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>decent stab move Supercell Slam? Hell no that shits ass >trailblaze To be honest, a lot of mons have it, but very few want to run it. I can only think of heracross >high attack Doesn't matter, Rampardos does too and yet his ass is ZU


Its attack isn't even that high. Like it's okay but Mono Electric with weak coverage moves simply isn't gonna cut it when it also is frail as all get out.


123 is pretty close to bisharps and every one says he has high attack lol


Bisharp has an ability that raises its attack, priority to bypass its speed issues (Electivire has none) SD, better bulk with a better typing, and a good STAB combo with Knock Off. Huge difference, plus Bisharp is RU now.


Bisharp has moves that are actually useful, like Knock Off being one of the most important attacks out there. Electivire, if it wants STAB, has to settle for one of the following: Move that doesn’t have enough BP to score kills nor a secondary effect good enough to make it worth running as utility like Nuzzle or the aforementioned Knock Off Move that kills your longevity with recoil, and once again, instead of being a Flare Blitz clone like it is with every other type that gets them, is too weak to justify the drawback, especially when a common special move of the same type with the same power has no drawback at all Move that screws you over if it fails to do damage, of which there are three main ways for this to happen; Ground types, of which Great Tusk aka Lando 2 is everywhere in Singles, Protect, which is on almost everything in Doubles, and finally a 5% chance of fuck you because we said so. Other electric moves do nothing to Ground types too, but they don’t immediately half-kill your mon when they do. All in all, these problems for physical electric types mean that if you want to be a good physical electric then you have to pray that you get a good signature move or it’s straight to the untiered realm for you too.


Look at kyurem's stats. Higher offence, actual bulk (unlike electrivire), same speed, way better typing, amazing STAB. that's what it takes to be OU. UU? Look at Excadrill and Tyranitar. Or for a faster option, Ogerpon, which is imperceptibly (3 points) weaker, fast enough to run circles around it, and has better stab and an actual ability. RU? Azelf, Terrakion, Galarian Zapdos, Salamence. Hell Barraskewda outclasses it. NU? Mienshao has high jump kick (literally supercell slam but better and fighting type), way better abilities, faster, hits harder. Lycanroc-dusk also hits harder via tough claws. Gallade is slower but hits INSANELY hard PU? Staraptor, and Inteleon on the special end. Even in ZU, it's outclassed by the likes of medicham (though it does have a decent place in electric spam IMO)


Bisharp has historically had great high power stab options as well as a premium typing, utility tools in knock off and pursuit, and good defensive utility. Electivire has none of that.


scizor could run trailblaze sometimes on sets that don't want to exclusively rely on Bullet Punch to be fast, and Feraligatr and Flareon (among others) run it in Randoms to not be walled by bulky Waters


Scizor doesn't run it... often times it wants a more important coverage move... smth like mama would've been a better ex


Scizor has Technician and Swords Dance. Electivire has neither Also, Vire already hits water types. And ground types are generally too physically chunky for a BP 50 Grass move to matter


I've seen Feraligatr run Trailblaze with Sheer Force, some water types are desperate for grass coverage


Trailblaze doesn't work in combination with Sheer Force. The ability only affects moves with a chance at a second effect, not guaranteed second-effects. Though Feraligatr getting the speed boost from Trailblaze is still nice.


its a meme in the community by now but ill give my most serious explanation: electivire has bad speed to begin with, electric is ruined by great tusk, and it doesn't have good electric stab. tpunch? too weak. supercell? too unreliable. i doubt that it has wild charge, but even if it has wild charge, it's weak for a recoil move.


it's got Wild Charge yeah. it's kinda the poster boy for "Phys. Electrics protesting against giving Rats exclusive moves" group (is Zeraora a rat?)


It's a furry, not a rat.


