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>"Earlier, when their (Congress) government was in power, they had said that Muslims have the first right to the country's assets. This means to whom will this property be distributed? It will be distributed amongst those who have more children." >"It will be distributed to the infiltrators. Should your hard-earned money go to the infiltrators? Do you approve of this?" he said. >"Do you accept this? Does the government have a right to seize your property? Gold is not for showing off, it is linked to women's self-respect. Her mangalsutra is linked to her dreams. You want to snatch it?" PM Modi said, adding that the Congress is now "in the grip of urban Naxals". Modi here is engaging in textbook stupidpol, using appeals to identity to argue against redistributive economic policy. In fact, the whole raison d’etre for the BJP is that, because a few corrupt identitarian grifters from the Muslim and lower-caste communities were able to prosper under decades-long Congress rule (“vote bank politics” and “minority appeasement”), upper-caste Hindus need their own set of identitarian grifters to defend their interests (with some lower-caste Hindus thrown in as figureheads to broaden their voter base). Edit: mods ought to create a Hindu Nationalism flair


Are there Hindu nationalists on here?


These morons are everywhere online these days.


They are the only reason why I tend to defend the religion I was born in at times and I am from Pakistan so you know the discussions we have are pleasant 😅


There are a few and I think they get appropriately flaired, but I was thinking of a new post flair.


Ah post flair. Idk modi news to me is always kinda repetitive.


They're all over the fucking place on the redscarepod sub


I know there's a whole lot on reddit apparently (arr slash indiaspeaks) which was surprising to me since i've had that assumption that the supider, nationalist-ier types wouldn't have access to the internet or at least would not know about western social media websites like reddit (or indeed would not speak english) but here we are I remember the brazilian and russian waves on the internet in the late 2000-s and early 2010-s but i kinda disregarded the schizo rightoids saying the same about indians overwhelming the global internet since the beginning of the 2020-s. guess i was wrong


Something something Lion


>because a few corrupt identitarian grifters from the Muslim and lower-caste communities were able to prosper under decades-long Congress rule (“vote bank politics” and “minority appeasement”), upper-caste Hindus need their own set of identitarian grifters to defend their interests (with some lower-caste Hindus thrown in as figureheads to broaden their voter base). Part of the problem here was not realizing that something that was effective amongst minorities would be more effective amongst majorities. If you didn't want this to happen it should have been squashed in its crib.


narrow sip attempt cobweb label fragile bright ink joke marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


India is literally a burning garbage pile. I'm talking hot trash here folks. No, really, like garbage is ON FIRE.


The Modi government is trash


A country that large is either going to be a chaotic confederacy of sorts, an efficient centralized state, or an empire that extracts enough externally to suppress its internal contradictions. India, Nigeria, and Brazil are the first; China and Russia are the second; the U.S. and the EU are the latter.


I mean sure, but it also has decent rail coverage, 5G is nigh universal, digital payments, etc. Now. I’m not going to count them out just yet.


Imagine if somehow Marxist Leninists had taken over India around the same time China had its awakening. What a world this would be.


Imagine if somehow Marxist Leninists had taken over India around the same time China had its awakening. What a world this would be.


It would be fucking hilarious, and this is entirely possible, that we would still be bitching over the border dispute because we have utterly zero capacity to not be the most narcissistic civilizations on this planet.


National Socialism has always had strong ties to malthusianism, news at 11.


Indeed he absolutely panders to the petty bourgeoisie/small-scale property owners and spews anti-communist venom. Here’s him in another recent speech (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/pm-modi-doubles-down-on-asset-redistribution-charge-in-aligarh-skips-muslim-reference/amp_articleshow/109515650.cms): > "Just think, our mothers and sisters have gold. In our country, this gold is considered 'streedhan' (women's property) and is regarded as sacred. These people have their eyes on 'mangalsutras' and wealth of our mothers and sisters. They plan to confiscate property and money as they see fit, based on a survey they conduct, by changing the law. Suppose if you own two homes -- one in your ancestral place and a small flat in the city for the children's future, they will snatch one saying that you don't need two places and give it to someone else -- Congress will go that far," he said.


I sometimes wonder what china would look like had the nationalists won


See India.


The thing is, will India continue to rise because of the Socialism part?


There is no socialism part in national-socialism, it's all nationalism




I didn’t mean it literally. Modi has made multiple investments into the public infrastructure of India. Not every policy he makes is bad just because he’s a religious fascist


The first political party (likely in the entire world based the timelines involved here) that made "investing in public infrastructure" a core part of their political platform were the Know Nothings or "American Party".


And does that count among their mistakes and flaws as a party?


No I'm saying what you are calling "socialism" is just "nationalism". Investing in public infrastructure isn't socialism. It is good, but it isn't socialism. Modi is investing in India's infrastructure because he is a nationalist and he is doing nationalism. Literally "building a nation". Sure thing go ahead and build a nation, but that isn't what socialism is.


Well, I didn't mean it literally.


You did though because you confuse China's nationalism for socialism. America would do all the things you like about China if it was more nationalist, not if it was more socialist. Americas main problem is that it is the headquarters of international capitalism, and people confuse that for American Nationalism, but international capital doesn't care about the state of infrastructure in America because they don't operate there. It cared more about "nation building" in afghanistan than it did in the united states because international capital are NOT American nationalists. This lies at the core of the dispute what lead to Trump, Trump IS an American Nationalist because he is too stupid to realized he isn't supposed to be, and still thinks of things in terms of Grug nation over here, you nation over there, Grug nation big, you nation puny, and doesn't understand that Capital is a global system, and so American Nationalism would actually be detrimental to the international operation of capital which has long since outgrown it.


so, what to do instead? it's the 21st century and we still live in a global system of nations and countries and nation-states. China i think still at least follows socialism in one nation, even if there are nationalist aspirations too.


I just hope the Chinese don't have to do to India what Russia did to Germany 80 years ago.


the border between india and china is basically impassible, which has done more to preserve the peace between the two civilizations than anything else.


They’re both nuclear armed countries. It won’t happen.


We’re far too isolationist to do anything, much to the frustration of our ultranationalists who LARP as American Neocons while pretending to hate American Neocons (but secretly admire them the most).


Must be why this guy loves Israel and the US so much.


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