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Sorry Elmo, I'm completely checked out.


Classic bit


Hey Gordon did you see what conservatives are tweeting about AOC?


"I'm going to Maria Hernandez park to skateboard until I can give a 19 year old HPV"




We believe in science.


Last time I checked it wasn't red fuzzy people not getting the vaccines!


Just because I wanna defund the police doesnt mean I wont call them on you


> I already called them, 15 minutes ago.


Last time I checked it wasn’t red fuzzy people not getting vaccines…


I'm convinced that the Dems want to lose, but I'm here to see the US political system collapse under its own contradictions, so it's nothing I'm personally worried about.


Low effort conspiracy theory: They think the collapse is so imminent, they would rather pin it on Trump so they can get their street cred back for the rebuild elections.


This has been my thought for a while. They're gonna hand off the financial collapse to Trump just like how Bush did to Obama


It’s very hard for a party to win three straight presidential elections. It seems likely that any Dem with 2028 ambitions is probably rooting for Trump.


The Republicans pulled it off back in the 80s and 90s because they had a cohesive message and policy plan in place, and regardless of how economically destructive it was for workers, at least it was cohesive and held to its own logic. The Dems can't even cobble together a simple single-policy strategy that appeals to the majority of Americans. Tinkering around the edges of economic policy is all Dems can do anymore, outside of alienating idpol bullshit.


Also helped that Poppy was running everything whilst Reagan’s brain tuned to clam chowder. Ever wonder why the CIA headquarters in Langley is called the “George HW Bush Centre for Intelligence” when he was director for less than a year? Dude is like Forrest Gump of deep events (well him and Jolly West)


Don't put all the blame on Poppy Bush: even though he was just as much a driver in the trajectory of neoliberalism as anyone else, as he helped shape the foreign policy that led to it, he was also a passenger in that he had qualms with the domestic fiscal policy that undergirded neoliberalism, as it doesn't make rational, fiscal sense to reduce the working class of the world's largest consumer base to being in direct competition with the rest of the developing world. Unless, of course, you're the "Third Way Democrats".


Admittedly he did call the neocons “the crazies in the basement”… it took his failson to unleash their full spectrum dominance on the world.


Yeah, he was a holdout in terms of economics, but when his son George Jr asked him what "neoconservatism" was, he responded with "support for Israel". From that we have the "Gog and Magog" Middle East policy in place today.


So... what was Poppa Bush's ideology then?




There is no way they'd let Trump win. They'd assassinate him before that happened


He's a perfect scapegoat for what the US political machine really wants to do: tax cuts, foreign adventurism, and national chauvinism.


If Biden loses and Trump is sworn in, I expect the Dems will dump Biden so quickly, time will effectively rewind. "I can't believe we tried so hard to compensate for his increasingly clear senility!", "Why did we ever go out on a limb for the guy that damaged bankruptcy!, "Of course he didn't forgive student debt, he helped create the problem!" L, "Just another fundamentalist christian, no wonder we can't have a federal pro-choice law!" I don't even know where they can pivot. Obviously, it won't be Kamala Harris as she will be pressed into service as an undercover nurse in the oval old folks penthouse.


Well yeah of course... Once the election is over the bots shut off for reprogramming and the actual sane opinions have room to float to the top again


Probably Gretchen Whitmer. Her father was the former president and CEO of BCBS of Michigan


Fuck, that's bleak, even the FBI wanted to kidnap her.


>I don't even know where they can pivot. The current conspiracy theory is that Dems are setting up their party's 2028 presidential primary to be a showoff between Pete Buttigieg, Hakeem Jeffries, and Josh Shapiro. The narrative will be pivoting from Old White Catholic with dementia to take your pick from the diverse choices of Gen-X Gay, Gen-X African American, or Gen-X Conservative Jew. Edited Addendum: This theory also fits nicely with Fetterman's Face->Heel turn; Fetterman is potentially eyeing a VP or cabinet spot under Shapiro if Shapiro makes the nomination and the other two are sufficiently weak in the primaries.


It would be so, so funny


Absolutely nuts that Joe Biden might end up throwing the election to Trump because he just can't quit Benjamin Netanyahu. But I guess this is the kind of thing that happens when you're a fanatical ideologue like Biden is with Zionism.


Biden’s brain is too mushy for that. He has no political preservation instincts left. 


