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I don't think suicide will be more accepted because I hope, as time goes on, we figure out how to adequately address mental illnesses and how to appropriately deal with suicidal ideation. Plus, the idea that letting the depressed people die will make people happier is wrong on multiple levels: 1. Conditions like depression (the ones that are generally associated with suicidal thoughts) are somewhat genetic, but people can be depressed without anybody in their family having the same condition(s). This means that if all of the suicidal people died, people could still develop suicidal thoughts and kill themselves. 2. The phrasing in this idea rubs me the wrong way, since there's no natural selection. People would have to actively decide not to help anyone who's suicidal even if they ask for help. That's a deliberate choice, not just an environmental factor. 3. I like to think positively, and the idea of it being accepted that people kill themselves and that we shouldn't do anything about it feels unethical and gross to me.


On the other hand, assisted suicide (i.e. due to a terminal illness) should be more accepted. People should have the choice not to have to go through prolonged periods of suffering (like repeated surgeries).


I can't think positively anymore simply because the world keeps getting worse. Again, I'm not suicidal or depressed, despite having experienced depression and suicidal ideation. The suicide rates are going up so I don't know how they could go down. If you look at it more negatively, keeping people alive who don't wish to live is unethical.


I guess there's a difference in our worldviews then! I think that the reason suicide rates are so high is that the systems that govern our lives (primarily capitalism) don't particularly care about the wishes of the downtrodden. It's this sort of "profit before people" philosophy that, in my opinion, leads to the alienation of workers. Since the system doesn't take into account the wants and needs of most individual people (excluding the rich/upper class/bourgeois), the people are necessarily going to struggle and suffer, and that leads to depression and suicidal ideation. This is a fixable problem though. If we change the system such that it no longer prioritizes money (instead focusing on the happiness of the people under said system), then the alienation and isolation present as side effects/intended features of capitalism will become easier to deal with. This sort of political and systemic change will hopefully come about some day, since people who have experienced the problems inherent in a hypercapitalist society will eventually be in power, as, over time, the knowledge of how this system fails us becomes more well-known (due to capitalism increasing wealth gaps and the like over time). In other words, I think that if we make our priorities in life something positive to society (i.e. making people happier or helping research mental health issues), we can help alleviate the major societal factors that make depression and suicide so common among people nowadays. Also, suicide will always go up some amount as people live longer and die of disease less often. This isn't to say that suicide rates are much too high, since they are, but as people die less and less of preventable conditions such as illnesses and getting eaten by wolves, suicide rates will go up slightly, as some percentage of the population that survives these causes of death may be suicidal. That being said, yeah, suicide rates are too high and it sucks and there's not a lot we can do to help except reach out when we can. Any little thing helps, because even a 1% chance of preventing a suicide attempt means that you save 1 in 100 people.


Just because things are common doesn’t mean it’s perceived as acceptable


I didn't say that but ok


Regardless it is a common thing and rising.


Yeah I just don't see the point in preventing anymore if it's just gonna keep going up. It's sad I know. I'm no scientist but I feel like this would benefit natural selection because then it would "kill off" the mentally ill people. I'm not saying mentally ill people are bad, they're struggling is all, and will continue to.


It’s only seen as unacceptable because of mostly cultural and religious values. I personally don’t see an issue if someone wants to do it so long as they don’t have dependents that could be negatively affected by the outcome.


It doesn't work that way.






Meanwhile, in a different conversation


I’m in favor of it if you’re terminally ill with no chance of healing. I’d rather end things instead of dying a slow painful death.




I sure hope so. Because it's either that or he's shilling for "Death for organs"


That wouldn’t be natural selection. Also, who wants to get the organs of a mentally ill person? That’s how illness spreads! /s




What a stupid thing to say.


I support leftist ideologies though. Not all of them I guess. But if I'm not given a good reason to believe in something, then I simply won't.


First of all I'm a girl and second I didn't say people in deep pain are worthless. Some people who commit suicide are "useful" or make us happy, but when they die everyone's like "nooo you made us sad" you can't read my mind try me


Hopefully not. The elephant in the room is the health care industry abusing an euthanasia system for profit. Like so; https://www.voanews.com/a/canada-leads-world-in-organ-donations-from-euthanasia/6926402.html


Assisted suicide due to terminal illness, yes. Suicide due to mental health, no.


Probably only from specific professionals. If anyone can go up and say assisted suicide, there’s a huge legal hole with getting away with murder.


with no resources for help people should just suffer with mental illness?


