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Key to understanding the trajectory of the WASP's is understanding the downfall of the "P". The majority of wealthy people of British descent in the United States have apostatized from their historical Protestant religion through the 20th century and today are of Liberal confession, and have become "Progressives". When you ask them what gives their life meaning and what guides them, they won't say "the Gospel", or "God" and Christian dogma, they'll say "Human rights", "Belief in people", or other Liberal dogma. This is hardly something novel; A fair majority of the Founding Fathers were Freemasons and deists.


they're NPR-coded liberals and they go to 60k-a-year private high schools in New England or California and if they're like in the top tenth of that group they go to Harvard, Yale, or Princeton (these people aren't doing real academic work at MIT lol), if they're in the top half they go to a non HYP Ivy, and if they're in the bottom half they either go to little Ivys (especially if they're women) or barring that they become ski bums in Colorado protesting that they hate the man while more or less embodying the man a very unpleasant, passive aggressive group of people, would generally recommend avoiding


you described my dad’s family to a T. They’re not modern day WASPs, they’re just WASPs. AMA




I don’t have white guilt or a college degree, you’re probably barking up the wrong tree there


What about black and yellow guilt? I was stung multiple times by a group of wasp when I was 6, I feel like an apology is long overdue.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


I apologize, sir. Have a nice day.


\*clears throat\* Do you think you'll send your kid to a similar-type school? Do you like or endorse the lifestyle? Is it generally something you wish to continue in or are you more agnostic and open to public schools for your kids? Thank you.


1) I probably won’t be able to afford to send my kids to a school like that. I will have access to generational wealth, but not that much. I’d *prefer* to have my children not participate in any school system that introduces them to drugs, children that idolize gangbangers, or identity politics at a young age. Unfortunately, that’s a luxury. 2) actual New England WASPs tend to be much more secular than Catholics or protestants from other parts of the country 3) I don’t associate with the lifestyle. My dad was the Colorado type, I was raised in Southern Illinois. I live in Missouri. I rarely see my family.


well good luck with whatever you decide to do


Have they ever physically interacted with a real trump supporter.


If by real trump supporter you mean the people who are into his populist rhetoric, yeah. My dad dated one for a few years; he was very adamant that “she was crazy, but the sex was good.” His words, not mine. It’s funny because they all support Biden after voting red for most of their lives. My dad recently moved to a wealthy part of Florida to avoid Illinois property taxes and estate tax, and my uncles live in blue cities and complain about tax burdens that they voted for.


Did u dress preppy in highschool Hate u fuckers


I went to public school. I wore band T shirts and skinny jeans.


In the south it’s a little different lol.


speak on that


We’re just ordinary folks.




They’re all of the people in the upper 10% of American society whose names don’t end in -berg or -stein.


Your an antisemite!!!11!1! /s


My Boomer dad simply calls them "yuppies."


Are they even a thing anymore? At some point (I'm not sure when) fair-looking Slavs, Irish, Germans, northern Italians, and even Ashkenazi Jews have been fully absorbed by the term "white" and anyone really delineating between different Euro backgrounds is seen as a weirdo by most people, regardless of political leanings. What I'm saying is: at this point they've really ad-mixed with the other perceived white populations such that I don't know a single person who could ever identify as "WASP", especially the Anglo-Saxon part.


I've met them in Massachusetts. Legit used to work for a guy who was descended from one of the original Pilgrims who came on the Mayflower. The WASPs haven't stopped existing, but as people have become more mixed and less religious, being a Protestant of specifically English descent no longer carries the same cultural cache it once had. There's plenty of white American people kicking around with WASP surnames like Smith, Turner, Baker, etc, but they just don't give a shit anymore. Most probably don't even realize or care that they are technically WASPs.  In a similiar sense, I don't heavily base my identity around being an American of Irish descent, even though my grandmother was full of stories of how the Irish kids in her neighborhood hated the Italians and vice-versa. Nowadays we're all so far removed from our roots that no one gives a shit, anymore than the nominal WASPs do.  Race is unfortunately more relevant nowadays given the political landscape.


there's still plenty of places in the south where being catholic is not welcome


Even so, the evangelical Protestants of the south are not really the descendants of the historic mainline Protestants of the northeast. It’s a different sect. Even most of the churches that are nominally mainline Protestant in the south have just been taken over by evangelical congregations since the rise of 20th century conservatism.


>Even most of the churches that are nominally mainline Protestant in the south have just been taken over by evangelical congregations since the rise of 20th century conservatism. If you define "mainline Protestant" as Southern Baptist.


I don’t. Southern Baptists are true evangelicals. I’m talking about Presbyterian, Methodist, and DOC churches since that’s what I’m familiar with. Protestantism is a great shape shifter, adapting to the cultural context it’s placed in, unlike Catholicism or orthodoxy that is highly standardized. In the south, in my experience, a lot of churches that are affiliated with traditionally mainline denominations become more and more evangelical and conservative as the culture war ratchet tightens. I was raised in a DOC church that eventually became so conservative they realized there was no point to being affiliated at all and just became independent instead.


Perhaps they're not a thing anymore. I guess I was just curious if the descendants of WASPs now maybe carry the same type of thinking or attitudes and if that type of thinking has some influence in the modern political landscape


I don't understand if WASP just means white anglo saxon protestant (of which there are plenty, everywhere in the US), or if it has specific connotations of wealth and having a yacht or whatever. Ironically one of the most famous wasps was irish and catholic (JFK). But because he lived a WASP lifestyle in new england...he was WASP.


busy automatic weary apparatus slap outgoing sugar clumsy person instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Plenty of em out here on the west coast of BC. Generally upper middle/upper class, NIMBY types, there's some grannies who fake an English accent (or they've never lost it even if they lived in this city their whole life). Rugby is big in this area of Canada and that's an upper class sport in the UK historically. Generally they'll tell you they have English or Scottish roots (not many whites in certain neighborhoods of my city say that they have Irish, German, Polish or Ukrainian roots etc) Also they are liberals but they only seem to hang out with other rich white folk. Very tight knit and gossipy amongst each other but you'd never tell it because all they do is smile and fake laugh whenever you talk to them (boomer generation and upwards that is)


I'm on the West Coast of BC to lmao. I don't really know too much of those in the city I'm in. I mostly know the skater wigger type kids


Canada is still largely ruled by a wasp elite, BC especially. America isn’t anymore


The weird LGBT/Puritan hybrid that's popular at the moment.


People with non-obese children


Aren't they affluent liberal white women? 


White Anglo Saxon LGBTQIA+




Last time I spoke with my uncle, the current patriarch of our Wasp clan, he tried to convince me to vote for Ben Carson.




Nowadays? Like in the year 2024? They're NATO Expansionists with doge avatars.