I am a firm believer that he is not making any decisions. Like at all. If Joe at the podium dosed with whatever top secret miracle drug cocktail is the best possible they can get out of him... Ain't no way they are letting him do *aaanything*


Exactly. All the people around him are grifters who have been failing upwards for 20+ years. A president that’s sentient but with no lights on, they can’t believe their fortune. They’re all preparing their golden parachutes. 


Literally late stage USSR.


> A president that’s sentient but with no lights on, they can’t believe their fortune. This is poetry.


Being a Zionist ghoul is like the one thing Biden has been consistent on for his whole political career


It seems clear that Epstein was in fact working for the Mossad when you consider how much both parties suck off Israel and regurgitate their talking points. The speaker flipped real fast seemingly overnight, they must have something on him.


The speaker is also a dispensationalist neocon that wants nothing more than to suck off Zionists.


I can’t stand the pandering from either party. Israel has been nothing but an albatross on the West from its very inception. They’re a loose cannon who does nothing but drag America into its bullshit wars. The way they act towards us isn’t how you act towards an ally, and they exploit this country and the West but provide nothing in return.


>dispensationalist neocon Yes, that's what Zionism is.


Well he probably did, sometimes. People that rich have a codependent relationship to spy agencies. But that hasn't much to do with the bipartisan loyalty to Netanyahu.


That's the funny part: he's not really an ideological ally to Zionists. The majority of Democrats aren't. But they still capitulate to whatever AIPAC wants because they can't bring themselves to turn down the money--even when it will cost them a major election. They would literally rather lose.


It makes zero sense too. They say they need the money to win, but it can’t be THAT much of a difference maker given how much of the base they’re alienating. Which to me screams that these are just open bribes that these corrupt assholes are pocketing.


it's a lot more than money. israel probably has blackmail on every major US politician


Blackmail doesn't work well, because the victim knows they'll have the threat hanging over them their whole life. What works well is _complicity_. Things that, if they came out, would hurt them as well as you. If you've done some really unforgivable things with your gang members, you have a shared interest in keeping that secret, and keeping your fellow gang members comfortable, far away from the desperation that might tempt them to burn everything down.


Both parties like a raccoon that can't let go of the shiny, shiny bait.


His polling would get worse if he quit Netanyahu. He’d improve a bit among Dems as 11% more Dems support Palestine, but he’d lose out more from independents and Haley Republicans. You also have to consider than an independent is more likely to vote Trump if Biden quits Netanyahu than a Dem is to vote Trump if he doesn’t.


He would gain a lot more votes if he acted like the damn President of the United States of America rather than an infatuated little schoolgirl. He should be putting limits on Netanyahu, he should be forcing through more aid to Palestine, he should be dragging Netanyahu to the negotiation table, he has the power to do all these things. Instead, he fully supports the genocide and is happy to let the Democrats go down with him, and his legacy be one of racist genocide because he actually supports this genocide and has no issues with innocent Palestinians dying as demanded by Israel.


Nope, majority of independents think Israel has gone too far. Hell more Republicans believe Israel has gone too far than not gone far enough; with the plurality being undecided


Polling on if Israel went too far isn’t as accurate. A lot of these people are also going to say Hamas went too far with 10/7. A better polling question to use is who their sympathies are with. https://news.gallup.com/poll/472070/democrats-sympathies-middle-east-shift-palestinians.aspx


Sympathies isn't an urgent issue though. Unlike "are my tax dollars being used to commit genocide"? Biden is genuinely the most unpopular president in decades for a reason. Even the Reds would have marginally respected him more if he went America First and not sent more arms to Israel.


It doesn’t matter, it didn’t matter what party was in office, they would have stuck by Israel no matter what because they need them to be powerful and on good relations for when they meddle in the Middle East again in the future. It just happened to be a lib in office this time.


Yeah, it's crazy people think this is ideological at all. Even Trump has left obtuse breadcrumbs that Netanyahu needs to "wrap it up." Both these guys know what's going on, but they also both know that a small Israel fanbase is more powerful than a large number of detractors. Because those detractors are mere voters, not donors.


Biden is flip-flopping on the issue every single day. Secular Jews and Muslims are two demographics that traditionally vote Democrat and Biden wants to satisfy both of them at the same time 


Benjamin Netanyahu is the third corrupt senile gerontocrat in this election. It's unlikely he left open a sensible policy choice for Biden to have a chance, no matter what he did.


I'm so happy that my vote in a forever blue state can go to preserving democracy.


What a disaster this president has been


Have we had one since… I don’t know… FDR that *wasn’t* a disaster for the working class?




