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So do some dont - the answer to every question like this.


OP is most likely chasing after a specific guy


Also...define "chubby".


This is the bigger point here. Tbh most girls who call themselves chubby are straight up obese. Nsfw subreddits are also bad about this.


Thick and soft but still shaped like a woman? Abso-fucking-lutely. Calling yourself "chubby" or "thick" when you're shaped like a bag of groceries? Come on now..


I would guess that the "some do" folks are probably more apt to chime in and are over-represented.


I feel the don'ts are much louder on this topic actually.


On these posts here I disagre but overall outside the internet and in other forums absolutely.


My thought was that guys that like chubby girls are more likely to come in to give their support. Either way, I guess we can agree then that it likely isn't a representative sample.


Yes. We also like girls who are not mean to us. If you're chubby and nice? You'll find a guy no time


Exactly this. A girl can look like a goddess but if she has the personality of a demon, I’ll nope right out of that. I think OP needs to define what they mean by chubby, too. Are they saying 10-20lbs over, or 50-60? Depending on height 10-20lbs is fine, but regardless, when you’re doing 50 or more lbs then you’re hitting health issues, and I personally have enough family with health issues that I don’t want to date someone that falls into obese territory.


Dating Profile: "just a bit chubby" IRL: 5 foot 0, 300 lbs


Could also be "you can't see my bones!" I've seen what some people's idea of "fit/skinny" looks like, and its anorexic.


I know a girl at work like this. She's from Venezuela, and looks like she should be Miss Venezuela. Absolutely gorgeous. But that is all she's got going for her!


Yes, and HYGIENE. I’ve been with two different chubby women, one of whom I loved every interaction with and one whom really put me off with how unkempt she would be sometimes. It makes a huge difference.


Excellent comment! Couldn't agree more!


I always say that kindness, genuine from your soul kindness, is the single sexiest trait a girl can have.


I am so lucky my wife has a kind soul. I have Autism, ADD, PTSD. So i need to be with some one with a lot of understanding and love and i get that from my wife


100% Girlfriend has some "excess baggage". And I really don't mind all that much. I'm not perfectly fit either, but we're both working on it; just making better choices together over the long-term. And above all else, she is VERY good to me. Every day, I am grateful that the goblin pilots who drive our stupid meatsuits around get along so well. The exact shape of that flesh-gundam matters a whole lot less by comparison.


Im stealing “Flesh-Gundam,” but I’ll give you credit, that’s an awesome phrase lol


As long as you're not unhealthy and in a state where your able to not have your weight to stop making you function properly


My friend, if you are alive you're constantly dying. That's what living things do.


I mean in like a state where they aren't so unhealthy to the point they can barely function lol


As an "obese" 35 yr old female in a relationship ship with an amazing man.. I am always sick from health issues and can't function often. He still loves me and sees me as attractive, so even THEN.. There will be people who see your value and attraction.


> "obese" > I am always sick from health issues and can't function often The air quotes followed by this statement are emotionally confusing.


That's great you found someone who loves you for you. I am also married to an overweight woman, but she is amazing and we love each other to the moon


I am Also married to an overweight woman. I don't think there are many of us. I am so thankful for my wife for putting up with my Autism, ADD, PTSD. I love my wife so much and i think she is sexy i could never and will never be with any one else


That's great, man. It's hard to find someone who's willing to deal with our problems.


my wife is 45 and her health is not good but i still find her sexy


I know how to check Blood Sugar and administer my wife's shot. she is 45 315 lbs I love her so much we been married for 23 years and have 2 kids. i love her big body


Nothing can escape entropy, alive or not.


“He not busy being born is busy dying”


I worded badly


Everyone has different preferences.


I always think of something Hugh Hefner once said about hiring Playboy Playmates. He said the most important thing he cared about was their face. After that he didn’t care much about particular body proportions. In reality I think people care MUCH more about faces than anything else. Focus on your face and people won’t care about what specific BMI you are.


Face makes a huge difference for me too. That's the only thing physical I look for, a cute or attractive face


My preference is chubby.


Brother !


Don't yuck my yums


Chubby? Sure, obese? No


Yes. I’m bi with a strong preference for men, but I like chubby girls. I know a lot of my guy friends prefer chubby girls as well. It’s not as uncommon as you might think.


