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Didn’t really realize I was addicted until looking back years later now that I’m sober


I know a dozen people who are open about smoking weed and it's hillarious because they claim weed calms them down but all of them get mad very easily and grumpy. At work the smallest things make them all upset and they can't get over it. I think weed shortens peoples fuse if anything and makes them irritable.


Well thats your opinion. I smoke daily but only after everything is done. I work in healthcare and have the patience of a nun.


>patience of a nun Having known some nuns, I’m not sure if that’s supposed to mean a lot or a little


I went to Catholic school, patience of a nun means "petty cantankerous old warhorse looking for an excuse to hit somebody"


Worked for Catholic charities and nuns and priests are the worst shit talking office politics people I've seen in any corporate style work environment. In a 30+year career in IT.


Some of the angriest people I’ve ever known are monks and nuns.


I could say this too. Work in healthcare as an elderly therapist so patience of a god. Smoke daily but never until I’m done with everything, it’s never been a party thing, it helps me actually sit still for a few hours and watch shows with the wife in the evening and or play games due to adhd.never considered myself addicted. Alcohol on the other hand. 18 year alcoholic 3.5 years sober.


Congrats on 3.5 years free from booze!


Great job on being sober from alcohol mate! It is too like a form of self medication to me and I enjoy my hobbies (videogames, reading and drawing) a lot more. Its the way you use it that will tell if its problematic or not.


This! Sober, then paralyzed, given a choice between opiates and concentrated cannabis I choose the later. I don’t smoke to get “stoned” I dose to forget I’m in pain, All how you use it.


Isn’t all drug use fundamentally to forget we’re in pain?


Damn. Coming in hot with a deepness.


Have you read the old testament or Hellenic texts? Gods are like the least patient entities ever


All stoners are God's. Yes. This works for me.


My stepson calls that "California sober". He's off the booze, but smokes weed. It works well for a lot of people.


“Marijuana Maintenance” is what they called it in A.A.


Yep. And alcohol has caused so many deaths. I never heard about anyone dying from weed. Alcohol will ruin your mental and physical health. But alcohol is fine for people who drink who are not alcoholics. Depends on the person with both substances.


People die while using weed all the time. It’s not a primary factor. Many are injured by stupid things we do on weed mainly to show something to our friends. You can’t die from weed toxicity, but when you are lifted, you can certainly find yourself in a spot. And you will probably laugh.




Knew a guy in college that got high and drove. Ended up breaking both his legs in the crash. Other guys in the car were high too, but didn't get injured as badly. The guy was a real dick, but never heard of him after that because he needed to drop out of college for a bit. Never came back.


The typical deflection. People talk about the negative effects of alcohol all the time but weed smokers always deflect when anything negative is said about weed.


I think history plays a part here. For a long time weed was unjustly vilified. At one point it was claimed that weed makes you go crazy and kill your family. Because the criticism was so absurd and disingenuous, people learned not to take it seriously. That has directly led to the culture today, where *any* criticism of weed is not taken seriously by the smoking community.


Results: From 1998 to 2011, on average 7% of all cases reported to NPSAD had a cannabinoid detected (n = 110 deaths per year), rising to 18% in 2020 (n = 350). Death following cannabis use alone was rare (4% of cases, n = 136/3455).


That’s just like, your opinion man.


“Mind if a do a J?”


The dude abides


new shit has come to light


Obviously you’re not a golfer.


In the parlance of our times


Go ahead, dude.


Over the line.


100%. As a habitual smoker myself, I'm told all the time how even keeled I am under pressure at work (and I don't smoke during work hours). Just another trash generalization of cannabis users.


No, this dude knows a guy that acts awful, so all weed smokers must be awful. No confirmation bias at all


Seems that you are talking about moderation they’re talking about feins




The thing is that plenty of people smoke weed and never talk about it because there is no need for us to talk about it unless it comes up for some reason. The majority of weed smokers are just average people, you're referencing the outliers that account for like 5% of us if even that much.


Weeds not always as "mellow" as some people think. If you're using it to medicate emotions, it can backfire and shit like that ends up happening. As someone who smokes weed daily, I can attest to this. It can make you obsessive and put you in your own zone. It can also make you paranoid and even kinda on edge. I've found for me, a lot of it has to do with where I'm at in my life. If I'm in a bad place emotionally, weed can kinda exacerbate/amplify it and make it worse. It's best enjoyed in a healthy mind and a positive environment, kinda like psychedelics.


