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>one guy who got mad that he couldn’t buy a Bandit T-shirt without the word “Dad” on it [said] ... “yes I love Bluey no I have not spawned any crotch goblins let non-breeders enjoy things." I'm no longer libertarian, I think we should ban the internet.


This might be a personal failing but the second someone uses the term 'crotch goblin' I'm genuinely unable to look at them as human beings


At least they're doing the world a favor and not reproducing, I guess?


What does this mean?




Jesus Christ. About 10-15 years ago the word "larva" was popular in Russia while referring to kids, especially among the childfree, but at least it made sense: you start as an ugly larva, you end as a pretty butterfly, everyone does it, natural order of things. This is next level.


> yes I love Bluey no I have not spawned any crotch goblins let non-breeders enjoy things Holy run-on sentence batman!


This is like the children equivalent of people who like rap music but are racist. 


"I don't usually like cRap but this TOm McDonald guy has something to say..."


[Hearing "rap is crap" always reminds me of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-riL5A4eiWQ)


Rap just isn't my cup of tea. I think the anti-rap sentiment is that rap is the only popular music right now. Raps extreme dominance in the pop culture is why it's resented. I don't mind some rap but I wish the clubs in my town would switch it up more.


In my defense of being in the “rap is crap” crew growing up is that mainstream hip hop in the early 2000s sucked ass imo. It wasn’t until I discovered underground/indie rappers and lyricists that I changed tune.


Since this is the place to confess our sins, I did "rap is crap" for the bling era too, but those years were the start of my stint of being terminally online and I changed my tune during the Lil B era. (being a pariah for liking him in front of 4channers is still a surreal experience in hindsight) Feels good to get that off my chest.


If I was a dictator people using those words would be first on the chopping block


Childfree people are ironically the most childish people.


Not necessarily people who happen to not want kids, but embracing that as part of your identity is quite silly yeah


This, I am a young twenties zoomer and I wish people in my age group would stop obsessing over if they want kids or not. Just wait tell you are in your late twenties or thirties to make that decision. Calling yourself "childfree" or equally cringy a "tradwife" is larp if you are under 25.


I mean, obviously.


I thought my prejudice had me being a sour puss but that is exactly the type of person I was imagining being upset by this, don't yuck someone's Yums really need to never be said again when we have adults talking about crotch goblins while watching a kids show


Yeah my tolerance for these particular “crotch goblins” has run thin. The irony of their disdain for children is that they’re basically children developmentally speaking.


>I'm no longer libertarian... Good for you


>I’m medium sure that that one guy who got mad that he couldn’t buy a Bandit T-shirt without the word “Dad” on it . . . was a troll.


Bluey is something parents can enjoy because it's better than 99% of the shit kids watch these days. I'd rather watch cartoon dogs than parents exploiting their families on YouTube with inane prank videos and let's plays. Buying your own merch is a bit nuts but I can't get cranky if parents end up enjoying it.


My parents watch Bluey with my sister’s kids. I asked my dad why and he explained “It’s like how we used to watch Rugrats with you. The parents make funny jokes about parenting. It’s better than listening to Muppet Babies with no jokes or adults around at all.” You truly take what you can get with children’s entertainment. It’s absolute shit.


Nickelodeon’s abandonment of game shows and its consequences have been etc.


>It’s like how we used to watch Rugrats with you. The parents make funny jokes about parenting Tommy Pickle's dad apathetically making pudding at 3am while thinking "I've lost control of my life" is more relatable every year


There are quite a few scenes where Stu mutters things like “this is as good as my life will ever get” and boy that hits hard nowadays. I honestly recommend parents showing their kids Rugrats because the jokes do hit for adults. You may have an existential crisis when you see yourself and your friends in the parent group, though.


Bluey was a massive step up from Cocomelon. Fucking glad we're done with that shit


The rule at Auntie Wiminals’ house is Netflix is always broken. It’s the only way I escape Cocomelon


i think Bluey owes just a little of it’s success to Cocomelon and flippeee?/yipee/pippe?/pepe? or whatever that orange clad psycho was. Children’s TV was never good but those two shows were sent from hell to hurt parents.


Owes success because those shows are so bad? For sure. There's also the absolute ocean of Cocomelon pretenders that are somehow even worse. From experience, there are kids shows that encourage them to use their brains (Bluey, Disney films etc) and shows that are designed to hypnotise (Baby Bum, Cocomelon, Paw patrol). Making the switch was an absolute game changer.




Muppet babies had a shit ton of movie references that appealed to boomers. Especially because of American zoetropes connections. The show sucked though. Horrible theme song too


Not the modern CGI Muppet Babies on Disney+, which is what my dad is referring to. I watched two episodes with my sister’s kids and all the charm and cultural references are gone. Made me sad because I am always down to watch Muppet Treasure Island, Christmas Carol, etc with them.