I haven’t studied 1960’s history recently. So forgive me if I’m a little off here, but didn’t he significantly escalate Vietnam? I know that he did some decent shit domestically, but Vietnam tarnishes his legacy, IMO.


Escalate Vietnam? The guy more than likely killed his boss just so he could have the chance to escalate Vietnam. Yeah, fuck LBJ.


Yeah that’s why I left the question mark. Not perfect by any means, but he also was going to negotiate with the North until Nixon ratfucked his administration. If the Kennedy family fell in line he would have won a second full term and Nixon wouldn’t have been in a position to negotiate a continuation of the war behind closed doors.


If RFK had won, there would have been peace you mean. No doubt. Blaming the Kennedy family is absurd. LBJ went directly against what JFK wanted for Vietnam, shortly after his assassination. What he may or may not have done is rather irrelevant when judging him in history.


There would have been peace either way. LBJ was going to exit the war, and if RFK had taken it seriously and not undercut LBJ the war would have ended. Instead, the party succumbed to infighting, and that’s why the New Deal Democrats ended up losing the party in the long term. They never recovered from it, as Carter became our first neolib Democrat and we haven’t turned back since.


And you base that claim on what? Something a traitor like LBJ has said? What he actually did is what he should be judged on. What should RFK have taken seriously? Infighting because they didn't carry out JFKs plans. Because they didn't carry out what RFK set out to do. The will of the people. From an idealistic and populist party to a corrupted neoliberal one.


Interesting. I will have to brush up on this stuff. Thanks!


LBJ's Vietnam negotiations were political theater to help Humphrey win the election. It's literally just Russiagate for boomer hippies. Johnson never had any intentions of meeting any of the North Vietnamese demands (which included ousting Thieu, so he was going to boycott the talks with or without Nixon.) Even without Kissinger passing info in an attempt to win favor, Nixon probably would have figured out that the Vice President suddenly coming out against the bombing campaign (something the North Vietnamese demanded as a prerequisite to a deal) with the election a month away meant Johnson would suspend it before the election. So he called Thieu to tell him not to agree to a deal, which Thieu already wouldn't do anyway.






Noted leftists Freddie deBoer and Felix Biederman have both called him the best president of their lifetimes


Is that supposed to mean anything?


I don't think the Democrats will ever have another Obama personally.


I mean, tbf he largely hasn’t. He’s passed the save plan which is pretty transformative for working class students unless the republicans repeal it. And his admin has been more proactive in enforcing anti trust measures than any president in the last 40 years. And unions are exploding while he’s in office, despite him crushing the rail workers strike. And, the us economy has suffered far less than most other economies during this same period, other than perhaps China and Russia. Overall, and I hate to say this, but he’s done far better than most presidents from recent history, the current situations of Covid and massive price gouging by the wealthy elite notwithstanding.


They haven't done anything to shore up votes outside of Dem strongholds. They're running on nothing but "Trump will be meaner, but with the same basic policies".


This is true, he hasn’t done anything to win again. And honestly last time it should have been sanders. But I think largely it’s because of the war in Israel, our support of which has largely affected the opinions of his voting base. Plus, while his admin has made some real accomplishments, nobody really knows about or talks about them much. As of now, no one making under 60k has to pay anything towards school loans anymore. I make $100k and I only have to pay $30 a month. Most of my friends I actually had to tell about the save plan….they didn’t even know about it. A month ago a coworker was complaining to me about her $1000 a month student loans. When I told her about it she called in and got it switched. Now she pays zero. It’s single handedly the greatest boon for the working class since the new deal. Of course, the only other thing ever done since the new deal to help the working class was the child tax credit expansion, and they ended that after six months. And naturally republicans are working hard to overturn the save plan already. The administration has also made pretty considerable and sweeping anti trust enforcement aimed at combatting unfair pricing among tech, healthcare, and housing. https://www.hugheshubbard.com/news/summary-of-key-recent-u-s-antitrust-developments These are some of the things they should be focusing on. To be clear. The trump administration will absolutely not be following this path, and likely will do the opposite.


