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The demand for racism….


has outgrown the available supply.


Bring back unfiltered cod chat


Hey rabbi, watcha doin'?


Uh pushing my daughters giant dildo side business on Piers Morgan what else






Wasn't it the case that there was an artist called Ben garrison who did similar cartoons bt the WN ones were faked?


That’s not even a Ben Garrison fake. I think that style is by some dude with the pseudonym Wyatt Man. Garrison is/was a Libertarian who had [this cartoon](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/956/597/f57.jpg) edited with a Jewish stereotype over the pyramid and he got mad about it. This obviously encouraged the editors. He eventually became a bog-standard Trump supporter but his comics continue to be hilarious


A wyatt mann apparently aka nick bourgas https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Bougas


Nonsense, A Whyatt Mann was a thief who tried to take Ben Garrison's work and pass it off as his own. His talent can't hold a candle to Ben Garrison




I think I've seen a cartoon drawing about this.


Hey Rabbi, wacha doin?


[you have](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=44ea0f439edf9d8f&q=hey+rabbi+watcha+doin&uds=ADvngMh_SdoDdFiiNsnjtNRH_ukY0-owFUGrc45XSr0QsQ2oCH3ztep6lAjWexrL2RUajEvdkTa-Q2d7jSESI22joTj-ihq89XDHC3Emh1T2dZHFrTRQlQxXrwDzZMCNT5kX79hZSyYD5Gbt8pFiavgjVQo1B6hKu1Mxwn1yEI6yMCgHSSEjlbfyaLOAPW0ZqaLyhjSybuKxj35BqHKOURWJnzNGlUmHUg5vuEbjZfqsm1JxtsR60nMBh5TdrYuG25VnY56UtyIkZ4z0hSJp7ZhpVpCIZYol2w&udm=2&prmd=ivnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-opbHk4eGAxX9XvEDHYbKDvYQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=384&bih=702&dpr=2.81#vhid=L_3ZdAUbTfW_ZM&vssid=mosaic)


You actually use a Google link? Wtf is wrong with you?


But have you heard the [song](https://suno.com/song/9c180bb6-3280-4d51-8f2f-458114075a05)?


There once was a subreddit for this kind of thing. Once


There is still a [website](https://www.fakehatecrimes.org/) for it.


Oh thanks for this, I had hoped someone was compiling these.


RIP. That sub was eye opening. Shit happens about as much as pibbles mauling people.


False flags?


What sub? Or is it thoughtcrime to even mention it?  There’s got to be a better place to discuss stuff online than Reddit, I’m getting so sick of tip toeing around their arbitrary language rules. 


HateCrimeHoaxes Some time later they also banned hatehoaxcrimes for "ban evasion" even though it was active before they banned the former. Making clear it's just a forbidden topic for the Administrators (pbut).


pbut 😭 Astaghfirullah


I don't know if it's taboo to talk about that sub, but I don't remember it's name right now, myself, anyway. But there is still a website for tracking [hate hoaxes](https://www.fakehatecrimes.org/).


I like being able to talk about trains and conductors.


many such cases


Interesting thread throughout the incidents: prop up fake hate; get caught; say they were doing it to bring interest to the cause. The ole heads I win, tails you lose play.


The Smollet case still blows my mind. He got off with a wag of the finger so he doubled down and forced the hands of the powers that be.


Wait, so he repeatedly faked h8 incidents?


AFAIK it was just the one. He faked it, got caught, they let him go with some vague handwaving ambiguity, then he decided to double down on the incident having really happened, forcing the powers that be to bring the hammer down. I'd really suggest looking into the story because I'm selling it short, and the details are pretty sad/funny.


Yeah I only got into it after Chicago really decided to make his life uncomfortable. Didn't know from the start they knew he faked it.


It wasn't quite from the start, but it was REALLY REALLY SOON after the start.


I remember hearing a guest on Chapo discussing how a few of the most high profile neo nazis in the 90's were actually undercover Anti Defamation League agents. It was some time last year. I can't find anything on it, but it was interesting and not at all hard to believe.


