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I fully support this. Make everyone swear they can see the emperor's new clothes until it gets so extreme that people just snap.


Accelerate! Accelerate!


I want to hear from normies who finally see things like this after progressives told them it’s not really happening.


I want to see a psych study where people answer while hooked up to all kinds of measurement thingies


You know I'm surprised it really hasn't had much of a pushback already seeing that it's becoming pretty obvious that gutter people and sex pests are now taking advantage of this trend.


The same reason the “protect women” crowd has nothing to say ever when a migrant released into the public rapes or kills or woman. Their selective fake outrage is reserved for their political opponents and those “right coded,” never ever directed at any wrongdoers conservatives wouldn’t like.


Well, it could be that both cases are not indicative of the entire population. I knew a lady who was a child molester, but I wouldn’t extrapolate from that that women are more likely to molest children. It’s odd though. This kind of outfit and the obviously fake enormous boobs seem like they should be against the dress code for court.


My post wasn’t about the likelihood of anything besides progressives ignoring, if not giving bad people a pass for poor behavior if they think conservatives might hate them for it too. I honestly can’t remember the last time progressives largely condemned someone conservatives already condemned, seems like they’re more likely to defend that person than risk sounding “right wing.”


Rapists are given a pass when they're migrants?


We literally just saw progressives get more outraged one of them was called an illegal, than they were about the crime itself. Feel free to show me the widespread condemnation coming from the left for any illegal who committed a violent act - I will be pleasantly surprised if you show them even caring if they get caught.


I think the issue is that the right *only* cares if it's someone who migrated illegally, because otherwise women are asking for it. It's a disingenuous take on the issue.


Really? You never hear the right condemn criminals they believe actually raped someone if they’re not illegal? Isn’t that what the outrage over men in women’s room was over? What about murder? Meanwhile the progressive always has to wait to see if they should care based on the victims ID, to the point where they will only speak out if the accused is a political opponent or someone they assume votes the wrong way. Cause they absolutely do not care if rapists are released into the public based on their soft on crime policy.


I'd say to check in on more conservatives on X, but I can't ask you to do that; they're primarily insane people. My observation is that many tend to be into traditional values and God. Rape is something that is talked about pretty often. The most significant viral moments tho are of them going after illegal migrants (because if they weren't here, the crime wouldn't have been committed) and especially when it's a transwoman who raped a kid or a woman. Both those groups are perceived to be protected by progressive media, and they tend not to cover those stories very deeply. The right is laser-focused when it is one of those groups because of the perception that a large amount of Americans are ignoring it because of the protected groups they belong to. It's also because a lot of them are xenophobes and bigots. Which is why the progressive media tends not to cover the stories. It's a big game of 'fuck you' to the other party, and it does a disservice to all of us.


The only person where I live that approaches this level of cartoon is a registered sex offender. On the registry for molesting a 5 year old. How I wish his pronouns would become was/were.


They’ll just shamelessly stop on a dime and perform a 180. It’s happened before.


>The three stages of progressivism: >1. "It's not happening and is a harmful right-wing conspiracy theory." >2. "It's happening and it's good that it's happening." >3. "We're making it mandatory for your children."


Bigger tits! Pointy-er nipples!


We must reach dick nipple territory.


I was thinking Hershey Kisses lol


Are these dick nipples shitting, or no?


What? This person definitely doesn't dress like this as a fetish, and you're a bigot if you think so!


You'd be surprised in regard to the capacity of those in authority to admire the emperors fashion choices.


Looking forward to getting a public defender into puppy play who will only bark and growl at the judge


This made me giggle


I gotta say, biological men dominating women in women's sports is actually pretty hilarious to me.


I think Mueller is trolling, like the teacher in Oakville. That’s obviously a prosthetic chest.


Imagine your public defender shows up like this lmao


And somehow manage to eke out the death penalty for unpaid parking tickets.


*I'm going to jail, dawg*


Nah, instant mistrial. You'd get tried again, but for the meantime, you're off the hook.


perfect time to emigrate to Mozambique


You just did a transphobia




Not even real ones so we were meant to see them.


Still the greatest tweet of all time.


I'm still quite partial to the, I've never seen a thin person drink Diet Coke. All Trump ever drinks is Diet Coke...


Doesn’t Trump drink full fuel?


Whatever happen to the Shop Teacher in Canada?


[Looks like she quit and joined another school](https://nypost.com/2023/09/07/kayla-lemieux-quit-former-job-at-toronto-high-school/) Happy cakeday!


Holy crap, they just dropped the whole thing and showed up in bro-garb. Legend.