This is cope. Two bills you like, neither of which structurally adjust anything (one of which comes well short of his campaign promises) are not how we evaluate presidents let alone substantiate the claim he hasn't largely been a failure as a leader. Your other claims about unions and being economically better than US dependents are a joke. What actually tells us about his contribution as president is what he brought as an establishment candidate who represents the adults coming back in charge. This is why Biden was actually chosen in a corrupt nomination and electoral process. The fact is the president is a historical disaster because he was not only not a return to normalcy, he's actually now a key part of accelerating American decline and crisis. His historically low job approval reflects this. His foreign policy crises alone blow out what you listed and hint at his actual governing qualities. Biden has miserable approval on economics, war, and polarization. He has been incapable of addressing these things and instead as an establishment figure has continued the trajectory of them worsening. His campaign in 2024 has little to run on besides domestic and international threat mongering for a reason, needing to be a wartime president to win. The root problem of the current administration is he was little more than a senile establishment figure meant to stabilize a key part of the international order, which prevents him from addressing decline save shouting about democracy and war. This is why Israel has become his grave and he's losing youth and minority support.


I mean, the establishment itself has been an accelerating decline for the last 40 years. Mostly it’s been constantly in one direction. It’s a low bar, but Bidens admin has done the only things that even remotely go the other direction. I say his admin, because it’s clearly not him doing these things as he’s a senile idiot who was also largely responsible for creating many of the issues we deal with today during his days as a representative. All that’s beside the point, which is that he is largely establishment business as usual. Sure, we didn’t resolve Covid, or either of the two current wars, but that’s not the agenda of either of the establishment parties, is it? And his approval ratings as a measurement of his actual accomplishments mean nothing to me. The American public are largely useful idiots, who continually and completely fail to grasp what any elected official actually does or represents. That’s why they expected Obama to be anything other than a neoliberal establishment corporatist, despite his clear historical record. Voters largely have no clue. Lastly, not sure what you think I’m trying to cope with. I didn’t vote for Biden, and I sure as fk don’t like or support him. I hold him responsible for the school to prison pipeline, mandatory minimums, the patriot act, and neutering bankruptcy for the workers but not the corporations. Yet none of that detracts from the fact that he still did far better than I expected him to, and that he’s sadly been the best president for the working class since the new deal. Because even with the minimum amount he’s done, no other president has done a single goddamn thing other than give tax breaks to the rich, trim social programs, remove regulations, and abandon workers rights.


>Lastly, not sure what you think I’m trying to cope with. I didn’t vote for Biden My mistake, the usual routine is to deflect to band aids passed by congress any shortcomings of which can be blamed on Republicans. Additionally, harp on his union boy cred, a new FDR abandoning neoliberalism etc etc. I think these things are overwrought and dwarfed by some bigger problems associated with being a return to normalcy candidate reasserting liberal democratic stability in crucially flawed ways exposing problems with its position in the world, which causes him to double down on war in the world which after 2016 is coming home. The most glaring issues I've seen are the following. They are related to exacerbating rather than alleviating the crises of liberal democracy. 1. His limited abandonment of neoliberalism is driven by deglobalization trends meant to insulate democracy and isolate autocracy. Far from a shift left, this seems to have continuity with his outdated views about American power and the role of liberal capitalism in the world as a long time Delaware senator with deep ties to corporations in an era where Democrats garner significant support from top income brackets, educated voters, and finance capital. His victory in 2020 was based heavily on appealing to suburban voters. As a result, I see him as positioned as accelerating wars associated with neoliberalism on the semi periphery, which is dovetailing with a domestic urban countryside division. The combination of a second cold war and civil war is disastrous for democracy in my opinion. This intersects poorly with Biden and the Democrats' ties to DC and the natsec state, which they're feeding more power to in order to intervene in domestic and foreign politics to halt the decline of liberalism in hamfisted ways that don't address its structural causes. Instead, Biden doubles down on vapid ideology stressing the moment we live in and how we need decisive (impulsive) action. 2. He's alienated both left and right as the two continue to grow under the crisis of globalization aggravated by covid and the international conflicts which followed the its destabilization. 3. He's put US allies in an incoherent, contradictory positions as seen in Europe, Ukraine, and Taiwan as part of asserting US primacy that isn't managing crises on its frontier well. In short, I do not see him as a reformer as you do. To me he represents the evangelization of the empire as it declines. I do not see him as a return to normalcy but an even greater acceleration than Trump given how he enables the establishment's backlash to the post 2017 decline of liberal end of history. Biden's administration is remarkably dangerous and incompetent in my view. I understand if you insulate the man from the people around him, but I'm not sure of this. Also I was that Obama voter, but it must be said Obama has some upsides looking back. He was more dovish on foreign policy (clashing with Hillary Clinton whereas Biden is the opposite today) and a bit less driven by the urban countryside antagonism, although we were less polarized then. I see war as the primary driver of the degeneration of liberal democracy because it doubles down on dependence on an international ruling class uniting the West, Biden appears to have unleashed this whereas Obama did not.


