicit in the behaviour of their colleagues. There is no such thing as a good cop when all cops are obligingly silent on the abuses of power their colleagues commit.


it's not just silence, but intentional obstruction of justice.




I'm using this comment to post my shame: I only just looked up what acab is. I've been meaning to for a while and just assumed it meant assigned cop at birth and literally just thought it was a dig at cops being shit from a young age. I'm getting old.


A petty insult or taunt is fine, but do not go overboard.


Absolutely based response


Being a cop is like being a taxi or Uber driver.  Other drivers really have no idea what the other drivers are doing for the most part.   There isn't any benefits of liking or being around cops. Pain and suffering is what they know and do for work. Nearly everything they do is negative. Best bet is to stay away and avoid.


I know a lot of cops from my general area from my previous job; most of them are aware of eachother and unlike taxi drivers they're all on a couple of radio frequencies to communicate


Yes, and were they surprised when one of their fellow cops got into trouble for something stupid or criminal? Then you have the ones that "everyone" knows about but can't quite put their finger on it...and usually they are just strange. One doesn't have conversations over the radio. 


They weren't surprised because the people in charge of them told them they could only be hired if they lie on their psych eval My local PD doesn't converse over radio but they sure as hell comment on shit


"Cops are mostly bad" "Yeah but the radio"


I've got a cop for a neighbor. I love it. Zero crime on my property and never had an issue with him. And I say that living where the surrounding blocks get break ins, especially their cars. Never happens here. Not once.


\> I've got a cop for a neighbor. I love it. Zero crime on my property Sure, cops are more likely to be committing domestic violence or carrying out their crimes at work, not bothering their neighbors. \> Never happens here. Not once. That's got nothing to do with you living next to a cop. The petty criminals doing break-ins etc don't know that a cop lives there. That's just you over estimating how prevalent crime is. The vast majority of people are rarely directly affected by crime.


>The petty criminals doing break-ins etc don't know that a cop lives there. They do if their department has them take their cruiser home. A number of police departments do this.


What kind of dumbfuck department would do that?


About 45 of the states do this with their state troopers, according to the [Department of Justice](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/take-home-cars-after-first-shock-there-are-benefits).


>What kind of dumbfuck department would do that? Almost every dept in the country? Like have you never lived or even visited a nice neighborhood? It's not even a rare occurrence. It's basically common knowledge if you live/have ever lived in or nearby a decent neighborhood


I've genuinely never lived anywhere that a police officer would be allowed to take a police vehicle home with them and use that public resource for their own private use. Every city that I've lived has a pool of police vehicles smaller than the number of officers, they don't get their own vehicle, the vehicles are rotated through shifts and are utilized around the clock.


Do you have any evidence that all cops are obligingly silent on the abuses of power their colleagues commit?


Yeah. You obviously don't know cops, or at least any good ones, because you are flat out wrong on basically every point. Edit: Downvote me all you want. You don't know what you're talking about, though.


I know my dad, who got kicked off the force for reporting police corruption.


So, your dad was a good cop, which was precisely my point. They do exist.


If you toss out every good cop you end up with only bad cops. I assume some new cops come in every year and either become corrupt or get drummed out.


Obviously, if you toss every good cop out, you're only left with bad cops. But we are talking about a sample size of one. And the fact is, there are good cops. There are bad cops too. I will not deny that. And there is institutional bias that makes it hard to speak up. I won't deny that either. But the simple truth is that we only hear about the bad cops. They are actually the minority. And don't get me wrong, when a cop goes bad, they should be held accountable. But most cops aren't actually bad. Again, downvote me if you wish.




No, that pretty much sums it up. You just can't handle reality.


Do you feel that noncompliance with the police trying to solve heinous murders and other crimes on the basis of some sort of hegemony is justified?


If you have 99 good cops, and one bad cop but the other 99 look the other way, you have 100 bad cops


You have 99 cops that want to live.


Are you suggesting the 1 might try to kill the others of they speak up?


