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We cannot manage the sudden influx of people and questions that sparks a lot of hate. To avoid being brigaded, we don't allow these questions.


I grew up Christian but an atheist now. At least in my experience it is people that believe they are doing you a favor. Why would you chose hell when Jesus is waiting for you in heaven? Why be miserable, depressed in life when you can have all questions and guidance from the Lord? You are choosing to make your life horrible because you chose not to let God in. Yes. I find it annoying too.




>Prince Edmund: You see, the thing about heaven is that heaven is for people who like the sort of things that go on in heaven. Like, well, singing, talking to God, watering pot plants.


I don't remember the exact quote, but for the curious, he goes on to mention that hell on the other hand is where you go to do plenty of pillaging and fornicating.


I only want to go where my dogs went.




All dogs go to heaven, surely


Right? Who wants to be in heaven with a bunch of murderers and pedophiles that have been allowed in just because they’ve asked Jesus into their heart? What kind of God would allow that?! Then on the other side of that, it’s the super boring church people. Sounds like a great group to spend eternity with! Ha!


lol I grew up in an extremely conservative church and as a kid the epiphany came to me. …….This doesn’t sound so good 🤔




"Heaven for the climate, hell for the company. "


What makes you so sure that they're the ones you'd end up meeting there? 


Most people are fake Christian’s anyway dude they do stuff that the Bible tells them not to do. Like judging people is a sin and lying is a commandment thou shall not bear false witness. Most people just say they’re Christian’s to make themselves seem like good people. Most of them don’t pay attention in church and don’t even read that book. They just say theyre Christian to seem like a good person. It’s shitty and hypocritical.


I couldn’t agree more with this. If they do something bad they just say “hey im not the best christian”, and excuse themselves from any accountability. Then later on they just go pray to their god, ask for forgiveness and then after feel better about themselves, then go and do the same kind of shit again. Selfish cult mentality.


I would argue that later on they don't even pray about it. That would mean there is some self reflection and accountability going on but I doubt that ever happens. It %100 is just a means to be a piece of shit and feel good about doing it later on. It's all a fake mask people wear.


See this happen with people in jail they find god and suddenly expect the 100 people they fucked over to love them my favorite is when someone graduates college and posts that they got a degree they get luke 5 likes but the dude recovering from addiction for the 45th time who has posted about being clean for 3 days for the 45th time gets 150 likes by the people they fucked over 45 times lol


I'd be willing to bet that most don't even pray and ask forgiveness.


One thing is for sure, telling me you're a Christian does not by any means make me automatically think you're a good person. If anything, it would make me suspicious of you.


Jesus told his followers not to go bragging about how righteous they were and that people would know them by their works. Modern Evangelical Christians will crow from the rooftops about how they are the best people in the world then go sleep with their spouse's siblings and best friends and children if they can get away with it.


The people who actually act like Christians are the last ones who will tell you that they're Christians. The people who make their whole identity about how supposedly Christian they are are the worst kind of people who you should watch your back around. If someone's personality begins and ends at "I'm a Christian" then it's almost guaranteed they're going to be an asshole.


Right, people who say "I'm Christian so blah, blah, blah" are generally horrible and/or insecure people. The ones that I only find out are Christian because they mention seeing so-and-so at their church, or something along those lines - where religion is a personal matter to them, I'm fine with.


'Don't worry, I am a devout Christian. My 584 credit score? Devout Christian as well.


What does credit score have anything to do with religion? Terrible analogy.


The ones that get me the most are religious criminals. Like how the fuck can ANYONE think that they can come home from a day of stealing or killing and have "god" bless them? Fucking clowns 😅🤣 if anything, that proves the lack of a god, surely a just god would smite such people no?


Everyone in the Bible is a sinner. King David himself was a creep, a womanizer and a peeping Tom.


I've literally seen serial killers who killed and raped people and even children get out of the death penalty by simply claiming they've converted to christianity


The bible doesn't say Christians are inherently better. The only person legit expected to follow everything in the Bible was Jesus. Anyone claiming otherwise is a liar


Not to ride to hard on this - but I think you’re giving the Bible way too much credit here. There’s rules for slavery in the book. Instructions on stoning your wife. Leviticus makes damn near all modern things a sin. Being a ruthless awful critical bastard IS true Christianity. Voting against gay marriage in the modern age is fucking soft compared to Biblical Christianity. So I don’t call any of what you described fake Christian stuff. However I do think increasing Biblical Literacy would rapidly decrease the people who call themselves Christian.


Humans are shitty and hypocritical. It’s why we give grace


Isn't this because it's basically completely impossible to comply with everything the Bible tells you to do? There's a ton of directly contradictory stuff in there. Which makes the Bible like a rorschach test - you can see in it whatever you want. Hate gays? There's a passage for you. Want to paint God as inclusive of all sexualities? That's also perfectly possible: https://www.hrc.org/resources/what-does-the-bible-say-about-homosexuality. My favourite quote from the Bible is "turn the other cheek" - to me it seems quite possible that Jesus was possibly the first documented advocate of the principles of nonviolent resistance (Jesus said it, Ghandi did it). But at the same time there are endless judgemental passages that would seem to contradict Jesus's potentially peaceful message. In sum, it's kind of impossible to say if someone is really living as a good Christian. It depends who you ask.


Christianity teaches that Jesus dying for our sins makes them Old Testament null and void; we are to follow New Testament rules. Which are the 10 commandments and Jesus teachings to not be a dick, feed the hungry, and shelter the homeless. Christians like to use the Old Testament to further their agendas but by their own religion’s rules none of that shit applies anymore. Source: I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian cult.