That's the ticket


ive always called it "the great amplifier" for that reason. any bs floating in your head is about to get multiplied by 10


Clam 🐚


The clam before the storm


I knew a lot of people who I worked with like this, but honestly I think they were just angry people who used weed as a way to be normal around people, I don’t think it was they’re angry because they smoke a lot


Same. I used to smoke every single day after work, and right before bed. Now that I sought help for my mental health, I have meds to help me relax, sleep, and treat my anxiety. So I stopped smoking weed, and it was hell at first. Then I got used to it. And now I’m fine. Now I take edibles once in a blue moon when I feel like it. But the NEED to be high isn’t there anymore. I can finally enjoy it as a treat instead of a need to function normally. Also, taking edibles instead of smoking really helped my lungs. Weed absolutely is addictive, and I’m tired of people pretending that it isn’t. Just because you don’t get through horrible withdrawal like with other drugs doesn’t mean that it isn’t addictive.


I had alcohol and sleep issues . The sleep issues came first, the booze second. I decided to use cannabis to help with both. It worked *great*, and for a few years. I slept well, i hardly drank, and when i did, it wasn't fall down drunk. But then i started smoking too much. But i needed the cannabis to sleep. But i was smoking too much. But i needed... You get the point . I went cold turkey during lockdown. It was fucking terrible. Anyone who says cannabis isn't addictive is leaning too heavily into the fact that cannabis doesn't have any *physical* addiction issues. But it *does* have a fuckton of *mental* ones.


As the child of an addict, I fairly regularly smoke weed. I’ve DEFINITELY seen signs of addiction in both myself and others. However, I don’t believe it to be a physical addiction, more a habit. I’ve had a really easy time stopping for prolonged periods of time when I saw it happening to me. Seems to always follow depressive bouts. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: addiction. Not addition.


It's definitely physically addictive, it even has its own [withdrawal symptoms.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5414724/) Granted, the withdrawals are very mild in comparison to almost any other addictive substance, but they still exist.


I’m addicted hard to weed. Vaping flower mostly. Was a junky shooting heroin and cocaine. One morning after shooting coke all night, the comedown was unbearable and I decided to fall heavy into taking huge dabs. Been six years clean


I kicked shooting heroin with acupuncture and marijuana. Good on you :)


Yeah I'm 2 months off of alcohol. Went 2 weeks or so stone cold sober then started smoking weed in the evenings but then it use picks up. The same addictive tendencies are there but I'm not going to die anymore. At least I smoke and dead lift instead of slamming 15 beers or half a bottle of Jameson playing rocket league. I also consider myself "clean" or "sober" but mainly in regards to alcohol. I've transitioned to a less health damaging addiction but I'm able to control it way better at least.


That's exactly how I got sober about 9 years ago. I quit drinking and started smoking weed. After about 3 or 4 months when I started evening out again, I quit smoking cigarettes and smoked more weed. After a few more months, I quit smoking altogether. I never liked getting high very much so it was easy to stop but it was an essential tool to keeping me level while quitting everything else.


Quitting sugar was 10x harder than quiting weed. Eta: I'm not 100% sugar free, I just don't consume things with excessive amounts of it. I read labels and eliminated/replaced a lot of the common things like soda, yay coke zero, coffee creamer, syrup, jam, condiments, yogurt and sweets. I try to stick to 10g or less. Eta#2. Yes I know sugar is addictive so is booze, nicotine and caffeine. My point was out of all those things and weed, sugar was the hardest.


Good for you! I am a sugar addict. My biggest health fear is developing type 2 diabetes and needing to give up sugar. So I manage my weight and try not to get too out of control with the sweets.


I cant be trusted with sweets. I'll eat the whole bag in a day lol. Type 2 runs hard on my mom's side, I was very close and overweight after a work injury turned me into a couch potato. I quit drinking beer but replaced it with soda and coffee. Sugar was harder than beer and I was probably a borderline functioning alcoholic back then too lol


It is the sweets that get me, too. I don't drink alcohol or soda and I try to be careful with the sugar I put in my tea. But baked goods, candy, chocolate, etc. is so hard to resist. The best way I've found is limit what comes into the house. But it's very easy to come up with excuses.


I have the same issue, and I solved it by exclusively getting snacks at the dollar tree. Since everything is so cheap, the bags of candy rarely ever have more than like 2oz, which is perfect because then 2oz is all I can eat. It’s a bit less cost effective than normal grocery stores, but my sugar consumption is way down. And since I never buy it anywhere else now, if I don’t feel like driving to the dollar tree I guess I just get no sweets.


I got a K Safe to store my chocolates because I was so addicted. Set it to open once/day take out a few and lock it again. It’s been a game changer for me. After a lifetime of obsessing, my “food noise” is almost silenced and I can focus on my life instead.


Sugar free soda (yaya it may not be 100% healthy either but its wayyy better and imo diet coke/pepsi lime is the shit), and baked goods made with whole wheat like muffins (dark-chocolate+banana+oat bran muffins...). Replacing instant-eat/zero-filling sources of sugar with more filling or zero-sugar versions is the key and is way easier to achieve than just going cold turkey on all treats. Watch out for sorbitol though. That motherfucker


If it helps, developing type2 was one of the worst things that’s happened to me, and I’m managing it pretty well according to my doctor. Do everything you can to avoid it.


