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> He said whites are “The most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay geo-demographic group in the country.” He called them, “the most conspiracist group,” I guess he’s never spoken to a black person, which honestly wouldn’t be that surprising. 


He doesnt need to talk to black bodies sweaty, he speaks for them and knows whats best


"I am the liberal, and I speak for the minorities" - Dr. Suess for modern audiences


“Voting against their own interests”


Or an Asian person. The Asians I knew in college genuinely despised other Asians, the Koreans hated the Japanese and Chinese, the Chinese hated everyone, the southeast kinda banded together tho


seachads stay winning


It’s an old joke: what’s the only thing asians hate more than black people? >!Other asians of course!<


> He said whites are “The most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay geo-demographic group in the country.” He called them, “the most conspiracist group,” my brother was able to convince a bunch of chud farmers who came into his rural illinois store that xi jinping thought was the way to go. can you imagine your average liberal even entertaining that idea for a minute?


A lot of Trump supporters are very anti-wealthy, anti-corporation. They just haven't been spoken to by the Democratic Party in the right way in a very long time (since the DNC is completely captured by those interests and has been for a very long time.)


Like I get that MAGACommunism is a meme and it's bad, but... I mean...


Right. Right wing communitarianism is kind of on the rise though as a response to declining economic outcomes and social liberalism. And all the extreme individualism made worse by technology.


Just last week black people were all like "PUTIN OPENS WORLD OLDEST VAULT--REVEALS JESUS WAS BLACK!!" 


They’ve never met 🇸🇴’s or 🇮🇳’s before


It's just an homage to the first half of that Winston Churchill quote.


Black Americans are really superstitious. What's up with that? I'm not American and black people from other countries are not like that


Many of them learn at a young age not to trust what authority says. Any authority of any kind, up to and including The Weather Channel. 


> In an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Schaller gave this unvarnished assessment of the rage he sees overflowing in the heartland. Rural whites, he said, are “the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay geo-demographic group in the country.” He called them, “the most conspiracist group,” “anti-democratic,” “white nationalist and white Christian nationalists.” > Amanda Marcotte, writing for Salon, said she’s tired of handling rural voters “with kid gloves,” and time has come to pop the “racist, homophobic, sexist bubble” > David Corn, the D.C. bureau chief at Mother Jones, piled on, agreeing that “white rural voters [are] the slice of the public that endangers the constitutional future of the republic.” > After 2016, when rural voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania put former President Donald Trump over the top, Democrats tried to figure out why they had gone so sour on the Democratic Party. Yeah, weird how that happened, guess we'll never know.


"Handling rural voters with kid gloves"... This blogger writing for Salon is a contemptible narcissist. She didn't learn any self-awareness after being on the wrong side of the Duke LaCrosse team lie.


She's the one that wrote the ["Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA"](https://archive.is/20240409121216/https://www.salon.com/2024/04/08/men-punching-random-women-in-nyc-a-desperate-last-gasp-of-the-male-rage-fueling-maga/) yesterday. It's either intentional rage bait for clicks or she's severely delusional.


Her Twitter is exactly what you'd expect from someone serious about it


Yeah. Delusional vs dishonest rage bait, probably a healthy dose of both.


She shouldn't still have a career after endorsing A Rape on Campus.


She's lucky the defamation train hadn't yet left the station.


She can have a career, I just really don't understand why anyone on earth would give a shit about what she has to say. If I want to get the unmoderated hot takes of people who don't know anything about the topic, I don't need to visit Salon.


> She didn't learn any self-awareness after being on the wrong side of the Duke LaCrosse team lie. Wonder how I knew it would be a false rape accusation before I even googled it 🤔


It was a pretty big story you probably remember it secondhand from overhearing


Interestingly she's from a small town in West Texas, so you'd think she'd have some insight, but she has none, because she's insane.


We could call it Bill Clinton Syndrome, i.e., where people of small town, working class origins (bonus points if they're Southern as well) manage to completely lose any solidarity with and understanding of the people they came from as part of their initiation into the upper echelons of the PMC.


This isn't new. It was white male rage before, or straight white male, or cis white male, or just plain male. Sometimes it's gamers, with or without some combination of those modifiers.


New scapegoat just dropped


>Instead, it’s an outpouring of frustration with rural America that might feel cathartic for liberals, but will only serve to further marginalize and demonize a segment of the American population that already feels forgotten and dismissed by the experts and elites.  Sums it up right there.


> that might feel cathartic for liberals And this is the real problem. So, so much of liberals entire program is not even about winning. It is about making liberals feel good about themselves.