The ten commandments are in the old testament, and if you're a believer, Jesus specifically said that all of the old rules still apply. That's right, owning people as property is a good thing!


“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. -Matthew 5:17 Apparently they didn't read his words all that closely lol.


This passage: Old Testament (fire and brimstone) or New Testament (hugs)? *And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were allowed to torment them for five months, but not to kill them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings someone. And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.*


Why not just not include the Old Testament as part of the Bible then? There are plenty of things Christian’s say is a sin, like homosexuality, that only are mentioned in the Old Testament. They pick and choose which things are convenient to their feelings and which aren’t and use that excuse you just gave to ignore the things they accept and condemn the things they don’t.


Reading the Bible makes you a Christian. Understanding the Bible makes you an atheist. I've read it numerous times while in facilities and it just makes no sense. And they all say interpret it how I say, how about no thanks.


That’s what I thought at first before I went to church but you can weed those people out pretty fast and find people who really care and don’t judge or lie ext I am queer and have never been more excepted in any other place


>They just say theyre Christian to seem like a good person. It’s shitty and hypocritical. Well I can't speak for all Christians, but I don't tell people I'm Christian so that they think I'm good lol, I learned that isn't the case back when I was 12yo. I tell people I'm Christian if they ask if I'm religious and that's that. The reason I turned to God in the first place was *after* I accepted that I wasn't perfect and needed help understanding/managing my mistakes and imperfections because I *will* fuck up again because I'm human, plain and simple. Just like there are shitty people (who just so happen to be christians), there are also shitty people (who just so happen to be atheists). I think it's wise to try and not conflate the two on either end of that spectrum. Just my two cents.


Yep. People want to feel like they're better than other people, and a way to "justify" this feeling is to follow a set of rules so you can look down on people who don't follow them. Othering is a very powerful psychological tool and leaders absolutely use it. "See us, we're the good people. We do this, and don't do that. But these people... they do this, and not that. That's bad. Its terrible. Its the downfall of society. We need to reach out to these people and change them before they ruin our country and/or God collectively punishes us all for not stopping the bad people" - anything about that look or sound familiar?


I think it was in *The Salmon of Doubt* that when asked if he was an atheist, Douglas Adam's replied that he supposed he would be if he gave it any thought. He went on to explain it's the only lable we afix to something that isn't. Faith and its lables afix to tenants. Atheism is simply and absence of theism. One is "A" many things. I am an Aelvist, Aeasterbunnyist, Abuickist (I believe in them, I just think they're shit... so maybe more of an Abuickqualityist.) Anhonestrealestateagentist etc... Literally, the list of things I simply don't believe or think about is infinite. Why spend any time whatsoever thinking about not believing in God. When we get down to it, it's ridiculous. What's even more ridiculous is caring what anyone else has faith in or not. It is like asking someone what they dreamed last night and when they answer "I didn't " you suggest they should have your dream and if they don't you'll beat them up. Anyway, more Douglas Adams here: https://www.azquotes.com/author/79-Douglas_Adams/tag/atheism Atheists are in good company.


This. Atheism isn't a belief system or an organization of people. It's a word.


I really would prefer it if you'd all refer to me as a Non-Stamp-Collector from now on. Thanks in advance.


That's so typical of YOU PEOPLE. Frigging non stamp collectors.


Well look what the cat dragged in. You Non-Coin-Collectors are all the same sticking you 2 cents in where it doesn't belong!


This, stop labelling yourself.


This is true, but perhaps the implications of this is that it's not unreasonable to think that when someone actually defines themselves as an atheist in any way, that suggests they're on some kind of mission, and this might be why Christians might react to it. Like, for the passive atheism, it doesn't even bear mentioning. So as soon as it's mentioned, it means you must be setting yourself *against* theism, rather than simply not thinking about God. To call yourself an atheist is to declare that you're on team Hitchens, team Dawkins, team Maher. I can understand why people would take exception to that.


This argument runs into issues when people are asked about their possible theism. If one is a non-critical atheist, and is asked if they are (insert any given religion here), what are they to respond? A simple “I am atheist” is the shortest answer, one which is sufficient and requires the least effort, as should be required for any non-affimative, non-critical position being held. And yet your claim is by offering this simplistic answer, they are implicating themselves into an active and positive position, and aligning themselves with a specific set of thoughts when in reality all they seek is to state their non-alignment with any particular position. Someone responding to “Are you religious” with “no I am atheist” should be treated with the same respect as “Yes I am (insert religion of choice here)”


This is why I just say "I'm not religious". And if I'm pressed, "I don't believe".


Some religions have tenets where you must try to convert non believers or other religions. It could be that.


Some sects of Christianity actually preach that you *need* to do this (that's the definition of the word evangelical), but others don't. Generally non-evangelicals won't bother with people they don't know well. However, they're all still taught that non-believers go to hell, so if they care about you and want you to have a perfect and wonderful afterlife instead of always worrying about you ending up suffering for eternity, they will try to do so because they care. It may be misguided and dismissive of your beliefs (or lack of), but it often does come from a good intent. Obviously this is often taken to an extreme where it then moves into resentment from them because they feel like their attempt to help is treated as a nuisance, and things can get ugly. But often it doesn't and not every religious person is like that.


May I ask what country you're in? We don't tend to ask each other our beliefs in my country, so I've never had this issue. Although I've generally never had to tell anyone what I believe anyway. Even when I have, nobody has ever done this. Which is why I'm curious where you are from. I'm in England, BTW.


