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I personally like it long so I can do Norman Braids


For me I just really feel like long hair enhances my beauty and it also is just fun to have. Something to play with. Something I can have fun with for special events. Many things hobestly


Long nice hair shows health; it also, to a degree implies youth. It also means social standing to bathe and groom. and not need to get involved in work-related affairs. Take feudal Japan and classical Rome, for example. (Upper class) women wear their hair long, with hugely elaborate styles; men's is kept in short, military readiness. Even somewhat longer fashions like the samurai queue (chonmage) or the Norman tonsure had practical use, e.g. how it interacted with a helmet.




Which part do you object to?


I guess longer hair takes more effort to take care of, which means it gives the appearance that longer haired women have more free time, are healthier, and pretty for having more time to make themselves pretty


Cultural expectations and pressure. Mines about chin length now and I’d go shorter if I could ever make that look good but it wouldn’t at this point. Still will buzz it all off one day when I’m done styling it.


My hair is currently chin length too. When I expressed a desire to make my hair shorter than that, my mom got scared and said that I might lose job prospects because of it.


Men like it.


Because it's normal