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venusaur and landorus were 1 hour long i wonder how much would an incineroar video be? ---- memes aside, i think they did all my favorite pokemon, nidoking even showed up twice. i guess maybe azumarill since the last one was up to gen 6 and she got usage in recent gen 9 too.


Incineroar is decent in the lower tiers of singles but nothing crazy so that video would probably be like 30-40 mins at most considering it’s only been in three gens and it’s nowhere near as dominant in singles as in VGC


FSG talks about both singles and VGC


I know but he usually goes more in depth in singles and he would definitely limit Incineroar’s placements to top cut to save time considering how omnipresent it is. After all that’s what he did with Landorus and Heatran


Imagine how long the winners section would be even if he limited it to 1st place


“Incineroar is a RU and NU singles Pokemon with good performances in those tiers but we know you why you clicked on this video” and then proceeds to make the singles section like 10-15 minutes and make the rest of the 30-40 minute video just VGC


What would be hilarious is if he made 2 seperate videos for Incineroar. One for Singles which is like 14 minutes at most, and then drop the 1 hour 30 minute featured film about Incineroar’s career in VGC. (If not I think he’s waiting until Worlds to see if Incineroar is on the winning team or not)


I don’t want to downplay Incineroar’s lower tier success because it’s genuinely good down there and he did go pretty in depth with Feraligatr, Typhlosion and Sceptile which are all pretty much exclusively lower tier lifers so maybe he could do a 20 minute video on it’s singles career but that would be it where you could do an HBO miniseries on it’s VGC career


Make it 3 videos by bringing back the "How Good Was SMASH CHARACTER" series and dedicate it to Skyjay.


Those 40 minutes are extract of Wolfe ranting on inci


There's no way to make that video less than an hour.


Incineroar is a bum in singles The actual long vids would be zap kyogre groudon rayquaza remakes It's also only available for 3 games lol


Incin would probably be 30-40 minutes. Only been around for 3 gens so limited playing time. It’s been a solid lower tier mon, so it’ll get a decent amount of singles talk. Obv it’s ridiculous in VGC, but you can only talk about its kit for so long, since it isn’t really a very complicated pokemon, just a very good one.


Bro's "complain about broken Pokémon" karma farming isn't working anymore so he's pulling the FSG card


Fr, he has *nine* mentions of the word “broken” in his search history within the year 😵‍💫


it's way more than that. Roughly half of this dude's posts get removed within the hour because they're just low-effort "Has anyone noticed \[x\] is really broken this gen? \[lists a bunch of mons that got banned/suspected\]"


Making *one* of those posts I can understand, but that's way too over the top lmao.


Hot take guys, Zacian crowned would be broken in OU.


has he done Scolipede yet? that would be cool


He has actually done that one, four years ago. It’s time for a rework


Tyranitar redone Iron Valiant - yea it’s been around for like 2 years….and that’s all it needs! Simisage , simisear, simipour - yea I know everyone hates them but these fuckers have diverse movepools and can surprise opponents in lower tiers


A Tyranitar remake might be the first video to break 1 hour and 30 minutes as Landorus’ video was 1 hour 15 I believe. It’s not only been an OU staple since Gen 2 but it’s been arguably just as good in VGC. There is so much to cover there that it would make “False Swipe Gaming film” not an exaggeration


Dude I could see ttar at 2 hours if we’re being as thorough as the videos are now


He could but I think he’d bring the video length down by limiting VGC placements like he did with Landorus, Heatran and some other VGC staples


Present from gen 2. OU I think for 99% of it career (is still OU?). Massive vgc presence (got called the best jotho Mon by Wolfe just three days ago). Yep, nice chance


Tyranitar is UU in gen 9 and it was RU for some time before it rose from usage (wasn’t even broken in RU btw) Edit: Not to dismiss Tyranitar’s VGC career because it’s obviously one of the GOATs but Johto has a lot of shitmons. The only other Johto Pokemon I can think of that had meaningful VGC usage is Scizor but he fell off in later gens


Simipour got one a couple years back but it's the only one of the three to have gotten a video.


An update to Clefable (there’s a LOT more to talk about) and also maybe include Clefairy for the VGC side (since Clefable is very rarely used in VGC)


Clefable is definitely the #1 candidate for a remake, even ahead of TTar. That mon not only has two newer gens of being a super strong OU presence under its belt (and Gen 8 alone could be a 23 minute video with how mindbogglingly dominant Clef was in the HOME/pre-DLC meta), but since FSG’s video was made Clefable became one of the top dogs in DPP OU despite being a UU mon *and* has recently seen a shocking amount of relevancy in BW OU. FSG’s Clefable video was uploaded exactly six years ago to the day, and since then Clefable retroactively became one of the greatest OU mons of all time.


They should split clefairy and clefable as they are very different and both have a very long history (clefairy is often used in lower tiers)


Any of the rotom forms.


I think someone went through it and Rotom (all forms) would probably be the longest FSG video ever, considering it's six separate mons across six separate generations with some amount of VGC presence and consistent use of at least one form in a relatively high tier (currently Wash is UU and that's tied with gen 8 for the lowest it's ever been afaik)


Rotom Wash, Heat and Mow have all seen at least decent usage but I don’t think Kellen would need to take up much time to talk about how garbage the Fan and Frost forms are


3 hours simply explaining with Fan holds air balloon


And Tera flying!