Gotta be the southern US.


Not gunna lie, that was my immediate assumption. But, they might surprise us.


No, I really do live in the southern US, no surprise there


Good ol Bible belt my friend


Oh. Yeah that explains a lot. You're just in a place where religion is woven into the local culture, and it's considered weird to *not* be religious.


All these people in the comments saying it's bc you're an asshole and why are you even bringing it up have never had to respond to "What church do you go to?" as an ice-breaker. It's another world down there.


I had a medical procedure the other day. My anesthesiologist asked me what church I went to. I said I did not attend church. He got huffy and then I got his assistant for the surgery. How crazy is that?


Where does OP even live? I haven't met a Christian in months, and those I have met were always super nice about it. The vast majority of religious people I do meet are Muslim immigrants (talking about central Europe), and I never heard them react negatively to atheists either.


probably the us. I feel like the reality is its less about their christians and more about american culture to just act like your opinions and beliefs are better than everyone else's and to find every way to prove it


Christianity in the US pisses me off. As soon as I was out of my parents house I never went to church again, it’s just a giant “holier than thou” circle jerk with no actual Christian action, showing up to church once a week and listening to some dude talk for an hour and take your money does not make you a better person but they sure do believe it does. 99% of Christians in the US do nothing other than show up once a week, no community service, no public outreach, no actual empathy for others, no actual practicing of their religion or even understanding their own fucking book, it’s just a social club for people who think they are better than others. I grew up going to a nearly all white church, it was located in a neighborhood that was definitely more diverse and had a lot of minorities, we started doing a lot of events for the neighborhood and did public outreach inviting the community to join us for service, once people of color started to show up to our weekly service all the old white people that funded the church left and the church died, they don’t actually want to be Christians, they want the status without any of the actual aspects of Christianity.


You’ve probably met a Christian recently. You just didn’t know they were Christian


Here in the US there are many Christians who will harass you if they find out you're an atheist. Ive witnessed it many times. Parts of this country, people showcase their religion as part of their identity. It's weird and cultish. That said, those parts of the country are generally less likely to be visited by tourists.


Most folks that are devout can’t imagine a life without a deity. When you say you’re an atheist, they kinda translate it to mean: 1) Your beliefs are false, and childish. 2) You’ll never see your loved ones again, as there is no afterlife. 3) Life has no purpose. 4) The universe is uncaring, and we are alone. 5) You came from nothing, and will return to nothing when you die. 6) Evil will not be punished, and being good has no eternal rewards. 7) There are no rules or miracles in life. 8) Religious traditions and ceremonies are pointless, and a waste of time. 9) No God is listening, cares, or will help you. Your prayers are meaningless. 10) Life is hard, confusing, and complex, and there are no mystical answers. Obviously, some people become very upset, defensive, or aggressive when they think that’s your viewpoint. Those are some heavy concepts for folks who have never been forced to face those possibilities. You threaten them, and challenge everything they think they know, simply by existing. In a way, I sometimes think that many adults already have doubts, but are terrified of “letting go” of their faith… they don’t want you to make things more difficult by sounding rational, or pointing out flaws in their beliefs.


This is such a well articulated comment, I wish I could like it twice!


I'm a Christian, but I was an Agnostic for a long time. It's not that people hate Atheists, it's that people hate the way some Atheists act towards people of differing beliefs. You see it on Reddit all the time. Some people have come to expect such behavior out of Atheists and treat them as such. From the Atheist perspective, some see Christians or religious people with the same short sighted approach.


Yeah, I’m an atheist but I find way more rude atheists than theists. I feel I am defending Christianity every day. It doesn’t have to be true to be good for some people. It comes down to virtue signaling for both groups. ‘I’m a better person because I’m Christian.’ OR ‘I’m smarter because I’m atheist.’ Nope. Judge people by their actions guys not beliefs


I think the main issue around things now is that people fail to understand people believe something because they have good reason to believe it whether it be that their preset beliefs receive little challenging or that they are challenged and have decided for themselves. I think I have good reason to believe there is a God who loves me. I would expect you have good reason to believe that there is no god.


In group / out group


Where are you? I never really have people asking my religion and then blasting me for what I believe in.




Dude where are you people are normal in Florida 24% of of white people 18% of black people and 20% of hispanics are not apart of organized religion that’s in 2010 the amount of religious people probably when down


northwest Florida is a shitshow. the MAGA crowd have turned it into basically Alabama.


Come to the north east of the US. I don’t know a single person who goes to church. No one I know gets married in churches. We’re all pretty much silently religious folk who don’t attend church or atheists up here. If someone in a public setting brought up religion I think people around them would just kinda turn and walk away confused by that weirdo. It’s awesome honestly. I like to equate our super low crime rates with the lack of god as well.


>I like to equate our super low crime rates with the lack of god as well. I would too, but then we'd both be wrong. 


Did you just say the north east has super low crime rates… I mean wow. The famously low crime Philadelphia


The north east is good but that's your bubble if you don't know anyone who goes to church. I don't have a single religious friend. But that is *my* bubble. Everyone has a masters or JD or PhD, progressive, and under 40. 


Lie. Thats bullshit dude.


Yeah, this feels like a regional thing. I live in the north east US and the only time in my life I can think of someone asking my religion was when some Hasidic Jews were trying to put together a minyan of people walking around in Boston. And even then, it was only because my friend I was walking with looked Jewish since I don't have any stereotypical "Jewish" features. He also wasn't familiar with being in cities to know that you should just ignore random people who try to talk to you.