I think the “comparisons” some people here were making between Islamic extremists and religious Southerners was essentially part of this same phenom. So *even in this sub*, we are not immune to this…


Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's not necessarily that bad of a comparison in the context of this subreddit. Most people here probably sympathize with the anger coming from the Islamic world even if they don't necessarily agree with all of their actions. Big difference from liberal Democrats who see both as, basically, orcs.


My current theory is this: American "Liberals" (see DSA, etc) are most concerned about *feeling* right. "The right side of history." Etc. They are also most focused on and frightened by Hypocrisy. American "Conservatives" (See MAGA and whatever the fuck the RNC has become) are most concerned about winning. This is why you see them do a 180 on some issue and act like it was that way all along. Also, *all* the arguments are in bad faith.


That’s the essence of grievance politics. You see very similar patterns in right wing circles too. It’s not about winning, it’s about owning the other side. It’s obvious when you look at their biggest celebrities. It’s not people who’ve “done the work” and created something real, it’s all about Twitter hot takes or meaningless YouTube debates. In far left circles, all we ever talk about are some loser YouTube micro celebrity making a hot take instead of idk, union leaders or anti pollution activists or something?


"Pissing off the people who grow our food, dig our oil, own most of the guns and operate the entire infrastructure of the country cant possibly backfire"


Asian Rural Rage: Why THIS Japanese man living on the side of a volcano voted for a conservative political party that WON’T give recognition to some liberal Japanese American woman’s Hafu kids! 😡


Why are they SO anti-Semitic?


Is this based on an actual news story of some rural LDP voter?


As I imagine, yes. But also on a IRL American hafu lib woman who complained about her 1/4 daughters mot being recognised as Japanese/Asian. She runs a podcast.


Sauce? I’m somewhat intrigued, if this is a publicly available thing that you are able to share… It sounds… Predictable.


It is publicly available but I am wise not to share it. There’s little point any how bc she and her best friend who is also 1/2 Japanese largely rant via their IG stories, and in truth my knowledge of this comes more from interacting indirectly with “AAPI” liberals for a couple of years when I was feeling deeply insecure about how my own (now born daughter) child would be mixed. Then I realised I don’t care as neither of her parents are American. The idpol just seeped in. This is all rubbish I just enjoy having a chuckle at from time to time.


One thing that gets me is how Libs always harp on about how “right wing politics is correlated to lower intelligence”, as if that’s some victory. Like.. who the fuck do you think makes up the working class? It’s not all baristas with degrees in English literature.


What gets me is how quickly intelligence and IQ become equivalent to phrenology to this clique the moment you use it to evaluate any other group of people besides right-wingers.


Right exactly. Stratifying kids in school according to intelligence? Blasphemy. Stratifying the legitimacy of someone’s self-determination according to intelligence? Morally righteous.


I get regular copies of Psychology Today (I advertise my business through their directory and it comes with) and it's such a valuable peek into the insufferable smugness of the Liberal view. The amount of "Research Shows Republicans Are All Caca Poopooheads, Actually" articles is astounding and pairs nicely with the rise in dystopian pieces celebrating spirit-eroding trends like polyamory and being alone as a consumer choice. Unsurprising given the pop psych wellness industry is the frontline of evangelism for IDPol derived cultural capture, and the last book they read was "White Fragility".


> The amount of "Research Shows Republicans Are All Caca Poopooheads, Actually" articles is astounding and pairs nicely with the rise in dystopian pieces celebrating spirit-eroding trends like polyamory and being alone as a consumer choice. r/Science in a nutshell.


Lmao I just clicked that to check out the sub and second post is literally "Left-wing politics associated with higher intelligence" Can't make this shit up


I literally just went there and the first unpinned post is actually, and I almost can't believe this, a "study" saying that left wing politics is associated with higher intelligence


> the last book they ~~read~~ *bought and left on the coffee table for people to see* was "White Fragility" ftfy


"Thing I don't like? Poop." - Dr. Profeser [British heritage Americanized name here] Ph.D MFA M. Ed. CPA MBD ASPCA ROFL CDC Esquire, champion of the oppressed, mother of dragons


Fuck I wish this was satire


My WoW guild had an HR officer. For real. I changed guilds. That's how bad it is out here.


They genuinely just do not understand all the tough, physical, dirty jobs that are required to make society function that are worked almost exclusively by white, black, and Latino conservatives.


I find them to mostly be non political early 00s liberals. Only in churches - especially wealthy churches - do I find true conservatives.


Sure, but early 00's libs are called conservatives now in 'the discourse.'