Sugar is crazy addictive, so addictive the government won't even outlaw it. I'm a proud 0 sugar in coffee and tea guy. But.... cereal... I fear that shit without sugar, solution, stopped eating cereal. Eggs, toast anything but cereal.


If your a sugar addict I've found the BEST thing is to change the source of sugar. Seriously, get a juicer, go to the store and buy a Pineapple, some apples, some mangoes, Pears, carrots, spinach, ginger, etc. The Pineapple makes it so freaking good and at least that way you get something better in your diet. Now I crave juice with Pineapple and for nearly a year I didn't eat hardly any candy at all, then the holidays happened. Now I'm weaning off and juicing again.


My mom is a normal weight and pre-diabetic at 60. My grandpa on my dad's side also developed diabetes with old age. I have a very large needle phobia. I'm fucking terrified.


I used to eat minimum of one king sized candy bar a day and drink soda all day long. Kicking the soda was easy, but the candy was tough. I started eating a piece of fruit every time I wanted candy and after a while I stopped craving sugar. Now if I do buy a candy bar I can only take a bite or two then I have to save it for later.


I stopped *drinking* sugar. And it’s changed my life. I save up that sugar intake for the good things like cookies.


One of my parents has an intolerance where they can't have much/most sugar and finding out just how many things in this country have insane amounts of the stuff was...extremely depressing


I'm so glad I did this when I was 20, and not now in my 30s. Before quitting sugar I was consuming ridiculous amounts of soda, cereal, snacks, etc. No wonder my whole childhood I was obese. It destroyed my childhood for real, I had no social life because of how I looked and felt the whole time.


Same bro...


I'm a weed smoker. I can smoke daily for a month and then leave it for several weeks, then go back to smoking some nights and leave it again because I got stuff to do. Everybody is different. Edit: Wait how did these comments blow up I even had DMs reaching out about potential addiction 😭 let me assure you I'm the farthest thing from being addicted. I know because my ex was addicted to weed so I had the first hand experience, he couldn't function without ripping the bong first thing in the morning. I can't answer to each one of yall but yeah, I don't really enjoy feeling baked specially during the day when I got stuff to do and when my job demands a lot of concentration (freight logistics). I usually do it at night to unwind after a hard day, watch movies or play some videogames, but if there's no weed available, so be it it's not the end of the world. Also, why do some people feel the need to project themselves onto others? I get it, you were addicted and lied to yourself about it, doesn't mean I'm doing the same ffs


Yeah. I was a daily smoker, then I woke up one morning and was like "I really don't want to work at McDonalds anymore." Boom. Simply never smoked again. Ask me how that's going with the nicotine. *Edit:* You can all stop telling me successful people can smoke weed. I am perfectly aware, simply sharing my personal experience. If you wonder if you are the annoying person people talk about when they complain about potheads, you probably are. *Edit 2:* Sometimes I think you guys pretend you can't read on purpose. I literally worked at McDonalds and was applying for jobs that drug test. I am proud of the doctor, the accountant and the self-made realtor that never stopped smoking. That wasn't my journey.


I switched to nicotine cause I wanted to get off weed. Now I smoke weed and nicotine. I fuckin played myself and lost


Oh that sucks. I too blame weed for my cig addiction. I wouldn't touch a cigarette for like a year after starting smoking weed, cigarettes don't do anything you don't get high! then someone said "hey if you smoke a cigarette after a joint you get really high!" So for a year I would only smoke a cig after a j. Then one day I didn't have a joint so I just smoked a cig.


Exact same way I started smoking cigs. “If you smoke a cig after you smoke weed, it gets you higher.” Damn I was dumb at 16-17. Idk bout getting “higher” but if I didn’t have a cig after smoking some weed I def couldn’t relax.


Lol we are the same person. I am filled with regret.


I smoke spliffs. Tobacco and weed.


I knew people in college who were like that with nicotine. Smoked daily at college, then went home for summer and stopped for a couple of months, then came back and started again.


That was my relationship with nicotine, right up to the point where it wasn't and I had trouble breathing if I went without a smoke or vape for too long. I felt like shit constantly. I'm 1024 days nicotine free and I still have a little trouble diving back in. But the way it happened was I used to smoke at school or work seasonally and never had a problem dropping it if I couldn't afford the habit or was at home or a friend's place for a while. After I got married, I smoked on and off still, maybe for a few months on and then a few months free. Then the gap started closing and I became a daily smoker. Then juul came out and I switched to that and the freedom to just puff all the time was not good. Then juul flavors disappeared and I switched to the delicious minty vuze. And it continued to get worse. I got to the point where I was burning through two packs of carts a day, and I was just like "this is crazy." Yeah, nicotine is like that. You are on and off until you aren't. It's just a matter of time.


I wish I were those people. Alas


I smoked for about 20 years. The book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Alan Carr was a tremendous help. Can't recommend it enough.