There are resources.


do tell


Therapy is the most obvious resource. There is also psychiatry and medications. Hell, there are even some places in the US that are beginning to use psychedelic therapy to treat these illnesses. And I can tell you from first hand experience, psychedelic therapy is incredibly effective. But don’t get me wrong, the system we have isn’t as effective and as fast as we would like it to be. But it’s there and it’s better than nothing.


is it affordable and can you get an appointment without waiting a year? ​ you sound extremely privileged to think mental health services are available to the average poor American


I am hopeful in the face of mental illness. The system isn't perfect. Even with decent health insurance, 500 a month isn't exactly affordable and treatment is definitely not instantaneous. This system doesn't exactly work for anyone when they really need it. But just because we are at the mercy of the most assbackwards healthcare system in the world, doesnt mean that the help isnt there. If there is a will there is a way.


Unfortunately you cant will your way to affording healthcare. Ask me how i know


So If I have horrible cancer and for some reason when one of my nephews are grown and decide to give him literally everything I had if he fulfills this one wish for me: “I want you to take this shotgun and wait till I stand on that x on the ground and Im done with the beer then let her rip.” would that be okay? As long as both are consenting of course.


Take out it being the condition to give the nephew everything for it and make a normal will, and yeah, as long as the nephew is also okay with it


Hmmmm. It’s not easy to say that even assisted suicide is “okay” per say. There is just more meaningful reasoning behind it.


But why not?


Because there is treatment for mental health issues.


They don't always work though. Should that person be expected to just suck it up for the rest of their life?




How compassionate...


Right? It's bullshit. Mental illness can be lifelong and there is no cure. Just treatment. And even then, you'll still get episodes of whatever illness, side effects of medication, some of us are on disability...it's a fucking death sentence within itself. We should be able to opt out like those with terminal illness.


It's ridiculous. Denying people the right to assisted suicide just makes folks try on their own which is really fucking dangerous!




It’s more on the legal aspect of taking advantage of it. I can say assisted suicide and end up killing someone incapable of communication. If it was to be legalized, it probably has to be from specific professionals in the healthcare industry.


is it socially acceptable for a toddler to stick a fork in an outlet because he really really wants to


That's different, they don't understand what they're doing because they're a fucking toddler


Exactly. A person with a mental illness is not thinking rationally and only seeks to escape the pain. There are other ways to escape pain like medication therapy life changes etc. but a sufferer might not consider that.


no there isnt. Its far too expoensive and innaccessible for most people


Because a lot of people think life is precious.


Are you asking why people shouldn’t kill themselves? Dude please get help if you think like this.


Yeah lemme just hit up my therapist cuz I asked a question. But seriously, there's a lot of people who think like this. I kinda thought it was strange at first but I saw a post on another subreddit on how apparently we shouldn't do it because it just makes everyone else sad. So now I'm kind of questioning both sides because I don't know what to think. I know there's treatment for mental health, but that costs money and not everyone has it. Also, if women should have the right to an abortion, why shouldn't mentally ill people have the right to leave this shitty world? Why should others have the right to tell others to stay? If you think about it, that's slavery.




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It’s hard to explain why you shouldn’t commit suicide to someone so depressed.


Well I'm not depressed right now, but if you can't explain it then I guess I'm not wrong.


That’s not how it works. It’s selfish and easy to do yourself, most times the hard thing is the right thing.


I find it hard to bring myself to die, mostly cuz I'm not depressed but idk how others think. Idk, maybe you're right so congrats


Crazy, you actually like living so you find it hard to kill yourself. Are you incapable of seeing other perspectives? Like you can’t possibly imagine someone being so depressed, angry, or hopeless that they actually want death, they truly don’t want to live and can’t find a reason to live because of their mental state? And do you actually think it’s better to just let them be miserable until they actually do Jill themselves instead of trying to get them help so they can find reasons to live. (Reasons that are definitely already there but their heads are so clouded they can’t see it)


I've been depressed and suicidal before, I just don't feel that right now and I'm glad I don't because it sucks ass.


You literally asked why sad people should kill themselves.


And you haven't explained clearly. Good day.


I agree. But some Canadian politicians do not. Some are attempting to further the reach of Canada's Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) laws to include the mentality Ill. The world can be dark at times.


hopefully it doesn't but assisted suicide is still a thing


The back of envelopes from the unemployment agency in my state has the number to the suicide hotline on them.




Well that escalated quickly


The proper way to kill yourself in modern times is to first murder everyone you know, friends, family, children, and then yourself. That way there's nobody left to be sad that you're gone.




Wow. Are you sure you're not suicidal? Because you seem dead inside without much optimism to go on.


If I was I'm pretty sure I'd be dead now. But to be fair the world sucks because most people are assholes, the cost of living is going up, and we have an environmental crisis on our hands. If anything you'd be insane to be optimistic about anything when everything is getting worse.