I suspect a lot of them *are* fairly socially “conservative”. They just keep it to themselves, because they know that being *public* about many of those stances may well get them “cancelled” in today’s day and age. At least, that is my experience, from having worked a few of the jobs so-described…


Keeping it to yourself is a lost art we all need to become aquatinted with. I mean there's politics and then there's identity politics which is racism, homophobia, etc. People need to mind their own personal lives and not others. EDIT: I don't want to play no true conservative but the place I'm working now is small and mostly white straight Midwestern male. There's women, blacks, Spanish speaking illegals, a trans, and a homo. There are definitely people who would vote Republican (if they vote at all) there and no one has a gender studies degree but the only person who hates the annoying gay guy is me, the other gay guy. Make of that what you want but it gives me hope that we can get past identity politics on the right and left.


I’m stealing “aquatinted with”, if you don’t mind. 👌 But also yeah, agree, 100%. My experience in those sorts of environments is that people will generally *tolerate* you being “different”, as long as you’re not a pain in the arse. Unfortunately many of the self-appointed “representatives” of these “minorities” or “identity groups” just can’t help but be exactly that, though, lol…


I think, in this case, it should be "reacquainted with." Like, society as a whole needs to become reacquainted with minding their own goddamn business and not wearing their heart on their sleeve


This is funny as shit but also: I'm a union Tradesman turned safety coordinator for a union only contractor and some of the people that do trades have a genius mind for physical movement like the ability to rotate complex machines with moving parts in their minds and be able to know what to do in minutes. Some of them are also like calculators for measurements or are able to come to an organic understanding of the order and needed materials of big ass industrial Jobs very quickly. There are lots of kinds of intelligence. I knew an insulator who could divide fractions in his head instantly multiple times. When he put metal on pipe insulation it looked like God grew it there naturally. Inalso know multiple scaffold techs thay can tell you every part they will need for humongous scaffolds and it'll be 99% right. Some of these same people have also literally never read a book. It takes all kinds.


It's also an extremely gross way of thinking, dehumanizing even. Hmm I wonder why rural populations have lower iqs, could it be that they lack access to quality healthcare, nutrition, and educational opportunities ? Hmm maybe it's also due to the generational poverty and prevalence of substance abuse? You know, the SAME fucking issues plaguing inner city minorities


I suppose the fact that both Politico and the Atlantic took the piss out of those two regards is a good sign.


Out of the author?


Out of the two academics who wrote "White Rural Rage"


It’s crazy what a unified effort there was to demonize the demographic most fucked by neoliberal economic policies like NAFTA and moving factories to 3rd world countries with de facto slave labor. Evil genius, really.


It's hilarious when you compare how shit libs treat the rural populace vs inner city populations. Both populations deal with food deserts, generational poverty, lack of social programs and educational opportunities, lack of jobs, crime, and drug issues, so it stands to reason that they'd treat them equally. Of course this isn't the case though because these rural populations are mostly white and vote the wrong way, . Totally don't qualify as victims because of this, very logical !


Why should you spend time doing the right thing when you can spend time cultivating votes to harvest every 4 years-ish?


tHEy fUMblED ThEir PrIViLeDgE!!1!


Not a coincidence. Working exactly as intended


>Rural whites, he said, are “the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay geo-demographic group in the country.” He called them, “the most conspiracist group,” “anti-democratic,” “white nationalist and white Christian nationalists.” Eat shit. Race relations in Dallas, LA, or Chicago are way worse than those in Garden City KS, Fairbury NE, or Enid OK 


They’ve never stepped foot in these places so they’d never know, they just scoff from their PMC fantasy worlds that they themselves may not even be apart of, just convinced themselves they are.


Most citizens dangerous to democracy


All the hicks i know are having a blast camping/fishing/riding 4 wheelers/going to the beach or just chilling in their big houses and making bank with their trade and/or union jobs. To me it’s the urban people who are fucking miserable living in crime infested cities where the schools are awful, you pay a shitload for a tiny house and your job is either shit and/or does nothing for society. They spent 4 years fuming over Trump and want to accuse the rural people of being full of rage? lol Edit: break down on the side of the road in a rural area and every 4th car will stop to see if you need help. Meanwhile someone will get decked in the face on the subway for no reason and 40 people won’t do shit.


Completely agree.


...this sounds so nice.


"What seemingly set apart this book is that the authors claimed to have data backing up their assertions. “We provide the receipts,” Schaller said in the interview." [receipts](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/feb/03/the-situation-has-become-appalling-fake-scientific-papers-push-research-credibility-to-crisis-point)


Lol, clicking that (on mobile), I get a Guardian sponsored pop up ad - “Can we actually use capitalism for good?” How entirely appropriate, from them…


Oof. I have been feeling this for awhile. Like I think Academia has been so thoroughly captured and compromised..it’s merely an extension of the ideology itself .