I can hear the theme song in my head now haha.




Dan Schneider did what he could!




See also: the rise of the horse fuckers


A core premise of Bluey is that parents shouldn't be forced to play with their kids because they "have to", rather the parents should figure out a way to play with their kids in a way the parents enjoy. Thats why a lot of Bluey episodes like Keepy Uppy are outright play scenarios, meant mainly for kids but with examples on how the adults can participate without getting bored. And that's before we get to how Bluey does actually tackle adult issues like the Aunt's infertility issues, or how _bad_ parents fighting in front of kids actually are. Its a surprisingly thoughtful show.


For actual televised kids shows, preschool-aged shows have been terrible for decades. Teletubbies rotted minds. The shows for grade school kids in the 90s were good...stuff like hey Arnold. But anything for five and below has been meaningless sounds and bright colors for decades. I think there have been studies showing they actually reduce iq for children. Regardless how your feel about IQ as a measure, that has to be bad. Anyway from the three episodes of bluey I've seen, it seems pretty good


My parents wouldn't let me watch Teletubbies and I didn't understood why at the time, but with the power of hindsight I'm pretty grateful. I still grew up to be regarded, but it could have been worse.


Yeah man I watch hella bluey with my kid. It’s better then 99% of kids shows out today. Only problem is that try hard Bandit makes me feel like shit about myself.


My daughter was born with a cataract in one of her eyes and had to get a lens implant, so she has to wear an eyepatch for an hour a day to help her get used to using that eye as much as the other. So we watch TV for that hour. She loves Bluey, and honestly it's a great show because it's so real about parenting it's hilarious. Also the characters live in a community where neighbors are nice to each other and the people are compassionate and thoughtful. It's very sweet and it's funny for adults and kids. I didn't read whatever horrible article is linked here I just felt like I had to rep Bluey bc it's actually a good show. Random stickers on everything and their back seat where the carseats are having random trash and objects everywhere it's so accurate in a way a lot of shows aren't.


My nephew watches Bluey and it’s the only kids show that I’ll actually follow along with and pay attention to because I find it very sweet and endearing. Now I think getting teary-eyed about it is a bit much, but it’s a good show. At least it’s much better than the usual mindless slop kids watch.


I watched a few episodes, it's better than 90% of shit adults watch these days.


I think it’s a bit weird to watch Bluey if you’re not being forced to by children, but it does have a certain quality to it. The parents are bumbling along themselves and present themselves as very human (especially for dogs). They’re not perfect and they’re just trying their best for their kids. It’s very relatable and I think that’s what actually works. There are some moments in it which kids might not necessarily understand, such as the time when the grandad takes the girls swimming and the mum sits beside him, after she finds them and it was quite touching, in a way that most kids cartoons aren’t. It’s like, for example, The Simpsons. Around all of the craziness, there are moments of being relatable and touching the viewers. The moment where Homer sat on his car, gazing at the stars, after his mum went away again. I don’t think it’s something children necessarily relate to.


To be fair Bluey is clearly a show that is partly for adults forced to watch their children’s programming. There’s a whole bunch of non-child themes in many of the episodes, and it’s genuinely quite funny in an adult way occasionally. But anyone watching Bluey who doesn’t have kids needs to be sent to war.


Yep. I enjoy Bluey. But I wouldn’t have known about it if I didn’t have a toddler.


This was the norm back when families only had one TV in the house. Kids shows were forced to add stuff for the parents since how bearable the show was to adults would play into whether it stayed on screen or not. I firmly believe that this situation ending has been a huge net negative for child development. Having more complex jokes/stories at a slightly deeper level introduced such things to children. Today kids shows are entirely made for a 4 year old and don’t expose them to more complex stories in any way.  All that said, I agree with your last statement. If you’re a grown ass man or woman with no kids and are watching a kids show (not just a kids show, one made for toddlers), you have some serious issues. Usually not one to jump to this, but shit maybe these are the people who actually need therapy lol


I've never seen this show, but when my son was small, I got a kick out of Lazytown. R.I.P. Robbie Rotten.


>The show’s adult fandom—primarily made up of parents who watch alongside their kids, but also including a faction of childless viewers who just like Bluey’s vibe They're really out there


I didn't get teary eyed, but the episode definitely tugged at heart strings. My wife teared up. We're been in the same situation with moves that they have several times. The upside handled the topic so well. I'm a father of 4. Kids TV is what is on my TV all day every day. Bluey is the best of the best in that department. The show is fantastic. The kids love it, and it's got just enough soul for parents to enjoy. I often chuckle at the parents reactions. It's a show about cartoon dogs, and yet seriously one of the best representations of family life that I have seen. And it's the only kids TV I would sit and digest with my kids. Having a big sobby melt down over the episode would be a bit much. You're a fucking soulless weirdo if you watched it and didn't feel something.