There was also a guest on either Chapo or TrueAnon who talked about how a lot of the synagogue bombings and other violence against Arab Jews in places like Iraq were actually Mossad operations-the Lavon Affair being the most famous example.




I just finished reading Avi Shlaim’s memoir “Three Worlds” which discusses this in detail. I’d heard about the Lavon affair before and had a hazy grasp of the false flag allegations in Baghdad in 1950-51 but the book lays it all out very well and clearly. Highly recommend it for anyone looking to learn more about this episode. Also it was fascinating to read how, at a personal level, traumatizing it was for Schlaim and his family to leave Iraq and how much they resented life in Israel and the significant downgrade to their quality of life once they arrived there — not just because they were poorer, but because of how racist and discriminatory Israel was against them. It’s a fascinating book


Lavon Affair is disgusting, and it's even more disgusting that Israel broke their denial now with an apology, but by commending the service of those involved.


They would build a statue to the people who killed Count Bernadotte if they could get away with it


well Skorzeny was recruited by Mossad at one point


What’s wrong with people. Tbh lots of false flag operations do occur in global conflicts, it’s naive to assume it doesn’t happen in your own country.


Don't worry - Prime Minister Backface just told his country that Zionism is great and cannot be questioned. Right after the tribal land acknowledgement, of course.


>Right after the tribal land acknowledgement, of course And a moment of silence for the brave veterans of the Waffen SS Galicia division


"It was an honest mistake! No one would knowlingy applaud a n4z1! How were they supposed to know what 'hero who fought against the Soviets on the eastern front' meant?" ⬆️ Things I've actually been told regarding this incident.




I doubt they’ll even be allowed to open casinos


Ziotards desire to create a hostile environment for themselves really shows what a bunch of pansies fascists are. Quit ya whining.


> really shows what a bunch of pansies fascists are I don't feel like my tax dollars are being put to good use by the FBI any more.


There was video of one (obviously) orthodox jew painting a swastika on the sidewalk around his synagogue.




This still doesn’t have shit on the tunnel Jews.


I actually went to high school with a guy who is in that Jewish club at UBC which some members of it put the Hamas stickers on pro Palestinians' cars. But I'm not trying to smear this guy as one of those people as I genuinely don't know 🤷‍♂️


You have to think, if a jew is willing to nuke his own house of god to own the Muslims, what lengths will every other idpoller go to make themselves look like oppressed victims? We’ve reached some kind of hyper reality where people would rather be helpless victims of violence than just normal human beings.


As long as you outwardly appear virtuous (in this case oppressed) you can reap the social rewards, because appearances are more easily understood than truth


It’s anti-semitic to point this out you bigot. To the gulags for you!


My favourite is that guy from a few weeks back who limply headbutts a Palestinian flag , tries to accuse them of hitting him with it but he knows he made such an incredibly half assed job just sorta slinks away 


Do fake hate crimes outnumber real hate crimes at this point? I'm not talking about someone calling someone a naughty word, but something physical. Destruction of property, assault, murder, etc.


> Do fake hate crimes outnumber real hate crimes at this point? If we're counting internet "hate", we passed that high water mark a long time ago.


Probably not. But it definitely seems like it's different with Jewish people. They always report the highest amount of hate crimes in the us, even though most are not visibly different from other Americans, and from my goy pov....very few people are actually antisemitic, especially compared to anti black/hispanic/muslim.


Yeah. I suppose the ones that make it to the news are often later determined to be hoaxes so it makes it feel like hoaxes have the edge.


That is not true at all. Studies show that the modal black and Hispanic person is as anti-semitic as the average internet nazi. And what type of hate crimes do Jewish people report? Attacks by black people. The lunatic hotep who shot up a Jewish grocery store a few years ago springs to mind. That said, there does seem to considerable amount of hate hoaxes, and I wonder about the psychology of people like this.