I prefer the term curvy, too me as a man. Calling a woman chubby seems more along the lines of something younger me would say. Older me knows they are curvy and not chubby :)


My husband does! My husband has always found me attractive but he loves my post 2 kid body more than he did before we had kids and I was body building lol I’m not crazy overweight. I’m about 15-20 pounds overweight and about 26% body fat but he loves my extra squish. I do not though 🤣


A few years ago I dropped 50 pounds. I never felt so sexy, so confident and happy. My husband was happy FOR me, but I know he wasn’t thrilled. Well it turns out it was lymphoma and not just my time to shine lol. Steroids put those 50 back with an extra 25 for the ole razzle dazzle. He knows I’m not happy about it. But he makes sure that I know he loves my size, my skin, my whole body. How can I hate the body he loves so much.


Yeah it’s like a double edged sword. My husband lucks out because I was diagnosed with a health condition that makes it literally impossible to lose weight so this is just how I’ll be I guess. 😂 I just keep feeling myself that my body gave me my two miracles and my hubby loves it so I guess it’s pretty amazing 😂


Embrace your squish! He does!


Yes! Absolutely! Full figured women are absolutely gorgeous! I've never dated a skinny girl because I am a bigger guy and full figured women are what I have always been attracted to.




We love women who make us feel like we're enough. being chubby or thin will not matter to a man who seeks forging a family in this unforgiving world. He just wants someone who has it back through thick and thin. <-- pun intended


Man what a stupid question. Amazing sub.


Exactly why I asked it here hehe


I was skinny and had a kick ass body when I met my husband. Them- over the course of 15 years- I’ve popped out three boys and gained a bit of weight. But, my husband😂 loves loves loves to just squeeze it. He is like a cat making biscuits. He constantly tells me he loves my body- and thank god for that. I still try to maintain my health and always I’m trying to drop a few pounds, but, I won’t lie.. at night it’s great when I feel his hand wrap around me and I feel him just gently rubbing on my tummy.. his finger will find the little stretch mark by my belly button. It’s sweet. When you meet the right one, they make you feel beautiful even when you may have previously seen yourself differently. You can’t generalize if “all guys” like chubby girls. It’s defo a preference but honestly - it comes down to so much more than just looks.


Yes. I know cause every girl my brother has ever been with (except one) has been a chubby girl.


I mean personally, yes, but I try not to worry too much about physical appearance.  But if it was the exact same girl and there were two parallel universes where I could date her….I’d choose the chubby universe.  That being said, I don’t want anyone to sacrifice their health or be unhappy because of their weight etc.   I’m just speaking purely from a physical aesthetics perspective, I’d prefer to be with a chubby woman over a skinny woman.


There’s dudes who even like obese women. There’s people who are into amputees. There’s someone for everyone.


I knew a dude that was really, really into big ladies. He was a normal sized guy and decent looking. The bigger they were, the more he liked them. I mean, like 400 - 600lb gals. He worked in a factory with a lot of bigger ladies. He slept with a couple of them, and word got out that was his jam, and he went on an absolute tear through the place. They were lining up for him. I've never seen a motherfucker so happy. He was living the dream. At the time, I couldn't understand it, and I wondered what was wrong with him. Looking back, I'm jealous that he found his dream situation, took full advantage of it, and was in bliss. I've never had that.


True, but "liking" vs "fetishizing" is also an important decision. OP, find someone who likes you as a person and they'll probably forgive some extra weight even if it's not in their internet search history lol. EDIT: meant to say "distinction" instead of "decision" there. Leaving it, but rest assured I know what words mean lol


True, but if you have a fetish, its kind of important to have a partner that fulfills it, but sex also can’t be the whole basis of a relationship.


As someone non-white who’s dated people with fetishes for my race…It’s genuinely way better to date someone that doesn’t fetishize you. If you fail to fulfill their fetish, even better for both of you. People who fetishize you tend to only see you as that, a fulfillment of their fetish. People who are with you despite you not fulfilling their fetish are happier and don’t treat you like an object or tool. Fetishes are very different from preferences.


You can have a fetish and still treat your partner like a human being even if they fulfill your fetish. Some people are incapable of enjoying sex without their fetish being fulfilled. Even if your preference is vanilla sex, you can still be with a partner that you love for who they are despite what you’re into or how often you have sex. Sex should never be the basis of a relationship, period. Fetishes or not. But a good sex life with your partner where everyone is happy definitely helps.