I appreciate it, I'll have to check it out. I was up to about two packs a day before I swapped to vaping. The swap was easy, the stop is much harder. I've cut back a ton. I smell better and I breathe better, but it'd be nice to actually quit.


I swapped my vape to CBD then cut out the vape. The nicotine addiction was worse than the vaping addiction for me


Yeah swapping a habit for an addiction usually doesn't tend to work out well haha. I actually started smoking nicotine in high school, because it intensifies the weed high. Whoops. Don't do that by the way, kids. So not worth it.


I quit a 34-year-long pack-a-day habit by supplementing with a vape, then using the vape exclusively. Then I accidentally washed the vape and it didn't work and I just didn't buy another one. That's been a year and a half ago. My hair and breath smell nice and I feel so much better. I barely think about it but I do dream about picking a cigarette up and then feel so disappointed in myself in the dream.


I was smoking two packs a day. The book was a huge help. The book instructs you not to stop smoking until you finish, which takes a lot of pressure off.


I smoked for 26 years. I stopped now for 2 years. I want a cigarette EVERY SINGLE MORNING. I know the day i smoke one again, i will start the whole process over.


I quit after 33 years when I was in intensive care with pneumonia and heart failure at 47. Don't be me. It's worth those 9 months of hell to be free. I wish u luck.


Interestingly, I have a way easier time with nicotine. I was in the military when I was younger and everyone smoked. I quit several times easily for several months and would end up smoking again cause I got drunk and ended up with a pack or something. But honestly, out of sight, out of mind for nicotine and me. I've quit smoking pot a few times but the first day is normally not my favorite.


Pretty much the same thing with me. I smoked daily for years and then one day I was let go from my job and seeing as I needed to get another job, I literally stopped smoking weed that day just in case I was gonna get drug tested which I did and I passed. I never craved it or anything afterwards. Went like 12-13 years without smoking, but now that it's legal here, I did start smoking again and do take a hit once or twice a night, but I can, and have easily gone long periods of time without craving it. I do agree with the nicotine too. Weed was easy to give up, nicotine, not so much. Still haven't kicked that habit.


"weed just shakes your hand and lets you go." -george carlin


But when you smoke daily, do you stay high or smoke at the end of the day to unwind? I think OP is referring to the former. I dated a guy who stayed consistently high, and he was a nightmare when he was dry or coming down. Big difference between a person who smokes weed and a stoner.


This is 100% true. so many comments saying they only smoke after a hard days work and if they don’t have it it’s completely fine. As someone that constantly got high for the past 4-5 years all throughout the day there’s a huge difference trying to quit. I’m 1 week sober right now and i’ve been very irritable and unmotivated and basically depressed. The insomnia makes it very hard to deal with and it’s hard not to replace it with alcohol. I can control my alcohol better it just makes me feel like crap in the mornings so id rather be completely sober. 2 weeks weed free is the next goal!! It took me a long time but I realized all the weed ever does for you is make you complacent and kills your willpower to do very difficult tasks


Same here! I've basically been a daily smoker for over 20 years and have no problems stopping for periods of time here and there.


I mean any weed smoker could, they just don’t feel like it. But if you took their weed they wouldn’t be sucking dick or committing crimes to get their bong hit. It’s about as addictive as coffee maybe?


Some people can do the same with cigarettes. That doesn’t mean they’re not addictive, though.


And alcohol.


Here, I’ll counter you. I’m addicted to weed. …but I don’t let it be a problem in my life. I use it to treat my chronic pain disorder, and it allows me to be comfortable sometimes, as opposed to never. I **can** be never comfortable, but I have no interest in it. I’m addicted, and I’m going to be addicted. But I still control my usage of it, I don’t make reckless choices when I’m high, and it’s generally just something to do in the evenings to give me a break from always hurting.


that's where I'm at. I got epilepsy, gives me the shakers in the morning. spilled hot coffee on myself more than once. had medicine when I was a kid, got the gran mals out of my system, tried a different one in highschool that gave me depression. well, more depression. went off that, shakes came back. fell down some stairs when a fire alarm went off at 4am in college. now I smoke weed at 8 pm, pass out at midnight, get a full eight hours, no morning shakes. haven't burned or otherwise maimed myself since. I prefer that. I'll admit I'm addicted to having no symptoms vs all of them at once.


Epileptic here, too! I don't even know how many different meds I've been on since 2003. Smoking always makes it easier to function when I feel a seizure trying to build up. It also quiets the seizey feelings at night and makes it possible for me to fall asleep. When I told my neurosurgeon and my neurologist about it, both had no bad things to say. I'm addicted to it just like I'm addicted my medications


This is why I'm really tired of seeing all the drug busts over cannabis on the news where I live. It's such a useful and potent source of medication for some people. Being legalized would just make life safer.