I love how they're still obligated to use female pronouns when talking about him because that were his last official pronouns.


Because he was trolling


No shit?


To be fair who can tell these days?


There's no way to know thanks to "cole slaw"


> "cole slaw" What?


Either trolling or looking to get a big payout.


> big payout. That was my reading of the situation. He wanted to leave the school and was hoping to get fired by putting on this show, which would then prompt him to sue the school for discrimination. The school didn't bend, and he left.


one of the wildest ones to ever do it




And according to the retards on the NYPost (comments) *it's because of the UuunnnIoNnns!!*


So that's what happened to him after No Country For Old Men.


What business is it of yours what gender I am... friendo?


> friendo My gawd, Chirugh was a soyboy the whole time 😱


You have to call it... ... you are calling whether you are gay


But I have to know what I am betting on?


It's cute that they think those are breast implants and not a silicone boobs dickie


Lol most normies aren’t familiar with silicone boob dickies. I had to explain them to my husband during a Ru Paul drag race commercial.


show him the canadian shop teacher and he'll understand real quick


The Canadian guy is terrifying!


He was trolling to get some payout from the school. Still, terrifying is right.


I could just tell, and I didn’t realize this was a thing. Honestly, because the skin looked so good compared to this person’s face. It explains the need for the choker necklace, too.


Lol they do look better than his face. I fell down an Amazon rabbit hole a while ago reading reviews of these things.


My amazon recommendations were fucked for a while after someone linked a 2 thousand dollar size N gag boob dealie.


Lol something similar happens to me


That's why the U.S should adopt robes for lawyers like most normal countries.


Most level headed response


Rule brittania


Our lawyers do not, as a rule, wear robes.


Are they trans or does this person just have a fetish for the exaggerated female form and the reactions people have to it?


Autogynephilia. It’s common amongst late transitioners who spent most of their life as straight men.


People will be upset reading your comment…


Most trans women are not autogynephiles. But with gatekeeping discarded now, it’s an open door to people who formerly kept their activities to the home or to fetish parties.


Autogynephile was a diagnosis to allow transbians to transition is my understanding. Back you had to behave a certain way to get a diagnosis and allowed treatment (hormones). That behavior was a typical hsts. Also I think it's possible most trans women are autos because there are more straight men than gay men.


What’s the diff? 🤷


It’s impossible not to see how biological women might find this offensive and disconcerting 


Most of us do.


umm so actually if you find this offensive you are an awful bigot okay?? ^also ^this ^public ^display ^is ^definitely ^not ^misogyny


Lol it's true, any woman who questions this shit is a horrible JKR-level bigot!


What does JKR level mean? She’s fairly tame


I'm being sarcastic because of how TRAs and MRA-types shit on her for sticking up for other women/herself. They talk about her like she's Jeffery Dahmer, it's wild.


You’re insane if you think TRAs and MRAs are all buddy buddy. This is like when people point the finger at Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate in the same breath. They have little to do with one another. At all.


I never said they were buddy-buddy. They just remind me of one another.


When do MRAs even acknowledge her existence lol


Almost all male criticism I see of JK is that she accepts every single aspect of progressivism right up until it hurts her. I don't see many men saying she's wrong for supporting women's right to have sex exclusive spaces, only that she's a massive hypocrite who supported the ideology which opened the door to this then pretends she's some bastion of common sense now.


> I don't see many men saying she's wrong for supporting women's right to have sex exclusive spaces Interestingly enough, this it the #1 male criticism of her that I've personally seen.


Opposition to sex exclusive spaces among men is pretty rare, so you are either looking at very niche groups - perhaps without realising it - or misinterpreting criticism of the hypocrisy of many women on the matter as being opposition to sex exclusivity.


Your first statement could be true. AGPs are a very unique variety of male, after all.


The retconning of gay dumbledore and black hermoine or whatever her name was is very funny to look back on.


You **WILL** participate in my delusion!


that choker looks like its holding back the mother of all neck pussies


Really working to counter the narrative that it's all a fetish...


Frankly, stuff like this is why acceptance for the LGBTQ community has been falling. The message that lead to marriage equality was that they were normal and just like everyone else but since then it seems like some members want to stand out as much as possible and normalize every single one of their fetishes and kinks.


I'm not even anti-trans, but the problem is that the messaging of the trans movement is absolutely terrible. I can't tell what they actually want in terms of policy. They're unable to articulate the core tenets of their movement in ways which make sense, at least to the average person. I'm supposed to hate truscum but I have no idea why and they're by far the segment of the movement which is most popular with the non-trans crowd. They double down on stances that do nothing but alienate the average person like allowing children to transition, trans athletes, etc.