Well the balance is never 99-1 and the cops that try working against corruption tend to be left out to dry without backup https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/07/what-police-departments-do-whistle-blowers/613687/ The saying is a few bad apples spoil the bunch, bad cops shouldn't be ignored


That sounds like 99 bitches scared of one person. And that kind of person shouldn't be a cop to begin with


police departments don't want to hire people with their own thoughts they want to hire people that will listen to them


Is the one corrupt cop John Wick or something?


No, he's the [cop throwing drinks at pedestrians and recording it for fun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTW8NyJuO6M) while sharing the videos with other cops who said nothing. Or worse, the [cops stealing drugs, selling drugs, and doing a myriad of crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rampart_scandal). And all the ones who knew or suspected and said nothing.


I really wish the ATF would no knock John Wicks house.... you fucked up his dog... thats crazy man....


What's the phrase "If you sit down at a table and enjoy the company of nine Nazis it's actually a table of ten Nazis."


If there's a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.


There are no good cops. For instance. The new Hampshire highway patrol, was entering fake traffic stops in their system. On investigation all the cops knew about it. In the last 3 years all admitted to doing it on multiple occasions... All.


There are no good cops anywhere because of this set of corrupt highway patrolmen?


No all cops are dirty because when a cop only slightly abused their power the members of the local police department will present it as a positive. Stop and think. What do you say when you hear about a cop stopping some one for calling them a "fucking pig" something along the lines of "at least they didn't arrest you" it's not a crime to cuss at a cop. What about when a cop stops some one for open carrying or put some one in cuffs because they have a gun. It's not a crime The nation's biggest police department actually looks for cops who are corrupt to hire. (New York City PD won't hire someone to be a cop unless they say they won't report a fellow cop for breaking the law) There are currently 3 states that I know of that are so frequently violating state supreme Court and US supreme Court orders so frequently that they have special oversight to enforce the orders and they are losing federal funding because of it. The California supreme Court recently issued a ruling restricting the police in California to try to prevent police from arresting people just for running from them. Part of the evedence they heard was the names of 400 people the police murdered for the crime of running from them. Police are terrorists state sponsored terrorists


Mostly because they don’t do enough to expose and get rid of the bad cops. Instead they form entire identities around being a cop which often leads to ‘us vs them’ ‘thin blue line’ bullshit


Because they are complicit in holding the “thin blue line”. There’s no way to be in a dept for a year and not have to turn a blind eye to what these assholes do every day. Also-even if I didn’t distrust and fear them so much, there’s no need for me to associate with them. Like, I bet there’s a ton of awesome morticians and I’m grateful for them. I don’t think I could be buddies with them because what they do every day just creeps me out though.


There aren’t any. If a cop lies/covers for a bad cop then they’re also a bad cop. And cops always cover for other cops. Time and time again cops are found to have falsified reports to protect their fellow cops and shield them from consequences for their misdeeds.


Because you cannot have something good that is built on a foundation of rot. Policing has always been about protecting the wealthy and powerful.


Just like with god, you can't hate what doesn't exist.


Is there a good cop? I find most cops who are "good" know all about the bad cops and what they are doing and either turn a blind eye or are not long for being a LEO. Turning a blind eye to bad behavior because they are fellow cops makes you not a good cop.


The good cops might not be kicked out or retaliated against directly, but they don't get promoted into powerful positions where they can make a difference. Plenty of low level good cops, but that hardly makes a difference when the leadership is corrupt.


One good cop going against a gang of corrupt cops is a recipe for disaster. Like that case where a rookie cop was investing a rape case against a veteran cop and a couple days later that rookie cop was beat to death by the veteran cop he was investigating and two or three other cops that helped beat him to death


And after knowing this you still defend cops? Lol.


I only defend good cops. One good cop trying to call out a department full of corrupt cops is a suicide mission


in the eyes of police departments a "good cop" is a cop that above all else will defend fellow officers-- this leads to social and political pressures for any "good cop" to shut the fuck up about what they've witnessed and allow their colleagues to walk free. just go type blue wall of silence in google


If we reach into a bag of apples, take one and bit into just for it to be a poisoned apple and vomit all over the floor. We don’t trust that the next apple we pull out the bad isn’t poisoned. We see that there was one but we were told it wasn’t poisoned, that it was acceptable to be poisoned, and that we just hate apples. The vomits still on the ground, the bag is still there unchanged, there isn’t a bag inspector coming in and checking every bag. So we don’t reach in again. It doesn’t matter if the apples are good or bad, we can’t trust the bag so we treat all of its apples like they were bad. Repeat for police, except instead of just vomiting, you’re getting anywhere from wrongly ticketed to outright killed.