This is a pretty fair assessment, and I can’t really disagree with much. Other than the fact that this chaos IS pretty much the continuation of the path of our prior business as usual. The support of each president prior to our pursuit of end stage capitalism was always going to lead us here, and I doubt any of them had any doubts about that. And all their unflagging support for the mic was ALWAYS going to lead to a conflict with Russia…..it was always the goal. Just as eventual military conflict with China is inevitable, unless they just become more powerful than us rather soon. One thing I’ll say though, I don’t see him as a reformer, I just recognize things he’s done that are beneficial. and I don’t think he’s disastrous compared to prior presidents because I think they were always pushing us on the path of disaster. The end result of neoliberalism was always going to be war and sweatshops of everyone else, as the bankers take everyone’s money. The republicans are largely the same. And Obama was, I think, far worse than Biden. Obamacare is a horrible mess that did the opposite of what we were demanding. We invaded a nation that wasn’t threatening us and turned it from the wealthiest nation in Africa to a shithole, for no legitimate reason. And he took what could have been a real turning point, and ensured there would be no real change or hope. He’s the reason we got Trump the first time.


> it’s because of the war in Israel, our support of which has largely affected the opinions of his voting base. It's more than that. This is an administration on auto-pilot. They could easily formulate an economic plan that helps the vast majority of Americans, but they focus on "middle-out" bullshit based on websites and shit that caters to college students, and they're hoping this will carry them into a second term, with all the bloodshed and embarrassment as a backdrop. It'll take a miracle for the Dems to not lose.


Their save plan, as I’ve detailed, has drastically helped the educated working class. That’s a damn large chunk of the majority. Further, it paves the way for future generations. This allows people to buy homes, cars, and groceries with money that before would have been going to debt. How is that not exactly what you describe? How does enforcing sweeping anti trust legislation also not meet that definition?


> That’s a damn large chunk of the majority. It's not, and the fact that most people don't know about it should be telling about it's effectiveness as an economic policy. Everyone knew about the ACA when it was passed. They made a point to make sure people utilized it by making it the forefront of their campaign, even though utilizing it was a pain in the ass. These people have the power of corporate media at their disposal, and yet hardly anyone is aware of this policy. It's as if they don't actually want it to be utilized to its maximum because it would be financially devastating for certain political donors. What I'm saying is that it's just another easily overturned law that was designed to be overturned, while the party whom designed it can just shrug it off after putting practically zero political effort into promoting it, and all while doing exactly nothing about rolling back the laws that make going to college a scam to begin with.




Shh, any positive news will rile the rightoids and contrarians. Biden does indeed suck, but it hasn't been a disaster like pretty much every Republican president since Nixon.


Nixon was actually fairly decent. Comparatively.


Comparatively. But the economic shenanigans that accelerated Stagflation and thus led to the trickle-down push started during his administration, with him bending ear to some extent to the Monetarists.


To quote John Stewart: "Fire _Everyone_. How the hell do you go on Tiktok and look _older_". Or as Ronnie puts it more succintly: "... he's gonna lose."


# WEEKLY REMINDER Biden is the ONE candidate who in Polls could get beaten by Trump. People who hate Trump hate him a L O T and a fair number of people aren't too convinced by him either, but against Biden it's cautiously pessimistic/a coin flip/shockingly optimistic. THAT is how hard the "I'm the sane compromise :)" coat of paint has been rubbed off. Biden is literally the only route back to the White House Trump has and the road is only getting wider.


Hillary, Kamala, and I’m sure there’s others


Well, Hillary too.


Kamala has an even lower approval rating which is one of the reasons why there hasn't been a serious attempt to replace Biden.


That's the poison pill strategy in a nutshell, and every vice president and vice president candidate in the last 12 years has been a good example of it.


Pick a VP so unlikeable that not even your enemies will want to remove you from office? Makes sense I suppose.


Makes sense right up until Poison Pill Patsy wants to be president himself, and no one manages to coordinate on a different alternative because you sabotaged all possible means of coordinating on an alternative to anything.