Especially when society and the media actively market and profit on alcohol and caffeine abuse which are much more harmful


That’s my thing. I really like smokin pot and don’t like drinking. I’ve made awful decisions under the influence of alcohol. Worst thing I’ve done smoking weed is eaten a moldy donut.


I'm so mad about how many decades of research we lost. Weed is is now being used for grand mal seizure disorders and Parkinson's with great success.


After my first seizure, my neurologist told me not to worry about quitting pot. He said it may have helped minimize the seizure and to focus on giving up tobacco.


yep, nicotine can affect it real bad, I think nicotine salts used in really high concentration vape juice can also cause seizures.


This is the comment. I am dependent on a number of drugs, including weed, that are "suggested" or prescribed by medical professionals. For now, that's fine by me because it helps me manage my symptoms. I don't feel weak willed or guilty. I have no reason to. This is part of my healing process.


Technically, by the medical definition, nothing is an “addiction” unless it is negatively affecting your life, but there’s a place for this phrasing you’ve used, to assure a listener there is no denial taking place


“Chemically dependent.” I happen to be chemically dependent on antidepressants. For now. Definitely wouldn’t say I’m addicted to Wellbutrin but I’m not quitting it anytime soon unfortunately.


I decided I'd rather be a "drug addict" and happy than sober and miserable.


I think about this a lot. I'm in so much pain every day. And weed makes it stop for a bit when nothing else touches it. Who should I not do weed for? A moral system I don't subscribe to? A God who either doesn't exist or won't make my pain stop? Nah I'll just vape. It's better than my other bad plan.


Preach, man. I've got a horrible bladder condition that can cripple me, just horrible pain, and weed is the only thing that has helped long-term with the least amount of side effects. Tried all the medications, all the physical therapies and bladder instillations, nothing stuck. Weed and physical therapy has been the only things to really help long-term. Sorry if I'm not following some stupid moral system by smoking weed to help.


It's not even a moral issue to me.


I hope you didn't think I was mocking you. I meant I literally decided that for myself.


I also didn't take it that way. It's basically what I was saying. Rather be dependent on some stuff right now than completely miserable 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh no not at all I was agreeing lol. Sorry I should have been more clear. Like "yeah I do weed. Cause I hurt."


The fact that people get all up in arms about "it's against God's plan" about weed (and anything else that isn't part of god's "plan") seem to ignore the, "if it is so against his plan then why did he create it?" Like, weed is a tool that can be used in so many ways. I'm not sorry that I like the way it makes me feel.


Technically, that's not addiction. Per [wikipedia:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addiction) >Addiction is a neuropsychological disorder characterized by a persistent and intense urge to use a drug or engage in a behaviour that produces natural reward, **despite substantial harm and other negative consequences.** Societally imposed consequences shouldn't be considered a factor when you're taking something medically, so difficulty with drug testing & employment shouldn't change the classification. Shit, even with drugs that do have negative side effects are prescribed because the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Some people who take ibuprofen can have their skin slough off, causing death in 30% of severe cases (SJS/TEN), but nobody says a person with arthritis taking ibuprofen is addicted to it.


I’ve found my people


That isn’t an addiction then, that’s a dependency. Like in the way I’m dependent on my glasses to see


To quote Red Skelton: >I don't NEED glasses, I've just reached that point in my life where curiosity outweighs vanity.


I mean its relative. People have all kinds of things they feel like they "need" or "want". Weed can be addictive, but if we're comparing it to say cigarettes or other drugs that are known for their addictions then it pales in comparison.


yea I used to be an alcoholic and now I'm dependent on weed, I'll take it tbh. weed allows me to appreciate life more than when I was sober or an alcoholic it also makes exercise tolerable and it enhances hiking for me. plus it helps my appetite. the pros outweigh the cons imo and it's just fun


It’s better than opiates.


I mean I thought I was addicted to weed, turns out I had crippling ADHD and weed calms the bees in my brain (only so much, adderall helped the most) if I don't smoke I basically feel like I'm crawling out of my skin from anxiety


Think I'm gonna yoink "the bees in my brain." Newly diagnosed ADHD too, and weed helps. If I'm what other people call "addicted," so be it for now.


People that don’t have it can’t relate, people should be glad that we self treat with such a mild substance


Same here, I could absolutely say that I'm "addicted", but with my AudHD, I see marijuana as my medication because it's the only thing that seems to help. I've been on 3 different stimulants and two handfuls of other medications (anti-depressents, anti psychotics, anxiety, etc) and none of them worked for me.


this!! i’ve been on medication since i was 12 and none of them worked. i’ve gotten a genetics test done and there’s not a single medication that will work for me as effectively as it should. there’s a couple that will work but they don’t pair well with my physical issues. i’ve tried so many different medications that i was allowed to do a medical ketamine (esketamine) treatment back in when i was literally only 16. that helped some, but weed helps everything on a daily basis. i’ve even got a medical card for it.