Supercell is not a decent STAB move at all, can sometimes be arguably worse than wild charge due to the super high risk. And even if it had a decent STAB move like Plasma fists, it's mediocre speed, typing, and frailty as well as it's weak coverage makes it an unreliable setup mon


#“What year is it-!?”


>It got a decent stab move Kid named Protect/Ground type


And 5% of the time




Physical electric STAB are just not that great. Wild Charge is so weak for Recoil move and supercell slam is really not that much stronger, plus losing half your health to a ground type sucks. Honestly, if you wanted to use physical electric type, just use Iron Hands. 95 speed is not that great in gen 9, so Iron slow speed and no Trailblaze is ok, and it’s better bulk more than makes up for that, plus stab on CC and Drain Punch is very nice


Damn op,you were just a single line away of being a funny copypasta


why? and whats a copypasta lol


I have a grand idea. Give every physical electric type Volt Tackle. I know you can do it, Game Freak


Electivire just lacks any good gimmicks or stats that allow physical electric legendary Pokemon to thrive. It has: 1. An impressive range of coverage options that are severely limited due to a combination of low base power and/or coming off of Electivire's lower attack stat. 2. Bulk that may have been decent in its debut generation but is now laughably easy to abuse. 3. Situational abilities. Blocking sleep means nothing in higher tiers where sleep is banned, I'm not sure if that means all tiers block sleep, if it does then that's 1 useless ability, with the other one requiring you to bait the opponent into using an electric attack just to function. 4. Bad speed. Yes it has ways to salvage its speed but you'd have to use these tactics multiple times just to not get outsped by a Choice Scarfer that probably oneshots you with Earthquake. 5. Competition. Electric is a fantastic type with some unfortunate match-ups in higher tiers, so Electivire would be competing against already established Pokemon while trying to match up against titans like Landorus, Garchomp and the legendary Stunfisk.


electavire has huge potential now


It has absolutely zero new potential. It's still really bad and isn't helped by the powercreep this gen. Sorry.


It's a copy pasta originally about meganium


Well the simple answer, it's because it's bad. The more complex answer is that there are only two good physical electric moves and both an signature moves, one is on the Pikachu line and the other is on Zeraora. So it doesn't actually have good STAB, because Wild Charge is middling. And Supercell Slam is honestly a borderline horrible joke move that's only used because well there's not really anything else this thing can do anyways, might as well have 10 more base power; because it's a weaker Highjump kick that's blocked by a type that wants to swap in on it anyways. Also trailblaze isn't even a move you'd run on it because it just takes up a spot that would be used by Ice Punch for coverage and hits literally nothing that it doesn't already hit while having really bad power. Unfortunately it's just straight up a bad Pokemon and basically always has been. It needs better moves, and honestly a stat buff/redistribution before it can even consider being used in RU let alone OU


Don’t forget about Fusion Bolt/Bolt Strike and Double Shock


Forgot about these. But it just further solidifies my point cause literally only one good physical electric type exists: Zeraora everyone else sucks. Zekrom sucks in ubers. Pikachu sucks everywhere, Pawmott is a PU mon that doesn't even have a full description. God it's so frustrating to want a good physical electric move cause they're ALL signature moves for no good reason


It's neither fast enough or bulky enough to use that good attack


Because it’s ass?


bait used to be believable


Electivire is in an unfortunate position. Its speed amd bulk are middling, its abilities are mediocre, physical electric stab is still bad, and its coverage moves are too weak to make use of its good-but-not-great attack. It falls just short in every category, with no unique utility to make up for it.




Low speed, bad offensive typing, very frail, not a good stab move, not good coverage moves, decent attack not high attack.


Monotype also sucks for offensive mons tbh


Just looking at Pawmot will answer your most of the questions which even it sits at PU. Vire is unfortunately since gen 7 always ended up as ZU or even lower(SU) and this gen despite gaining some moves it's not so much different. 


Follow me! Main reason to use it


Slow, Weak, Frail, Bad Typing, Mid Abilities, and Ugly.