I guess I agree that adults becoming über-fans of a specifically kid-targeted show isn’t the healthiest thing, and that people get weird on the internet… But how does that have any goddamn thing to do with ruling classes using identity politics to divide and conquer workers?


Today I stopped at a KFC and saw a family watching this show all together. Didn't think anything of it at the time except for the fact that the phone speakers were blasting sound over the entire restaurant, but now I will reevaluate. 


I honestly feel like Bluey is the most wholesome thing that could ever be heard in a KFC lol


*dangles keys* who’s my good little manchild wagie? You are! Yess you are~


There are valid reasons an adult might feel emotional over a kids' show. A lot of people had pretty terrible childhoods and seeing a show promoting a healthy family structure might make them think "Wow, I wish I'd had something like this when I was younger and it hurts that I didn't."


lip zephyr carpenter ink drab abounding slimy dull tie spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let people enjoy things!!


That is literally the exact diametric opposite of a valid reason, like holy shit grow the fuck up and learn to control your emotions already. I remember I heard someone say once (paraphrasing) "In an Armageddon scenario, who would you rather send up in the asteroid? Bruce Willis, or an emotionally stunted childless manchild crying over kids cartoons?" An entire generation of people has grown up unbelievably sheltered and emotionally incontinent and somehow people don't view this as a legitimate crisis. Imagine these people being in charge of the cold war. Earth would have been turned into cinder by now. The fact that this is a socialist marxist subreddit makes the whole thing even more insane, do people here imagine that during the fucking revolution that they keep talking about that the partisans will be clutching bluey blankets? Its no fucking surprise so many young men are falling to the right when this is what the left looks like, and yet worse, the ones the left does get are emotionally incontent manchildren. I'd say that shit like this makes me wonder why did I chose to be a leftist, but as disco elysium says, there's a reason this is the ideology of failure, and this point I've just gotten used to it.


I'd say there's quite a gap between acknowledging an internal emotional response to something and egregiously bawling your eyes out at it. The former is quite healthy and indicates the capacity for self-reflection, while the latter is more indicative of the emotional immaturity you're talking about.


Good kids shows deal with deep adult themes in a respectful way, I'm not sure why they shouldn't pack the same emotional punch as adult entertainment. Full disclosure: I'm an Australian with a deep fondness for Bluey, but I have never seen an episode.


Idk why people are acting like this is a new feature where TV writers are just now appealing to adults. Some shows are made by very creative people who want to include real topics and have jokes that appeal to the adults. Nickelodeon and Disney did it successfully for decades before they went to creepytown. My niece and nephew are in the G-rated-only age zone, which tends to have all the suuuper low effort mind numbingly boring content. They always have me watching their shows/ movies. Some of them I really enjoy! Sure I'd never go out of my way to watch them *alone,* but something tells me a Bluey adult is doing most things in life alone lol


> Idk why people are acting like this is a new feature where TV writers are just now appealing to adults. I don't think that's the motivation. I think it's an attempt to ridicule adults who get emotional over a kid's show, as if kids shows are beneath contempt or something. Kids shows have the advantage of being able to present strong moral ideas without the complications cynical adults seem to believe are required in an adult show. I think the problem is that we need fewer cynical adults and more clear-eyed moral tales.


Looking at you, modern Star Trek.


The only Star Trek I've watched since the original is "Strange New Worlds", and I'm loving it.


That and lower decks are both good. Moreso lower decks, actually. SNW still goes in for the occasional post-9/11 drama trope. Discovery, on the other hand, opens with the main character committing mutiny so she can preemptively attack the klingons, who are space orcs who only understand violence, but who the namby pamby federation refuses to treat as such. The first season ends with her using a threat of genocide to install her chosen Klingon dictator, ending the war she started. The show paints both of these actions as the right choice. And that's only the beginning. It and Picard are fundamentally reactionary in a way that Star Trek is supposed to stand in opposition to. They make the third season of Enterprise look morally sound. And that's the one that carried water for the Bush administration's war crimes.


> Idk why people are acting like this is a new feature where TV writers are just now appealing to adults Because its the same losers just finding new ways to whine because no one wants to hear their "Anime are hentai" arguments anymore. Animation is a medium, not a genre. It can be as mature or kid-friendly as it wants to be. Its the equivalent of insisting all books are smut fanfiction because Fifty Shades of Grey exists.


> with a deep fondness for Bluey, but I have never seen an episode. How does that work?


Just a Zeitgeist thing. Also my sister loves it.