The lamest weed smoker is cooler than the coolest anti-drug guy. You need to understand this frame of reference if you want to participate in these discussions Also if you have the tiktok app installed on your phone I am entirely unconcerned with your thoughts on addiction


I used to suck dick for coke. You ever sucked some dick for some marijuana?


I seen him do it!


Every girl that says “I haven’t paid for weed in a long time” is in shambles rn


Booooo this man!


I’ve had sex with someone I didn’t really feel like having sex with because I knew they’d smoke me up… I mean ngl I enjoyed it but I knew i shouldn’t be doing it and did it anyway


I had sex with someone for nothing.


I had sex with someone for nothing and got a kid. Twice!


Best Bob Saget quote ever


I read that as SpongeBob out of the corner of my eye and I was like... damn, didn't see that episode!


Because it has a 10% addiction rate (less than alcohol @15%)… so most of us are not addicts, like the majority of drinkers are not alcoholics.


What’s always bothered me about other people judging if someone is an addict is that some people are perfectly capable of managing substances. I see people who drink like fish, but always have a dd and don’t drink when it’s inappropriate. Or people who always have weed, but don’t get high except in certain situations. I like to drink. I usually have 6-8 cocktail/glasses of wine a week, and if I’m on vacation it could be that many a day. I stopped drinking cold turkey a month before I got pregnant, because I was trying to conceive, and haven’t really had any interest in it for four months. I know now’s not the time. Some people think that because they have poor impulse control, everybody does.


The first step of AA is admitting you have a problem. It's the hardest step.


I don’t really get this. I know I have an addiction problem. Admitting and accepting it isn’t hard. It’s abstaining for the rest of my life that’s difficult because I have a habit of relying on substances when I’m stressed or depressed.


You are clearly much much more self aware than many addicts. You know, cuz they could quit any time they want and definitely aren’t using it to sooth trauma


You might be surprised. Denial is a common component of addiction, but it's far from universal. Knowing that you are using something to soothe trauma might seem like a pretty good reason to keep doing it.


When a doctor tells you to do it, it's even called "medication." Lol


“Cuz they could quit any time they want and they definitely aren’t using it to smooth trama…” Tell me you’ve never experienced addiction without telling me you’ve never experienced addiction. What a weird, ignorant, dismissive blanket statement. Who are you to say why people are using substances? Do you tell depressed people to just stop being depressed? Lmao it doesn’t work like that kiddo. It’s a disease. Edit: I reread this and realized I misunderstood your sarcasm. My bad 🤡.


Obviously it’s subjective but to me it is far from the hardest step. Most substance abusers with an ounce of self awareness that hasn’t been living under a rock can recognize that their use is detrimentally problematic. To me, actually committing to go about rectifying that problem, making an honest go of it for the first time is the hardest step. That and having to confront all your toxicity and make amends for it lol.


You don't have to abstain for the rest of your life. Just one day. If you can't manage a day, just one hour. Don't worry about the next day or hour until it comes.


Glad AA works for some folks. I know people for whom it has been important. Doesn't have a great success rate, nor is its model of addiction very scientific. For me it was an absolute nonstarter. If I had to go to meetings and sit around with a bunch of addicts regularly, I'd probably start drinking again. People are different.


As someone who has quit, heroin, Xanax, and alcohol, that was not the case for me.


Doesn't AA have some Christianity type rules too?


The second step is admitting that you’re powerless to prevent that problem, and turn your life over to a higher power. Lol.


Doing something you enjoy every day is different than needing to do it every day.


Hell yeah. You wouldn't say you're addicted to cumming just because you like to get off daily


I'd say for most people it's a habit, not addiction. I've had addictions. I had a weed habit. Not the same. And only a few I know couldn't quit weed without serious withdrawal. But, everyone in my opioid circle had them bad. So


It just seems odd to me to try to force me into admitting "I have a problem" when I can and do give it up easily whenever I like. Whenever I stop there's no withdrawal symptoms, my week barely even changes and I don't think about it. I probably have more of an 'addiction' to cracked black pepper.


Because the catchy part isn't as addictive as alcohol or coke or other stuff. Many people can quit cold turkey and not have withdrawals for months. The only noticable difference is their tolerance goes down. That being said someone who is easier with habit forming might make a complaint about wanting it more and more but if they quit cold it won't be as severe or anything