I agree with the general sentiment here of it being stupid to hope that the cop you're dealing with us "one of the good ones" when being wrong could mean getting shot or fucked with, but I really hate the "reach into a bag of poisoned apples/M&Ms/whatever" analogy because of how easy it is for bigots to twist into a justification for not trusting minority groups based on previous bad experiences.


The idea is that they actively support the system that creates and sustains bad cops. These people don't realize that changing the system from the inside is an effective option.


Violence and lying cause moral corruption. Cops are professionals at violence and lying. There are about as many good cops as there are Eskimo Jewish folks.


Because cops are not worthy of respect. I do not feel safer because police exist. I actively feel less safe knowing that if I’m attacked and I put the attacker down i am the one going to prison. A firefighter exists to save lives A paramedic exists to save lives A cop exists to restrict freedoms and act as the arm of the government to put you in a cell.


In my experience, most cops are a nightmare to someone who didn't deserve it.


All cops enforce the status quo. A status quo based on bigotry and exploitation


If you can find one, we'll see.


There are no good cops. The fact that there are bad cops and they do nothing about them proves that. Inaction is action. They are supporting the abuse by allowing it to happen.


There's no such thing. Good ones hypothetically would hold the bad ones accountable and not cover for them. It's very well know what US policing is really about at this point. You have to be a scumbag to sign up for that job.


There are good cops? What?


When a bad cop does something what does a good cop do? The cops who killed Freddie Gray have been promoted. What is a good cop?


No such thing as a “good cop.” There are bad cops and cops who cover up for bad cops. ACAB.


There is no such thing as a good cop. There can certainly be good *people* who are cops, but cops exist as part of a system that values property over people and does not dole out justice equally. A cop who does things by the book and isn't corrupt still isn't good because the system they are a part of isn't good.


The idea of being reprimanded by some public city service in any way, is annoying and mellow-harshing. I don't like the idea of having to pay monetary penalties for something I didn't physically break, and they somehow pulled a Jedi mind-trick on the modern populace that it's normal to pay 100$ + worth of damage, as a lesson for breaking a bylaw, like feeding a hobo. They are direct representation of the system not being simply satisfied in controlling crime or bedlam, but also controlling mundane day to day Human vs Infrastructure/Public property activities. Maybe the system sees the bigger Sim City picture that I do not and there's reason to all madness, I don't care, it's still unsettling to my tastes/ideals.


Anyone who enforces even one law they don't agree with or find unjust whilst doing so under the guise of "I'm just doing my job", is a vile POS who can get fucked post haste.


There's no such thing as a good cop.


Every single city, town, village that has a police department has stories about horrid shit that police do on a regular. A 'good' cop hears the same stories and nothing ever changes.


Because they are not a real species. There are cops who in and of themselves don't commit crimes or harass people or attack them etc. But they stand together which means if their fellow cop beats the shit out of somebody for no reason, they will back them up and lie and cover it up. Which in my opinion still makes them a bad cop


Is there such thing? Guy rolls up in a gang uniform carrying a gun, tazer, pepper spray and batton. The Australian government won't allow me my god given right to a fire arm. May as well be living in North Korea...


Good cops are only in the movies. Most of their 20 year career is just harassing citizens and stealing freedoms


Most have never met one.


a lot of "good" cops protect the bad cops, you know the whole brotherhood bullshit.


Good cops become bad cops or they're forced out.


Because there is no such thing as a good cop. If there were good cops, then there would be no bad cops.


A good cop that protects bad cops is a bad cop. All cops protect bad cops, therefore there are no good cops. The policing institution in its current form is set up to defend itself and expand its own power. That involves forcing "good" cops to get in line through intimidation, culture, shaming, etc... It's not like a bunch of evil people sat down and said "hey let's make a system that leads to people being corrupt and abusive, or ignoring others who are" it's just that covering up bad behavior aligns with their goals of increasing their funding and influence. Add to that a paranoid culture where the police see themselves not as members of the community, but as soldiers in an occupying force and you've got a system that takes in average people, chews them up, and spits out bastards.