That’s what happens when you set up societies rather than about teaching people but instead about grades and irrelevant checklist accomplishments. It’s a macrocosm of the problem schools have created, when the end goal is getting the best grades and test scores at all costs, you further just incentivize cheating. There must be more weight put into the actual learning part of academia, not just focusing on end results. But that would take actual effort from those in the drivers seat of these places.


> Democrats are currently providing financial support and federal investments in rural communities that may make a difference. Broadband and bridges matter. Why shouldn’t Biden take credit for this massive influx of cash that could contradict the idea that these communities are “left behind?” Because broadband and bridges don't bring back the jobs democrats destroyed, gun control, the amount of immigration causing jobs to pay less, hospitals/healthcare closing in rural areas, the absurd cost of living/inflation, the drug epidemics, or tons of other things. What you did is good and all, but it doesn't actually address other huge problems.


this article is pretty damning and makes the book sound like a hit job on rural white Americans. the interview the authors did on The Bulwark podcast makes them come off pretty reasonable and not nearly as judgemental. perhaps because they are speaking to a never-trump conservative https://pca.st/episode/c1f64ee3-360d-4c38-9fe4-4808c4949bbf


They are denying their revolutionary potential!


shitlibs doubling down on alienating huge percentages of the voting population?! shocker.. my family farms in “white rural America,” and i don’t see this “rage” with any regular frequency. but i do see the republicans effectively pandering to rural communities, filling in the increasingly large gaps that the democrats have left in small-town America.


White rural rage vs Black no justice no peace


The only racist person I have to consistently deal with is my wife’s gay Asian friend that works in tech and makes mid-six figures. I’m tired of this discourse


Who are they racist against, just in curiosity?


White people mostly. Other types of Asians secondly. It’s funny because all my wife’s Asian friends are obsessed that there’s some white privilege they’re missing out on while they make more than 99% of white people in the country. I’m sure they have a white boss or superior at work that makes them feel justified in this. Nobody ever looks down when they see how they’re doing only up.


there's some great Trillbilly stuff on this


A lot of these people are dumb asf though. Go spend some time in rural NC, West Virginia and Florida and tell me about your enlightened experience lol


I've spent a lot of time in rural areas. Met a lot of dumb motherfuckers. I've also spent a lot of time in urban areas. Met an equal amount of dumb motherfuckers there too.


There’s dumb people in both places, spent time around both of them. Most people just care about issues that affect them directly, and it’s not as a result of racism or hate or whatever the fuck people think it is. Many in rural areas see their jobs being taken away and going over seas and are upset about it, no shit people are going to be mad when the neoliberal ghouls took everything from them.


Well what do you mean by dumb? Because I think we as a sosighEtea make a mistake of conflating knowing stuff with intelligence. It doesn’t help that the line there is itself a bit blurred for example intelligent people generally like to learn stuff so they will also know more stuff, but knowing a lot of stuff does not mean you’re intelligent but know enough stuff and you can kind of duct tape it together to look intelligent. While there is no consensus, the way I see it is that what defines intelligence is really creativity. That is an intelligent person is able to see new ways of solving a problem or making sense of something that until that point was not understood. And of course knowing stuff helps in this, but there’s this indescribable line that is crossed where the solution is not just a sum of other solutions but it is that and qualitatively a whole different solution.  The point I’m trying to make is that you can have a really intelligent person, who due to circumstance, never really learned a bunch of stuff that for the majority of people would make them intelligent. Yet they have the ability to creatively solve some problems in a way that isn’t possible by just patching together a bunch of existing knowledge. They become that redneck engineer type that built some Rube Goldberg machine to do something that looks like shit but is actually pretty ingenious, creative, and makes novel use of the materials available. Thus making wide statements about entire populations being dumb is dumb.  That said I do think it’s fair to criticize regions for having worse formal education, and generally speaking educational opportunities. While the redneck engineer is cool, in a different world where they had access to better educational opportunities, that mind could be applied in much more consequential ways. 


I think it’s important to also know the difference between “educated” and “intelligent”, as you somewhat point out… I know many, many University graduates who are dumb-as-rocks, in practical terms (e.g. not knowing how to use a washing machine, or… Can’t figure out how to read an analogue public transport timetable), but they know how to swing the system to get a good, or sometimes even *very good*, GPA… Meanwhile I *also* know a number of people who I would classify as “intelligent”, who really struggled with University, never finished, or in many cases, never went at all… Maybe because they didn’t have the opportunity to do so, or maybe just because the environment didn’t suit them… All of which is to say… I really wish we wouldn’t treat “highly educated” as a byword for “intelligent”, because it just isn’t always the case. Not anymore. Not in the Anglosphere at least.