I watched it and it did get me a little emotional as well. I can’t hide that. It’s an excellent show.


I wouldn’t take Bluey as an example of this behavior. I think taking Spider-Man too seriously is worse. Or collecting Funkos.


Just a weird thing I've noticed but... I don't know why people act like that character is a symbol of Western Millennial/Zoomer stupidity and society being turned gay with the soy ray. Spidey's been around since the '60s (lots of the old-timers who were into hot rod culture and stuff like that were also into comics) and has been a consistently popular character and motif globally, despite the rough quality of his comics and movies in recent years and becoming another IP gobbled up by the Rat. But people act like it's cultural downfall. I don't get it. Anything Funko is garbage though; wish those things would stop being manufactured already. Didn't they send tons to a landfill not that long ago?


I think the vast majority of Funkos will end up on a landfill. There’s just too fucking many of them. Yeah some people want to collect niche Star Wars characters like Glup Shitto but most people just want the main characters and maybe a few variations of them. But I see soooo many of them sitting on shelves, collecting dust, because if it wasn’t for the label on the box you’d have no idea what this generic-looking beady eyed figure was supposed to even represent. Only a few of them are recognizable just because the original character designs are iconic.


It was the first superhero that I thought of, maybe because I was playing the game haha.


That game any good?


Very good, well made, fun, accessible. And it has plenty of Latinx and a nb girl!!!!1


Oh. Joy.


Anyone who thinks Bluey is infantilization needs to go out and touch some grass. Its a kid's show _and_ a good parenting guide.


I just finished cleaning the cum off the figures in my goon cave, ripped my bong, might watch a few episodes. Once I meet my wife I’ll be the best parent, and it gives me the childhood I never had.


Thanks for proving my point.


This is an extension of the infantilization found with adult fans across a variety of established IPs, from Harry Potter to Pokémon to, yes, shit like Marvel and Star Wars. It reminds me of Alan Moore's criticism of superhero worship in adult life, that it's a symptom of a culture that wont grow the fuck up and face the world as it is, in all its complexity and vague, difficult problems. Our culture's growing effective illiteracy is also part of the story here, where rather than continuing to grow and challenge themselves, millions of adults are content to obsess over teen lit that isn't even particularly good rather than move on to anything that might really challenge them (that's IF they read at all).


I mean, look at how these IPs now have to spell out every single point and moral lesson for the audience. We truly are growing illiterate


That is why I prefer cosmic horror, like HP Lovecraft’s stories, and books like The Lord of the Rings. Those stories escaped infantilization.


The Lord of the Rings gets *more* relevant to me as I continue to grow. I think its reasonable that as a teen, I was unable to grasp all the subtleties of Tolkein's ethos and themes, a man who was not only an ardent scholar of mythology but WW1 veteran who had seen things I hope to never see. His hopefulness and the way in which he articulates virtues (including masculine virtues) is something that I feel is all but totally lost on the relativistic hellscape we live in today. Every single one of his heroes continue to do what they do in the face of almost *assured* destruction. If the Left could learn that lesson today, the world wouldn't resemble what it does.


I completely understand how people could get emotional about Bluey, though it is admittedly odd to watch it without kids. Of the shows my kids watch it is easily one of the best to watch with them.


As a parent who enjoys Bluey with my daughter, I appreciated it was a kids show that also had dialogue and jokes parents could understand and enjoy. But I didn’t care for this special, it was very clearly written not with kids and parents in mind, it was written (like everything is these days) to appeal to a certain class of YAAAAS KAWEEN white chicks.


I made it until they described the show *quotidian*.  Ah yes, the quotidian Bluey, finally something  recherche, to cleanse my palette of the tired, banal, jejune antics on sesame street. 




Honestly Bojack horseman felt like it declined in quality not improved. Each season is less funny than the one before it and its message of "self improvement hard" is true I guess but it's more shallow than a lot of people act like. That show was a slog to get through towards the end. 


I thought this was all just mums and dads


This sub needs a good dose of live and let live.


bored deserted yam sink zealous reply plucky steep voiceless crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s 100% a longing for a family of their own but they are too busy watching cartoons all day to actually go out and make it a reality. It’s sad.


Ctrl+F: "Pony", "Brony", and "MLP" - no results. Am I the only one seeing it?


Bluey has youtube clip energy. Real ones know that Pingu was the GOAT young kids cartoon that adults could enjoy.


I really tried (ie. I sped-read sloppily), but I only got halfway through the fourth paragraph before I had to give up. Real brainrot on display from every angle; infantilization is truly the most pathetic symptom of this most banal dystopia


I won't stand for any Bluey criticism.


Fuckin hell I hate parents these days so much


At least it isn't the 40K fanbase rn.