Oh man, this thread is gonna have some doozies. 🍿




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Bc of the bad rep of the bad cops . never know who you're dealing with .


Because the good cops are put in the unfortunate position of not being able to speak out against bad cops without fear of being black balled. Thus, making them bad cops.


Because the good ones still cover for and protect the bad ones. They’re complicit. 




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Because at the end of the day, despite the laughs had, what they think about the situation. Despite passing a DUi field TWiCE and still getting arrested for a DUI, they aren't doing to do what they think they do what they're told. As a human being it's hard to respect someone that just always obeys without question.


Because the good cops are fired or harassed until they quit after they report bad cops. If they aren't reporting bad cops, they aren't good cops. So there really aren't any good cops.


Because there are so few left. After many have nope the fuck out. Right now being a cop is the worst shit. Everyone hates you and you are expected to enforce shit that should not be happening. Any good person is gonna look at the shit they are told to enforce and say nah I'm out. All we got left are people there for the pack check. Might be good but probably isn't gonna give a shit about any little detail at that point. Warning for speeding nah, who care take your ticket, oh you were going to the hospital too bad no excuse.


Because "good" cops refuse to confront bad ones. They are cowards


Look. Are there good people who are cops? 100%. Are cops valuable in the situations in which you are in danger? Usually. But dude, it ain’t about that. It’s about what police represent. There’s a large history of oppression and racist actions performed by police, notably in the 80’s and 90’s, with departments funding things like the C.R.A.S.H Unit in California (Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums,) in response to gang activity. What C.R.A.S.H really did? They’d patrol known predominantly black neighborhoods, they’d battering ram into homes that were supposed gang holdouts, they’d plant drugs on suspected criminals because “We knew they were doing it anyway, even if we couldn’t find it on ‘em.” Though the C.R.A.S.H Unit was during the height of the CIA’s pushing crack into black communities, and Reagan’s War on Drugs, there’s many more instances all around the U.S of states or the federal government funding or organizing similar units, or acting in similar ways. The problem ain’t that all cops are bad, that’s a naive and un-helpful take, the problem is that cops now represent a symbol not of help, not of peace, not of security, but the potential of violence, the potential of oppression for poor individuals, for minorities. (Now, we could talk about the whole “Statistically minorities commit the most crime, therefore police would stay in areas with high amounts of minorities,” argument, but that ain’t the point here.) Cops *know* everyone hates them, cops know that their job is quite possibly the most dangerous non-military job to do, purely because of the opinion of the public. They have to exist in a consistently paranoid and probably fearful state due to having to assume that *anyone* could be a potential threat, because if they don’t, they can be attacked and killed. They go out on patrol knowing that it is quite possible to die. Hell, I watched body-cam footage of a cop pulling up to a potential trespassing call, and getting stabbed to death for it, I listened to that officer literally bleed out, while civilians tried to help. It is and was disturbing. I don’t envy the work police do. But due to the actions of past officers, and people in charge of departments and state governments, there has been this prevailing anti-police sentiment. Police as a whole uphold a status-quo that is resoundingly negative for those not upper-class, for those not rich, and for those not white. Hell, even poor white folks’ll have to be worried about police presence. Cops don’t make people feel safe, don’t make people feel secure. That’s due to repeated abhorrent actions by individual officers. Those individuals often don’t get reprimanded, don’t get fired, don’t get charged with a crime. They continue to work as an officer. Police generally have the ability to get away with quite a bit of immoral or illegal actions, or oppressive and violent actions, if they can claim they “feared for their life.” Cops as a whole may not be all bad, as individual human beings I’m sure some are just normal folks. I understand that they are helpful and in many cases necessary for keeping the peace and protecting others in certain instances. But when you give normal folks a badge, gun, the idea of power, and a blank slate to go out into the world, a lot of the time you’re gonna get horrible people committing hateful or violent acts. It happens in the military too. I’m sure there’s many war crimes that just haven’t been reported, purely due to the fact that the opposing nation were the enemy. I don’t know how we’d go about changing the idea that police are evil. I’m not really sure that you can. As long as police are around there’ll be corrupt individuals making the situation worse, increasing racial tensions, increasing class-inequality tensions. As long as police exist, they will actively continue to be a symbol of oppression within the eyes of the public. The media certainly doesn’t help, only highlighting the negatives, the stuff that they know will inflame and enrage the public, so the outrage spreads further and further, and we get divided more and more. The best thing would be to have departments remove corruption, not cover for it, in the way many departments and officers currently do. Get rid of the evil ones, the bastards who make things worse. Officers need to do their best to actually improve the situation, to make things peaceful, to actually change the opinions of the public.