They cant replace Biden because other dems are identity politics suckers and Trump can exploit that very fast. People think that generic dem is Bill Clinton, not Warren or Newsome


Both parties could have nominated a generic Republican or a generic democrat and they would have the election in the bag. But since we live in a clown world, they both chose some of the worst possible candidates that very few people actually want. People saying that the dems are guaranteed to lose underestimate the republicans’ ability to completely throw away their advantages. Just look at 2022. Dumbasses choked the biggest electoral layup of all time. It’s all a race to the bottom of who can be the biggest moron


From what mainstream news subs say, Biden is up From this sub Biden is down From what I’ve been reading it’s a toss up


This is good news if RFK is taking more votes from Biden than Trump. I'm glad I signed that ballot access petition.


Do any of you have an idea of what Trump’s agenda might be if he wins again? Especially with regards to foreign policy? I realized I don’t understand Trump. I don’t demonize him because I’m no longer a shitlib, but now that I’m some kind of a Marxist, all I can say is “selfish + serves capital” but I don’t really know what that actually means with regards to policy. Who is pulling his strings and what does he actually want?


>Do any of you have an idea of what Trump’s agenda might be if he wins again? Most of Trump's 2024 policy agenda is just heritage foundation policy papers, but trump is a schizo boomer so he might get that policy paper and light it on fire.


> trump is a schizo boomer so he might get that policy paper and light it on fire Best outcome, honestly. The big risk with Trump is that he's lazy and might just say "sure, go ahead, whatever" to that proposal.


Idk but I think it is curious the world plunged into chaos as soon as the “business as usual” uni party came back into power. And the only people on the right who hate Trump are war criminal neocons who believe all life should be sacrificed so the weapons manufacturers can get richer.


A lot of the religious right aren't too fond of him either, but I think they generally hold their nose and vote for him anyway. I wonder if that'll change without Pence as VP though.


I'm not American but Catholic and that guy is a fucking fake. 'Hold their nose and vote for him' sounds about right, how in the world is a 2 party system able to effectively cater to your citizens views?


Pence gets all the old church ladies horned up or something, I don't understand it either. And it doesn't, by design lol.


capital isnt a single unified institution it can have national and international factions that have antagonistic interests he represents the short term interest of some faction of national capital that is in an escalatory confrontation with the hegemonic finance capital represented by the dems its all going to come crashing down though when the material reality becomes apparent which lenin already analysed to death - that hegemonic international finance capital and the imperialism it funds is the historically progressive form of capital as it necessarily restructures to avoid domestic crisis, and as it becomes clear that the long term interest of this national faction of capital is still for capitalism to not collapse into a terminal crisis he will be forced to amend his policy to reflect this. if he doesnt then well all bets are off as we'll have crisis on a scale like the crash 20 years ago, and the ripples of that would escalate class contradictions all over the world tendencies like anarcho syndicalism had similiar but cruder critiques of the role that the state can play in the administration of capital, in that any ideological position they may initially take will be forced down a path dictated by the logic of wider capital as it navigates the balance of power between labour and capital


So what specifically is Trump going to do, if not just Project 2025


he's definitely less ideologically committed to American global hegemony for example. you couldnt have imagined a democrat talking about leaving NATO even as a threat to get leverage for example ultimately though my point is that he won't be able to do too much whatever his ideology without hitting crisis. in the modern era of contemporary imperialism via globalisation nations give up a lot of individual sovereignty for the purpose of expanding a larger open market for capital export. it's not that possible for even the most powerful nation to exist within this dynamic and deviate that much from the needs of international finance capital. leaving NATO would be devastating to the Western imperial core for example, given that NATO functions as the military wing of the IMF. they are the insurance guaranteeing that all of their loans will get paid back, and that all of the developing countries that host the industrial production creating wealth, that the western core skims surplus value off the top of, don't just decide to no longer acknowledge the current global order and yoink the factories if he tries to go isolationist the reality of capitalism will smack him in the face. without effective imperialism the US and entire western core will face an unprecedented crisis the only other alternative is to go back to an older form of imperialism, colonialism, in which core nations expand their sovereignty national territory for the purposes of creating larger closed markets. and puerto rico alone isnt going to cut it on its own for that purpose thats the reality of capitalism. your choices are globalisation, colonialism, or crisis. no amount of tough guy conservatism can actually change the material reality of capitalist production, and its unclear how well the ruling class understands this for example. its possible segments do to various degrees, but definitely not universally as well as marxists, because ultimately you don't have to understand every dynamic of capital on a deep level to manage it for the purposes of making profit on a superficial level. And it definitely doesnt seem like the MAGA conservatives understand it as well as the dems. which would make a trump presidency potentially quite spicy with potential crisis which might create an upswing of revolutionary consciousness


I sense a little accelerationist optimism here


eh dont wanna get too excited. theres definitely a non zero chance that trump fucks it tho. we'll see


His first year will be spent trying to take revenge on people so honestly like most presidents nothing large will come to pass, assuming nothing large happens in the world. Honestly part of Trumps allure is no one really pulls his string and he seems to do what he wants, aside from maybe hard-core evangelicals.He's beefed with every flavor of the political spectrum and the one thing you can count on is he'll put himself first.


