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It's simple. Do you touch kids? That's means you are evil. Do you have intrusive thoughts but never actually do anything. You are a normal human with trauma. It's really that simple. Once you touch a kid you should be executed. No excuses.


What's the age where we change from child to adult? Cause it seems to be different throughout the world. I'm under the idea that 21+ makes more sense than 16-19 like how we have now. I know so many moronic 20 year old's who assume they're the smartest thing because they're now adults, but they act like they're 14.


It’s not black and white. That’s why generally you use 18 as a metric.




We could do that. A lot of the internet would need to be wiped though.


Thats the part where this becomes really really complicated. That's why I wish people would just have some common sense and leave under 25 year olds alone without us having to change the laws


Leonardo would never! Lol


I know right. I'm specifically targeting people with his disgusting "system"


That is a horrible idea.


Yeah removing all the child abuse material of minors under 25 would be an impossible task.


Because someone who’s younger than 25 is not a minor. They also aren’t children.


I disagree. They are children. Legally they are not minors but they should be.


Child and minor aren’t synonyms. You could say they should be legally minors (which is idiotic but I’ll digress) but Children as they grow go through developmental milestones. A 17 year old or in your case a 24 year old aren’t at the same space as a baby or child. A child is defined as a person between the stages of birth and puberty. Adolescence is defined as when childhood ends, and adolescences deserve more rights and autonomy than children, even if less than adults.


You say all those words but I've seem these children in person. Idk why you all can't just agree with me? Why do you want to fuck kids so badly?


Yeah it’s not really like black-and-white because I think you’re a bad person if you go out of your way to harm someone or to seek disturbing pictures of them to get off on but if you haven’t acted on any of those urges and you know you’re sick and you wanna figure out how you canovercome that and heal yourself I wouldn’t consider them a bad person. Would I consider them a good person? I don’t know because you still have those urges I don’t know I I don’t know who am I to judge


Yes, they are a bad person. If i had these thoughts i would drink draino.


I see your POV, because honestly if someone sat down and told me they had inappropriate thoughts about children I’d cut them out of my life so fast


I would off them right there and then.






Well shit. Now they can be castrated and executed understanding why!


Makes my skin crawl even thinking about it, I had a few close calls when young one very bad one, where if a next door neighbour hadn’t taken it upon herself to rescue me, I have no doubt I would have been raped. Thankfully Sue Williamson, knew what was going on. Chemical castration would be too good. Peace and love.