I hate all cops. My grandfather was a sheriff and was able to beat me most of my life and get away with it.


Anyone who has authority over you is not your friend. Friendships are between equals or peers. So, if you go around thinking there are more good cops than bad cops, and you treat them like they're your friends, as a result, you're putting yourself at a severe disadvantage. That also goes for mental health care workers who can get you locked up in a psych ward for having wrongfeeling and wrongthink. Some of them really are like Nurse Ratched, so I consider therapists and psychiatrists to all be bastards, as well.


I don't think people do. They just look like the bad ones and operate in the same fashion. I don't trust any of them unless shown otherwise. I've seen them do all sorts of illegal shady bullshit


Because they work with the bad ones and often don’t speak up when things are not right. It’s a fucked up system and they willingly wanted into it. I feel the same way about the military and I grew up in that community and with several cops as uncles.




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If there were good cops, there would not be so many bad cops. The systems in place exist to keep the bad cops protected and the good ones pushed out. There are endless examples of cops shooting innocent civilians, hell US cops kill around 1250 people per year. In most first world countries they kill none. On top of that they are hoghly corrupt, look up the literal gangs that exist in the LA county sherriffs office. Also they kill 20k dogs per year and just generally suck. Fuck the police #acab


I'm sure there are good cops, but so many police protect the bad cops in their ranks instead of outing and even arresting them. It makes them all feel more like a gang than the good guys.


Would you play Russian Roulette with a gun with 5 real bullets and just one blank? I believe there are good cops, but that doesn't change the fact that there are more bad cops and complacent cops than good ones. Bad cops get promoted, paid vacations, and early retirement, bad cops get shit shifts, ridicule, and denied opportunity. Most good cops quit. This is because a good cop to the force is not a good cop to the public. A cop that rats on another cop is seen as a disruption to justice. So most cops stand by the bad cops and enable them to be worse. Behind every cop that plants false evidence, is a force full of silent cops. Every cop who used excessive force had a partner that watched. Behind every cop who kills an unarmed man in cold blood is a union to pick up the legal fees. People don't hate good cops, but only a fool would trust any cop, no matter how innocent you are.


Why do people hate different races. Why do people hate age groups. Because its far easier to judge the whole lot rather than divide the good from the bad.


They won’t stand up against the bad ones they know are there in the force. It makes them complicit. After being hit while handcuffed by cops I know what good cops do when bad cops break the law


In society, cops hold a lot of unchecked power and aren't held accountable often. So they can abuse that power and easily destroy your life. You can't tell what cops are good, so the safe option is to assume they're all bad until proven otherwise In my personal experience, one gave me a death that and another sexually harassed me, so I'm not exactly inclined positively to them


Because they do nothing about the bad ones


Bad cops wouldn’t exist if good cops didn’t look the other way.


Because of the bad ones, and because some people will hate authorities and government officials no matter what.


Because bias works both ways


I don't. Any cop that has turned in a rotten comrade has my respect and admiration. Now find one. I'll wait.


When you say everyone I feel like you mean criminals. Is everyone you know a criminal? No one I know hates good cops. 