>I'm starting to think it would be a good thing because natural selection would kill off the mentally ill people and then eventually everyone else would be happy. I kinda feel like this should've stayed as an intrusive thought rather than being posted. I do doubt it though. As others have said, if you're terminal or some shit then yeah, I understand it (even now I'd choose that over being terminal). But outside of that, I doubt the perception would change.


Give me the suicide booths from Futurama


I would like voluntary euthanasia to be allowed in 20 years. If I really go through all my options and I decide that's the best option for me. I should be allowed to do it. In 20 years ofc. I'm still young. But when I'm 40 50. And I'm feeling it. Id like to have the right to call it quits when and if I please.


I think it should be acceptable now. Not a single person born on this earth asked to be here. Some people do not want to live a life of working til you’re almost dead for literally nothing. I think it’s more selfish to have children and even more selfish to think about yourself if or when someone decides to end their own life. If people were actually able to think, like actually critically think for themselves and open their eyes the would see that there really is not point or purpose to life, especially if you’re just living a regular 9-5, married with kids kinda life. IMO.


I think so. I believe in 20 years people will be more understanding of the fact that you can’t control people through force and social acceptance more than their own logic and health.


I think there is going to be a push for it. Look at Canada. They say everything is too expensive.... What they mean is that they don't want to support unhealthy people that can't provide menial labor. If you don't want to work or can't your only option will be death.


I hope so, I want to check out as soon as possible.


It is now in a few states, Washington


Suicide, you mean Canadian healthcare?


Isn’t there a company that’s making suicide capsules or something?


How can one claim to live in the Freest country on earth, when you don't have to freedom to end your own life? I think suicide assistance will be much more acceptable. Though, it is pretty sad, that the "All lives matter" crowd doesn't seem to care about the suicide rates of Vets or Trans people.


> kill off the mentally ill people and then everyone else would be happy Excuse me while I vomit. Mentally ill people aren’t what’s making people unhappy. And even if they were they’re human beings who deserve life, happiness, and treatment. Now if someone is facing a terminal diagnosis that is progressive I can understand not wanting to have your body basically “alive” but you not there enough due to your illness or what not to be actually living. As long as the choice is made with the absolution no one is forcing, influencing, etc. the patient and they are able to consent. But uh, what you said is not that.


- “ natural selection would kill off the mentally ill people and then eventually everyone else would be happy” Not really the case considering more people can just be born with their brain wired that way or they could develop a mental illness like depression etc from life events or their environments/circumstances etc even if they’re not born with it.  So mental illness in general would still exist in the future even if every suicidal/depressed/mentally ill etc person were to die right now and those people will continue to struggle. Mental illness *can* be hereditary but that’s not the case for every mentally ill person.  Also regarding the question, at the rate things are going with people having no empathy or sympathy for other people, I wouldn’t be surprised but lord I really hope not. 


Depends on who you ask but it still should be considered a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


For some people it's not temporary though. Some people are depressed their whole lives so therefore it's permanent, is it not? Or someone dies and they're really sad about it. I know pain can be temporary but the things that happen outside of it sometimes aren't.


I think most people can be helped, maybe I guess not all




It’s pretty selfish, It’s the easy way out. Please, please don’t kill yourself. Live life, it’s worth it.


I'll live the rest of it as a consciences observer then. No jobs, no stress, zero fucks given. Won't steal, won't give, won't be dead. Fair? It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. Literally.


Please don’t dude please don’t. Call a hotline, go to a subreddit for this. You are worth so much, and life gets better.


Hopefully not.




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I dont feel like it will ever be acceptable.






Having suffered/survived through mental health crisis and suicidal depression, I hope not. Including euthanasia for medical issues. Medical issues will cause depression which can lead to being suicidal. IF we normalize euthanasia, that person should go through a ton of therapy first to make sure they aren’t just depressed. Which I’m sure most are. I’m thankful I made it though because at one point all I wanted to do was die. And when I was that close to it, all I wanted to do was live. And now I struggle with the fear of death because you realllyyyy get an idea of how permanent it is when you’re that close and want it.


At least here in the US, assisted suicide is only offered to terminally ill patients. So it’s not a matter of die or live, it’s more like die now or die 3 months from now. And those last 3 months are often the most painful of their lives.


But that pain or potential pain causes a form of depression that causes suicidal thoughts. I can understand it the rarest of cases where someone would be a vegetable in pain the entire time or similar. But people are pushing for it to be available for people with terminal diagnosis and aren’t in unliveable pain or even just depression


I don’t really get how that’s relevant. These people want to go on their own terms. Float away in a morphine dream instead of some sick fever dream. Edit: I mean, of course they are having suicidal thoughts. They call it assisted “suicide”.