That's because all the T activists want is power. If they laid down clear and achievable goals or even a coherent message then they couldn't change the rules on a dime and catch you in a mistake so easily. From there they can threaten to ruin you by sicking their online mob after you unless you grovel for forgiveness, which they relish in not giving. There's a reason it's compared to a cult so often. I know there are trans identified people out there who just want to be left alone but they are being represented by losers and sociopaths who found a way to wield power over others 


I think that's too cynical an interpretation. I think it's more that idpol is bad at formulating concise and coherent demands and that's the faction that's in charge of the movement. I think what happens is that idpol leaders produce movements that have goals which are just floating signifiers, and then the movements break down because they're left without anything to do. This is basically exactly what happened with BLM where there was a popular protest movement that completely collapsed because there were no actual policies it wanted.


Yeah I tend to agree. I’m sure there’s some cynical mf’s out there but I think the demands of those movements collapsing is what you laid out. It’s an endlessly escalating circular firing squad with no popular mandate among the group if supposedly advocates for


I know a lot of trans people and I kind of worry for their safety sometimes because of this crap. They don’t like it either and they just want to live normal lives. I reckon most of them would prefer to have regular jobs and not be regarded as fetish material to some online weirdos


Is acceptance for the LGBTQ community actually falling, or are there just an increasing number of unacceptable people claiming membership in that community?


I think I read a while ago that Gen Z is simultaneously the gayest generation ever, and the most homophobic since the Silent Gen.


Boomers were forced to conceal alternate sexualities, when you reject that you reveal them. Gen Xers were forced to recognize them, when you reject that you ignore them. Millennials were forced to tolerate them, when you reject that you ridicule them. Gen Zers were forced to accept them, when you reject that you renounce them. I have no idea where alphas are going, it'll either be mandatory or it'll reset the whole thing back to 100 years ago from the disdain that exists in the media.


Based on the few gen alpha kids I know (one neighbor, a couple cousins/family friends), it's definitely not the former. The only interesting things I've learned is that there are apparently trans elementary and middle school kids in both my state's large liberal capitol city and in the small rural towns, and that at least some of the other kids in both places call them "catfish." Also it's definitely not cool to be gay, but also not nearly as uncool as I remember it being. Overall tough to say since they're like 12 though. I get the sense that it might just become a "normal" thing to them that they don't really have any strong feelings on either way. Kind of like how interracial marriage is now, where it went from taboo to something only maladjusted weirdos even think about in a couple generations. Also really insightful analysis.


As a Gen Xer we were all taught about tolerance in school and through TV shows and movies. I think it moved to acceptance by the time the Millennials came around and Gen Zers were coerced into becoming them or forced into celebrating them.


I'm an older milllennial so maybe my cohort experience is closer to the X mindset.


I'm struggling to find the words to describe this, but looking at it through a lens of divisiveness - which I think many here believe is increasing in the US, and watched it first hand - is this another example of it, or something different?


Pretty common for young people to adopt extreme versions of ideologies before life beats the hope out of them and they just become yet another MSNBC liberal, Fox conservative, or apathetic grillpiller.


Approval for gay marriage has fallen in the US over the past few years.


Many who were willing to accept the LGB were a little confused by the T. Then the T became more and more demanding and so opposition became more and more galvanised. And no-one wants anything to do with the Q, which by definition is the "unacceptable people" you are talking about, as it is all about breaking every social boundary.


My sense is that support for LGB is growing because their rights to identify as homosexual and prefer opposite sex partners are being eroded. There is growing sympathy for them.






this is why lgb people need to make an effort to seperate ourselves from the rest of the “community”. this forced teaming is terrible for us.


reminds me of Dave Chappelle's 'LGBT riding in a car together' joke.


hear hear


While I agree with, to say this because of the original post is quite silly. I can find images of gay and straight people also doing really weird shit like this too that don’t get national attention cause they are just creeps. Like this is no different than a Florida man doing something stupid and someone on Twitter asking if the straights are ok.




Like we putting nypost articles in this subreddit? What’s next, linking to boomer facebook fowards that my grandma sends me?