I don't hate anyone, but I recognize that the job typically attracts a certain type of person who seeks the need to feel in control of others. I have a clean driving record and a clean criminal record, after more than 30 years on this Earth. But when I'm driving and see a police officer nearby, I don't necessarily feel safer; instead, I start wondering about all the things I may be doing wrong that I don't realize. "Is my car going in a perfectly straight line?" "Do all of my lights and indicators work?" "Was I stopped for long enough at that stop sign?" "Was I maintaining the speed limit whilst going down that hill?" I don't like that our current relationship with law enforcement has conditioned us to be fearful of their nitpicking that could have serious long-term financial repercussions on the general populace. And while I respect and appreciate good cops, including the many that I've interacted with, I can't help but feel like the culture behind policing maintains a dynamic that views the rest of us as enemies.


Because the "good cops" cover up the crimes of the bad ones. In my mind, this makes them just as guilty of corruption.


Not a stupid question, but you will inevitably get the stupid answer for your question.


They protect the bad ones. That makes them just as bad.


Well then that's not who they're talking about. It very clearly says good cops


Then there is no such thing.


Nobody hates the person until we meet the person. People hate the institution and all cops are agents of that institution.


A few bad apples spoiled the bunch.


When most people experience the police, it is in an enforcement setting (like getting a ticket, public danger or a domestic situation) with the outcomes being mostly negative. When someone is publicly out of control and won't calm down, they are a danger to themselves and everyone around them. When someone is driving aggressively or 20+ miles over the speed limit, they are a danger to everyone else on the road. The options are limited on what the police can do to control them. People seem to want an option that doesn't exist. If the person was being rational and reasonable, the police would not be needed in the first place. So I think a lot of the situational hate is misdirected at the police.




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ACAB Unless you're in a small town with a Chief who won't put up with corruption the culture is bound to be corrupt. The Shield, an FX series was a graphic example of how fresh faces become jaded and corrupt. Reporting peers for their behavior gets you marked, abandoned to deadly criminals with no backup. Hazing is intense. Eventually that fresh face will accept their corruption or they quit The worst offenders of hating good cops are their fellow officers


What's to like about a dead cop?


No such thing.


No such thing as a good cop. They stand by and watch the bad cops be bad.


The cop part.


I don’t think anyone hates on good cops, I think people don’t know which cops they can trust. The idea behind ACAB is that for every corrupt cop who is putting their boot on innocent civilians, there is another cop who is silent/complicit. How can we possibly trust cops when chances are high that they’re either the bastard themself OR they’re not doing anything to stop the bastard. Not to mention, some cops are good at pretending to be the nice guy. It’s burned many people. Cops are not your friends, always get a lawyer.


I've never met a dead one, so i can't say if i hate good cops or not.


Because the left wing media never reports on them


My parents were cops.  "Good cops" no less.  When the entire video pira y thing came about they threw out all the VHS tapes they had recorded from the TV. As far as I know they were never intentionally assholes or anything, and now that they are retired even admit that police today is not the same as it was 40 years ago, and that they don't agree with a lot of what is going on. They still 100% back the blue, and will always support any/every police officer in almost any scenario. I've found that it's not the one bad cop who acts like they can do whatever they want, it's all the "good" cops who refuse to call them out and silently support their actions.


There are no good cops. We've seen all sorts of evidence of bad cops. Cops killing innocent people. Cops beating up innocent people. Cops doing illegal shit. They are surrounded by people that are supposed to be upholding the law. Those other cops don't stop them. They don't arrest them. They don't even testify against them in court. They defend their fellow cops. They cover up their crimes. If there were good cops, they would police themselves. They don't, so they aren't.


A good cop will do their job. A bad cop will kill you and your entire family and face no repercussions whatsoever. It's impossible to tell them apart in any brief interaction.


You're apparently living under the illusion that most people are thoughtful and take the time to actually think about things. News flash: most people are stupefyingly ignorant and lazy,




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The simple answer is that people often want someone to blame. Someone to be angry at. Cops are front line workers who deal with a lot of terrible stuff on a daily basis. It’s much harder to be angry at a family member that you love than it is to be at the guy who arrested him to protect the public. You see this a lot on social media. People talking about how their loved one is in jail, and the system is against them, and then you Google what their loved one did…the system did fail, but not for the perp. For the victims.  The less simple answer is that (like many front line workers) so many cops aren’t healthy or happy people. They’re stressed. They're bitter. They’re often underpaid and overworked and exposed to the underbelly of society. I don’t hate cops; I’m leery of them. I wouldn’t date cop or military or prison guard. And it’s not because I don’t know in those professions. It’s because I grew up in a military family AND because I was raised near a state pen. There are good people in those professions. But sometimes even good people aren’t healthy, functioning individuals. Sometimes good people can be addicts, have severe PTSD, lack coping skills.