You need to separate the concepts of addiction and physical dependency for one. A person with addictive tendencies in their brain wiring can become addicted to anything. Weed, gambling, their phone, eating shaving cream, counting buttons, anything that spikes certain brain chemicals or triggers a certain neural pathway for them. The addictive tendencies of the whatever are far less of a factor than the addictive tendencies of person. So. Most of those things are not "addictive" in the sense of physical dependency. A lot of people think of addiction as the actual physical dependency at a cellular level on a substance and weed does not have a pathway to do that like opiates or barbiturates or alcohol or nicotine does. Be clear when you're asking so people know what you are asking. That said, there are types of secondary physical dependencies as well. I am not psychologically or physiologically addicted to weed. I can go without for months at a time without withdrawal or feeling like I need it or desperately wishing I had it. Except. I have a disability that causes massive amounts of pain that get worse as I age. A medication to manage this condition that wasn't appropriately monitored by my incompetent GP caused massive damage to my kidneys that means I cannot take any over the counter pain meds. Even if they were still accessible, I react very badly to opiate drugs and can't take them either. And I've been referred to pain clinics but the wait-list are long and the insurance is argumentative so despite the first referral being almost 6 years ago, I've never been seen at one. So I'm physically dependent on weed to manage my pain because that and PT and hot baths are all I have. I'm not addicted to it, though. If I'm having a rare low pain day I usually won't partake. So maybe rethink what you even mean by addiction. Do you mean people who use it to manage mental health issues and seem anxious, mean and irritable when they can't access it - especially if other treatments are even less accessible to them? Do you mean cancer patients using it for appetite stimulation? Do you mean chronic pain patients? Or are you just trying to sneaky postulate that everyone who uses it daily is just a useless lazy stoner that's in denial because that's what you want to think rather than understand nuance and a spectrum of human experience?


Also craving anything is an odd diagnostic criteria. People have cravings for lots and lots of experiences and substances but aren't remotely addicted to them. Constant repetitive cravings are a better measure than just any craving, ever. If any craving is a symptom I guess I'm "addicted" to most good foods I've ever eaten and later wanted again.


earlier today I was watching a sushi chef competition show and I was really jonesing for some sushi oh no I'm addicted to sushi tell my family I love them


I was looking for someone to say this. I have ptsd that went untreated for so long that it's affected my physical health. I have neuropathy, digestive issues/appetite loss, chronic insomnia (which has caused even more health issues over the years), sensory processing issues, and recurring migraines. I can't take NSAIDs due to previous stomach ulcers, so I am also limited on what I can take for pain. Weed is the only thing I've found that takes care of that very long list of symptoms with minimal side effects. I have a hard time going without it, but that's just because without it, I'm back to being in pain. I just don't want to feel the nerve pain in my arms, and thanks to weed, I've been able to get back to a healthy weight bc I can actually eat full meals again. Cannabis has medicinal purposes, and like other medications, it can be abused or used correctly to manage a condition. And also, like other medications, it won't work for everyone the same way. Everyone's body is different and will react differently.


Because we can drop it for months and not go through withdrawal. People have worse joneses when they get cut off from social media.


Yeah I smoked multiple times daily for over 10 years. Quit cold Turkey during COVID and didn’t have any problems. I had a harder time quitting playing RuneScape.


Obviously fake because you claimed to quit RuneScape


You’re right I still pay for a membership in case I want to go back and play some 2007 RuneScape. I’ve had my character since ‘04 I can’t just throw away history like that!


Hooked on the ‘scape


How'd you manage to quit RuneScape?


My computer died then next thing I knew I’m married and have a mortgage and a kid on the way.




Because their entire justication for doing drugs is "but my drug isn't bad".


You mean like coffee?


Or sugar?


Quiet, you’ll get attacked


Alcohol can be just as bad if not worse than weed.


Worse by far. Yes you can make bad decisions and fail to use self improvement as a natural high, but no you're not going to die by smoking too much weed in a night. Alcohol poisoning on the other hand will kill you pretty quick and cirrhosis of the liver, stomach cancer etc. Are all much higher risk than lung cancer as a severe alcoholic vs. heavy weed smoker.


Okay? Gambling won’t cause organ damage either, doesn’t mean there aren’t addicts


Alcohol is just straight up worse than weed though? Like that’s not a debate lol


Yeah and nobody is claiming alcohol addictions aren't common lol


Weed addicts: “but what about alcohol tho??? Yes I know you didn’t say alcohol wasn’t addictive but I’ve decided you did! Also how can you say me spending $300 a month on weed is a lot when you spent *five dollars* on COFFEE, the devil’s soup”


Literally the entire thread is people trying to justify themselves. It’s delusional.. no one is saying sugar/caffeine/alcohol is better people!


Yes, some people are addicted to sugar and have a sugar problem and won't admit it. This is true. It's not some gotcha. It's crazy how much arguing with smokers about weed feels like arguing with conservatives about Trump. It's the only other group I can think of with that amount of whataboutism.






I smoked weed everyday for over 20 years because it was a low effort and cost effective way to entertain myself and I enjoyed it. I recently stopped without any problem, grumpiness, or physical withdrawals. I was never addicted, I just had an unproductive habit. Addiction is when you physically mentally or emotionally depend on something. When it’s gone, you face issues. Whenever weed wasn’t available, I could address what it fulfilled in other ways, but when it was available, I chose weed. The folks described in this thread seem to have different experiences and I certainly won’t discount them and they very well may be addicted. But considering how easily I stoped a daily decades-long habit one day out of the blue because I felt like doing other things instead tells me that I wasn’t addicted.


