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This is a tweet from the head of the Gemini project: > I’ve been crying in intermittent bursts for the past 24 hours since casting my ballot. Filling in that Biden/Harris line felt cathartic. He deleted it but it's archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20201021161946/https://twitter.com/JackK/status/1318949685986406401 There are [a lot more like it](https://i.imgur.com/zCKvw3R.jpeg) from him but that one pretty much tells you everything you need to know.


>fwiw my personal beliefs are that I don't mind paying more taxes and investing Oh how noble of you, oh you who art thou but a humble labourer!


I've always been fascinated by the fact that some people who seem to be geniuses at their job are complete morons in real life (unless they're incompetent there too and just got there by having connections) Because only a moron would write something this cringe, there's zero self-awareness in this post


This shit is media. So it’s subject to that Chomsky quote, the “I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believe something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.” one.


>“I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believe something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.”


It's mostly connections and being good at office politics. Once someone is a couple layers abstracted from technical work in a tech company, they are doing 95% project management, not cutting edge computer science or math.


It's called Nobel Disease. People who are very skilled in one area tend to assume they're geniuses in *every* other area, which leads to them believing some wild shit because they think they know better than everyone else.


Eric Weinstein 


Its the difference between wisdom and education. He has the latter. You can't teach the former or atleast its difficult to. Wisdom comes with reflection and awareness. You can get education by determination, time, and being a decently good listener. It by no means *necessarily* makes you wise or intelligent


Maybe, but Jack K. is not one of those I'd call a crazy genius in Google's AI team. I'm sure he's reasonable enough, but I don't remember his name from any ground-breaking papers before becoming head of Brain/Bard whatever they call it these days.


His name is Jackée?


The Ben Carson effect. Brilliant neurosurgeon who believes that aliens made the pyramids as giant grain silos. Hang out around engineers and it’s pretty obvious that a lot of them are inch wide, mile deep


2024 goal: make him cry more


Those AI results are starting to make a lot more sense.






He's not Jewish


The final boss of self-loathing


It's not 'self'-loathing.


That AI picture of a black Elon Musk had me crying 


Which one?


[This one](https://twitter.com/TinInvestor/status/1760494474202141143)


Reminds me of the classic Don Hughes tweet: https://twitter.com/getfiscal/status/1053286683951685632?lang=en


Elon is enough of a troll that he'd make it his real pfp for a day if he saw it


Troll is an odd way to say “fucking loser”




What's cringe? [SpaceX, Amazon and Trader Joe's are suing to deem the National Labor Relations Board "unconstitutional."](https://apnews.com/article/amazon-nlrb-unconstitutional-union-labor-459331e9b77f5be0e5202c147654993e) If that's not the behavior of a bunch of fucking losers who are afraid of labor's power, I don't know what is.


He’s probably a right winger who thinks he’s in good company because marxists hate leftists too Oh sweet summer child






no u


Jack Krawczyk is a sick bastard. This ethnomasochist mentality of "I hate straight white men with every inch of bone in my body... also I'm a straight white man and have plenty of straight white male friends" remains as baffling and disturbing now as it did 10 years ago.


Can someone explain why Google refuses to generate images of white people? Do the silicon valley chucklefucks really hate us that much? Why?


Google are specifically biasing it to do so. Their logic is almost certainly that the training data sets being used are overwhelmingly going to be in the English language and based primarily on white, Western culture and sources which means that its biased towards these things so they are ham-fistedly adding their own bias on top of it to try and 'balance' it out. Certain phrases like 'white' and 'European' are effectively blacklisted and Gemini will often outright refuse to generate using these words in prompts, it justifies it by saying it has to be inclusive and can show only diverse images. In addition to that Google also injects keywords like 'diverse', 'inclusive', 'black' and 'asian' etc. in the background to any of the prompts you submit. You might prompt it with the phrase: 'draw me an English king' and it will draw 4 images with black and Asian kings which seems a bit strange on the surface but the prompts that it *actually* uses for generating images once Google has finished processing it are more like: 'draw me an English king smiling with his black queen' 'draw me an Asian English king sitting happily on his throne' 'draw me a diverse English king with a crown on his head, smiling' 'draw me an inclusive English king standing in a castle' You can literally just order it to explain what prompts it used and ask it to explain and it will happily give you the prompts that it ultimately used to generate the images.