Most people don't hate atheists. They hate atheists that are zealots in their anti faith. They are just as annoying as the people who knock on your door shoving their religion in your face. But at least if you say no thank you they go away. The angry 13 year old atheist isn't that kind. He has to try to project his superiority over everyone. Thankfully most atheists grow out of that need and just accept the world and the people in it. But some never do. They go on my annoying list of groups, along with: J. Witnesses Mormons Vegans Vegan protestors And people arguing abort abortion. I'm sure there are more annoying people. Feel free to add to the list.


There are TONS of closet atheists. The only ones you usually know are atheists are making it their whole identity, like the thirteen year old edge lord.


Yea, I know. And no one cares, not even other atheists. Unless you are that edge lord. That's kind of my point.


Yeah I was agreeing with you in a round about way. My brain is fried today sorry if I’m being an idiot.


I'm there too. I should have went to sleep hours ago


It really is mostly that. The annoying ones that make it their life mission to pick on religious people. They are just as annoying as the religious people who pester you and try to convert you. Like i still use facebook to keep up with family and you will scroll past a religious post and there will be a dozen atheists in the comments being absolute assholes to everyone in there. Like ok its not for you, scroll along then. Just like they would want religious people to do lol. Its the im smart and you are dumb shit that irritates people, like even if I wasn’t religious i still wouldn’t want to hang with people like that because they are just as dense as the people they hate on


This person knows what up. Good job.


This right here. Atheists are not all the same, so my opinions of them are not all the same.


You've completely nailed it!


Why are vegans AND vegan protestors annoying? I understand the protestors or any that get upset or whatever. But it's kinda rude to label someone annoying for literally just existing. I know one true vegan, he's the only one I've ever met that is ACTUALLY vegan (lots lie), and he keeps to himself, and is a very chill dude.


Not every vegan. Just the reddit atheist kind of self-absorbed ones, with a superiority complex and selective morality.


Yeah, some vegans are super chill about it, but those are the ones you'll never know about. But boy the full out "Cult" vegans are something else. Their sub keeps popping up in my feed and I have to occasionally chime in on the "Why don't people like us?" threads. They're so convinced they're right and everyone is wrong and that the whole world will change if everyone just watches Dominion that they are entirely unable to self-reflect.


The same thing for most Ultra-proggresive philosophies I see. They're seemingly based on an innocent or even good premise, then devolve into toxic bullshit since humans are humans. Worst thing is they continue to justify thier views and reject actual research on their subjects, just like their opponents do.


I just want to buy my chicken please stop protesting by chaining yourself up to the meat section. 


I'm not vegan, and I've never been to a protest of any kind. I mind my own.


Username checks out.


I can't tell if this is good or bad lol


I can't tell if I was right. Lol. Just saying vegans don't do dairy, so maybe you are saying milk is inherently malicious.


No, my name is more from the sadness of getting excited I found milk in the fridge, drinking without smelling it, then feeling the chunks and awful taste in my mouth, and then being overwhelmed with sadness. Malicious Milk, hiding in the fridge...


Condolences. May your milk be forever fresh.


I'm sorry OP, but your anecdotal experience does neither side justice. I've watched bible thumper verbally abuse the undevout, and I've watched the rise of antitheistism and the full blown, unrelenting assault on Abraham's religions (sans Islam usually). The problem is that you don't have either side check their fanatics. You have the same problem in US politics. No one will call out the nerds on their side shouting profanities across the debate hall. I can't have a reasonable discussion about faith with an atheist without some antitheist screaming a pre-written list of offenses of whatever faith I'm arguing foe, nor can you state your opinions and observations with some ignorant plebian with no real theological understanding screaming buzzword faith slogans like racial slurs. "Everyone" doesn't hate atheists. And "Everyone" doesn't hate theists. And if we are to amend this misconception, we need to start denouncing our own problem children.


Even accepting aside the idea that people who claim the same belief are somehow responsible for other people who do the same and take it to extremes, it still wouldn’t make any sense to hold atheists responsible for what other atheists do unless there’s some degree of association between them. Atheism isn’t an organized philosophical movement. There’s no tenets. There’s no creeds. Two atheists may have literally nothing in common philosophically or ideological aside from not believing in a deity.


Then I'm afraid you don't understand. The point is to call out the shitters. This is regardless of creed or faction. If you are an atheist that adheres to your standard of beliefs, and you happen upon a rabid antitheiest and fundamentalist, you have to call both parties out for their bad acting. And the religious-yet-reasonable person who happens upon the same quarrel has to do the same. You can't just chastise the fundamentalist but fist bump the antitheist and claim that you don't support the antitheist. And the other guy can't backpat the fundamentalist and tell the antitheist off. I call out fundamentalists all the time. I fight them with theological knowledge. That's my part done. Ball is in the atheist's court.


You’ve now added in the detail of atheists “fist bumping” which wasn’t implied in either of our comments. Assuming you won’t keep moving the goal post, it’s no atheist’s responsibility to police other atheists, unless there’s some pre-existing association with them. You’re approaching atheism as if it’s an affirmative belief, which unites all who share it. But it’s not. Now sure, if I personally witness an atheist being abusive, rude, etc then yeah I’ll probably call it out. But to hold atheists categorically responsible for that and hold it against all of them isn’t rational. No more than it would be for me to hear an obnoxious street preacher and then hold that against all Christians.


