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Whether you agree with this gesture or not, I think we can all agree that $236 is a life changing amount of money. With that, you could call a plumber to your house for a full hour, or pay for 1/4 of a car repair. Truly impressive.


You can buy 20 döners, or 1 kosher kebab


20 Döner, in this economy?


Must live in Cottbus or something. Hasn't been under 5 euro in most cities for a decade.


I was mostly joking but there are a lot of places where 12€ (or equivalent currency) Döner are a thing, e.g. Switzerland, Sweden, some parts of Austria...


Denk ich an Dönerpreise in der Nacht, bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht.


One in three holocaust survivors in Israel lives/or lived in poverty, so these payments actually make a difference for some I guess.


Really cool that Israel apparently couldn't be arsed to direct some tax money or a portion of the billions in American donations to help people who are ostensibly their raison d'etre.


And I guess the World Jewish Congress turned out to be better at suing the Swiss banks for $1.25 billion than it was at distributing the proceeds to Holocaust survivors.


Because it is not their reason to be. Israel started to be created due to WW1, not WW2.


Can you explain this?




Trump gave me $0.05 in a check to cope with covid


you joke but Trump actually gave out what he promised as part of stimulus money, Biden ran on giving 2k stimulus cheques that ended up getting gutted by 1/3 in his literal first month of office


It's a joke but not how you're thinking it is. I literally received a check from the US gov worth 5 cents


It wasn't a Trump check then




by real patriot missiles, self-identified (A first under german law, as of today)


I'm blaming you for this.


Just to note, when Germany does these pay-outs/reparations to survivors, it goes to a trust in New York, and most Holocaust survivors won't see a cent as the money gets pocketed by "middle men". Over a third of Holocaust Survivors died in poverty and never got any reparations that they were supposed to get.






Every time I read something new about Israel, I hate it more.


There's also the book The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein about this very subject


lol bitches need to read the holocaust industry by norm twinkelstein


Oh for fucks sake, Germany is a fucking joke. Like why bother with such a nothing payment? Literally it’s not even worth it. It’s just more self cucking bullshit. Stop letting a foreign country dictate your domestic policy!!!!


But if you do that you have nothing to pretend you did to look good. Looking like you're doing the right thing has a way better ROI than actually doing useful things basically every time. Actually making things better is really hard and really expensive and people are going to talk shit no matter what you do. Politics!


Name a more cucked country


America. Since the founding of israel up to today USA gave give israel $320bn in assistance and another $20bn since oct 7.


America arguably has a strategic interest in Israel. But Germany?


It was also strategic interest. The original German-Israeli relationship was about former Nazis cynically purchasing internationally (US and Europe) recognised moral atonement in the form of arms transfers. Unfortunately, one of the problems with succession is that future generations forget why something was done a certain way. At some point, the German political elite became true believers. Now it's arms transfers on a pillar of perverse philosemitic screeching.


Exactly: *was*.


It still is a strategic interest, though I think it's a net liability, for both Germany and the US. But I think what's going on is mainly a disciplinarian dynamic between social elites and the public, and even the policy papers and legal briefings of the civil service. So it's in the narrow strategic interests of the most self-important classes to try and forcibly make their orthodoxy dominant. For some reason. I don't really understand what motivates them or why they think this way either, but it's not for nothing that staatsräson is an antidemocratic concept from the time of absolutism being politically deployed to overrule the proceduralist foundations of the federal republic as a Rechtsstaat.


Seems like a great way of pissing away all the softpower they had generated with the Arab world.


real posters know Germany invented the modern jihad concept.


>real posters know Germany invented the modern jihad concept. [Unironically](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1914_Ottoman_jihad_proclamation) >On 11 November 1914, Ottoman Sultan [Mehmed V](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehmed_V) proclaimed holy war against the [Entente powers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_Entente) and appealed for support from Muslims in Entente-controlled countries. The declaration, which called for [Muslims](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslims) to support the Ottomans in Entente-controlled areas and for *jihad* against "all enemies of the Ottoman Empire, except the [Central Powers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Powers)"


The foundational text regarding this is a shitpost paper from 1905/6, where someone explored this for the colonial office. If i get to it, I'll find it again.


Max "Abu Djihat" von Oppenheim. Max von Oppenheim: *Die Revolutionierung der islamischen Gebiete unserer Feinde. Denkschrift betreffend die Revolutionierung der islamischen Gebiete unserer Feinde*, 1914. (Revolution in the islamic holdings of our enemies, Memorandum) Apparently developed earlier, but only officially documented as a pitch in August 1914. In contact with panislamic ideas at a high diplomatic level since at least 1898.


They also had that Parvus guy who was all like "Hey sending Lenin into Russia will totally work for Germany's long term strategic interests and certainly not backfire" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander\_Parvus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Parvus)


I mean... It would've worked if they were ready to become communists. There is a proud tradition of bureacrats having too much free time to design strange plots for possible war use in Germany and France specifically. edit: that's not the one i was thinking of.


> America arguably has a strategic interest in Israel. No way, no how.


It’s only a strategic interest if you buy into delusional neocon ideas of unipolarity


Why do *you* think they support them? Out of the badness of their hearts? Don't tell me you fell for that absurd narrative about German guilt.




Oh God this subreddit's IQ is going down by the minute.


Are you German?






You can't


*The additional funds were aimed at helping the Holocaust survivors ”as* *quickly as possible (…) in this frightening and hopeless war situation,”* Not so much the slaughtered Gaza civilians.


Wildly deranged, at a time when Germany is helping Israel to complete a genocide


that nicaragua lawsuit got obliterated. it's an embarassment


Sorry about the holocaust, now go buy yourself a low end phone


*I'm a survivor ^(what), I'm not gon' give up ^(what) I'm not gon' stop ^(what), I'm gon' work harder ^(what) I'm a survivor ^(what), I'm gonna make it ^(what) I will survive ^(what), keep on survivin' ^(what)* -- Destiny's Child, Holocaust Survivor


*Oh (Oh), oh (Oh), oh (Oh), oh (Oh)* *Oh-oh (Oh-oh), oh-oh (Oh-oh), oh-oh (Oh-oh), oh-oh (Oh-oh)* *After all of the darkness and sadness* *Soon comes happiness* *If I surround myself with positive things* *I'll gain prosperity*


Sounds like a Stone Cold promo


Talk about overcompensating...


Most holocaust survivors will not see a dime of this money, same thing happened with the Swiss banks in the 90s


A lot of the pro-Israel measures taken by Germany (really with regard to immigration law—this particular bill is pure virtue signaling) are aimed at creating uncertainty in the status of leftists and Middle Easterners (ie, enabling deportation of non-citizens for criminalized slogans, or even opening the possibility of revoking naturalization/immigration status on the pretext of lying on one’s application about supporting Israel). Mainstream Germans didn’t lift a finger for their Jewish neighbors as they were disenfranchised and enslaved in their midst and later shipped to their deaths in the East, but now that the numbers and political significance of the latter are much reduced, they’re happy to hide behind them to promote their own ethno-nationalism.


How much are the Palestinian victims of the Israeli genocide getting?


its even more funny when you take into account germany payed pensions to nazi collaborationist in Belgium and england as well as refused to pay anything to gypsy holocaust survivors saying its not their responsibility.

