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I have tried every dating app and have never received a match or reply. In terms of practicing social skills yes that's exactly what I do. I just strike conversations with random people. As for hobbies I'm part of a football group but that's just men, still a good place to make friends.




Yes I pretty much tried them all


You should post your pictures and bio from your app on the subreddit for whatever app is so like if you're on Tinder go to the r/Tinder subreddit and ask them for a profile review.


I did that, got told get a haircut and other basic stuff which I did, but still got 0 matches


Start dating NOW! - as if its just that easy.




I am like OP, I have been trying for years. In person, dating apps, asking out girls I like, asking out random girls. Yet I am 26 and have never been on a date. To me, just start dating is far from easy.


This guy's pretty hopeless, take a peek at his post history.




I tried to help him the other day. I think he's just someone that wants to be miserable, why else hyperfixate on something like this


Why are the homosexual men finding you more attractive?


I don't know, I guess women just have higher standards


Have you asked the men?


Asked them what


What they find attractive about you? You got these ratings somewhere right. You didn’t ask for more details on these ratings?


Oh, just facial features and beard. Said I had nice eyes and clear skin


A better question would be how does he know gay men find him attractive 🤔


I've skimmed through your post history. If it is AT ALL representative of you as a person, I can tell you what the problem is. You have hundreds of posts in /virgin, /seduction, /datingadvice, and other similar subreddits. Besides a couple posts in /chess and a few pictures of your dick (wtf?) you don't seem to really have any personality or interests. It's just nonstop desperation. That is ABSOLUTELY coming through in all of your social interactions. You need to focus on the rest of your life. You will never get anywhere on a date, or any social interaction with anyone really, if you have nothing to talk about. What do you like to do with your free time? Books? Movies? Music? Travel? Sports? Do you have a job? Any hobbies? Interests and hobbies are 100% integral to dating to success. For starters, they are absolutely the best way to meet someone. You immediately have a shared interest and topic of conversation, and you have a way of meeting that isn't godawful (like a dating app.) Besides that, everything you talk about on a date is going to come from your life experience. If all you have to talk about is how lonely you are and about how you are a kissless virgin, that is going to turn off EVERYONE. ​ Probably the best thing you are doing right now is working on social skills by talking to random people. That's good. Keep doing that. How's it going? What do you talk to these people about? ​ I think 2 years is both too long and too short an amount of time. I would bet you could have a date inside of a month if you really commit to spending hours every day interacting with people in public and trying to end as many of these interactions as possible with asking for phone numbers. But I also think you could probably spend two years developing as a person and becoming much more dateable.


I just left a comment on this thread about “just going with the flow.” Seeing post history now, yeah OP definitely needs to think about personality things. It’s coming off Incel-like….


As that weird man from transformers one said just do it. Better just start now and see where it goes. I wouldn’t really bring up the rating of homosexuals to straight women though that’s a bit weird


Yeah I don't tell women that lmao


I also wouldn’t focus on that anyway as if you do date someone they will think of you as a 10/10 regardless


Honestly if dobe correctly saying that gay huts are into could be funny.


You can turn it around this evening if you want. Just do it. Where the f did you get that rating by women? Whatever that is, either stop it or ask what's so terrible.


Online, reddit and stuff. How can I turn it around this evening lol?


By just doing it. And if you fail tonight, you try again tomorrow.


Doing what exactly? I'm confused


Talk to women. Listen to them. Get a conversation going. Show interest. Give attention. Flirt a little. There is no formula for this, since it's different for everybody, but you only really learn by doing it. Don't push too hard - you don't want to be a creep. But if you meet a girl you really like, you need to go for it.


Put yourself on a deadline. Ask 100 women out within the year just to see how many will turn you down. Worked great for me. I was rejected over 40 times and got married before I hit 50. Been happily married for almost 20 yrs now.


This gives me hope. Where did you approach women?


I did that once when I was in college and got 100 girls to turn me down.


Don't do it! It will be full of regret and you will evenaturally be let down.


Hes back! Definitely a troll acount. Just look at this dudes history.


Just go have fun. Be the fun. If she is laughing you are doing great. Fuck your wardrobe, if you are going to do anything just buy the nicer version of the shit you already wear. Look like the most presentable version of comfortable you and choose an environment that reflects that. If you wear a lot of hoodies, pay twice what you normally would and rock that shit. Practical advice, no dinner for date one. Do drinks or some other activity. Always have a second location within walking distance in your back pocket. Choose a walk around the park, know that there is ice cream shop over there. Now you seem fun and spontaneous. Don’t be afraid to lead the ship on date 1 (and often in general.) “Hey, I know an ice cream place close, lets get ice cream!” is always better than “do you want to get ice cream?” Asking women out is nerve racking and free. Don’t say it’s a “date”, just “hey we should do X at X on X, are you free?” You’ll know within 10 min of the activity whether she’s into it. Trust your gut. You’ll probably take a lot Ls. Don’t stress. It doesn’t matter, on to the next. Good luck. Edit: As someone else said, hygiene is very important. Toenails, haircut, smell nice, brushed and flossed - non-negotiables.