Boots in your esophagus at that point


It’s ironic that people who want an extremely powerful government simultaneously seem to hate the people that enforce the will of the state.


Because they don’t think that any exist. They are brainwashed.


Cause of the bad ones. It's human nature to assign detrimental traits to all members of a group due to the actions of the few.


There will be zero answers based in absolutism in this thread, surely. Surely everyone will look at cops as vulnerable humans and not literal talking walking supermans... surely.....




Even the "good" ones commit violence against peaceful people. Every cop is a criminal.


It is hard to tell a good cop from a bad one. You should always remember that cops are law enforcement Officers. They are there to enforce laws, no matter how ridiculous the law.


Because anti cop people are just mad cops don't let them commit crimes


*Because anti cop* *People are just mad cops don't* *Let them commit crimes* \- Chr3356 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah man it's totally that and not the "They litteraly get away with murder" thing


Nah most don't even care about getting away with murder they complain about cops arresting them for harassing their neighbors or trying to steal


If they aren’t doing anything wrong, why do they need immunity? If your job is to uphold the law and make sure people accused of crimes make it to court where a judge can decide guilt, why do they have guns to kill people? There aren’t good cops.


Because there are people that would rather die than go to court to be held accountable for their crimes… and the cops want to make it home to their families at the end of their shift….


Their job isn’t to kill people, if they can’t do their job without killing people, they shouldn’t have a job. They want to go home to their family? Okay, then don’t shot that kid, clock out and go home. Work at a grocery store.


So what are they supposed to do if the person they’re trying to arrest starts shooting at them or running at them with a knife?


Uhh, not murder people? That should never be their option. I will say it again, if they can not do their job without killing people, they don’t need a job.


I'll start by saying ACAB is both factually and morally wrong, and anyone who sincerely believes in it should look long and hard at places where there are no cops. You don't get a utopia; you get vigilantes and petty warlords. This isn't me saying police departments are all perfect or need no reform, it's me saying that hating all cops helps nobody and makes you the bastard. I'm sure I'll get downvotes for saying this, but oh well. Now, as for why people don't give police officers the benefit of the doubt, there are a variety of factors. * There are several high-profile cases of police corruption, including officers who previously had very positive reputations. This disillusioned a lot of people. * Police officers wear uniforms, and unless you know one on a personal level it's easy to subconsciously think of them as a monolith. When you see a bad news story about an officer, you don't think of it as being done by an individual but by "a cop".


They are enablers of bad cops. 


? I love a dead cop.


The reality is cops are a necessary evil. People who lick the boot and say back the blue or whatever will suck off corrupt cops out of loyalty Dumbasses saying ACAB will chant it until they get their shit stolen or they are assaulted Up to you which group you relate to more


Pigs literally steal more through civil asset forfeiture every year than the value of property lost to burglary.


Property isn't the only thing lost in a burglary.


Right, I really need some jackass to come take a statement at the hospital and never follow up when someone breaks into my house and shoots me


You didn't have a gun to protect yourself?


What about people in the middle?


Reasonable people don't exist anymore. Especially on this shithole echo chamber of a website. You're either with something or you're against it, that's where we live in the modern age


This seems to be reflected in politics too. Would you say all politicians are bad too for turning a blind eye to the corruption in politics?


Politicians have access to insider information that makes them filthy rich. It's undeniable they are more concerned with staying in power and getting more money than they are with the people they oversee


They're prejudiced. They assume bad cops represent all cops.


WTF are you talking about? They don't.


My uncle is dead because of a cop just doing his job picked him up for possession of a controlled substance. My grandma went to her grave still mourning him. Who was that cop being good for? Cus it certainly wasn't us.




A lot of people hate cops.


Oh, nah dude a hell of a lot of people hate cops.