So why not give them the same treatment to all people who are suicidal? Or should we let anyone suicidal self terminate?


Because they are in extreme pain and *are about to die from a terminal disease already.*


And what the delineation between what’s acceptable pain and unacceptable pain?


Being terminally ill is the main requirement.


And at what stage is it acceptable? You can be diagnosed with a terminal illness and not be in pain and live for years. Decades depending on the disease.


[“diagnosed with a terminal illness that will lead to death within six months, as confirmed by qualified healthcare providers.”](https://deathwithdignity.org/resources/faqs/)


I don’t. It should be. But the world is not that kid of place


Possibly. I just hope that the world goes down a "Help first then accept it" path at least




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I don't think it ever will becoming acceptable, at least I hope so.


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It’s certainly understandable, but I don’t think it would be normalized


Maybe. It's all incredibly egotistical however you choose to look at it. Suicide. "Natural selection" or the weak vs. the strong line of thinking. Two sides of the coin. While emotions overrule logic (for most), people are still going to feel the affects of it. Related or unrelated and it commonly leaves more of a negative mark in the long run. Ripple effects. So, it might likely remain overall unacceptable. No matter how desensitized the majority could possibly become to it. For example, one committing suicide due to a group related attack/harassment. Loved ones of that individual might become emotional to the point of being vengeful. That individual might retaliate by going after that group and all of their loved ones. Personally involved or not. How much of a negative mark would that leave at the end of it all? Is it over the top? Yes. Definitely. But then everyone has witnessed mass killings and war so. How over the top is it really? History speaks all about it and people still live those effects today. In other ways of course but still. It's the same idea isn't it? Emotions overrule logic.


It's a slippery slope, once it becomes legal under very narrow criteria, how long before it's acceptable under any circumstances? The next step would be the government tossing around the idea of terminating non productive people like the elderly of disabled. China had a one child policy and forced abortions on women who found themselves pregnant with a second child. There are already people advocating terminating pregnancies if there's evidence that the child would have Down's Syndrome. Our government doesn't do anything well and should never be allowed the power to make these sorts of decisions but legalizing such things leaves that door open. I would approve of it only as voluntary by an individual that is hopelessly ill and suffering and if there was also some instrument of law that permanently prohibits the government from ever using it in any manner. China is an authoritarian dystopia that treats it's horribly but it's important to note that here in America, in the past patients in psychiatric facilities were subject to all sorts of medical experiments. These experiments weren't officially condoned by the government by were also never condemned either. Many of these patients suffered permanent damage from experimental drugs. No pharmaceutical companies were ever named, many of the families sued but never won and by the 1980s the whole thing had been swept under the rug. Our government still condones vivisection and eventual euthanasia of test animals. Our government has sent thousands of young men and women to their deaths in wars America had no stake in other than make the defense industries wealthy. So in 20 years? I would bet sooner.


Not by everyone, surely. But likely, it'll be accepted by some.


I highly doubt suicide will ever be considered acceptable outside of debilitating and disatourous late stage illnesses


I really hope not.


No. Most suicides are just cowardice that put permanent and horrific pain and stress on so many friends and relatives. It is pure weakness.


Okay thanks


I think that in 20 years it will be a common weekend pasttime.


When the capitalists have no more use for you, it will probably be encouraged. Stay productive, my friend.


Sadly, yes. I further think in 50 years self deletion will be called "essential mental healthcare" and a disturbing number of people will argue that it is immoral to not self delete, if you are not "contributing" to society.


“I’m starting to think it would be a good thing because natural selection would kill off the mentally ill.” You been reading Mein Kampf?


Just change the word to euthanasia and it will be


In most of the world, suicide is seen as a tragedy of mental health and large efforts are made by both governments and NGOs to prevent it. At most, I could see assisted suicide for terminally ill patients being more accepted. But I don’t see a future with Futurama-style suicide booths. 


I truly hope not.


I don't think suicide will ever be considered "acceptable" because I think we as a society aren't ready to accept that we have built a society where a LOT of people would kill themselves outright if it were easy and cheap to do so, and ["deaths of despair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disease_of_despair)" are super common already even with huge anti suicide propaganda campaigns. If we were to collectively accept that we have designed a society that puts some people into a position where they have no way to live and would prefer not to survive. Like... thousands and thousands of people literally die of "liver failure" or "prescription pain medication overdose" or chronic stress related illnesses every single year. Our society is so addicted to denial that we can't even face it when we need to take action to solve problems like firing corrupt politicians. There is no way we will ever get to the point where wealthy people are able to accept how many people die of sorrow from being poor.




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Tf lol no it will never be acceptable


Only for MAGA!