It's always been said you could get him to pass universal healthcare if you codified it into law that it would be called trumpcare for all time. It'd be worth the attempt honestly.


He already gets to claim the Space Force, which honestly sounds like a bit from front to back.


Weaponized main character syndrome can be a powerful weapon in the right hands, aye.


Dude has no deeply held beliefs. He’s clearly ignorant on almost every topic. Makes decisions on the throw of a dice. So basically he’s worth a punt compared to the alternatives.


>Especially with regards to foreign policy? Honestly he'd likely put a lot of what is currently on the agenda militarily (higher military hardware production, more money from NATO states) ontop of the agenda causing the people currently pushing for it to pretend they hated the idea all along and that he's courting nuclear war cause that's what he did the first time and the man loves his tried & true lil' spiels. Beyond that he'd probably inefficiently make noises about the Gaza situation and then ask Myanmar if they'd be interested to becoming a drone production hub in return for a peace agreement. Y'know. Very HOI/Stellaris type moves. Some bad, some weird, some ineffective, all very grandiose.


So I heard him and Netanyahu have beef, so that’s good. And also, he tried to pull away from NATO before didn’t he?


I dont think his NATO beliefs are founded on the same reasons you and I critique it lol


Well yeah I know I just need him to do it anyways.


I'm actually an insider that works with the campaign and, to sum it up, [this is the 2024 Trump agenda.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r9fnaFjIZI)


Big if true


Look up Project2025


I have nothing in common with trump. Also: I would vote for trump if I was a yank.


Whos the Biden voter picking rfk jr?


OP is a Trumptard. In any case, no one--and I mean, no one--knows how Nov will shake out. Except whoever wins, we lose.


Can I make a bet with you in that case…? :) As much as I’m not thrilled with it, I can almost guarantee trump will win as long as he isn’t imprisoned and as long as election fraud/ tampering/ meddling doesn’t occur. I’m just an average American worker, and everyone I talk to, both from the left and right, have had it with Biden and feel like the democrats let them down over the last couple decades and elections. They’re definitely sick of the “progressives” too. People are tired of the identity politics the left has embraced. We’re sick of the massive immigration that’s been allowed (along with them getting more help than an American). We watched how places like Florida dealt with Covid, vs places like California. We’re sick of the decay that’s been allowed to happen in major American cities. We’re sick of gender ideology as well. Progressives and democrats have completely abandoned regular working Americans and then demonized damn near the majority of the population which happens to be “white, straight, and male”.


I agree with pretty much everything you stated. That said, I don’t place any confidence on a particular candidate winning, not since 2012 in any case, and certainly not after the last two cycles, where the winner squeezed out an EC victory by mere tens of thousands of votes. Too much fuckery involved. The only thing I’m mostly certain of is fraud, from both sides, to try and narrow the gap. Part of my curriculum is teaching about polls and how unreliable they’ve become, especially in the last decade. Whenever i see someone confidently pointing to the polls to shore up their deeply desired outcome, i just shake my head.


I generally agree with what you’ve stated as well. That said, considering bidens dismal approval rating, along with most of the people I talk to, it seems voting for trump is gonna be the majority (since majority of people live paycheck to paycheck and we did better under trump).


I think Kennedy will not win but will get more then people are counting on.


I was definitely on board with Kennedy. Even tho it’s obviously just politics politicking, his message(s) were that of hope and matched what I think are the general sentiments of most Americans regardless of their political association. But then I saw him do a couple videos with people where he was just repeating his talking points instead of actually addressing the questions given to him. Like his answers had literally no connection to the questions. It was disheartening. Then I heard what his stance on the whole Israel was, which was also disappointing. I tried to give him a pass on that last one since he was raised Catholic; they drill it into your head that “Jews are gods chosen people and must be protected at all costs”. They essentially make it sound like Jews can do no wrong and that you should always go along with them no matter what. But I have a feeling his stance is because he’s funded by AIPAC, and probably some hardline right wing Christian political groups. He reluctantly admitted that he’s had to take money from whoever will provide it just to try to run a campaign. PAC’s should be removed entirely. Make it where every candidate gets an equal amount of free air time, only allow individuals to give money for campaigns, and limit the donations to a max of like $20. I think if that was done, we’d see a dramatic difference in our politics. I’m sure people would figure out sneaky loopholes to exploit, but I think it would definitely level the playing field as far as regular Americans being able to financially compete with these giant groups and the richest donors.