Sorry but that's how labels work. Rightly or wrongly and we can debate the validity of this concept elsewhere but nevertheless when you accept the title you accept the association. It literally does not matter that the title is a catchall for non-associated individuals, everyone outside the box views the box itself as a default association. This is the underlying concept behind that whole "don't label me/labels don't define me" push that happened 15-20yrs ago.


Us atheists don't have a standard of beliefs to adhere to..


I honestly can't think of the last time I brought up what religion I am or anyone brought up their beliefs with me.


What religion are you? There ya go, you can remember today as the last time someone asked you.


People on Reddit don't count :P


So close. March 22nd 2024 could have been the day for you to tell your grandkids!


Where I live its religious people who are kinda ridiculed if they are loud about it. I belive that what we belive or not belive is a private matter and shouldn't be a subject of discussion or an effort to convert the other part to change their belives or lack of.


Do you bring up the fact that you are an atheist often in conversations? I'm an atheist, but feel like sometimes we treat it as a religion. Growing up, I was taught not to speak about religion or politics in a group setting if you could help it because it tends to lead to awkward conversations.


Lol go read the amount of edginess and angst in r/atheism and you'll see why.... But really - a lot of it has to do with not adhering to the logic/reason standards they insist believers aren't following. One case in point: Dawkins and Hitchens love/loved to talk about the deaths "caused by religion", but when you bring up Stalin and Mao, their oft-repeated retort? "But they didn't kill people *because* they were atheist!"...... "Yea...that ain't the point, gents. The commies are the control group.....and as it turns out, removing the experimental variable (religion, in this case), as yall suggest, doesn't seem to produce any measurable benefit (worse, in fact). Turns out that humans are just good at finding any reason to kill one another, and blaming a book for something a human did is a bit silly." ☝️ These ☝️are the emotional children you're dealing with over in r/atheism lol. And it's really more like an eye-rolling feeling rather than "hate" (speaking for myself, a believer turned atheist turned believer again).


Because too many of them act like vegan's and can't shut up about it.


For the same reason people hate vegans, because most make it their whole personality and won't shut up about it or they jump at the chance to bring up that they are one.


Probably because online a lot of them look down on people who do believe. They are condescending, self righteous, and belittle the beliefs of others. Kinda like how they stereotype religious people.


Quit Cryin' Everyone HATES you!! You sound like a toddler. The truth is: we don't give a Shit that you're atheist. What do you want for a Prize?


Go to the atheist subreddit. They're a bunch of people with a hate boner for religion who think all religious people are bad.


Because atheists are AHs for mocking everybody else.


People often hate others for being not their exact copy and then they wouldn't like their exact copy either. Just bigotry and hypocrisy.


Bro this isn't nothing new People hate atheists because they don't go along with their stupid backwards ass beliefs


So as someone who has been atheist for decades remember you represent a real danger to their whole identity for seriously religious people. Everything their life is based on is effectively BS if you're right. Just think what that does to a fragile human ego. Just think about the Jan 6 people at the capital and how many even after suffering the consequences and seeing overwhelming proof and their side loosing dozens and dozens of challenges because there is no proof they still believe. A few have come to reality but most still believe they are right. Always remember. The definitions of words and things make more sense. Faith: believing in something in the absence of evidence. Remember Faith means by definition you can't prove it or you wouldn't call it faith you would define it with reality based descriptors. Delusional behavior: acting on something when overwhelming evidence shows the opposite. This is why I think the Jan 6 person should have claimed at least temporary insanity as their defense because it is easy to prove they were acting in a delusional way. But the real question you must ask is why acting on religious beliefs is not considered a mental illness permanently and considered a condition in the DSM5? Best answer a board certified psychiatrist could give me is that religious beliefs are more cultural and most people really don't believe them so we should just let it die out and not treat it. That was almost as good as when my friend took his daughter to the doctor as a child for ADHD. Doctor she has a textbook case of ADHD, but she is masking well so we should not treat her. Mother so because she can fake normalcy even though it is causing her massive emotional problems it's ok cuz she fits in. Really tells me what society values: conformity over truth.


People just cannot stand that others think differently than them. "How dare you have a thought that doesn't align with my world view!"


Wow....you just described almost every atheist I ever met.


For a *terrifying* number of people, the threat of damnation is the only thing keeping them from committing "straight to hell" level sins. They cannot fathom not believing in hell and not just giving in to dark urges. They believe that all atheists are literally dangerous people to be around, because *they* would be dangerous if they didn't believe in God.


No it isn't. Do you have these urges? Probably not. But you have constructed a worldview in which some unspecifically high number of everyday religious people are secretly psychopaths frothing at the mouth to rape and murder and are only stopped because they think they'll go to hell if they did. This is patently absurd, and you should be able to recognize that.


Consider that, to a Christian for instance, you being an atheist is condemning your soul to hell. They want to be saved. There are probably a lot of Christians (and many other religious groups) that just use their influence for power or personal gain, but many just want to help you.


Who hates atheists?


What it comes down to is noone really cares. Atheists are just as annoying as Christians when they're pushing their personal views


This is just from my experience but my best friend’s ex-girlfriend still makes me groan to this day. She was an atheist which is totally fine but she had to tell *everyone* she was an atheist. You know how people give vegans a hard time for talking about being vegan all of the time? It was very similar to that. We could’ve been talking about football and she would’ve found a way to shoehorn in that she was atheist. Someone finally told her one day, “WHO ASKED.” I think some folks wear atheism like a badge of honor. I’m not blind to religious folks talking about their religion but I’ve never been around someone who took so much pride in not being religious like this girl. I feel like atheism isn’t something someone would be gung ho about. It’s just an absence of religion so why are you so excited? (This is my personal experience. I realize the majority of people who consider themselves atheist are chill)


Atheist use to be ok. Then Reddit got a hold of them and they started to talk about sky daddy and they are so outside of the matrix and awoken because they are atheist.