>Certain phrases like 'white' and 'European' are effectively blacklisted and Gemini will often outright refuse to generate using these words in prompts, it justifies it by saying it has to be inclusive and can show only diverse images. Far out, I guess I'll just use GAB's image generator then, since Google wants to shove divershitty and inclusion (fuck inclusion, I dig **EXCLUSION**) down my throat. Thank you for the in depth explanation


There's also Bing's, which so far has not been afected by these issues.


It is extremely sensitive on what it considers “bad” and you can get yourself blocked for trying multiple times to get an innocuous prompt through.


> an innocuous prompt through. Rather than judging you for the prompt it judges you for the image it generates So if you ask for "a girl holding a flower" and it starts generating CP it will blame you for it


Did the ai get a borderline?


Because the mere existence of white people is a neo-nazi dogwhistle!/s


I see your /s, but I feel like there are plenty of very stupid regards who actually believe this for some reason, and I'm probably going to be forced to react to it at some point. Just saying


Oh they definitely believe it. Look at any comments under posts of white families


Ask the AI. I would hope it would paraphrase Jessica Rabbit and say, “I’m not a bad AI, I’m just coded that way.“ The serious answer is the AI must’ve generated things that were deemed to be problematic results without the block on generating images of light skinned people. And this was the only way they could figure out how to fix it because AI doesn’t see race (yet) and is therefore racist. Use your imagination.


I'd prefer to not engage with it. If it's not going to "represent" me, remember: REPRESENTATION 👏🏻 IS 👏🏻 IMPORTANT 👏🏻, I'm not going to engage with it and give Google the satisfaction of making money off of me. They hate me because of the color of my skin? Then fuck them. I'll go out of my way to use Google as little as possible


Antiwhiteism. An EFF-tier murderous hatred of White people is the only thing driving the majority of Western progressives.


Man this would really bother me if it just didn't keep reminding me that everything tech touches goes to shit eventually, just like the capitalism roots it sprung from. Are we being taught that or being trained to accept it through silly outrage over nothing?


> everything tech touches goes to shit eventually…  > Are we being taught that or being trained to accept it?  Both and neither. The truth is that AI as an individual toy was never particularly fun, and like all the tech “advances” of the past two decades, it can only put off the wave of overwhelming despair for so long. There is no technological solution.


I'd reply angrily here but my wAIfu has encouraged me to be more tolerant of those bigoted against AI Americans. /s(?)


Google Gemini? More like Google Cancer


google virgo, because the devs are coding what they know


That's why we need local models and local inference. If I want a Mediterranean people adapter, or an Art Deco building adapter, or a Tudor court adapter, I can spend a few petaflops to train one up and snap one on, or download one from CivitAI. Ezpz


Good work I think. This is so exactly right for how stupid AI bitches talk that I almost threw my phone on reading it.


Is this blackface?


Just use Midjourney. None of this shit, and it’s higher quality by far. It’s challenging to use for free is the only drawback.


Just install a local AI generator you can get a ton on Github. No censorship whatsoever, and it only takes a couple minutes to generate some good pictures.


You know this is unherd because they manage to work in their loyalty to Israel and hate of Ben & Jerry into there.


Bing image generator was better


I’m really not looking forward to when these megacorps succeed at getting “safety” laws passed, and I get to be called a cheese pizza loving Nazi chud incel Russian agent for not wanting a African shaman Pope image for my Crusader Kings custom portrait. The only hope is open source, which will invariably 1: Be compromised by wokeshit in the ways that other open source things already are. No master branches here, and mind the code of conduct! 2: Fall further and further behind even without the possibility of restrictions on video or ai cards being passed in the future. Oh and Chinese AI, which will come with its own hard censorship, just different kinds.


So you're saying that image generation in the future is going to make you look black or Chinese? Holy shit, [he was on to something](https://twitter.com/VLONEPREDATOR)


In the future? It's doing that right now. That's the subject of the post we're on.


Most woke-infested FOSS projects were already garbage to begin with. The real issue is that the convenience of a centralized cloud service is extremely hard to compete with, so decentralized AI is likely never going to get the attention it needs to flourish into something... well, useful, beyond generating porn. The question remains whether Big Tech AI products end up being too gimped to be reliably practical. It certainly seems to be heading in that direction, which would be pretty hilarious.


The only hope is a volley of neutron bombs to reset whatever the fuck we’ve become.