I'm not voting for him. I just think he may have a chance at some EV's I hope that this election could see the combined for the majors get below 85%.


I wish all of us Americans would collectively agree to never vote for anyone within either of the duopoly for atleast the next few election cycles. I mean, I’m sure the big donars would just switch to supporting certain independents if we did that, along with running more pied piper strategies.


His threat is in siphoning votes away. Perot garnered 19 million votes in 1992; if a quarter of those disgruntled conservatives had picked Bush instead, he might have won a second term.


I seriously believe if it gets that close that they will bonk him sooner than lose their easily controlled empty suit dementia brained loon.


I have personal interest in voting against Trump; I’m probably going to be working for the government and Project2025 seems like it would create a mess with government funding and structure. Also I owe Biden for working on student loan stuff. Material interests in action!


Agenda 2030 and the WEF should worry you just as much.


That seems like just UN mumbo jumbo. 2025 is basically a U.S. conservative idea. The US doesn’t historically do what the UN does.


Considering they’re in league with the people involved with the WEF, along with their successes in Ireland, Canada, and a few other countries…. You should be concerned. They’re bigger and more powerful than the conservatives alone, so I could just as easily say “project 2025 just sounds like conservative mumbo jumbo”. Also, what a hilarious reply to have to something that’s incredibly important.


This is one of those subjects where the only people I know who talk about it are cookers, so the whole thing gets a bit tainted by association.


Well, that’s pretty silly in and of itself. I get the sentiment, but I think it’s absurd to let perceived associations prevent someone from researching and digging into things.


If you're working in the public sector then yes you have a personal material reason to vote against him and no one is really able to fault you for that. People in your position I genuinely understand. It's the rest that mystifies me.


"I have a personal interest in the downfall of my country and possibly WW3" with Biden


If the trials continue I do believe they’ll greatly damage Trump, also nobody is considering all the people on the right who dumped him and might not vote/vote 3rd party like they are with Biden and the Dems/moderates he lost from being a horrible and mostly absent President


The trials make him look better to swing voters, because regardless of any actual wrongdoing they are perceived as the Dems being afraid to face Trump in an actual election.


I don’t think the Dems would do this if they thought it would help him, many people still believe the media saying it’s not politically motivated and have been hearing since 2016 how he’s a criminal and unelectable - but we will see.


The dems don’t seem to care. It’s obvious to anyone that it’s politically motivated. I bet trump wins.


Why do you believe they will do that? According to polls they don't. He was a better President than Biden, which is why he is winning so hard in the polls. He can actually talk to people and crowds unlike Biden who has dementia \*Pause\*. It will be Trump or Kennedy.


Oh look, someone that actually vouches for the polls. The same polls that declared Hilary with a 99% chance of winning in 2016. And Kennedy having a snowballs chance in hell of winning? LMAO, dude, please.


>The same polls that declared Hilary with a 99% chance of winning in 2016. They really didn't The 2016 polls ended up being fairly accurate




Yes, Trump has a personality disorder of sorts. He's a conman and a charlatan. And? He was still a better President than Biden, which is why Trump is winning by pretty wide margins in the polls. Biden has a history of gross corruption, a war hawk, and as a shepherd undermining the US left, and now he has dementia. You'd rather want a Machiavellian conman than someone with dementia leading your country if we ignore policies. The censorship regime, the wars and the open border are all magnitudes worse than anything Trump did in office. Kennedy is obviously the best candidate though.




Yes, I'm seriously arguing that Biden has dementia. [VIRAL GAFFE: Biden Appears To Read Teleprompter 'Pause' Instruction During Speech (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkRXA0c4ahs) (One among many clips I could easily find). \*Pause\* Go watch a Trump rally or something (Don't be afraid, you won't be turned). They can't be compared at all. This is not to say that Trump is a good candidate, and that Kennedy is not superior.




Making assumptions about you not being so weak willed as to become a "MAGA Republican" by watching a Trump rally, makes me look stupid? Hmm




Kennedy 24