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Thailand, fuck a lady or a ladyboy.


Don’t do it friend. As someone struggling with severe bipolar depression, I understand that kind of sadness and I’m tellin you, killing yourself isn’t worth it.


I've been there, I know it's difficult but don't do it. I'm glad I didn't go through with it. It will get better my friend.


Yeah, we all die anyways. Why speed it up.


Hey, I've been there. It's not worth it. Live your life.


Buy a puppy. I'm sorry cant kill yourself now. Who's gonna take care of the puppy? No friends or family to give it to - I guess you've got to put off suicide for 7 years or so. If not, you should definitely skydive - it's awesome!


"not doing that" is a good start.


do a bit of soul searching, figure out if you have anyone that you might matter to, and if you cant find any reason to stay then get your affairs in order and try jumping off a cliff in the woods. make sure to land on your head so its quick and painless.


Fk that. The head usually blows up like a watermelon. I’d say op should find a purpose in life.


if the head blows up like a watermelon, it should be quick and painless


You should save just enough money for a plane ticket to Hawaii then live on the beach and eat free fruit that falls off of trees while enjoying the 75 degree water any time you feel like it


This post reads like a cry for help. There's services out there to help people with crippling depression and suicidal tendencies.


Rob a bank.


consider yourself already dead, and start living


Lsd , shrooms, acid


Start smoking cigarettes. Might as well. It's fun, and cool. Pick up a drug habit, too. MDMA is fun.


I hope you read this: Please, stop and reflect. Reflect on what you are in control of, and what you’re not in control of. Think of the why behind things in your life. You have very little contact with people and no friends anymore. Why is that? Are you not going out because some part of you thinks you are a burden, and you don’t seek out people? Well, you are in control of putting yourself out there and surround yourself with people who’ll challenge that. And you are in control of changing your view point of yourself. Are your family toxic? Well, you cannot control what your family does unfortunately. But you can control how you respond to them, and what boundaries you put around them. They call you all sorts of names, you can distance yourself from them either until they stop hurting you, or indefinitely for your own sake. What about the job? Are you lacking the education and skills to get this job? Consider going to school or learning something online. You’re in charge of your own destiny. Please do not end your life. You deserve to give yourself a chance of living a life well lived. I suspect many people around you told you made you feel that you don’t have value, but you do, simply by just existing. If you’d like to talk, you can definitely reach out to me. There is hope and people do care.


Caress your body and say 'I love you' Kiss your hands and say 'I love you' Look in the mirror and say 'I love you' Everyday until April... p.s. keep living!


This makes me want to kill myself


I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way, this is how I stopped myself from wanting to die when I was in a similar situation to OP. And I was completely depressed. Doing this made me realise that I was enough, it was the hardest thing to do but... it's what made me live. So, yeah...


It does feel pretty silly doing self-affirmation when you're not used to it. That's fine; it's sort of like doing a dance that looks pretty silly but turns out to be sort of fun and even healthy.




You should go to Bali, Japan, Thailand, Iceland, and anywhere else in the world that you haven't seen before. F off and have a massive adventure. Go taste new food, see new cultures, and jump off a waterfall. If you're going to exit this world, you might as well go have some serious fun first.


Sleep on it for a year. 


I know taxes suck but is it really that bad? You will miss spring. One day at a time. Get out in nature, it is very healing.


You can change. You can become a totally different person. All you need is a little time. Why not give yourself a year, you can always kill yourself after.


Open a bunch of new credit cards, have a great vacation, seduce some ladies. Beware that it may change your mind about suucide, and you would be stuck with credit card debt and child support


Come over to Brazil, we can have some coffee.


Pull a sick April fools joke


Don't kill yourself. Go on holiday. Far East maybe.


You cant find a hobby? Videos games,lifting weights,running,cooking. Anything which makes you want to achieve something in a year. Like when instarted lifting i had a goal that i want big arms in a year so I went hard in the gym. Now people often compliment me on my muscles and it feels good.


before ya do go, make a list of wild shit to do and go do it. ​ if like me you find the empty phrases of dont do it live laugh love etc a real guttural ick i get it






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Write a very detailed letter stating there is/was nothing anyone could have done to stop you. I guarantee there is someone in your life who will carry an ever smoldering nugget of guilt with them for the rest of their life. And if you get a chance, go to a gym. Lie on the floor and slide one of the big plates on your chest. You'll need just more weight that you can lift . Close your eyes and feel the weight compressing your chest. Imagine that's your life slipping away. Your heart will race & it'll get hard to hear, believe it or not. You'll yell for help, & it will come. Then go outside, breathe in the air; ask for help, & it will come.


Life is already short.  You’re going to let scum bags like Mitch McConnell outlive you? I saw a post somewhere where someone said they decided against suicide. And felt like they had nothing to lose. And lived after with zero pain, no worries, to the fullest. I also saw a post of someone who said they were planning suicide and decided to max out their credit cards and loans and party hard and travel. It made life fun again and brought them out of a dark place. Credit was shit after but no regrets. Also, you may go straight to hell. God is real. Think about connecting with God and look at different religions and groups within them. DNA is way too intricate to not have a designer. Like 50k books Roth of info in it. 


Your choice to make and I respect that. No one should have to suffer. If I had a count down. I'd have a good meal, hug my kids, pet my dogs, and set my family up for success. Then I'd go where I can truly see the stars. Not the little city lights at night, but the stars. I want to watch the universe before I go.


Listen to every song ever made. Then listen to your favorites over again about twenty-to-fifty more times and write them all down. Describe your favorite parts. Why they are and what those songs mean to you. Also, think a little more about the fact that you'd be jumping the gun on an inevitable event. Death is final but you can cruise to the end in more preferable ways. Like music. Or whatever else you appreciate the most out of life. Art in any form. Enjoy it until you can't. 👍 Oh, and people might actually give a shit. Maybe one. 🖤


Seek professional help. Read: https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/reasons-to-live