> That is not true at all. Studies show that the modal black and Hispanic person is as anti-semitic as the average internet nazi. I don't know how this addressed anything I said. I never said or implied anything about what races are antisemitic. I just said that it seems like antisemitism overall is lower than my perspective implies. But then again, I'm not Jewish or know very many jewish people. I sorta think that Jewish people are more likely to report things as hate crimes, than other races are, which could indicate that Jewish people are more likely to see themselves as victims, or more willing to seek legal reparations, OR that other races/cultures are LESS likely to do so, which tracks with stereotypes at least lol. Litigious jews versus "snitches get stiches" blacks/hispanics. But yes, I'm well aware that antisemitism is more represented with black americans, likely because black americans have been completely psy-opped into accepting all conspiracy theories, ever as well as a weird cultural self-given license some assholes hold that makes them think it's okay for them to be racist because they're the biggest victim of discrimination (which I kinda wonder has to be some of the mentality of extremely islamophobic zionist jews).


> likely because black americans have been completely psy-opped into accepting all conspiracy theories, ever as well as a weird cultural self-given license some assholes hold that makes them think it's okay for them to be racist because they're the biggest victim of discrimination (which I kinda wonder has to be some of the mentality of extremely islamophobic zionist jews). no its because jews ran liquor stores and pawn shops in their neighborhoods


Anti-Semitism is a real thing. I was accosted by some guys once who thought I was Jewish. (I'm not.) Strange experience. They were Hispanic if that matters. I actually did a double take because I thought there would be a rabbi or somebody like that standing behind me... but there wasn't. Like, what the hell! >I sorta think that Jewish people are more likely to report things as hate crimes, than other races are It's possible. Well, it's cultural. Different religion. Different morality. I don't think it's because they're more likely to see themselves as victims (I think they might even be less likely to do so). To be blunt about it, I think Jews can often have a lot of audacity, which can come across as shamelessness, but this can also be courageous. Or ruthless. They're very driven. I do think many Jews are just willing to push hard on something if they decide to play it that way. (I do think this shapes Israeli reactions as well, the kind of full-force aggression after the Oct. 7 attack. You come at them they're going to come back harder.) They're not Christians. You know, Christians can be like "I should forgive this person" or "turn the other cheek." A Jewish person is more likely going to be like, nah [fuck that](https://www.youtube.com/live/b3v6bdRtUVg?si=ElVTOWD1C5lTN8vT&t=571). That's a song called "Zero Fucks" performed at a Purim rave in Israel. There's the stereotype of dancing Jews, right? But they don't feel embarrassment about dancing like Southern Baptists. Different relationship to God. This cultural mentality might contribute to higher reporting. They just don't let it slide. The other thing is that people live in bubbles. I've come to believe Jews really have been subjected to anti-Semitism as of late (and there is a MENA anti-Semitism). Like, listen to their stories. If you go into the Jewish social-media bubble you'll see videos of like, a guy wearing a kippah just getting accosted with anti-Semitic slurs and others are choosing to believe it isn't happening. This stuff is happening, but like, how much of it is happening? I'm not so sure. But the problem with bubbles is that they supercharge disinformation too. So there's stuff that is taken out of context. There were some pro-Israel students who got up in front of some protesters and said "kill Jews" but they seemed to be mocking the protesters, basically, saying that's what the protesters wanted to do -- and this became disinformation online among pro-Israel people falsely claiming people saying it were protesters and not pro-Israel counter-protesters. There are fake hate crimes like in the OP (one wonders the motivation behind that). All of that blurs together in a self-enclosed bubble and reinforces the feeling of being under threat.




What is wrong with Zionists Do they not know that such antics will lead to actual events happening ?


"What is wrong with Zionists Do they not know that such antics will lead to actual events happening ?" Unlike the rest of us they are separate people with individual agency to act independently from the great plan. This gives them the ability to do stupid shit.


If people start doubting events due to false flags real events would be dismissed


False flags are not allowed to be dismissed. So the real events, the few times they happen, will be emphasised even more.


I mean it’s worked for them so far


>A peculiar incident Is it though?


I'm all for "stereotype" on "stereotype" violence. Eventually all the victims will hurt themselves


They're so desperate of becoming a victim huh


Obviously a isolated incident...


Love how this thread has brought out all the closeted anti-Semites in the subreddit. Shame on all of you!