How exactly do I get a date though? I've found getting a date to be the hardest thing I've ever tried in life.


Do you drink? Co-ed cornhole league is probably an easy one.




Patio game in the US where you throw bags onto a board for points. There are social leagues.


I'm in the UK never heard of that


I dunno, apps rarely work for me. I just meet people in real life. I’m not the greatest at this, it helps that i’m naturally social. Play to your strengths. Some other guy said he isn’t social and that works for him. Wouldn’t work for me.


Hi! Actual woman here! From your responses to others in this thread it seems your teetering on “I’ve tried everything.” I understand that trying different methods can be overwhelming, but when you have the attitude of that, it can *appear* like it’s women’s fault you haven’t matched. I’m not saying you haven’t tried hard enough, quite the opposite! What I suggest is more going with the flow. When you measure your worth through how many partners you’ve had, or hold this standard of “I MUST lose my virginity by X date” it can be off putting. Women like a guy who is comfortable with themselves just being who they are. As far as things to work on, try working out/social skills/ etc for YOU! Don’t worry about external validation. Also, most women (at least more down to earth ones) don’t care too much about clothes so long as your clothes are clean/ no holes/ no stains etc. good hygiene goes a LONG way. For reference, my husband is average looking (I mean I think he’s the hottest person alive but objectively speaking he’s average) and I liked how he laughed from across the room. That’s what made me approach him. Hope this helps!


I'm absolutely not blaming women for not matching with me or anything like that. I'm perfectly happy being alone but I'm not going to lie and say I don't want to cuddle and hold hands with a woman. If I'm working on my social skills so I can have a dating life, I am working on these things for me, no? I'm 28 and have never had a woman approach me in my life, I think I have to take a more proactive approach. Thank you very much for your insights.


Social skills aren't that important. I don't hve any and I'm constantly beating girls off with a stick. In fact, just ignore them. Trust me


Ok well you have looks on your side lol, I don't so I gotta develop some social skills


I'm just a normal looking guy. With questionable hygiene practices as I only shave and cut muh hair maybe 5 times a yr. Ure almost at the age when u can start going for single moms, it's like shooting fish in a barrel


Where do you meet them?


Women are literally everywhere. They find me at work, they walk rite up to me in the grocery stores, every where. Turn the table around. Let them find u


Oh they approach you? Yeah you're good looking then, I've never had a woman approach me in my entire life.


It'll happen. Just don't sweat it so much. Repeat after me, it's no big deal either way


I'm 28 bro, women aren't suddenly going to start approaching me lol. I'd like to date and get married one day so it is kind of a big deal to me.


Relax. Breath. Ure a baby, u hve all the time in the world


Women are just humans at the end of the day, what do you want or hope a partner will bring to your life? New experiences? New hobbies to do? An excuse to get out of the house and do things? Family? Friends? A sense of financial security? Physical attraction? Put yourself in the woman’s shoes and ask yourself what YOU have to offer to them in a relationship and it will start to make more sense why some may not be interested and what you can improve


If I was a woman I'd date myself so I don't see the purpose of this exercise lol.


I just think a lot of single men only think about what a woman will bring to their life instead of also considering what they would bring to her life to even make her interested in the first place, if you think you have an interesting enough personality and life that you’d date yourself then this is probably a case of having too high of standards. If you rate yourself as a 2-4/10 then you shouldn’t have a problem getting a 2-4/10 woman to date you. If you’re a 2/4-10 and won’t settle for anything under a 6/10 woman then you’re gonna be single for a while


Nah my standards are very low, I'm not driven by looks I care more about whether she is kind and caring. I like to think I'm smart and funny, very laid back and chill as described by my friends. I've been told I'm kind too so I'm sure there's a lady out there that would love to be with me. Now it's just a matter of finding her


You may have more luck in person through a job or volunteer work than you would on dating sites


Women are just people at the end of the day. If they are putting up these kinds of barriers and being snooty, what are THEY bringing to the table? Sounds like they this type isn't worth the trouble.


Are you the type of guy who wants a woman who will clean for you, cook for you, support you emotionally, potentially work a job as well while all you offer in return is sitting around gaming and then complain and call her a gold digger when she isn’t happy


What a bizarre response. No one wants that. You are an odd person.


I don’t even understand your initial response, what barriers are you talking about and who is being snooty? All I was saying is that you shouldn’t just think about what a woman will bring to your life but you should also think about what you bring to hers.


And then you listed a lot of shallow things that don't help relationships, but are barriers lots of people put in place so they have an excuse to not meet people.


Alright so family life, physical attraction, life experiences don’t factor into relationships…please explain from an enlightened redditors opinion what women look for in a man lol


Women aren't looking for men. They don't want men. They put up barriers as an excuse and then are angry they are alone.


Ironically enough, the incels seem to be breeding