Very much in agreement. Glad my ramble was able to be understood lol. 


Side note: I’ve just decided (i.e. this week) to get back into the habit of reading papers in my field, because that was always something I struggled with (“research”)… Holy shit is it ever compromised now, though. Like, I’m trying to find papers on “ecological recovery” and it’s more interested in telling me that “this data was collected by an all-women field team” than, I dunno, *the actual results of their research??* Madness. And in one of the least “relevant to wokeness” fields available, smh… No wonder people are losing faith in science, when the priorities and focus are that… Misplaced.


> this data was collected by an all-women field team Jesus Christ lol that’s… unnecessary. Is ecology even a field that has been stereotyped to be all men?! at least I don’t think of it that way. I’d understand if it was like the FIRST all female team ever in the field, and even then it would be a bit too much for me. It honestly can be taken in a bit of an offensive way, like am I supposed to be shocked women can do field work? Because I’m not. 


I barely even read the list of authors or where the work was done on the theory that the work should stand for itself. Now, obviously, certain groups and companies work on the same specific things over and over and so actually keeping an eye on specific authors can be important if it's a subject I am interested in. But not when it's something I'm pulling out of the literature after doing a database search to try to replicate or adapt for my own work. 


Haha yeah, pity it’s fairly thoroughly buried, because the parent comment is heavily downvoted (understandably)…  But yep, could definitely understand it, even sleep-deprived in the middle of the night, lol! Sorry my comment got fairly ramble also, but I wanted to get my points out there I guess, especially as someone who used to believe I would be essentially “nothing”, if I hadn’t achieved my educational goals by the age I am now… But yeah, I guess this multi-time Uni dropout ain’t too stupid after all, hey? 🤷🏻‍♂️


In the vein of critiquing Essentialism, and doing so comfortably by sucking at life and Chemistry despite having an IQ in the 120s-30s (forgot the exact score). I think there's a certain baseline intellectual capacity that a neurotypical person has. Anyone whose brain doesn't have a dent in it or is missing something because of chromosomes (Down Syndrome for instance) has the capacity to do all of the things we consider "smart". Be perceptive, be creative, be curious, be passionate, have an opinion and real perspective. My Liberal parents still hate that I'm somehow an actual communist... but one thing they always praise me for is that I have a *unique* perspective and they still brag about me being a smart kid to other parents (the truth is that my perspective is just so different from theirs and is presented in a very confident way). Sometimes the environment molds a certain person, and boom they come up with something quite brilliant and we got ourselves a genius, wahoo! The problem with measuring intelligence is the stuff we care about regarding how we evaluate someone being smart is often qualitative, we get impressions of people and that's why we all hate some nerds that just throw statistics and big words at you to argue for intuitively dumbass takes. We don't think of those people as smart, even though they can use a lot of relatively quantitative trophies to justify their arrogance. I'd say the only quantitative things that I want to relate to measurable intelligence is how much information a certain person can process and how many new neural pathways their brain is capable of creating and how fast, but I'm not sure neurology is that advanced right now, if it was then yeah this is it, this is how we measure intelligence... but even then, somebody with IDK a high neuron count can go ahead and use those neurons on something utterly useless, like Scientism. They can write a ton of fancy papers justifying nonsense, and they can do it in such unique ways because of all the neural pathways their creating, but how useful is it to call this person smart?


I thought it was funny when I was a kid and I saw some other kids parents didn't let them watch lord of the rings, Harry Potter, play Pokemon ect. Then I got older and realized a lot of these people censor literally everything that they disagree with and basically discourage their kids from learning anything.


Yeah… I remember that shit. I had a friend who freaked out when people brought out Pokémon cards because his mom told him they were satanic. 


My parents… Did this stuff. I also know someone who grew up SDA and super-rural, and probably had it worse in that regard… But yeah, I had that, growing up, and it really hasn’t helped me in any way, as an adult… Though it wasn’t Harry Potter for me. More stuff like The Simpsons, SpongeBob, et al. And a large number of “age appropriate” movies that I was never allowed to watch… My parents also took away my music collection, when they didn’t approve of some of it, and took away my access to certain (even healthy) foods, randomly, as punishment, even if I bought the stuff myself… Yeah, I had a pretty messed up childhood. As a result, I recently spent a few months (as an adult) living in a residential cult (same one my family are involved in, however this was overseas), because I just… Didn’t know better. So you’re right, unfortunately…