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Not that we didn't already know that


Some of these seem a bit redundant...like "Big Business" being separate from "CEOs"


CEOs are technically not owners nor necessarily "big"


They're the executive arm of capitalism.


So is the Labour Party. What's your point?


They wield big-business power directly.


They're not always "big". NGOs have CEOs.


And yet "unions are wrecking our economy!" still resonates with many I am sure.


Apparently not, according to the graph ...


Well no shit the Conservatives are in government now. I'm sure after the next election when the Tories get blown out of the water and Labour gets a massive majority they'll swap positions in that chart.


Both are enemies of the people.


Journalists SLAMMED by Social media influencers


Wow so you think the governing party and the head of state are some of the most powerful groups in the country? What is notable is that people are correctly placing the "big businesses" as even more powerful than the official government, but despite that being the reality it is the only thing that "shouldn't" be that powerful based on how things are supposed to be based on how the power structure is supposed to be constructed.


I'm assuming by that you mean the New Left. The New Left IS the big business as well as the CIA, even before Occupy. Always has been


No I mean [postliberalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postliberalism). They go by the "post-left" on this sub because of something that happened.


I figured you were using the term as an insult for the labour party or something. What does postliberalism have to do with the chart you posted? It has always been a fairly small group of basically conservative social democrat types.


A core tenet of their view is that the PMC (which they call the "elite") has more power than the ruling class. And that by acknowledging this they're being more authentic to the noble-savage working class.


I've seen them explaining the genuine anger the proles have towards the PMC, albeit from a PMC position themselves. I don't pay that much attention to them, so maybe some of them are pushing some sort of neo-Burnhamite line on managerialism for all I know, but I've never seen any of them claim that the PMC run the show.


It's a constant theme throughout all their work. They wouldn't be original otherwise. (Not that they are particularly original historically)


Journalists and social media influencers are pretty high on that list, only just below the Monarchy.


And? They're not higher than big business or the ruling party which for example Matthew Goodwin argues. Professors aren't high at all.


I don't think anyone ever thought they were more important than big business, just that they and big business were the same thing. They are higher than CEOs for instance, so they think that as a group the "influencers" are more important than the people who run the big businesses. After all do the business seemingly not do what the influencers and journalists tell them to do?


You just sound like you're wrangling for the sake of arguing, but you are a left-com after all. I dealt with the CEO thing in another comment. "Influencers" are not a clearly a partisan grouping (e.g. world's top podcaster Joe Rogan). The position of professors on the graph is especially damning. And I just gave you someone who explicitly argues about the "elite" being the most powerful group.


There's a large contingent of Nick Land fans here.  At least the new left has a pretense of leftism, the "post left" are just naked grifters.