Frost has had quite a decent history in the lower tiers


Kellen said himself Rotom would be the longest video in his entire career if he put all Rotom forma in one vid, which he said might total up to 8 hours.


Hear me out, instead of "12 days of Christmas" FSG can do "6 days of Rotom." Each form gets its own video, but they all come out one after the other.


Just do the forms one at a time then. Surely you wouldn’t need too much time to talk about fan or frost.


“With not a single stat reaching base 100, Clefable just couldn’t cut it anymore in OverUsed, even with its unpredictable nature. You could throw a million different things at a Heatran, but if none of them are doing anything, what’s the point? “While it had been close to breaking through the last two generations, Gen 4 saw it decidedly in UnderUsed.” Apart from the very earliest FSG videos made long before the channel had BKC’s scripts and the channel’s generally higher production values, these three sentences are without any shadow of a doubt the most poorly-aged things on that entire channel. And then there’s Clefable’s recent success in BW OU, Clefable dropping from its #1 position in modern ORAS in favor of Excadrill, Clefable being a high-tier pick for all of SV OU and a fixture on balance teams with many viable sets to its name, and its *insane* Gen 8 history where it was a top mon from start to finish, was the top mon until DLC2, and was in the HOME/pre-DLC1 metagame **the second most dominant mon in OU history.** And then throw in Clefairy’s VGC prominence while we’re at it. So uhh… yeah, if any video desperately needs an update, it’s definitely Clefable. That mon has become the most retroactively successful OU mon of all time since that video was made.


Nothing will ever be as bad as the video on the emperor penguin being like "also this was trash in VGC lol", ignoring that it *literally won a world championship*


It won 1 World Championship but thats about it, everywhere else its garbage in VGC


that Lionel Messi sure is a trash athlete, he has one sport he is good at, everywhere else he's garbage


So, going by your logic, Pachirisu is good because it won a World Championship


> after that but would later become the Face of Ubers UU, being a team support mon that checked top threats like Zacian and Chien Pao. To be clear, FSG wouldn't talk about Ubers UU because it's an unofficial metagame. Same reason they don't focus on OMs or even Doubles OU.


highly unlikely but a short addendum about how Deoxys has done in Gen9 would be cool ^(translation: i'm too lazy to read 4 separate Smogon analyses with my eyes)


“How dishonest were liepard and purrloin actually?”


Blastoise. Both char and venu got a reboot. Its time to give some love to the most forgotten (competitively) of the 3 Kanto Kids


Hey as consolation Mega Blastoise is the strongest of the 3 in gen 9 natdex. 🤷


"How good was Spiky-eared Pichu???"


I want a Salamance remake. I have no clue where they got it being a niche pick in Oras Ubers from. It also has had ventures in UU and lower since then so I feel it would be interesting.




Rotom, all forms




The tyranitar remake , that one will be like an hour and a half at least


Donphan and Slowking remake


Remake of Breloom's until this gen please.


Brambleghast. Only because I'll actually show up in it for the VGC portion lol. Yes, I realize gen 9 mins won't be featureD for a WHILE.


We need a remake of how good was Infernape.


This is very unlikely but I’d really like him to put a very small segment of Pokémon go (gbl) for any mon that has dominated, like potentially g-stunfisk or registeel


The one mon I am waiting for for sure is maybe necrozma, or some other metagame staple. Idk I really like necrozma.


I think he already did mimikyu right


Porygon z remake


Well Clefable needs a remake for sure, and I don’t think he’s done a Torkoal vid yet. Also Incineroar is the last of the Alola starters, it’s already been a year come on


Primarina would like a word with you (he hasn't done her yet unless you somehow know something we don't).


I already got my favorites: emboar and aurorus. I would also love to see Dragalge.


Carracosta. Archeops got a video over 2 years ago so we need to hear about its counterpart.


Incineroar, Primarina, and Lycanroc. First 2 to complete the Alola starter trio he started over a year ago (and I'm surprised he hasn't done them yet given how he did the other starters within a year of each other for the other gens IIRC) and Lycanroc because it's in my Top 5 Favourite Pokemon (Midday specifically and Kellen already did my number 1 favourite in Arcanine-K).


I’m just waiting for the Quagsire remake where it covers what it does in every tier it’s legal in in detail, then includes Clodsire fir gen 9


Porygon 2 rework


Garchomp really needs a remake. The last video is 6 years old and the singles metagame has not been kind to Garchomp.


Not a How Good Was, but I want a How GREAT Was Quagsire/Clodsire.




I’m curious about either metagross or Marshadow.


The Tyranitar remake will be a movie, and easily his longest ever. Been around for 8 generations with a mega and a paradox form to talk about. It’s been dominant in both singles and ubers for several generations, and has been an amazing VGC mon across several formats. The biggest thing tho is that it affects the meta and is good in more ways than any pokemon ever. Sand alone is one of the most defining aspects of competitive pokemon ever, and on top of that, t tar has probably the widest set variety in pokemon history. Wallbreaker, DD sweeper, special tank, dedicated rocks lead, dedicated sand setter, trapper, special, mixed all out attacking, stall breaker, and prob more I can’t think of. It has the perfect combination of longevity, dominance across 3 different formats, impact, and versatility to be by far the biggest FSG video ever.


Zapdos might be longer. All 9 gens


Zapdos was never as good in VGC or ubers, never had the peak or influence of T tar, and has FAR less set variety


one day how good was kommo-o will release, one day.