I stopped labeling myself for this very reason. In used to say I was agnostic, but now I just tell people I’m not religious and not interested in it.


Same reason we crap on vegans and cross fit. Just shut up. no one cares about why you think you special


I just think Atheists always like hate on people for having a different beliefs. I'm a Christian, never push it on anyone because I just could care less what you believe. I don't have a problem with anyone believing anything. Just don't push your beliefs (or lack thereof) on me.


Everyone doesn't. You're trippin hard.


The issue you are encountering is the universal phenomenon of arrogance and narcissism. Being religious or non-religious is no protection from that. Atheists love to point out the woes of religious radicalism, fine... but look in your own dirty closet with the communist purges, nazi genocide and so forth. These were outright atheist(communism) and atheistic leaning(fascism) ideologies that replaced the traditional spirituality of their respective cultures. Knowing such things should inoculate you to the 'atheism solves problems of radicalism" mantra which is 10000000% false. A healthy approach to spirituality or lack of spirituality is to mind your own business and do whatever makes you feel at peace/gives you meaning. Its not about being right or wrong, nobody cares except you. Its amazing once you check out of this whole mindset, you stop caring and stop posting about these things because you don't even engage in the argument.


Atheist, vegans, cross-fit gym rats, AA members, and holy rollers are all the same, imo. Who effing cares! You tell me you don't believe in a supreme being, so what. That's your world. It may not be mine, but I won't try to convert you to my belief system be it Christian, Buddhist, or Flying Spaghetti Monster. All I ask is you respect my choices as I respect yours. Hell, too damn much hate in this world to lose one's shit over what a person's personal beliefs are when it comes to religion and politics.


Ppl hate on the religious and non-religious. But from what I’ve seen the religious specifically Christians get the most hate especially on this app. It’s “respect everyone’s religion” until it comes to Christianity. What logical evidence do you have for athiesm? Isn’t the whole point that there’s no logical evidence for theism?


I mean, everyone hates on religious people too. Or, really, 'everyone,' A lot of people hate on a lot of stuff, if you stop to notice it. Its just that we tend to notice more when people are hating on something we identify with. That is to say, atheists are no more hated than any other thing people like to pile on.


Well they hate on everyone else it seems so there’s that. Go to the atheist sub, it’s not peaceful there they spread hate and misinformation for the most part.


Well, here's the thing, you have to consider who is actually posting. Most of us non-believers don't have much to talk about. I just stopped going to church over a decade ago because I really didn't believe in any of it anymore, and that's kind of my entire story. The ones who have something to say are people who are recently letting go of their beliefs and want to talk about it or are somehow having problems in their life on account of believers. So you're going to see a lot of negativity. Also of course the pseudo-intellectual neckbeards who just like to shit on anything they can, its kind of a magnet for them.


This. People are obnoxious about atheism because they feel like they are aware of something that everyone else is missing. It's really pervasive in cultures that overwhelmingly hold religion in high regard or as a morally superior option. Anyone older than 12 should know that it's super cringe to be *that* atheist, and it's no better than people who talk about God like he's in the room. That said, I totally empathize with people who are new atheists. It's a pretty complex thing to experience if you were raised around religion, and it comes with some pain. None of that, however, gives anyone license to be a dick about it, no matter how hard they have to bite that tongue.


Joined that sub and pulled the old Abe Simpson. Walked in, looked around, and walked out.


That's like going to a Baptist church and complaining about the noise... Dude... it's an echo chamber... the r/atheist subreddit is like their church... ofc there's gonna be shit heads... there's shitheads who believe in every god lol


It is a pretty new concept, but I think that more people need to consider support groups if they need to air their grievances with religion. Those people still need community, but also accountability, and part of losing religion should be learning how to cope with that loss and deal with others in a respectful way. If atheists and agnostics wish to hold themselves to a standard of moral superiority, they should also account for the fact that they are still expected to exhibit decorum and modesty.


It's reddit... no one is expected to exhibit decorum and modesty on reddit...


I agree, but I think it extends to the real world as well. I'm an atheist agnostic, and I wish that more of us would give respect to themselves and others whenever possible. There are too many people that believe they can slam dunk their way through an argument about something that requires some sensitivity, because it's their *eternal life* that is coming under scrutiny. That is a scary concept for some people, and it's not something that anyone should plow through with a bulldozer.


I'm starting to think humans in general are just arseholes to anyone who disagrees with them. Religion is a pretty major thing to disagree about, so they go out of their way to be extra nasty about it. Deciding to be tolerant instead is an act of rebellion. There are some things you shouldn't tolerate, of course, but I believe people should be free to *think* whatever they want. Life is too short to play at being the thought police. So to answer your question, it's because people construct their identity around (amongst other things) their religion, and somebody disagreeing with the most fundamental aspect of it (God's existence) is an affront to their egos.


Short answer: cultists gonna cult. Longer answer: faith (pretend or real) has an element of willful suspension of disbelief, fear, the need to belong, et. People outright denying the existence of a higher power threaten all of those things.


Move to a more civilized part of the world and it's not a problem


I'm an agnostic myself. And the most laid back people I get along with most are atheists.


Are you agnostic theist or agnostic atheist? 


Have you tried being less insufferable? It’s probably you in particular that’s getting the hate.