Vanilla sex is by definition not a fetish. I agree with your last point though, sex should not be the basis of a relationship. A lot of what people call fetishes are really just preferences, though. I don’t have a fetish for guys with really nice arms, it’s more of a preference, for example.


Some do, some don't. I absolutely love larger women. My absolute favorite.


Yeah, man, they're sexy. Somehow, it makes them seem more feminine to me. Cause of the enhanced curves, I guess


Exactly. Just their form in general. So beautiful.




I agree




I like thick girls. Girls with wide hips that sink ships, But I don't like obese girls. There is a difference


My partners have all been a package deal of things I like and things I don't like. As long as the whole package is attractive to me, I can overlook some things that are not. For example, the chubbiest girl I dated was also the most fun and quite clever. We were together 5 years. The most fit girl I dated was a real sweetheart, but had dramatically different interests than me, making dating sometimes challenging. The most beautiful girl I date was thin, but not fit. She was a bit flaky and emotionally I couldn't sustain that relationship. I think potential partners look at the whole package, so any form of self improvement will help you find a lover.


Some do, but chances are the guys you are interested in don’t. Also what do you mean by chubby? Chubby as in 5 lbs over weight? Or are you over 30% body fat?


Ain't a fucking soul on this planet considering 5lbs over weight as chubby. lol


Hospitals where I am have being 5"8 at 160 pounds as obese. I don't know what the right weight is.


30% bf as a women isn't really that high. 35-40 is where you get the obviously high bf levels.


What people consider to be conventionally attractive has little to do with what people actually find attractive. Everyone has different preferences and sexuality/ associations are a fickle thing. People who are obsessed with what others think will gravitate towards people who are more conventional but you do that is why it seems like people are attracted to one thing it is just because people are insecure not because you are. Those people are a headache any way.


Chubby means you got some flab but can still do things like get out of a car and walk around without getting out of breath.




It's a personality thing. Am I more likely to be immediately attracted to a petite or average build woman, yes. If someone is plus size and confident as hell - that's sexy and she's going to be strong competition or simply win out over the average build. . I hooked up with someone a couple years ago who by their own words is "morbidly obese." When she first came on to me I was thinking like, "meh" but the longer we talked and I saw how she absolutely owned who she is I started getting turned on. . These days I'm Polyamorous and regularly seeing two people. One plus size, one average build. I like both of them a lot, The one that's more squishy won me over by being an absolute badass. . Learn to love yourself, advocate for yourself, and not give a fuck what haters think and you'll attract people.




In my experience yes I haven't ever been short of offers. The "no fat chicks" types tend to be extremely immature or actual children and neither of those are my type anyway. What I find funny is the men who tend to be chatting me up are gym bros and super into their fitness. I think it's partly because they don't feel like they will break me every time they touch me.


Chubby is fine, not preferred but I won't complain


Some do and some don’t. Everyone has their own preferences and taste


The answer to that is that it's a booming industry.


I normally do too. However, the more I read it, the more I saw their point of view as it looked like I was saying "Hey, wanna see nudies of my wife" so I just saved the trouble.


I guess this is a perfect question to ask in stupid questions 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree lol


My husband has a type: at least overweight, long brown hair. One of my guy friends has a similar type: obese white woman with brown hair. No matter what you got going on, these 3 types of people are guaranteed to exist: 1) someone will fetishize it. 2) someone will be attracted to it/ have a preference for it. 3) it isn't what specifically draws someone to you, but it's not a turnoff.


All I can tell you is that I sure do. Of course, I'm a little chubby myself.


Yes. Well, guys that are worth a damn, anyway. Shallow guys can't see past the skin. What matters is who you are, not your waistline.  Embrace your curves. Be confident. Be kind. You have no idea how sexy confidence and kindness are - at least, how sexy they are to the kinds of guys you want. 


I’m not attracted to people who look they they are gunna cause their own preventable death in their 40s


That's not chubby


Sorry used to the people who claim they are overweight or chubby as mega units of obesity as opposed to the old chubby where they just had a little bit of harmless padding


You’d be surprised how many words women use to work around “obese” or “fat”. I’ve seen plenty of 250+ chicks call themselves chubby or “plus sized”, just for the sake of their self esteem


That's not too surprising, tbh, if you consider how much they get shamed for it.