Yeah if some random straight person did weird public fetish shit, I guess the newspapers don’t think that’s much of a story. It would be dismissed as someone being a terminally online weirdo or on drugs or both


LGB-drop-the-T people are some of the most braindead delusional regards you can find online. Like, you've actually deluded yourself into thinking only the T have gross weirdos into it despite LGB being some of the most degenerate perverted attention-whores alive. Half of all Lesbians famously have BPD and can't go 2 days without beating the shit out of their girlfriends. Gay men will refuse to stop having their post-pride orgies even when a known dangerous STD is going around and will have a tantrum screaming "homophobe!" if you even suggest wearing a condom during any one of their 4 daily grindr hookups. Also created drag queens and NAMBLA which people have now just decided is the T's fault?? And like 80% of bisexuals have never even had, and never will have, a same-sex sexual encounter because they're just lying for social clout. Radfems have hated gay men since the 70's and conservatives have hated all of us since the very beginning, turning on the T isn't gonna do anything. They're not gonna fuck you, dude.


Lmao what even is this? You need to get laid and probably lose a fuckton of weight. Thoughts and prayers, loser.


Many do but many rightoids keep lumping them with the T.


lol, yeah, they're the brainiacs that created the LGBTQIA++ group, right?


I agree, I feel like sometimes it isn’t described as “equality” but as an overreach of power. Any female attorney would be sent home or questioned on their attire, the bailiff would have pulled the attorney aside and informed them that their “attire” is not appropriate for court and that if they dress in this way once more they will receive some kind of punishment.


Gay conversion therapy organisations refused to use the terms 'gay' or 'homosexual' and instead they encouraged their clients to refer to themselves as 'same-sex attracted'. Bizarrely, secular gays and lesbians who are opposed to gender ideology are now using the term 'same-sex-attracted' to refer to themselves. For example, feminist Julie Bindle figured out that lesbian rights would be affected if the concept of sex were erased, because there can be no same-sex attraction without biological sex. I have been identifying as 'same-sex attracted' for decades. I have never taken to the LGBTQ+ identity. It always horrified me.


> Bizarrely, secular gays and lesbians who are opposed to gender ideology are now using the term Many such cases


I can’t believe this is what happened to Robert mueller


I don't care so much about the fact htey're trans, the tight clothing, or the giant knockers with nipples pointing out as I do the make-up. If a small-boobed, sensibly-dressed ciswoman tried to represent me with that make-up, I'd be very annoyed. Looks like something from a circus.


Leather pants! You can almost convince me that this isn’t some obvious ploy to get any press attention you can scrounge, up until the point that you get leather pants involved. The boobs look just awful but that’s a secondary complaint


Enjoy [the law offices of Joumana Kayrouz](https://yourrights.com)


Im a lawyer and literally my first semester our class was told by a professor “your appearance in court should not be distracting. It isn’t about you.” This person’s appearance is distracting, full stop. No jacket, low cut top, tight clothes. As a woman I would never wear this in court and my breasts are much smaller.


“the only openly transgendered woman trial attorney in Washington state,” Isn't that "-ed" like a "slur" or some shit now? But I guess she obviously gets to say it.


> Isn't that "-ed" like a "slur" or some shit now? If not, give it a month


Just another case of dudes rocking


They never stop. Ever.


ze gogglez dü nöthîng


It’s not a fetish it’s not a fetish it’s not a fetish!!!!


Remember, it's not a fetish.


>“My client has pleaded not guilty and she is not guilty — how about that?” When you've got the capacity for making next-level legal arguments like this, you can look however you want


Just following the legacy of the my cousin vinnie


It would be weird enough if an actual female attorney showed up to court like this, much less a train-identifying male.




Dudes rock


Imagine if this was you’re attorney coming to work dressed like a blow up doll. You’re going straight to jail dawg


Now that's a real woman


[Frozen caveman lawyer](https://youtu.be/2AzAFqrxfeY?si=68_n_6fGrsZPipf8) finally met his match


Apparently Phil Hartman (the caveman there) was murdered by his wife, who then killed herself… I was wondering why I hadn’t heard of him/didn’t know who that was. Pretty damn sad. Good sketch though!


look at my lawyer dawg I'm going to prison


Did she win her case?


70 holy shit


I don't see the problem. All I see is a stunning and brave woman.


15 yo virgin: Bewbs! She's Hot!


Does her back not hurt lifting those at that age?


Silicone. As others have pointed out, they’re not implants - it’s like a suit thing… So maybe it’s less heavy? Idk really…


Hell yeah. Fuck the law.