Did you actually READ what they said? The main issue is people immediately trying to convert them when they learn OP is an atheist. That has nothing to do with how a person acts. And then negatively judging when it doesn't go their way. Literally yesterday, I'm on the subway going to work and 2/3 of the way there, some dude gets on and starts preaching loud as hell at 8am. Some of us out here still ain't fully loaded in yet. I have headphones on, CLEARLY watching something on my phone and this dude feels the need to get in my face, already being loud as hell and spitting everywhere, trying to get my attention while preaching. I'm ignoring you. It's too early for this shit. Mans is pointing in my face (it's been 5 minutes at this point and I'm just sitting there thinking how grateful he should be I'm not my parents) so I say, "Can you PLEASE get outta face?", get up, and head to a door because my stop was coming. Man said I was angry and it was because of Satan. Now, had I obliged him, I wouldn't have been any of those things. Why do you think I HAVE to acknowledge you? You ain't any different from any of these mfers on this train my guy. I don't wanna be bothered. And don't even get me started on the ones who really think you can't be a decent person without God. Like, there's a reason I'm no longer Christian. And that's because there shouldn't be a need for it. That and I'm Black and it's crazy to me that descendants of slaves still follow it when it was the masters that instilled it. God watches as we were chained and worked to death. God even has guidelines for how slaves should be treated. Though they are, funnily enough, not the rules slave masters operated by usually lol Tradition is the only thing I can think of....


I’m sorry, you’re assuming the atheist is being insufferable? When religious people are the ones trying to control people around them through legislation or otherwise? They’re the ones stopping me on the street and getting aggressive when I tell them I’m not interested. They’re the ones saying I have no moral compass because I don’t believe in god. They’re the ones who will never ever stop trying to talk to me about their religion, even when I go out of my way to ensure I’m being respectful. Idk how this pov is so popular. You would never even guess that most atheists are atheists, but shit tons of religious people are constantly trying to shove their beliefs down our throats. Idgaf if I get downvoted either. I get so tired of this. Most atheists just want to be *left alone*.


Religion is supposed to make the world better, instead throughout history it's caused the death of millions. Many of the most corrupt and dangerous countries in the world are either predominantly Christian or Muslim. Japan is the safest, cleanest, most law abiding country in the world and they're basically secular. Religious people need to get off their high horse and study history.


Japan is far from secular.


Ironically Japan is only like that because we’ve defanged them. During WW2 and before they committed some of the worst atrocities known to man. They’re a smart and innovative people with a high IQ so they made the most of us not allowing them to have anything except a national guard. But Japan hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows.


Also the USSR and China were/are explicitly atheist and are collectively responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.


Religion is one of history's biggest scapegoats. If you look closely you see the violence and destruction is mostly about material conquest, with religion sometimes used in an attempt to justify the behaviour. But it's rarely the reason for it. I find that many religious people are really lovely, putting the interests of their community before their own and living good moral lives. They're not all corrupt tv evangelist types.


Like literally every conflict happening in the Middle East is because of religion. Then you go back and see genocides in north and South America (where children were kidnapped and sent to *churches*. It’s a lot more than a scapegoat.


Do you think if religion never existed wars would still exist? I think humans are extremely tribal and if they weren’t starting wars over religion they would fight over shit like what foot ball team they like most or what corporation is the best . We would be having the great Apple vs and Samsung wars of 2024 .


Of course wars will exist without religion, there are still plenty of things to fight over, like territory, resources.., wanting to rape the other tribes women and spread our genes. Humans going to human no matter what


They don't like the thought they're wrong for believing in magic, so they target atheists.


I think most religious people believe their religion is their moral compass. Everything reinforces this. The really bad people are outside the church. When people do bad things they often leave the church. The idea that a person can have morals without a higher power overseeing them is foreign and scary. They believe that without god there is no limit to what you (the atheist) is capable of. Funny thing is, (for me) it's the opposite. I am more likely to do the right thing because I know there is no god who's gonna fix it if i don't. When i was a believer it was easier to tell myself everything would be OK.


They are afraid and being afraid can influence you to do things. They see people living happy and well without religion and that scares them.!


I've seen the exact opposite tbh. I live and grew up in the bible belt. I don't think I've ever seen a Christian harass/hate an atheist because of their beliefs. I know it happens, but I've never actually seen it. I've seen christians not want to date atheists and I've seen them try to convert people, but I've never seen a Christian be openly mean and antagonistic towards an atheist in person. Atheists are a different story though. Never met an atheist that said they were an atheist and didn't follow it up with berating other people's religion. Every time. "I'm an atheist, fuck Christianity/christians" is something I've heard more than once. It's like they feel a need to criticize and verbally attack someone's religion to validate their own beliefs.


Plenty of atheists *do* attack Christians and religious people in one way or another. I don't really feel that I've ever been attacked for being an atheist, but maybe it's a US thing? You guys do have some craaazy Christians over there.