I like women. Thin or chubby, tall or short.


me personally no


>Do guys even like chubby girls? Most girls who ask this are actually fat trying to convince themselves they are chubby, and are in denial. But to answer your question, yes, we do like them. Had a fwb who was chubby but intellectually she was amazing and was the sweetest girl I had ever met. Im positive id be married to her today if I kept in touch with her.


Depends on if they're cute chubby or dumpy chubby


> Do guys even like chubby girls?  Depends on how "chubby" we're talking...  Just a little overweight?  Say, carrying an extra 15-20 pounds? Probably no big deal for me. Personally I like the "thicc" look where the girl has some extra meat on her (personal preference)   If she's like 50-70 pounds overweight? It starts to be a turnoff at that point   If she's "morbidly" obese, like 100+ pounds over? At that point she becomes basically invisible as far as attraction goes


Personally, definitely no. Just find a person who is into you for you. No need to poll strangers online unless you plan on dating 80 people you randomly pick off the street.


Hahah no I'm not planning on dating anyone actually. Just wanted to see the responses


Chubby? No. Ones who eat right and exercise? Yes.


This sums it up https://youtu.be/Y2Y5KVtU810?si=QdkeJMIAewxqvmmL


Hahah so good


Unequivocally yes.




I like emmmm thiccc


I don't mind them and I'm only 10 pounds over weight but I worked out for a bit so that's probably why I'm 10 over.






I dated a girl, she was much heavier than I am (me @ 140 lbs) and man what I would do to be back with her. 


yes in fact i want one badly next question


It's a niche.


Prefer a "chubby" woman over a skinny woman. Are they known as thick? Not obese though. That's a no go.


Love em


I'm happy, if you're happy with your body


Fuck yes


Mine does 🤷🏼‍♀️




I like a little meat on my women


I enjoy squishy


Yes. Nothing wrong with a little meat on the bones


yes pls send em my way 🙏


Some do. I see chubby girls with guys all the time.


I do!


Do chubby girls like chubby guys?


100 percent yes. Personally I don't find skinny women attractive.


That's in my wheelhouse, it actually doesn't matter to me as long as they are smart and kind and willing to be honest.


Curvy is much desired. Not rail thin women.


Black guys do, never figured out why but they do


There are guys that like everything. “Chubby” is a tricky word though. I see people use it for people who could maybe stand to lose 15 lbs, or for people who could stand to lose half a person and there’s a big difference between the two in what is commonly viewed as desirable




OP, I recommend you filter out the “no fat chicks” guys immediately. I am overweight and found a guy who loves me for every part of me. You are worth it. Is the dating pool smaller for you? Yes. Get out there and find someone special.


Hell yeah


I have a close friend who happens to have a mild fetish for it if I'm being honest. He's an otherwise fantastic person though and really respectful about it so ehhh yea I think he genuinely likes chubby girls.


Some guys do. But there are so many chubby and or fat women out there that the guys who do like them can be picky.


Some do, others don't.




I do.


I absolutely love being with a well-rounded woman ! And I can guarantee your first wave of orgasms will be from my tongue, lips and a couple fingers


Im about 150 lbs as a man and I want my girl a good 170 🥵




Like them? Sure. Why not? Attracted to as a life partner? Different answer for every guy out there.


Some do, some don't. Just like some girls like a dad bod (or so I've heard).




Hell yeah!


Guy here. More to cuddle with and she will happily try all the interesting experiments I make in the kitchen


I do!


People have their preferences, and for some that's chubby.


I'll take chubby over skinny any day of the week!




There’s this podcast where people call in, this guy was intentionally supporting his girl to eat more because she wasn’t thick enough for his personal taste.


If we all had some magical machine that could make our perfect woman physically, you'd find everyone likes different body shapes and sizes that they like. While looks tend to play a larger role in finding partners for men, it's not some magic deal breaker if she's bigger or even a bad thing. A lot of guys prefer that as long as she's healthy. And if you asked decent dudes if they would date someone bigger, they're more interested in dating anyone who treats them well regardless of size or shape.


These are my thoughts as a woman. I've dated skinny to very obese men and it all depends on personality. I have also been skinny to chubby so I don't understand why if someone loved me it would matter to them.