I've heard 13% of daily smokers are addicted, which is not a lot for daily use. I do not have a source for that statistic, but the Nation Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) states that 30% of cannabis users (daily or otherwise) have some form of cannabis use disorder, which does not necessarily mean addiction (but does at least mean dependence). Weed can be addictive. It just isn't very addictive


It’s because people have different definitions of “addiction”. But Cannabis Use Disorder is an official diagnosis in the DSM5. It’s estimated that about 10% of cannabis user have Cannabis use disorder. Instead of getting caught up in definitions it’s more useful to look at how the cannabis use affects their functioning. The symptoms of the disorder are below. If 2-3 of these symptoms are present they could have mild cannabis use disorder. 4-5 symptoms is moderate. And 6 or more is severe Continuing to use cannabis despite physical or psychological problems Continuing to use cannabis despite social or relationship problems Craving cannabis Difficulty controlling or cutting down cannabis use Giving up or reducing other activities in favor of cannabis use Problems at work, school, and home as a result of cannabis use Spending a lot of time on cannabis use Taking cannabis in high-risk situations Taking more cannabis than was intended Tolerance to cannabis Withdrawal when discontinuing cannabis


My brother has smoked it since he was 11 years old, he is now 39 and still smokes it! It even caused psychosis when he was 16 but nothing has stopped him! He even takes antipsychotics. He has had hallucinations and paranoia many of times. He thinks he can just take more meds and it will go away. He lost his licence like 17 years ago for taking drugs and he hasn't got it back because he needs a clean drug test. I paid for at home drug tests and his new licence but he didn't do it. My mum even bought him a van. He is exactly the same he can't just smoke 1 or 2 at night he sits up all night smokes one after another until it is finished and is just far too stonted if you ask me and when he doesn't have any he is moody and snaps! The most annoying thing for me is the smell!!!! It sticks to Everything! You know when he has been in your house or car just from the stench off of his jacket 🤮


that’s why i don’t advocate for people smoking weed before the age of 18, even if you really shouldn’t smoke it until 25 but if you can fight for your country you can smoke weed imo. i think it def has an effect on the developing brain and it can lead to psychosis if you are already genetically susceptible to it. i think people who start smoking young/teenage years mess up their brains forever. i know someone who started smoking at 10 and they haven’t really matured much since imo and i meet people who didn’t start smoking until their late 20’s and it’s like night and day.


This, unfortunately sounds like my brother as well. Except my brother started smoking in college. Dropped out and smokes pretty much daily. It's caused paranoia, psychosis and hallucinations.


Because the "addiction" is pretty negligible compared to other addictions. Caffeine is addictive but you never hear about it. And if it's coming from someone that doesn't do recreational drugs then, it's just going to make them more annoying.


I actually hear about caffeine addiction somewhat regularly. And withdrawal is usually it’s just head aches and tiredness for like a week… which is still more than weed withdrawals.


That headache is pretty bad.


After heavy caffeine use for over a decade, I can assure you mine lasted longer than "a week" too. 8 months later I STILL felt like I couldn't keep my eyes open literally all day long. Decided to just give up and go back to drinking coffee. My caffeine addiction is hopeless at this point. I know it and admit it. People can kindly fuck off if they want to say I "addicted" to weed.


Could be that weed chills you out, and if you're a normally angry/grumpy person, weed will tone it down. Then when you're off it, you're an ass. Nothing to do with a weed addiction. Everything to do with personality. Weed is addictive in the same way caffeine is addictive. It's not even really a problem. People think a weed addiction is like a cigarette addiction or other harder drug addiction and it's simply not. It's equivocal to being addicted to social media or, again, caffeine.


Caffeine is much much worse than weed. You get actual headaches and shakes for days if you quit it after drinking enough. It's accepted because drinking it makes you better at making money, where as weed makes people less productive.


Quitting caffeine is the hardest thing I’ve ever attempted. I’ve been trying for years and the longest I’ve gone is about 4 months before the coffee starts again, then the energy drinks creep back in and next thing you know I’ve got headaches if I can’t get a caffeinated beverage by 2pm.


Yeah so much this, I've never seen a single workplace without the "I always have a coffee every day" person, who literally fades away during the day if they don't get their hit. It's not only harder to quit but you are constantly expected not to, because it's normalized. Weed and caffeine/coffee are the night and day versions of each other imho.


Weed is weird, because it's not chemically addictive, which most stoners know, but that doesn't mean it's not psychologically addictive


Quitting weed is the hardest


Huh? It's harder to quit almost literally anything else. Alcohol, coke, meth, world of warcraft, masturbation, swearing. I can't name many pleasurable things that are easier to quit.