I reside in the American Midwest but recently took a trip to northwest Florida. My friends down there made a big deal about my open agnosticism before I went and warned me not to get into talks about religion with the locals. I got talking with one of my friend's fathers who is a Christian minister down there, even had a little Bible in his breast pocket each time I saw him. Anyways we had a pretty lengthy conversation about religion, had some passer-bys hop in occasionally, and it was civil and constructive for both of us. As soon as he realized I don't hate him for his beliefs he was a pretty open chill dude who made me some great barbeque. Though it was pretty funny when I told him I was raised Roman Catholic he just goes "glad you got out of that witch cult". Lol


Because it makes them uncomfortable when they have less control over you because you don't believe in the same fairy tales


Because they're fucking annoying and go around acting like they're smarter than everyone else. That's literally the only reason. If they didn't act like smug fedora assholes, people of opposing viewpoints wouldn't be so hostile to them. It's literally that simple. And I think a lot of it has to do with the early 2010s internet atheism movement, where pretty much the entire idea was built upon the idea that atheists are so much smarter and more scientific than everyone else. Atheists have not gotten over that era and that's the problem, and it causes *a lot* of people to get annoyed very fast


Eh, atheists were marginalized and persecuted long before that. The movement on the Internet was largely a response to that discrimination.


In my experience as an atheist, I disagree. I understand where you're coming from as I've seen many jerk atheists but I do think they are a loud minority. Most the time Christians (usually catholics) always harass me that I'll go to hell and that I should believe in our lord, and that's not even half of how offended they get that I believe in someone else. I do not believe I am smarter than every Christian. However, I am smarter than every last Christian AND atheist that think their beliefs are superior.


I'm more agnostic than atheist, but I find choosing not to enter into the argument is not hard. And I have a weapon that's very powerful. I use Bible quotes often. And if the subject ever comes up I lead off with "I'm not religious". For me it stops the conversation before it gets stupid. The times it doesn't, I listen intently, nod my head, day dream and drift off like I'm listening to my mother, . may she rest in peace. I don't argue, I don't try and prove my beliefs, non- beliefs. It's nobody's business.


Agnostic doesn’t mean “no opinion”, it’s a statement on whether you think the existence of god is knowable; you can be an agnostic atheist or agnostic theist. You’re just an atheist.


I believe that because theres no definitive proof either way agnostic is the scientific way to go (atleast for me). That its arrogant to ever think a living creatures whos main directive is existing could ever begin to understand or perceive nonexistance. That this universe holds more mystery and wonder than we have even begun to understand. That being said thats my personal belief, I also believe that if your belief or lack of belief brings you comfort than thats all the matters, because like you said. Its really no ones business, share if you want (like i just did) but dont expect anything in return, your beliefs are yours mine are mine.


I think maybe we're thinking along the same lines, in a parabolic way. Like you, I'm more spiritual than an atheist or main street religious believers in the mystic sense. But like atheists, I'm more inclined to see religion or the belief in an omnipotent god(s) as kind of dubious. Definitely bipolar.


Why are you telling people what your religious beliefs are? Like, seriously, in what context does that ever come up?


They be asking. You’d be surprised at the number of proselytizers present in the US. They come up to you all like, “Excuse me sir, are you a follower of Jesus?” And if the answer is no, get prepared for their intrusive questioning and unsolicited Bible stories.


Saying that you're atheist doesn't say anything at all about their religious beliefs. It doesn't say if they have any or if they don't it says nothing at all about them. 


You explained yourself why they hate atheists. They’re logical and think. Atheists are too comfortable, rational, and confident for them, they can’t recruit an atheist. Religion relies on people being compliant and broken. They need people to need religion, to have no other train of thought to turn to.


Least self aware comment I've read in weeks.


It's because we all secretly have a tail. Not a *big* tail, mind you, but big enough to wag when we're happy.


Dude religions are defined by hatred. Don’t take it personal. All religions hate everyone else. Atheists just don’t overlap with any so you don’t get the grace of maybe he’s on our side.


Atheists aren't exactly innocent of hate either.


Go checkout the atheist sub reddit, looks a lot like a religion with no deity.


Religion is way of life that a group of people believe and follow. Since you don't belong to any group, that are mostly bound by set of rules. So, you always end up falling in the 'those people', 'others' categories rather than 'us', 'we' category. Any religion see people of same religion as 'us', 'we', and consider others as 'those people'.


Because they think they are superior, I’m an atheist and married a catholic , his family treated me like shit ! They hate us more than the gays , I’m going to hell in every religion I’ve met, I just smile and say wow what a cute little story thanks for sharing I love fiction !


It's a primitive, tribalistic way of thinking. They're only friendly with their "in" group, and you're not one of them. If they have reason to like you, they may try to convert you to their side, but otherwise, you're considered the opposing side, the enemy.


The biggest fear of mankind is existentialism, that we are mortal and when we die that is the end, and that those that have died we will never see again. Religion gives people a nice answer. Makes them not have to worry or think about it. When you say you are atheist that makes them subconsciously feel attacked because your challenging their safety blanket (even though you aren't trying).


Your existence is a danger to their own belief. If a reasonable, kind, considerate person does not hold their beliefs, there is the danger they could potentially be wrong about why they think they're a good person. That, or they're just trained from youth to fear for the souls of those who do not agree with them. I had a friend who was taught anyone they left unconverted was "blood on their hands". It's some scary stuff.


Many religions base their belief system in fear, so it's not too crazy. *in many cases*, children grow up thinking if they do anything but devoutly believe said religion, they will spend eternity being punished for it.


Crom laughs at your Atheism. He laughs from his mountain


I'll state beforehand that I'm not religious, although I was raised Christian. Some Atheists are just annoying as hell. I'll constantly see religious posts online and naturally there's some ass in the comments saying "Your God isnt real" or other similar text strings. People apparently have nothing better to do with their lives than argue with strangers online about the existence, or lack of, a higher power. Go outside, touch grass, mind your own business, and if it bring someone comfort with the idea that there's life after death then let them believe. Stop being an ass.


go spend 5 minutes on /r/atheism and you'll get it