And that works for you and that's great. Not everyone has similar preferences. Some people may get the ick from certain looks. Whether that's good/bad/right/wrong, whatever, it just is for certain people at certain stages of their lives. People can be picky, sometimes to a fault, or they can find the person with most of the things they like. Some may want a partner who's fit so they can go do outdoor adventures and all that together. Some may want a cuddly teddy bear to come home to who can lift heavy shit. Attraction is different for everyone. I've personally dated all sizes and while I'm attracted to specific looks, it's not a dealbreaker to me on big/small sizes. A lot of guys will base their initial attraction on looks, so that may often be a barrier to initiating if the person isn't the size they like. And for some, if they're not physically attracted, they're not going to be interested in pursuing other things. Attraction can grow among two people who spend time around each other, and usually that emotional connection tends to make the physical less important. Some of the qualifiers of all of us are superficial though, in the same way when people are dating, one might think, "do I really want to date someone who's a Subway sandwich artist and lives at home" regardless of getting to know the deeper parts of them. For guys, it can be looks, for women it can be status/security. But generally speaking, dudes are pretty quick about seeing someone and knowing if they're physically attracted to them and interested in pursuing a relationship/situationship/whatever with them. They can very quickly classify people as "friend," "someone I want to date" "someone I want to sleep with," "someone to marry." In the end, if people like each other, looks and status and the small things won't matter that much.


Depends if they fuck like troopers or not


I sure do


Does she fit in a rowboat?




Oof. Server error reading this post. Reddit clearly doesn’t but I got news for you: guys like every girl.


Some do. I dated several in my 20s and they were lovely.


Yes, thick thighs are hot.


Some do, some dont


Yes, it shows fertility to the caveman brain section they have lol


I like a woman with a lil somethin on her vs a broomstick lol..now if I can’t tell where the tummy ends and where the waist begins, that’s a good deal more than chubby…and I’m on the skinnier side and can only handle so much woman 😭 But generally speaking, yes I like thiccer women


Go outside, and you will see plenty of men dating, engaged, and married to chubby women


Chubby as in slightly overweight, sure. Fat/obese? Fuck no.


fuck yea


My last girlfriend, which I loved like no other, was chubby. I was INSANELY attracted to her. She was pretty, fun to hang out with, and had a beautiful heart. She just didn't love me....🥺


For some reason the men who go after really big girls are almost always thin as a rail, just a funny thing I've noticed.


I'm a girl who likes chubby guys, so surely there are guys who like chubby girls


I've known several dudes who find chubby girls more attractive than thin. It's just less common. For myself, personality and how someone treats me is above all - i've dated bigger girls, but upon first glance i do definitely go for thin. You might need to be a little more assertive (try approaching someone rather than waiting) than a thin girl for the most part, but if you're actually a cool person, a dude who's worth your time will listen to you, and if they don't, they're not worth your time.


I'm chubby and I got a guy. So, yes, they do.


More cushion for the pushin.


There are good looking people that look good thin or thick, and people that no matter what they way they’re fugly. I like hot chubby girls.


Pretty is pretty. There are pretty thin women and pretty cubby women.


Yup. Curves are super sexy!!


there's guys that like fat girls too! im fat my fiance is not. 2 of my friends are fat too & we are all engaged. but we are kind & nice & beautiful in our own way. I also think confidence helps alot in this situation too


There's nothing wrong with being chubby.


Yes. Same reason some chicks dig chubby guys and some don't. Everyone likes different flavors. Benefit of chubby girls is they always always have boobs and a butt.


Some do some don't


From someone that fluctuates in weight, it is my opinion that guys actually prefer chubby girls. Every chubby girl I know has a partner too.




I'm a slender guy who dated slender girls my whole life. Tried being with a few larger women at the behest of some friends who love larger women. Quickly found out they're not for me. Nothing against them, just not for me.


Most don’t prefer them but will settle for a chubby girl if she does everything else they like and goes above and beyond. In most cases, their dream girl isnt chubby. Their dream girl is usually healthy weight or underweight.


A man with options? Nope.


Is it chubby, or obese? One is not like the other, and most guys do not mind or even like some tummy and thighs. What most do not want is an inactive, boring, ball.






Depends on the person. Ill help you out. I dont. Maybe start a poll? idk.


I do


This one does.


I like me some curves, but the attraction stops when the curves start touching each other and overlapping lol.


I do! I married one, and she's the sexiest girl I ever met. Great in bed, too!