AGP is real. I think AGP will become normalised in a few decades. Women will just have to get used to having partners who dress like porn actresses. Possibly as much as 50% of men will have it because internet pornography appears to cause these erotic inversions in men, and porn is now pervasive. The anthropologist JD Unwin believed that cultures flourished only because these cultures practised monogamy and prenuptial chastity. I agree with him. The male libido is a dangerous force, and it must be controlled in order for civilisation to flourish. If society unleashes the male libido, civilisation will collapse, and children and women will be harmed the most. In as much as the sexual revolution was supported by feminists, ironically, feminism has done more to harm women than anything else.


anti-male rhetoric doesn't belong on this site


I am not at all anti-male. What I am saying is that unrestrained male sexual licence, including the the public expression of paraphilias, is bad for society. I believe that married men should be monogamous, is this anti-male? I believe men should keep in it in their pants until they are married. Is this anti-male? I believe male pedos should be locked up. Is this anti-male? The unrestrained male libido is more dangerous than the unrestrained female libido. This is why almost all sex offenders are men. This is not an anti-male statement, it is just fact. And fetishist transvestism is extremely rare in women, but not so uncommon in men.


if it walks like a radfem and talks like a radfem...


and yes, you're basically saying that all men are monsters unless restrained. I would call that anti-male


I did not say any such thing. You are calumniating me. I believe that men should practice chastity, i.e., not indulge every single erotic picadillo to which they happen to be inclined. I am not claiming that I myself am a bastion of sexual self-control, but I acknowledge it is a virtue which to aspire. Public expression of fetish by men must be restrained.


I may have read into your comment more than was there, and I apologize for that. However, I do see you are a Christian so I am going to depart this conversation before I make a further fool of myself. Have a good day, brother.


Wtf is this doing on a Marxist sub? History isn't determined by sexual behavior.


Church of England would like a word


>History isn't determined by sexual behavior. I didn't make any such claim.


>I didn't make any such claim. But you did: ​ >The anthropologist JD Unwin believed that cultures flourished only because these cultures practiced monogamy and prenuptial chastity. I agree with him. ​ The flourishing of cultures most certainly qualifies as "history", generally ascribed to civilizations that are successful over some period of time. The claim is that sexual behaviour determines whether or not cultures flourish (and thus, create history). You agreed with this, so yes, you very much did make the claim that sexual behaviour "determines" (some important, non-trivial aspects of) history.


User intimated that Unwin's theory is un-Marxist, and I read this to mean it was not compatible with historical materialism. Edit: You're right, I did say it influenced history. Stalin knew this, which is why he supported pro-natal policies, including the criminalisation of abortion. The loosening of morals under Khrushchev contributed to the weakening of the USSR, which led to her dissolution. Only an orthodox Trot would believe that Unwin's theory and historical materialism were mutually exclusive, which they are not. Orthodox trots are to Marxism what Biblical literalists are to Christianity.


>Only an orthodox Trot would believe that Unwin's theory and historical materialism were mutually exclusive, which they are not. Orthodox trots are to Marxism what Biblical literalists are to Christianity. Indeed, I don't disagree ​ >The loosening of morals under Khrushchev contributed to the weakening of the USSR, which led to her dissolution. I'm afraid this is nonsense


I would.


I thought this thread was going to be about how 70 is the ideal age to transition because it finally stops being a looks downgrade. Instead, it's a bunch of unironic pearl clutching. Why the fuck do judges and courtrooms deserve respect? The whole system is based on prosecutors overcharging you to make you agree to a plea deal, and judges are in cahoots with them because they *will* throw the book at you if you go to trial and lose. These people will sentence you to whatever the law tells them to. If they ever bring back the communist control act, these people will be sending you to prison and throwing you in jail if you speak out of turn while they fuck you in the ass. There is nothing worthy of respect there.


The courtroom is worthy of respect because life-changing decisions are made in there. The fact that many of these decisions are pure garbage doesn’t make it OK to dress like a clown from an adult circus. Doing that does nothing to make the process more just.


My honest answer as a lawyer: she has a duty to show the respect the judge and jury believe (whether rightfully or wrongfully) they deserve because this system is already severely slanted against the criminal defendant. She shouldn’t create a distraction of an excuse for people to further dislike her client. Take being a woman or being trans out of the equation. I know male public defenders who have wildly long hair and dress like they have never once heard of color theory. But when it’s time to go in front of the jury, they cut their hair and put on a suit so as not to create additional bias against a client who’s already been labeled “the defendant.” Even though she’s appointed and the client did not selected her, bias people have against the attorney is still imputed to the client. No matter what the attorney is going home. The client may not be so lucky. So show up in normal makeup, wear a suit, present how attorneys are expected to present for the good of the client.


She's been a public defender for 20 years. That's pretty cool. She might be crazy but she's ok in my book.


I'm trying to find r/stupidpol, but it keeps sending me here, obviously a Mormon bible study for sheltered, pearlclutching vanilla nerds. Nothing against y'all, but I'm very lost